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Everything posted by Visionary

  1. Guys, So i've reached a point where i feel completely empty when meditating. As if i'm the empty moment where all experience takes place. But i was wondering. Isn't emptiness the experience itself? Think about it: without experience there can be no emptiness. Without emptiness there can be no experience to take place. Isn't this another dualistic game our ego tends to play with us? I've contemplated these questions for half an hour and had some amazing insights. Emptiness is exactly the experience itself. Every experience or qualia has that knowing intelligence itself. The experience is the knowing. Not the emptiness. What do you guys think?
  2. Incredible man. That's absolutely beautiful. I've had a very small taste of absolute infinity 5 years ago after a shroom trip. Did not know anything about spirituality or whatsoever. Hope to experience the same again once. This shiny blackness you speak of. Check this out. the dude (David Icke) starts speaking around 7 min. He also speaks of this phenomenon.
  3. @30secs exactly. Aren't we missing out on the ultimate illusion? Is it not the ultimate paradox that Nothing really is Everything? The "crack" in my head has never been opened as much when focusing solely on emptiness as a pure, somewhat seperate, cosciousness. But indeed. Let's work our asses off.
  4. Maybe that's what they call "the void" ?
  5. Yes! I immediately got panicky and anxious. This is a good sign. The ego doesn't like it Did you also experience that the qualia did not gravitate in a way it normally does around your ego? As if everything remained where it was and your egoic center disappeared. Got a glimpse of it today. Was not a very pleasant feeling. What to do next? Detach from the experience and be aware to not conceptualize anything right? Egoic traps.
  6. Exactly! Once i tried to view the experiential content as the source of knowing (counsciousness itself) it looked like i, as the observer, was gone. I stopped right there because it was a bit too much for me now.
  7. @Tancrede Pouyat isn't this a dualistic point of view? Try contemplating that.
  8. Yeah, i've had the same experience multiple times using my Dre Beats headphones. I don't know how else to put this, but this state feels like the subconscious state. As directly tapping into it. It's like having access to your emotional body/ pain-body. It's that moment before your lucid dreaming starts. You've tricked your body into sleep, but are still awake. You should do some affirmations in this stage if you ever need it. Extremely effective. Directly absorbed into your emotional body. At least that's how it feels like.
  9. There are certain problems you need to work at: - You probably think in values subconsciously and maybe even consciously. Try to spot it and get rid of this way of thinking. It's pure fiction. This is one of the trademarks of the ego. Labeling values on everything and judging on the basis of these values. You rate these women probably higher than yourself in the value game you play. - The previous problem is connected with your self-image. Before you are able to solve the value game puzzle, it would be wise to practice unconditional self-acceptance and self-love. The better you get at this, the easier your approaches will be. You are loving yourself unconditionally. Who cares what her reaction would be? - Another underlying problem is your neediness. Stop being so needy. Of course we're all biologically programmed to desire attractive women. But try to detach from your neediness and desires for that woman. Try to feel as complete as possible before you try to date them. To tackle these problems you need to meditate so you can know yourself better. Know how to handle emotions, thoughts (and how to detach from them). And off course: approach, approach, approach. Without attaching to the possible outcomes. Think this way initially: let's go and FUCK it up. Let's make a fool out of myself. Try to mess up as much as you can, until you really give no shit anymore.
  10. I think that's how the average person thinks indeed. But once you'll develop on this path, you'll drop the value game. You'll be able to see that this game is pure fiction. Authenticity is what you'll be searching for intuitively. To be honest, i don't even think you'll be searching for it. You'll attract it one way or the other on your own path to authenticity. Edit: This path is the self-development path, the spiritual path
  11. Have done it a couple of months ago. Was nothing special. But it had to do with the quality of the tank i guess. It was too small (feet sometimes bumped into the side of the tank), no complete darkness (still some light visible) and the temperature of the water was not optimal. As the names of these tanks suggest: you must be completely deprived of your senses to get into those deep states. Peace
  12. Guys, I'm trying out a couple of new practices including total acceptance of every moment and thus self-acceptance and gratitude. I actually try to be grateful for every bad emotion and thought i experience at every moment. It's like loving and accepting every "negative" aspect of life. AND be grateful for it. This practice seems to help me big time. I don't really look at them as problems anymore. The feelings in my body are so good. It's like certain emotional scars are being healed and some shit that has been trapped there for ages is coming loose. Especially at the back of my neck, throat, solar plexus/chest and my back. So guys: start loving your anxiety. Don't try to get rid of it. Let go of all desire to get rid of it (VERY IMPORTANT!). By letting go your desires you detach from ideal scenario's... how things "should be". It's a sick paradox and very counter intuitive. But let go. And not only for anxiety problems. For every negative emotion you experience. Be grateful for it. Try to love the fuck out of every negative emotion you experience. A daily meditation practice is crucial for you to be able to "play" with these emotions. You need to train your EQ. Mindfulness is key (check out Leo's videos about emotions and mindfulness meditation). And off course the non-duality work will give you a crazy boost. Anxiety is nothing more than fear of rejection. The inner world (ego) fears rejection from the outer world (people etc.). As Allan Watts stated beautifully: try not to view life as a fight between Yin and Yang. Try to look at it as a beautiful dance between the two. Don't be an emotional junkie. You don't need your fix as badly as you think (feeling good, happy, being perfect etc.). Appreciate the "dark" side of reality. Love it. Embrace it. And drop that counter productive desire to overcome this problem. Peace
  13. I think it's very connected in your case. Maybe your desire to not loose your attractiveness comes from fear of rejection. I think it would be key to stop caring what other people think of you. Trust me that's not an easy job. Train unconditional self-acceptance. Try to love your fears. Try to love your problems. And drop your desire to get rid of this problem. If you fuel that desire this can turn out to be very problematic. Desire creates a 'perfect' scenario and thus creates an enormous pressure subconsciously. Perfectionism and anxiety problems go hand in hand.
