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Everything posted by Egoisego

  1. The first thought that hit me was this: "Understanding is not the way. A leap of faith is what is needed." *some more steps conclusion: Once again am my thoughts left at the endstation of "everything is real" "it is what it is.
  2. I would like to be able to agree, but have you read the comments in some of the videos? "This is sooooo deep" "wow, time to take mushrooms and watch a new video of my guru Leo" "wow this is crazy, i will now becomming an enlightened " People are basically just making them a new idea in their head, instead of them thinking money makes you happy do the think understanding enlightenment will make you happy. I dont think we as people are very unique at all, just look at how we dress, how many people do you see today that dress as the did on the 80? If leo was interested in delivering the message would he made 1 video then stopped. This is what i think about it all. That said, i would do the same as every single one of them if i were them
  3. We are both enlightened really Wanting fame, killing eachother, chasing money. You can do it all There is no me getting enlightened i am enlightened And you will never be what you call enlightenment before you agree that you already is rnlightened. And thats a big part of why i think Leo is greatly missing it all. He is nomore than a man in a company who is trying to be on top. And then he is enlightened. Everything is what it is
  4. You do realize all those concepts you have of enlightened being higher (finer) is as me saying i want fame? Just live with what you are
  5. same could be said about people who search for enlightenment
  6. Pretty funny also to find Leo throwing in Science which is not needed or even fails to show the truth and then he still. Dont get me wrong, i like enlightenment it is just that everything already is enlightened and i don't like the misguided actions it creates. Just look at the comments on youtube, a group of people who idealize instead of """searching their own" enlightenment. Pathetic really. Or atleast """"my ego""""" think that way. Not to even mention that they already have made up there mind about what enlightenment is. LSD, mushrooms and so on. What if the experience you get when you are high is just a experience as all the other you have. Accept them all I found it sad
  7. seriously man omg. Its not god
  8. Here we go again. Dont write here so much anymore because more and more people just scream drugs, drugs are ok but not for me atleast not now I just feel like Leo is doing the usual in the lates video. His ego ranting abagqinst the concept that "everything is real". He still want one concept to be mpre real than another. Leo is obvously not enlightened, or he could be. Actually he is everything is. And the comments in the video are pretty cringeworthly really. Everything is real. I would however suggest that you try to let go of those thought that the things you see when you take LSD is more real than any other thought. It is like me saying the pleasure I get from heroin is more real than me feeling pain when somebody is torturing me.
  9. i am inclined to agree. i think he suffers from a inner need to prove hinself and be great . could also be a need to keep on going and making new materials, this could be done and still getting enlightened i think, so don't think it's that. He could be enlightened/strive and still make videos about how you get the most girls/boys/hippos to want you, or how you crush other people. all this while he was enlightened/spoke about it. He could also be faking it all, some kind of narcissist, he has got a lot more genuine lately, have been following on and off for maybe 2 years, and he was not genuine 2 years ago. this is all my story, and and my ego is sorry guys, because i know how much you CRAVE a guru. as someone said above. this concept of development into deeeeeeeeeeeper enlightenment is totally wrong and it is a very basic faulty method to use if you ever want this concept enlightenment to happen with you. what you can do is to live now. sorry trashy grammar
  10. limitless is also a concept. why not just accept everything that pops up
  11. can i ask you, why do you want the truth? what if there is no truth? i read just another book yestereay about the latest philosophy on the area about the nature of the world. what is. i dont know what to take from it, well only different perspectives
  12. so i am inclined to say that you have a very flawed perception of this. you truly see this is another thing which one need to succeed in. think about this guys. what would happen if enlightenment doesnt give you this endless bliss? what if? why do you want it to be love and enjoyable?
  13. there is something wrong about those edits. well. you shouldnt really hope for a comming deeeeeep insight, you are no more than a scientologist who want the next course if you think like that. enlightenment doesnt want you or it could, what does it mean? be here now instead
  14. You see this concept of unconditional love you have is just as real as hitlers thought sbout superiority
  15. it is what reality is you say. ok so reality is love. it seems as a long shot that some feeling we prefer is reality. and you could say one deny the world which is right now. everything is enlightened. enlightenment is not this endless bliss,and this is where everybody starts to fool themself and misses enlightenment, enlightenment is this, enlightenment is not a rush of signals in the brain. every state is . the next state is the next state, be in this state
  16. it is still a feeling. it is ok to feel that feel. it is like pain and anxiety is. but you can never say that one thing is more pure. it is like saying one stone is more than another stone is you can ofc say that. it is just another thing which happens
  17. you are wrong if you like to. love is not a higher thing. they are both the same. this idea of enlightenment being love is a thing human makes it because we have feelings and want it to
  18. very very good said! you can do whatever you want. it will happen speaking of god who is a concept.
  19. As real as everything else. Let him do drugs if he wants to. but i do agree with you at the normal level of communication. enlightenment is not even about bliss and agony or some other world. it is what you have right now.
  20. "No eat" haha. Seriously. What a Scam. Stop praising things like this or you are not more than random crazy terrorist. THE Buddha himself is an example of this Enlightenment came after he rised from this crazy idea of suffering. You can do whatever you want and be enlightened. Actually you could work in a deathcamp and be enlightened
  21. I see this need to Triumph over science even if One says enlightenment is something Above . Strange
  22. And there is no love neither . You can do whatever the fu*k you wanna do!