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Everything posted by Visionary

  1. Is that so? What about this? This dude is far from crazy. Thanks to Jim, this guy finally had the balls to come out of that closeth. Don't be f*cking blind, and try to see how Jim (and now this guy) has people talking about this whole thing. Keep your projections for your own life sheep.
  2. So guys, Just finished my masters at the relatively old age of 29. Been 10 years @ Uni. But lacked discipline, was emotionally unstable and preferred to party instead of studying. So decided at the age of 24 to still start a study and finish it. Finished my bachelors and masters at 29, 5 years later. BUT... i've been doing personal development for the last 1.5 years. And the "gains" are incredibly huge. So that's why i decided to go auto didact. I've moved back to my parents. I have a study debt of approximately 50.000 Euros. My curriculum is not fantastic. I want to work parttime, just to cover certain costs of living and invest minimal money in a business I run with 2 other friends. I want to fully focus on my business, but especially on growing personally/spirituality. Society tells me i already should've had kids and a familiy to take care of. Instead: i go back the old nest. Who has made such a "bold" decision at a relatively old age? And what are your experiences thus far?
  3. Yeah it's very comparable! Since i've had incredible progress on this spiritual path, i also have developed this deep intuitive feeling of where to steer to. It's a feeling of: this can't go wrong. Impossible. Do you have this feeling too? I'm an intermediary for people who want to start an own clothing line or already have an own clothing line. It's basically a one stop shop. So, if you want your own clothing line: we can take over the production process, logistics, webshops/website development, quality control etc. So you can focus on your brand. I have to admit it's not my passion. But i'm very eager to learn, learn, learn. See it as a learning process to eventually ace my passion/life purpose. And very true my friend! Working hard (and enjoying the process) can do big miracles
  4. Who are you really stressing for? Leo? Or just your old sneaky self :P?
  5. 2 times with LSD, 1 time with shrooms and 1 time with 2CB. The LSD hit me the hardest. Realizing you are everything can drive you mad and beyond it. Like really realizing you are everything. So your first kiss with a girl, you buying your first car, you quitting your job. That was all me. And that was also everyone else. When you realize that you can become completely mad. This is a deepening of everything is 1 realization, which i've had many many times. It's insane how your creativity gets a boost after passing the madness barrier.
  6. Tip: mindful jogging. Can be extremely powerful. That is a true mental challenge. Besides that: trying to intrinsicly enjoy the jogging process as much as possible. Try becoming aware of how much you think about the finish and how this is a burden for the run. For me personally: i love sports with creativity and braindead running disgusted me. I eventually learned to love it. Very powerful exercise. It will reflect on all facets of life.
  7. Ask yourself. Especially in the more advanced stages. Why are you doing this? Now keep reading this post and confront yourself immediately. Don't run away from it. Be counterintuitive. Is this spiritual path your way of becoming a better version of yourself? If you don't know: try to look at the content of "your" monkeymind. Are all the thoughts you have very self-centered? About how you should or should not behave? About how others irritate you so much? About how they are not on your level? Or how they could be so narrow minded? Then it's clearly your ego still trying to get the better of everybody. Still trying to be one up. Stop trying to be somebody. Transcend your animalistic hardwiring where you always want to be better. Transcend your survival system. This is not about the character. It's about the movie. Getting detached from all your results and not even caring about potential outcomes of this spiritual path is key. Pure intrinsic motivation. This might be a bitter pill to swallow. But it will help ya. Keep confronting yourself. Peace.
  8. Really don't understand the mockery here. The man clearly does appreciate It (Truth). He values it more than his own public image. Don't you see all the ruckus this has lead to? Can't you see how this idiotic interview has lead to an infinite amount of questionmarks ??? around his persona? He's helping us big time. Spreading awareness. Don't judge too fast.
  9. Who would've thought? RUSH HOUR 2 with some deep existential dialogues. The night of your conception? It was me. Fucking your mom. And your mom being fucked by your dad. That was also me. Your first kiss with a girl? It was ME. Kissing the girl as you. And being kissed as the girl. The day your first kid will be born? I'm there allright. Laughing at that little cute head popping out of your wife's vagina. And i'm also the kid by the way. And your wife. And you pacing up and down in the hall outside of the delivery room. Once you truly experience this, your sanity will be at stake. Be ready to be a complete mad man. Don't go too far in the rabbit hole if you don't feel strong enough. For the rationalist people here acting like they have a monopoly on how the game should be played: there is nothing rational about this. Go beyond insanity or just shut the hell up. That's what it takes to truly meet God, at the very least.
