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Everything posted by Visionary

  1. I can intuitively understand what you're saying from past experiencies, but "I" ain't "there" yet bruv
  2. Choosing things to not matter is also placing meaning. Truth comes prior, during, after and through meaning. Don't try to intellectually grasp that shit. Rejecting things is definitely a very (negative) meaningful endeavour.
  3. Don't try to grasp meaninglesness intellectually peeps (i'm sure a lot of us do that here). This will likely send a very very subtle message to your body to suppress everything. Meaninglesness is actually about total openness. What's actually meant is prior, during, after and through meaning.
  4. Yeah man❤, thank you. As a beginner I tried to understand this conceptually and this resulted in a lot of repression. But now I kinda understand that, especially thanks to meaninglesness, its rewarding to express anger, hate, jealousy, guilt etc.
  5. No meaning means everything is already forgiven, everything is loved and there is nothing to gain. The reward of work is the work, ain't it? That makes everything incredibly meaningful. It's like the death and birth of every new moment. Thank god every moment dies into meaninglesness. It makes the universe incredibly meaningful.
  6. Especially when expanding ones consciousness it can become normal to live on a more heart based rhythm or a nature based rhythm. When i'm at the subway i recognise this 9 to 5 rythm everyone is stuck in. Like it has its own energetic frequency. Its own rhythm. Its own limited lifeforce. This is like a collective trance state where the overactive mind is the operating system and squeezes the life rhythm and force out of us and nature. This is a trance state that is operating on scarcity and fear. The true question is: how can we engineer our lives to live accordingly to the earths true frequency and rhythm. While observing my bad habits in solitude i realized these bad habits are a result of the matrix frequency where protocols possess us like machines. Living in transcripts. That's why grounding your 'light' or high frequencies is crucial. Lets uncontract ourselves and let this life force flow by engineering our way out of this mindmatrix. Much love to you all
  7. I use it for healing my bro. Shrooms bring me in an incredible shamanic space where the Higher Self completely takes over. Last time i felt Spirit entering the space and it was pouring into my body through the crown chakra. It's actually soul retrieval (which happens through the inner healer) or retrieval of soul particles. Which result in a restoration of the energetic system as Truth gets integrated through the embodiment of the Soul/Higher Self. These plants are truly sacred and should be treated with utmost respect. They can really show the blind spots we have. Edit: and no i'm not seeing ultimate self-realization through it. But i think its speeding up the process guided by Grace.
  8. @LfcCharlie4 ofc brother, i gotta say i'm still using mushrooms every two months next to weekly transmissions even though people who give these transmissions have adviced against it. I think my body handles it incredibly nice and the combination is superb. Maybe this shows that experimenting is very useful and we don't need to pick sides. At all. However, acid seemed to be causing a lot of side effects in my case. Different chakras were really affected by it. My throat (chakra also) felt very inflamed for example. Like there was lots of 'dirty' energy stored up. Lots of rash on my body too. And sweating with a disgusting odor. You could really tell it was a chemical. I stopped using it and healed everything. I feel a lot more clean. Acid would sometimes get me in a trance too. Like completely blacking out. For some reason it worked a lot on my third eye. I think there might've been entities attaching to me while in these trance states (speaking in click alien tongues etc.). I certainly do not regret it. I've had 2 of the biggest breakthroughs/encounters with my Higher Self with it. But i'm glad i quit. Might try some time in the future (though i feel my throat contracting with that statement). I prefer natural psychedelics anyday.
  9. Aye, couldnt have said it better. Thats where being rooted in humanity becomes really important. Enlightened teachers like Matt Kahn en Gangaji really emphasized it.
  10. God wants nothing more than to be a self-realized/enlightened HUMAN BEING. The masculine approach is one of self-annihilation. Let's dissect everything so there will be nothing left of me. Let's commit spiritual suicide! The masculine approach is a disease without the feminine perspective. Before you can transcend the body, the body will ask of you to love it. Completely! Do you know how threatening this is for your ego? Ego thrives by seperating itself from the body. A lack of self-care is pure arrogance. Misplaced arrogance stemming from fear of love. It's like saying to yourself: i'm going to be as ugly as i can by neglecting my fitness, nutrition etc. So the external world doesn't need to reject me. Why should it? I CAN REJECT MYSELF! I will avoid the heartbreak and the fear of rejection by self sabotaging the whole process. This physical perfectionism of course also has the other side of the spectrum by being overly obsessed with the physical. Here you're actually prostituting your body for acknowledgment. You are first to integrate the body. The body IS YOU (before you can ever think of transcending it). You are NOT the owner of the body. This fake ownership makes you treat it like a bag of potatoes you carry with you. YOU ARE YOUR BODY. Communicate with the body as yourself. Not as something external to your ego identity. This fake distinction is actually whats blocking the flow of life force energy by concentrating it around the headspace through contractions. And yes the body is a phenomon of awareness of course. But be careful. Transcending the physical/material is certainly not about neglecting or rejecting.
