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Everything posted by Visionary

  1. Just as Barna said. Love your fears and how it feels. Love you, the anxious one. Love the fear of fear and how it feels. You know what might help? Accepting we're all bliss junkies. Our cravings of overcoming negative states create more resistance. Once we become deeply aware of this and start seeing perfection in every negativite feeling... WOW! You can clearly see why that anxiety is so perfect. And how it is exactly the same feeling as the love you're wishing to feel. Anxiety does not need your intervention to be perfect. Just recognize its perfection. So forget about feeling good and appreciate every facet of reality. Really appreciate anxiety without wanting to overcome it. Life is very ordinary when the only thing we want to feel is bliss. That really really works for me.
  2. Hi guys, Been on the path for a year and a half now. Anxiety issues decreased to a large extent. But i can't seem to fucking ace presentations. I'm waaaay too neurotic in these situations. I can't control my thoughts or emotions. My goal is now: DON'T FUCK IT UP. But it should be: how can i ace this shit and deliver the message properly. That switch is so extremely difficult. Literally giving no shit about other people's opinions. It's the law of attraction at work actually. Are there any experienced/talented/master presentators that can help me out? Thanks
  3. @pluto Thank you brother! This inspires me even more. I will buy a book tomorrow and start another new exciting phase in my life. @Annetta Thank you ma'am, will buy it tomorrow
  4. Yes, exactly! The same for me. My body literally asks for a vegetarian/vegan diet now. Thank you for the Pulao
  5. Does cause and effect not imply a time assumption and a sort of linear way of viewing events?
  6. Very fun and interesting. The way Kumar explain his holistic view kinda affected my consciousness hehe. Sick.
  7. "Negative" emotions or other forms of negativity are not masked by UNconditional love. First, you have to be completely at peace with your current negativity. So let anger be anger. Let hate be hate. Let jealousy be jealousy. Let sorrow be sorrow. Any kind of resistance you feel in your body. Let it be. Masking emotions is adding to that resistance. Once you've relaxed into the negativity you can take it a step further. Love the shit out of your anger. Love the shit out of your hate etc. That is true unconditional love. So not the type of loving where you immediately look at the consequence (release of energy) of you adding love to that negative emotion. It's adding loving without the need to know what the consequence is. It really is loving the negativity without conditions. I think that's what @Martin123 was trying to tell you.
  8. Yeah lol. I thought some user here on this forum studied these phenomena. These energies are known as "chakras" in the spiritual community and now the "crown chakra" is very active. This member spoke of the nervous system being activated (old emotions released etc.). And this processes resulted in your brain changing itself (neuroplasticity).
  9. I feel a constant flow of energy/ blood to my brain. The back of my neck/ the sides of my head/ crown and in the middle of my face. It literally feels as if your brain is changing during these moments. It can be a bit too painful at times.
  10. Bruvvas and sistas, I'm stuck with this question and i'm pretty sure some of you are too. So as my sense of true Self grows stronger and my ego grows weaker, there's still a contradiction/paradox that's still around: i want to be the best. I want to feel the best. Better than anyone else. Especially on this path. It's very hard for me to detach from. This is the spiritual ego at its finest. The core of my fear-based ego mechanism: it wants to dominate. It want to be the best. Now i know that there is no such things as good/bad. But this somehow does not strike me as how an ego-less person lives his life. So, what do you guys think? Do you experience the same thing with your spiritual ego if your honest? Is there room in spirituality for wanting to feel/be the best? I feel that this ego-driven motives can really help me achieve and contribute the most to this illusory world. Is competitiveness unspiritual? Peace
  11. Culture isn't all that bad. Highly sophisticated languages and knowledge are byproducts of cultures. So even though they program us robots to act in a certain way, they've also provided us these tools to help us raise our consciousness and take this next step in evolution. Culture isn't our enemy. Our ego identifying with culture is. Cool report btw. Enjoy the path and good luck (y).
  12. Thank you all for your wonderful advice! Love
  13. Hi guys, Any tips and experiences on how to enter a state of flow? From what I know this is a highly intuitive state where "you" completely disappear and you're completely absorbed into your activities. If you know anything, please share. This can be fundamental for not only reaching, but really DESTROYING your goals. Peace
  14. Detach from it bro. Don't make it part of "your" story. Just continue the path. It considerabily differs per person, but your ego might be mortally wounded now. So you should focus on dissolving the rest of it. For me the days/weeks after the experience were very hard. It's still hard now. Extreme anger issues after a week of torturing anxiety. I'm letting that poisonous side of me just be instead of resisting it. It kinda resulted in wishing cancer to everbody that i didn't like at the moment :p. Not proud of it lol. But your old emotional baggage should really be purged out of your body. I don't know if you've noticed all the old emotional habits, insecurities and thought patterns manifest themself again in your body and subconscious? Purging that shit is a big part of the process.
