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Everything posted by BjarkeT

  1. Mine would be to take 100% responsibility for my life.
  2. @Stef19 I am not familiar with Qigoing but it looks interesting.
  3. you could also say chasing after easy solutions instead of facing the real work. A quick fix might be to read a book on facing a fear instead of actually facing the fear. Although it may be helpful to get some insights. Or to look for study hacks instead of actually studying. Not sure if they are the best examples but I hope it helps to understand the concept better.
  4. Hey I just wanted to share some of what I have learned related to learning how to learn. This is made out of “5parts.” 1 How to remember what you learn long term. 2 How to understand things better. 3 How to learn skills better. 4 A few tips extra tips. (including how to stop procrastinating) 5 (sources) How to remember what you learn long term: One thing I have found useful when trying to remember things for a long time is something called retrieval practice. What it is is basically just trying to see if you can retrieve(Or recall) the information you want to remember without looking at the source material. The reason why this works I believe is because in the process of retrieving what you want to recall you strengthen that memory compared to if you don’t recall it at all you don’t strengthen it and therefore don’t remember as much. A good way to practice this is to make what you want to remember into a question and answer and then put them into flash cards. A great software for this is a program called Anki where you can make your own flash cards. For example if you wanted to remember what the spiral dynamic stages where you could make it into a question by saying “What is the spiral dynamic stages?” And then write it on the front of the flash card and then write the answers of the back of the flash card. Then you can test your self and see if you can remember it.(it might take several practice times before you can remember it fully) An even better way to remember is to use something called spaced repetition which is instead of spending 10 hours in a day you spread those hours into one hour over 10 days and that will strengthen memory even more. While this is a good technique to remember things long term it’s still a good idea to understand what you learn some techniques you can use to test yourself on your understanding is: How to understand things better: Try to explain the concept you try to understand without looking at the source material. The reason why this works I believe is because in the practice of explaining a concept you really put your knowledge to the test. It is also a good way to figure out where you get stuck. There are some techniques out there that is called The feynman technique and Explain like i am five (where you try to explain things the simple way possible) that uses this. How to learn skills better: A good way to get good at skills is to use something called deliberate practice. Here is what it is: Work mostly on your weakness with specific goals that increases in challenge Focus on the little things break down the skills into the smallest possible pieces and work on those til you consistently get them right Repetition is fundamental. It’s boring but it’s the only way to mastery. Concentration during practice is also essential intense concentration Spend time training alone not just alongside of others (less enjoyable and more effortful activities are the best type if you're serious about getting to the next level Get regular feedback on your performance from and expert(Tip find a practice partner or a coach to get feedback) Study deeply the best in your field Practice outside your comfort zone A few extra tips: Some tips I have found useful is to study in isolation(and study when your energy is at it best) so you aren’t distracted when learning and Focus with great intensity. There is an equation by Cal Newport that goes like this: Work Accomplished = Time Spent x Intensity. Why you procrastinate. One of the reasons why you might procrastinate according to Cal Newport is because you have a bad plan you don’t trust. Your brain already know your process doesn’t work so it don’t see any reason to begin work in the first place. A good way to overcome this is to have a productivity system the one I use is called Weekly daily goals by Scott H Young. What you do is set everything you need to do during the week and then add them to a specific day where you only focus on those for the day. And alternative is to use a system called fixed schedule by Cal Newport where you only work for a specific set of hours. How to learn a language quickly: A good way to learn a language quickly is to speak from day one. Scott H young did a whole year where he didn’t speak English and learned four languages this way. An other tip. If you find it hard to concentrate when learning from videos write notes at the same time your are watching I found this to help me concentrate better when learning from videos. To aviod burnout take good breaks(or boring breaks) Sources: I hope this is useful. Thanks for reading.
  5. This might be interesting:
  6. @IJB063 But does it really matter if it feels like an eternity or that it have to be easy? If the habit is important to you what's important is just keep at it no matter what. No excuses.
  7. @IJB063 Well it seems like you already have a feeling of what it is. Just go with that.
  8. It's probably more authentic to change your name since that's what you actually want. It would be unauthentic to keep your name since you don't want it. At least that's what I think. Being authentic is about what you want.
  9. I believe anyone can become a genius at anything but it's a long and difficult process.
  10. There is Deep work By Cal Newport and his Top Performer course with Scott H Young. Also UltraLearning by Scott H Young.
  11. Scott H young recommends that 75% of your time should be spent on practice. The same goes for personal development as well probably.
  12. Make a commitment to stop making excuses that what helped me.
  13. interview someone who is further ahead than you and learn from them.
  14. @Preety_India Good point. I have been searching online for some tips on how to deal with low self-esteem and I found one which seems to have some good tips one of which recommends Practicing self-compassion. I hope you can use it. I wish I could help you more.
  15. I got the impression from reading your post's that you seem to have high self-esteem since you weren't afraid to say what you thought out loud. But I think it may come down to self-respect. Not sure if that helps. These videos might help:
  16. @Espaim Thanks man. Means a lot
  17. I just want to say thank you Leo for helping me on my personal development journey. A long time ago my anxiety was so strong that I barely could look people face to face and say something but after I watched "Responsibility vs Blame - Why You Are 100% Responsible For Everything" and took the advice to heart it helped me face my fears and now when I am not motivated to do what I need to do it helps me do it anyway even without motivation. So I just want to say thanks for the advice. I try to always keep the advice in mind and take 100% responsibility in my life.
  18. I was referring to my anxiety (social anxiety) regarding facing fears. It’s gotten better over the years because I have faced social situations more.@Espaim
  19. You don't have to watch ads to support him you can support him on Patreon if you want.
  20. It may be basic but it works. This is what Scott young accomplish with one month of Deliberate practice and it also what top performers use to improve their skills acording to Anders Ericsson. If you want fast results do fewer things but better and focus on one thing at a time.
  21. The best creativity technique I know of is deliberate practice. Set a specific goal. Practice outside of your comfort zone. Distraction-free Intense focus. Feedback.
  22. Hey. So I recently moved to a new place where I am living with other people but I find it difficult to come up with something to say to them. Most of the time my mind is just blank I guess because I don't know them very well. Very rarely do I feel like I can come up with something to say. Does anyone have any tips on how to solve this problem so it becomes easy to have good conversations? A tip I used before was just to say whatever came to my mind but that's difficult to do since my mind is just blank.
  23. I think a bit of both. If you are too serious it’s probably hard to have a good time. If you just laugh and don’t take responsibility you won’t improve your life probably.