  11. I think Mongu9717s concern is pretty valid. I used LSD like 12 times in 6 months. It brought a lot of shit to the surface. And also it messed up my energetic system. BIG TIME. I think Leo needs a real good breather. And use his genius by extracting insights from the ordinary states of consciousness. I think thats even more challenging for him than his standard 5meo routine. I just hope you're ok Leo. Believe it or not.. but even kids have a certain wisdom parents have become blind to.
  12. Ikr bro it's almost an offence ? Did that yesterday lmao. Best way to get in touch with the body ? especially all the parts we dislike about ourselves need that loving attention
  13. It is a very nice, beautiful concept indeed.
  14. You're right. I'm not using his experiences as new input for my so called new world model. Certainly not. But i have trust in him. That is all. What this hypothetical experience really is, is Unknown to me. I have trust in him, yet i also care about his safety. And certainly, Oneness would be doing it. But it does not mean a thing as you could always say the opposite. Me reacting on the issue would also be coming from Oneness. Let's not play these silly chess games. Edit: if you're coming from a place of love, excuse my tone.
  15. I know. But do you really mind i used this assumption? If yes, why do you mind? What does that say about you? This makes a lot of sense intuitively. And i wouldn't be the first one to say it. I think its a very very necessary thing to say also. Especially for people who are unconsciously using the path to neglect their basic needs as a person. For advanced seekers this assumption would do NO harm. It makes quiet sense if you think about it. Unless you think duality has got nothing to do with love.
  16. Why not both? Isn't that what love is? I do believe Leo. And saying stuff like he became conscious of creating the Universe. I believe him. And it frightens the fuck out of me. I just hope he does not neglect his humanity. His simplicity.
  17. Hence the part about ownership. Ownership is in a way prostituting the sacred temple. Like exploiting 'my' shadow in order to gain certain results. This is a huge healing trap. When the body is in pain (whether emotional or physical) the fake ownership results in distancing oneself of the sensation. Its quiet a process of deconditioning this fake relationship. It needs a loving attitude. Loving perception (not-knowing) of the inner child for example. YOU ARE those feelings. Those feelings cannot suffer. Of course through awareness the process unfolds.
  18. It's easy to become a monk escapist. Love is more threatening than solitude. God can be found in love. Be willing to let your heart be broken through vulnerability. That's what this all is about. Vulnerability.
  19. Godspeed on your path my man. Saw the comment above and it probably has to do with your heart. Most of our conditioning are defense walls against love in one way or the other.
  20. Its probably not it. You'd need to be more advanced on the path to know what they're really talking about. Its probably one of the many many contractions that your body needs to release.
  21. For some reason most members here are very focused on the mind and much less on the body. Please read this and tell me what you think about this, how your process with regard to this unfolds etc. I've been through quite a lot the last 4 or 5 years. Been living a lot in my crown chakra the past year. Been open to lots of energies. Hitting rock bottom was becoming my favourite hobby. It almost became addicting to hit up high frequencies and then plunge into darkness through various ego death cycles. But your life will absolutely suck if you won't anchor that shit into your body. If you refuse to be a person in a real world, life will suck. Don't tell me this is an illusion. Because you're actually filtering a Higher Truth through language. Which makes it incredibly nihilistic and won't do you any good. Dying out of your body = awakening of the mind = psychological death Dying into the body = awakening of the body You must die into the body before you can transcend it by death of the body. During this phase you will realize that love is what you're really afraid of. That there is no difference between fear and love. Ultimate fear pops up when ultimate love shows itself for the ultimate surrender. For this we need to merge both the earth energies (from the root) and sky energies (crown) into the heart. Bridging those mofos. What do you guys do to ground yourself? What rituals do you guys use for the root chakra (also sacral and solar plexus). Peace
  22. Thats GRACE my brother. It gives me goosebumps all over my body. I'm so happy for you man.