  10. No shit. Although there is certainly advancement throughout this process. The shift of perspective does not occur without training and progress. You need to advance before you can 'be'.
  11. Beautiful to hear my bruv. Wish you all the best. Let's help reality shift towards high consciousness societies.
  12. You need to stop projecting on that energy. Nothing is good or bad from the deep core. I have that energy in my throat, back of my neck and eyes all the time. Simply allow it. It's a healing process. Your true self would allow this energy to do its thing. Learn how to surrender. That is crucial. Surrendering means: i am fine with everything that happens. The energy is not holding you back. Your interpretation/projection does. It's maybe better to understand what everyone is talking about when they say that reality is meaningless!
  13. Before reality becomes completely intrinsic, the why question is something that must be contemplated. For it's very very well hidden in the background. Everyone starts with a why. And we tend to mask our motivations. That's the ego at work. Even at advanced stages meditation sessions can be a hidden way of trying to achieve something. We're just not aware of it.
  14. Powerful bruv. Focusing on the magnitude of that energy (without the label). Good shit.
  15. Nothingness is beyond Being, my friend. And even beyond non-Being.
  16. I think that Game of Thrones is magnificent! Try looking at it with a "non-dual point of view". You think this series would be fun without all the darkness? (White Walkers, murder, rape, Ramsey Bolton etc.) Hell nah. Now you could use this for your own ego deconstruction process. Don't try to be one of the characters of the story that experiences this darkness (pretty much fucked up!). Try to be the story. Be the good and the dark. Be the movie. And the screen. And the characters. Be all that. Game of thrones actually helped me in my process through this lol
  17. Your right. But don't underestimate the ego's potential to hide its ass.
  18. I think your rants were needed in this community, as everyone's darkness tends to bubble up during this process. We learn together. Wish you all the best and love in this world.
  19. Relativity is not only something for the conceptual/mind domain. Even existence and non-existence are relative. The only thing that's not relative is the Absolute. Which is neither existence nor non-existence.
  20. Have you tried giving in to that fear? Normally this would be an attempt to give in, but actually a very sneaky way to get rid of it (ego playing tricks). When you're in such a state: try to completely embrace it as if you have to live with this state for the rest of your life. It's not about toleration. But dropping desires and kind of loving this nasty fear. This will make you much more present. Your mind won't be in a fictional future waiting for the body to arrive fearless. Body and mind need to align.
  21. Yes my friend. He has very valid points in his crusadings. But he misses one extremely crucial thing for an open minded person : self-reflection. That's quite paradoxical from someone who has introspected 2 years non-stop in a monestary. He forgets how we ("the West") parttake in all the terror on this earth. He claims that the millions of people that died due to collateral damage during wars were really not intended by us. That's a very naieve way of looking at warfare. Suddenly he's not a rationalist anymore? Moral superiority is something extremely dangerous. Just as dangerous as the radical religious people. If not, even more dangerous. This claim of neutrality is just another claim for the truth. It just seems less idiotic. That's what makes it dangerous.
  22. He quite radically defends his materialistic view of reality. Although he seems to be open for any constructive discussions, he mostly just debates his opponents. Many examples on the internet. This could be projection, but he's quite known for it. Furthermore, just look at his crusading towards religion and religious people. Blames religion (especially Islam) for most problems in the world. Not only that, but he's also very biased towards the United States from a political point of view. Look at his dialogue with Noam Chomsky for that matter. His thought experiments are laughable. Every question has a very obvious implication nested in it. A notion of moral superiority. Someone with such radical claims about a materialistic reality, the absence of God or extreme political views does not strike me as open minded let alone conscious. His whole career is a reflection of that. Now tell me. You think he's open minded and humble because he says he's not qualified to teach? Is that all?
  23. I think you need to redefine your definition of humbleness. Sam is far from being radically open minded. That's what true humbleness means.
  24. Yeah exactly, you'll really grasp the illusory nature by physically dying. By realizing that every breath you inhale is contributing to that illusion of life. That's as spiritual as it can get for me hehe.
  25. Overcoming physical death and not being spiritual? I'm not sure these people you speak of are enlightened.