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Everything posted by BjarkeT

  1. if you think the lifestyle is compelling/interesting there is probably a good chance you will like it
  2. I think the mind can have an effect on how we see the world for example, Dogs can't see colors but we can and I think I read something about that colors don't exist out in the real world rather its something created in the mind. I also think that emotions could have some effect on how we see the world. Would be nice with an in-depth video on this.
  3. I think this is a huge trap and probably the biggest trap in my own life i am aware that leo have a video on one simple rule to ace life which sort of talk about this but i think it would be nice on a video about specifically this part(and how to overcome it) there is both good and bad things about comfort but it can be a trap to only pursue comfort as it will have little of the larger reward in life that are outside ones comfort zone especially if one keep seeking comfort for decades and the danger of it is that it can be done subconsciously so you may not even be aware of you are doing it and by doing it you become limited of what you can do if you can't go outside your comfort zone there is in a way no personal development or growth you could for example be limited to: learning hard things because it's uncomfortable, being on a stage in front of a lot of people, being 100% honest with your self and other people, taking 100% responsibility, taking action towards your goals, taking action towards big goals, being more social, being authentic 24/7, quitting addiction, letting difficult things in life stop your personal growth, letting difficult things in life make your comfort zone smaller because of something dangerous instead of growing as a person etc. the world is huge but by only pursuing comfort you limit your experience in it, the most dangerous of pursuing comfort is being alive but not actually living the life.
  4. I would probably get cal newports book so good they can't ignore you instead. I really like leos content but sorry I am not a big fan of the life purpose course. Cal Newport's books have had a huge impact on my professional/life purpose life and what I should focus on. Cal Newport books are also researched from a scientific perspective and scientific research on how people who feel passionate about what they do became passionate. the book is also cheaper than the life purpose course(only around 20 dollars on amazon) and you can even get most of the information from interviews with the author for free on youtube. "In this eye-opening account, Cal Newport debunks the long-held belief that "follow your passion" is good advice. Not only is the cliché flawed-preexisting passions are rare and have little to do with how most people end up loving their work-but it can also be dangerous, leading to anxiety and chronic job hopping. After making his case against passion, Newport sets out on a quest to discover the reality of how people end up loving what they do. Spending time with organic farmers, venture capitalists, screenwriters, freelance computer programmers, and others who admitted to deriving great satisfaction from their work, Newport uncovers the strategies they used and the pitfalls they avoided in developing their compelling careers. Matching your job to a preexisting passion does not matter, he reveals. Passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before. In other words, what you do for a living is much less important than how you do it. With a title taken from the comedian Steve Martin, who once said his advice for aspiring entertainers was to "be so good they can't ignore you," Cal Newport's clearly written manifesto is mandatory reading for anyone fretting about what to do with their life, or frustrated by their current job situation and eager to find a fresh new way to take control of their livelihood. He provides an evidence-based blueprint for creating work you love. SO GOOD THEY CAN'T IGNORE YOU will change the way we think about our careers, happiness, and the crafting of a remarkable life." quoted from the description of the book from amazon.
  5. @Shakazulu Your English is really good sorry if I am rude but Its probably more about how you explained it.
  6. @Shakazulu Sorry but I didn't get that impression.
  7. @Shakazulu It just means that it isn't a limit.(personal development isn't about limits anyway it's about growing from them) Besides gods limits doesn't seem to come from god rather they come from man and that is something that is possible to chance. Just look at the past and where we are now and then whats possible in the future. "limits" today doesn't mean they are limits tomorrow. If it was a real limit there wouldn't even be anyone who could live over 100 years old.
  8. but there is already people who have lived longer than 100 years? just google it
  9. Balancing theory and pratice It have been really useful because it have helped me to figure out how to do things effectively in pratice.
  10. @UpperClassWhiteBoy Not sure what you are talking about as it's a long time since i last saw the video. I just remembered it and thought it may be relevant. Otherwise the best thing i can recommend is to do what the emotional hard thing(hes video on one simple rule to ace life) and fully feel emotion with zero resistance (how to deal with strong negative emotions) and take 100% responsibility. (Responsibility vs blame why you are 100% responsible for everything) hes video on the art of solving problems permanently. And true growth vs fake growth. They may not sound that great motivational speaking. Sorry but in the end you will have to face the situation even after finding the right sort of motivational theory to get you through it. It's still okay to go at your own pace of course i just think this can be important to be aware of. The quicker you are able to face it the sooner you are likely to overcome it. How ever balance theory and pratice is still extremely useful just be aware of how well you are balancing them. john sonmez have a video on how to convince yourself to do something emotional difficult and one of the things he says is to go through the fire One thing i think can be help full is to try to directly solve/face the problem (with full responsibility) so maybe just finding any situation where you are facing this you could use it as a challenge to overcome it.
  11. What difference does it make? It's pretty simple to find your life purpose if you go with the craftman mindset just pick something interesting and be so good they can't ignore. You are likely to get worse of with the passion mindset which is to think passion come first rather than after getting good.
  12. I don't really think dreams mean anything rather they are like a recreation of what we think and feel a bit like to prepeare the mind at least that is what i have observed from experience. If you think about something in a vivid way it will probably end up some way in the next dream. Especially if you do it right before falling asleep.
  13. The placebo effect is when a person get a fake cure/treatment but it seems to work because the person who use it think it works or believe it will work not because the treatment actually works. how would we know it really does work and it's not just the placebo effect at play?
  14. @Dodo thanks for the apology. One of the things with the placebo effect is that the effect fades away where if you have taken a real solution it may have been more permanent so deepening on what kind or results you are looking for it matters what you are doing to achieve the results to make sure you get the best benefits from doing what's required. I recommend watching a video from ted that i have linked on the thread earlier which talk about the placebo effect
  15. @Dodo I am not saying it doesn't work in fact this thread isn't even about if placebo works or not. But you where probably being sarcastic or wrote placebo instead of meditation or you where trying to imply something? And what you said below wasn't very nice to say. And didn't add to the conversation either.
  16. I doubt that most people want to do evil things. There is also many different kind of people so you can't really put everyone in to one category.
  17. @moon777light the placebo effect have been shown to have real consequences on the body so it's hard to tell. They talk about it in the ted video i linked earlier.
  18. @SgtPepper i am asking for scientific research related to studys done on if meditation is placebo or not if there is any real difference between the two. It seems like that study is just on the effect of meditation not the difference between meditation and the placebo effect
  19. @SgtPepper someone have already posted that video and I responded to it i have been aware of meditation for a long time i am just looking for a better understanding of what it is because at the moment it doesn't seem much different from the placebo effect
  20. @moon777light to me it does but what matters to you is up to you. knowing the truth about meditation gives a much clearer idea of what it is and if it turns out it's not the placebo effect at all it could be worth doing it but if it's just the placebo effect there may be some downsides to doing it like the effects fadying away and not being a real solution(it would be like getting those fake pills in the placebo effect study) and possibly meditation not being what people say it is(or just being a temporary solution) if this is the case it may be better to spend ones focus on something else that may have better benefits to you in my opinion.
  21. What are the most important things to you that you want to accomplish but didn't have the time to do before? I would do that. Or alternative work on personal development/awareness