  14. My man the ego is the pure source of resistance. Until you're able to completely deconstruct that fucker you'lll always have resistance to reality. Resistance you're completely unaware of. Once the energy starts to hit your crown with 200 mph you'll know what i'm talking about. Maybe you'll be able to handle it. Take a couple of LSD tabs and do some mushrooms trips to test your potential Don't say i didn't warn ya Peace
  15. HAHAH. Aight man. Maybe you're made for this shit, who knows. With great power comes great responsibility
  16. Blessings bro. Thank you very much for the useful advice. Just starting to pick up the meditation habit slowly again (after 3 weeks or so). Feel kinda grounded more or less. Though during my meditation session the energy in the crown kinda got wild again. Annoying and a bit painful at times. I think i'll focus on shadow work the next period. Been neglecting my ego for faaaaar too long brother. Time to fully accept and love the wounded bastard Peace bruv
  17. Hi Guys, Just had a crazy experience. Fever was skyrocketing, 1000 of thoughts entered my mind. All negative thoughts. Now, my whole family had a fever and i live with them. Thoughts looked like real scenario's, 100 procent real as if i could predict the future. I saw different flashes and then this one came up: i have to detach from my mom to become what the universe wants me to. Chakra's in the head were moving furiously. I tried to detach from my mom, the moment i almost accepted it, i thought i would die. I almost threw up multiple times. Eventually i could not do it. I love her too much. The moment i made this decision, the fever immediately tempered. I was calmness itself. Kundalini tempered. I was thinking about living a selfless live and simultaneously not abondining my mother. It looked like the universe did not want a pact. Now guys, am i mad as fuck? Probably so. But those "visions" looked so real. Different numbers (33:33 and 22 and 33:23 23..) were noticed. One after the other. I thought i was loosing it. What does it mean to completely detach from your family guys? I don't know how. This is 100 procent a deeper truth that came to the surface. I always knew this. My biggest fear is her dying. P.s. already had a fullblown kundalini awakening from lsd, mushrooms and normal meditation. This all in 1 fucking year. Maybe i'm really fucking loosing it. The universe gave a hella lot of info about my current girlfriend. Also deeper truths i knew to be true. I knew this shit all allong. @Leo Gura brother, if you ever think of committing the most selfish deed, please do not this. I had to have my say. You can take this like bullshit from a complete madman. But if you ever come to that point. You know what to do. DON'T. Please don't get mad. Don't know how the fuck i feel right now. I saw a tragic scenario where another great person died, everyone clapping on the funeral. LOL Right?
  18. Really hope that is true for you man. From what i've read they always advice to not play too much with the energy. It's divine stuff and can be dangerous as fuck. Unfortunately experienced this myself. All the best Edit: i've experienced a full blown kundalini awakening btw (from head to base of spine) within a year. Way too fast.
  19. Ignore the energy as much as you can man. Don't try to influence it. I wouldn't focus on it because that can disturb the energy. It can sometimes even feel like throwing fuel on that fire. Breathing exercises made it worse for me when i suffered the most. Ignore it as much as possible. Focus on other spiritual practices if it's too much.
  20. You might want to detach from your desire bro. Just view dating as one big game. Just like life itself. Don't take it so seriously. Don't expect anything. And enjoy the game. Detach and get involved! This is absolute key to anything.
  21. Thank you very much Emerald, much much appreciated! Blessings. Will follow this advice. You are right my man. Also about the ego: i have ignored it for a very long time. I was afraid to apply self-love, because this could strengthen it. Even though everyone said you need a healthy ego to detach from everything, Very neurotic behaviour because of this. Time to take the foot of the pedal.
  22. @Emerald Wilkins Yeah, I don't know if it is a healthy relationship, you know? I have a refugee background, all the struggle she went through as a lonely mom, for me and my sisters, all the tough times and crying. I have the feeling i can never repay her for all those hard times. I almost made it my life mission to keep her happy until she dies. How can i detach from that? Would you advice me to stop meditation completely for a while? My body also feels very tired after this fever. Completely drained.
  23. Were you able to detach from everything? I have the feeling you must give up all your relationships to achieve this level of detachment. How did things work out for you?
  24. Thank you very much for your words. You are right. Attaching to these experience is what the ego does. I'll just integrate certain lessons i learned from it and move on. Bless you.