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Everything posted by Visionary

  1. Yes, that's awareness/consciousness/energy masquerading as form.
  2. That's the visionary in you my bro YES! Exactly this my dude. It's all about energetics, that's what i'm also referring to. But its to make the distinction between the awakening stages.
  3. Mijn dank is groot! Oh and btw guys: I've intuitively come across ecstatic dancing and singing. These can be incredibly grounding and freeing at the same time (also with self-expression).
  4. So many assumptions my man. To me it looks like you're in a complete denial of this "physical" reality. Or in a very infantile stage of your journey. I know it's consciousness, but groundedness heavily influences the quality of your subjective experience. Why don't you cut of your leg if it doesnt mean anything to you? Even some of the most enlightened beings (like Gangaji and Matt Kahn) are saying this. Ignoring the quality of your humanness and subjective experience can be a much darker way of being attached to that same illusion you're talking about. In the end it will be maya. But you misunderstood illusion if you think they mean it is "not real". Thats a major disrespect to the realness of existence. This work is not about denying anything. "Seeing through" is a loving act. Detachment is a loving act. Freedom means the willingness to become a slave. Not-knowing is not an attitude that stems from denial. Denial is judgement = concept. Maybe i misunderstood you, but even the grandest sages warn us to not forget humanity (no one talks about being attached). What is consciousness/spirituality but a concept relative to your humanity?
  5. Aye bruv, we're on the same page. I just hope that the threshold for practices like non duality will be lowered substantially for people who still have a closed mind. For example by stop making it an own niche, filtering out cultural stuff etc. Love the Rupert part. Cheers.
  6. I think the distinction as presented here is very arbitrary. Truth and Love are actually perfectly fit to be integrated in all those areas of ones life. Awakening for example lead to such an increase in body awareness for me that it automatically shifted me to a healthy diet. It's important to make distinction between the self-actualization and enlightenment path. But in the end its all about integration. There was never any difference in the end. I agree that for some it might be better to solely focus on PD, because thats as far as they'll get. But a large percentage would also benefit from the enlightenment path without even "coming near enlightenment". Don't underestimate the benefits of brutal self-honesty and self-understanding/acceptance which we can get from contemplation and self-enquiry.
  7. Lmfao. And what is impact exactly? What laws govern impact? Are you on an enlightenment path yourself? Have you ever healed a buncha karma and seen how you can uplift your environment with that? Can you also understand that there are a lot of people who want to be superheroes and become toxicly so? It's no that simple my friend. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" Edit: also how would you know what the world needs? I'm sure there are 8 billion different opinions on what the world needs. What is enough awareness?
  8. I actually did not focus on it. I presented it as an option, because its still unclear to me what you're after. What is it you want to know my friend? Explain clearly without giving us the room to apparently project our own stuff on your thought streams. It seems everyone is twisting and misinterpreting your words. Which is hilarious. What I mean by that is yours to project on.
  9. Yes, I also think that. And with thinking that, I am discerning, just like Leo. Your doubts were: Leo might be coming from ego with that statement. So it's quite easy to understand why I thought this way. Unless you were refering to love being something egoic. Which seems stupendous to me. It's not that hard my friend.
  10. It's actually a very needed message in this niche. You think becoming conscious is equal to becoming less discerning?
  11. Or rather sacrifice yourself to Love?
  12. If people who want to end their life hate life so much, then why end it? Why not extend the life you hate so much, so you can hate more? Because they fail to recognize that even their last action on earth is one out of love.
  13. Too much to even begin lmao. But ok, you think scientitic truth has always been there? You think they can never change? You think we'll never reach a point where we'll see our fallacies towards gravity? For fucks sake.
  14. I think Christ symbolizes lotsa things. Its very possible for people to be incredibly connected to something that symbolizes a holy feeling that resides in them. Especially as a child one is exceptionally open to a variety of frequencies. So it can represent holiness. And of course: rebirth, humanness and transcendence integrated in a person, discernment, compassion etc.
  15. The key in surrendering is wanting no benefit from the surrendering process as this could be another trick to "to get you where you want". Thats the only way to be open to whatever comes. Its the realization actually that this openness is already here and always has been here.
  16. The more i'm able to touch the nondual blissful state, the more spirit is poured into the body. The spirit consists of soul particles which lead to a restoration of the energetic system. This can occur through various ways.
  17. Made me sick to my stomach only imagining it lmao
  18. Pain is not transcended, but suffering is.
  19. Lmfao. "I made lasagna" "We're not hungry"
  20. I see you brother. The thing is, you think I/ownership is something take makes the Now possible. The Now is actually something that makes "mine" possible. The Now owns me. It is me. And "I" spring from it. Like in deep sleep. There is no "you". But the Now is there. What was there before you were born? How can your life be seperated by "nothing"? It should be something to be seperated by. How else can there be separation. Timelesness = no me.
  21. Lmao, and when would this Now stop? You haven't really understood what Now means. Its not somethings that springs from time. Its the other way around. Beginnings, endings... errthang.
  22. Indeed, defining good vs bad is inherently survival. Plus animals know what love is. There is not a living creature that does not operate on Love. Survival is an aspect of Love.