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Everything posted by Visionary

  1. My cat enjoys the Shaktipat Transmissions deeply hahaha. They arent insensitive to it. On the contrary. They mostly operate on an intuitive/energetic level.
  2. Hahaha ofc you're biased. Our individual existence is exactly to be that (in a healthy way of course). I have great love for Liverpool and especially the incredible atmosphere at Anfield (though it used to be better). And Stevie G of course as a player symbolized the Reds' spirit perfectly for me. But the football hasn't been as good as under Klopp now. Love Jurgen man.
  3. Sport is absolutely divine. My problem on the pitch was I was so amazed and intrinsicly motivated by the game itself, that I often lost my will to be more efficient and productive. Somewhat the same in life with regard to spirituality and a real life career. Sport is basically life in that regard. How do you balance the beauty of the game versus productivity? I've only seen Barcelona under Guardiola master that to perfection. It's amazing how Andres Iniesta's grace on the pitch and majestic touch, movement and awareness is actually inspiring me to become that creative in other areas in my life. It just shows how genius and creativity is one and the same language across infinite fields. Teamplay is also what amazed me a lot during my amateur career. The intuitive teamplays etc. This can be very symbolic for relationships. Sport = Life. Just like everything else.
  4. You might have lived this life an infinite amount of times. What is the difference between the future and past really? Is it possible we're experiencing life from the afterlife now?
  5. When the Divine Feminine and Masculine are integrating, that's when Poetry and Truth cannot be distinguished.
  6. Its super common man. Ive had like 9 private sessions and its always been like that. Also at home a lot of exorcism stuff due to different methods. The light is purging everything out.
  7. And the realization that you will never be enlightened. You will never achieve it. That might help too.
  8. Honouring separation. That's what the game is all about. Don't use nonduality to strengthen the underlying ego-structures (of self-judgement and judgement of the world). Oneness has absolutely zero value from the intellectual standpoint. But at the same time its incredibly practical. If you're distancing yourself from the world/people and become more bitter by the day. You might want to contemplate whether you really get the teachings. (Even though the distancing of oneself and self-denial can be an important step in the process to integrate..)
  9. This is probably one of the most effective healers i've ever come across. She is fabulous. Just watch the vids on her youtube channel and integrate. Watch them multiple times if needed. And if you feel the energetic effects try an individual paid session. Her youtube channel has multiple entity removal vids. The older ones are also very effective.
  10. You can't say low consciousness like you can't judge the lower stairs of a ladder once you've climbed up. It's all one thing and all necessary. This is exactly needed in his process. Its not about being an imposter trying to mimic high consciousness preferences.
  11. A huge healing trap is when healing is subconsciously viewed as a way of bettering stuff that needs bettering or solving. We are not here to solve anything. Were just here to see all the patterns play out and respect the process. You said 8 months. I think there are a lot of dark nights still to come. Its about enjoying the process of these cycles and dont be too result oriented. Have a clear intention that comes from a vulnerable and honest place. And try to realize that you are already at unity consciousness. It is not distant from you. And enjoy and honour the show from a compassionate heart. Edit: when you really think about it, whats life really about? Its about honouring every second of it and loving every second of it. Thats why these dark nights occur. To let go of our control of all the ups and downs and see every second as the most miraculous moment. Not as a way of achieving, but as something thats already here. You just need to lose your old eyes (let go of the mind) and let everything be seen as the Beloved.
  12. It is weakened, but it goes through cycles. Especially when in healing phase it can be quiet difficult.
  13. Hi guys, A lot of you guys already like Matt Kahn because of his transmissions. Then i'm sure you're really gonna like this. He's not trying to explain to you what Truth is, but rather tries to show it to you through this energy transmission.
  14. I would watch out with the I Am God thing. God is just another concept and using the word frequently can make people and yourself easily deluded. Anyway... Now the journey really begins. Its time to embody spirit.This phase is called the awakening of the body or the descension of the soul into the body. Its a huge healing phase. Matt Kahns teachings would be good for ya. Congratulations with your "accomplishment". This new phase is about emptying yourself out of every concept, happening, feeling, thought and whatever you can think of.
  15. Do a mirror exercise. Look into your eyes with an unfiltered view (so as pure awareness). Thats until the point when the see-er, see-ing and whats been seen are one and the same thing (or perhaps no-thing). The Soul is where form and formlesness kiss. Its the formless you that lives through these forms (forms = awareness as content). Loving your Soul is what is truly healing. Its the You that does not identify with the forms but certainly lives through them. So how can you love something that is formless? Do the mirror excerise. Thats where you slowly will understand what love is (loving beyond form).
  16. The No-Self is only a half truth. Ramana Maharshi spoke of the Self. It's beyond being and non-being. Check this transmission out. Edit: see in the example/koan in the first minutes. One can stay attached to the No-Self or emptiness.
  17. Jesus his voice certainly carries lifetimes and lifetimes of stories and emotions.
  18. Ah you take the feedback well. Wish you the absolute best. The mania is a gift too. Wouldn't know about Chakra Lions feedback though. Being ahead of people and shit. Its nothing to be attached to. This is a process of losing ones arrogance by letting go of everything we know. And trust me the accumulated experiences really can make us blind to our arrogance. We don't know shit. No one knows anything. Keep not-knowing as your base principle.