  15. Very nice! I personally always had the idea i've awoken through the heart and the crown chakra. The heart awakening can be quite painful. Like a hot knife stabbing in the middle of the chest. Thanks for this. Time to cultivate unconditional love for everything
  16. Most people would say: NO. "You" don't exist. Your ego is an illusion in an illusion called "life". Death is also an illusion. But who knows whether you'll go back to your Source? Who knows if you're not thrown back to another illusion based on the actions in this illusion? When you experience ego death, you understand your true nature (=infinity) and understand the illusion your in. This experience actually really humbled me. I know my true nature. But have no fucking clue what's waiting for this finite expression (=me) of the infinite (=also me) after death.
  17. Will be a very very tough battle. Overcoming your animalistic operating system is not quite an easy job. The social constructions on top of that don't really make things easier. We should never take things for granted. And give our 100 percent to smoothen and stimulate that "transition" for our societies. Even though the game is a total illusion.
  18. Yes sir, 4 times in my life. 2 times during a psychedelic "trip" and 2 times sober. It really is the source of creation.
  19. Underneath the meaninglessness of reality, there is Unconditional Love. I hope you may experience this one day. This can be achieved through conciousness work. It is the true nature of Consciousness. Live life according to this love and feel your consciousness rise. AND the quality of your life.
  20. How is it to live without memory? Do you interact purely by your intuition? So is everything pure spontaneity? Are you "the experiencing"? The movie itself? Cheers and congrats btw
  21. Hi guys, I finally experienced ego-death 2 days ago. The most beautiful experience "i" have ever experienced. How life and death is a complete hoax. Your "life and death" are just a cute spot on a canvas of eternity and infinity (which is your true nature). And there are an infinite amount of those canvases. I really start to appreciate how @Leo Gura can describe his experience (with the Al-lad trip report). You really start to appreciate this creativity. But for me; I could barely speak the past few days.I had to start learn it all over again. As if it was my first time. Like a baby who just came out of his moms vagina. Anyway. The ego is taking its old form back again slowly. And it's a quite fucking painful process. You feel your old subconscious mind manifesting in your body. The old paradigms, insecurities and neurotic tendencies. These egoic foundations are now definitely weaker than before. But they're still there. It somehow feels like a curse. The incarnation of the ego. But you should frame that shit. It really is a magical experience. Eventually just meaningless of course. Something to be detached from. Ego death is certainly not the "end stadium". There is still work to do. A LOT. The walls between the "inner world" and "outer world" are now to be demolished. During my ego-less state, i had the chance to meet my authentic self. The authentic self feels like God's tentacle of pure Conciousness. The ultimate threshold between pure God-Consciousness and Ego. At least that's how it felt. God looking at itself through your body and eyes. Not your persona. WITHOUT those egoic/artificial walls. Without memory. I want to live my life according to this Self. This would mean finding your true life purpose. When you're in this state, you feel all your actions are driven by some sort of deep underlying algorithm of Unconditional Love. You immediately realize the paradox of free-will. So guys, who has experienced this before? How did this experience change you? And how do you manage to tune into that Love frequency that can manifest your life purpose? The road to authenticity really has begun now!
  22. It started after approximately 12 hours. But the next day (and even today) i'm still "incarnating" bit by bit. The day after was the hardest to be honest.Haven't meditated these last 2 days, because it would be a bit too much imo. Will start again today. But yeah, i think one tab might have done the trick. The past weeks/months i've felt a momentum building up. Different No-Self experiences and a very steady progress. This is my third time doing LSD. The first two trips were both around 220 mics (1 tab). So i just followed my intuition. But 1 could definitely do the trick yeah.
  23. No man. Not during the "death". The incarnation however was a slow torture. Extreme neurotic behaviour. Anxiety surfacing as never before. The slow transition of having no memory to a "person" with an "identity". It feels you're back to the old you. But kinda rearranged. Like @Arman said, on a physiological level. Time to break those weak foundations that are placed back into to the body-mind.