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Everything posted by Egoisego

  1. Stop being a hypocrite which per definition is all of you who are cult members and still have the guts to speak about enlightenment, open-mindness and so on.
  2. The only ones you can respect on this forum at this point are the trolls. You others should get the fucking point now. You have joined a shitty cult which is the anti-thesis to an openmind. ANd your great but also shitty leader will never take you anywhere. Stop sitting here and be living irony o true openmindness. What about this: Start all over again and stop searching for some later stage. You are as fucking lousy as your leader was 8 years ago and then he clearly stated that the journey is the important thing and not the final stage. Ironcially 8 years later.
  3. Have never liked Leo, always saw him for what he is. A guy who (intentionally or not) makes this way journey to something it isn't. Do not let your ego make this thing to a thing which your ego needs to beat (Leo's state now). And to your other, you failed at one of the very first steps: Do not make idols. Thanks for the fun it bring to look back in hindsight, right once again, still not sure what I should do about this peoplereading skill of minr but whatever. But also more sure then ever that ego's exist. Some too big to be enlightened. ?
  4. So if you are a narcissist like me do you have a huge ego but if you are enlighten do you have no ego and you understand other people. The perfect supply for my wounded self, now how do i easiest exploit enlightened people to heal my inner hurted self? Because narcissists can heal if they are showed love and compassion! Thanks for all your input!
  5. So this is just hilariously delusional. What you and Leo are seeking is a high, enligthenment is not a high.
  6. That would be great for him. It would be tools but it is tools to Leo and Eckhart Tolle too. I am sure more people would like to follow Kanye West than someone less popular. Everything is what it is and life is pretty much a popular-contest. Some opinions are more popular than others and those opinions win. Is Kanye West sincere? As sincere as Donald Trump. Narcissism and psychopathy is just another brain manifesting itself
  7. what a loooooooooooooad of fucking bullshit. let us do like this, we throw your ass to a psychopath who can use you emotional, moneywise and otherwise, and your task is to cuuuuuuuuuure him. You won't. That is a part of enligthenment, to accept that everybody are what they are. this quest of yours to cure people are you fighting the enligthenment. 100% of all psychopaths who get in therapy fails, they even get worse. I would write the exact thing if i was as famous as West.
  8. He is a narcissist, he just know how to manipulate people. I do the same, i have manipulated people that i am enlightened and live in the now. Next moment i can stab them in the back
  9. Everybody are enlightened. Realize this or keep trying your whole life
  10. I am a born leader and i am enlightened. However it doesn't make me more empathic. Many people misunderstand enlightenement
  11. My NPD is not enlightnement but i am ok with that. Being conscious is just one manifestation of life. Do you really think an enlightened man is less enlightened if he meets a tiger and have to stop feeling his body? It is silly and wrong. Everybody are already enligthened. That i have accepted and i have gone back to my manifestation. I am what i am, it is just that i have this diagnosis. I don't see a problem with it and you should accept it. Now do i wonder what shall i do to get the attention from enligthened people, saying that i want to improve? And then taking advantage of the person, and saying "sorry it was my ego" "i want to get better". Thanks everybody
  12. Trumps is what he is. Nothing needs to be changed, everything already is as it is. This is why some of you never will be enlightened, leo will never be enlightened, because of this. You won't accept that everything already is ok. But it is not you guys i am speaking about (psuedenlightened) i am talking about the real ones.
  13. I totally agree! That is pretty much my motto in life. Never judge people because you don't know their situation.
  14. Everything is as it should be. NOW answer my question how do i exploit you guys the easiest?
  15. What is there to see? I am already enlighten, everybody are. It is just that my mission is to go on in life and make it GREAT. I see huge potential in enlightened people, who can be more understanding and giving than an enlightened? Never judge only gives! I want that!
  16. Jesus was actually one of the most psychopatic leader ever accordingly to science. So much for him being enlightened. Which some of you tries to say. I just wants to point out how you guys cherrypick. And i want to give a hug to "Outer". What a real dude! accept your ego, everybody have an ego. You are already enlightened, if you want to be a sick man or a happy giving man, go for it !
  17. Look look one person on the internet did a video about my idol. Wow guys can you just stop, i feel really bad inside, i usually dont feel shame but i feel it right now, because you guys behaviours makes me cringe (*). Please get over this idolshit you have going for you
  18. Let's see here, you are posting about something which is Close to you but other shooting s have you never even mentioned. The ego much?
  19. No problem man, it is the truth however. And when it comes to getting enlightened, dont follow others.
  20. Long time since last time i logged onto this site but today is the day. Don't ge me wrong i am searching for enlightenement/i am enlighten. But was just getting tired of sitting watching video and Reading the comments on Leo's videos, as i see it people are only using those videos because they are afraid to go there on there own, you are sitting here and you use Leo and all this shit as Entertainment i dont want to be rude but i call it being a betacuckfaggot. So i watched one of Leos last videos and yep it is still the same, i dont know if leo want good or if he wants bad by making more videos, i still Think it would be better if he just said the truth in one video and then stopped this ongoing circlejerk. But take it for what it is. Here is the leason: Everything is real and Everything is what it is. Dont be a betaccuckfaggot /The enlightened
  21. What i amtrying to say with "everything is real" is that putting enlightenment as higher (purer) is to say that some activities (in the brain,or we could say in the world) are higher (purer) than other activities in the brain. And then are there whole religions and beliefsystems that do exactly that and that is also. And the ego is also a activity. But happinness sure feels nicer than sadness, that is why i think we as humans are very antropcentric* when we say that enlightenment is or even comes with happiness contentment
  22. And that is why a part of me is annoyed when Leo is saying things like "wow i wished i could show you the love you feel when you are high on LSD". not saying he said it exactly. But what is love? Sure it is a state as any other state. HOWEVER, i think everybody of you who even slightly put enlightenment higher than anything else will be doomed to miss it completely.
  23. I think this notion of enlightenment is as real as Donald Trump's notion about chasing power or Hitlers dreams (notions) about lebensraum*
  24. hard to follow my own thoughts so didn't wrote them out. what i mean is this: every state is, it is what it is. Nothing more or nothing less, or it could but then is it again. Nothing is purer than anything else, because nothing is more than something else is. When you see your enlightened state of tomorrow too be purer than you being stuck in the state of chasing money today are you saying that the state of being there is better It is what it is, don't praise a state of understanding in a LSD trip and say it is more than the state of big despair in a depressed state of being
  25. You know that feeling when you grasped something in school, and then went on to grasp another thing and another thing, i see the point of being provocative to keep the fire alive in people so they don't settle and missing enlightenment, i however thinks that Leo himself is missing the point plain and simple. "A further enlightened me" I however feel that he has moved alot from when he once started