Itay Spiegel

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Everything posted by Itay Spiegel

  1. Amazing Series. containts talks about reality and alot of high consciousness values, topics and leads. also the animation and music is special and great in my taste. a very pleasent way to get exposed to spirituality and high consciousnes.
  2. Leo talks a lot in his videos about the absolute. about grasping it or glimpsing it. what does it mean? i had a time in my life when litterally everything seemed magical, i felt like everything is possible for me, and i had such a huge appreciation towards life and everything in it. i also had a lot of energy. it's when i really got into personal development and things started getting real for me. it was huge. i also had various metaphysical experiences- i walked down the street and looked at everything with absolute silence- saw that everything is nothing. it was like everything flipped 180 degrees for me. i also walked with astonishment around the city looking at how everything was beutiful. was that a kind of me getting a glimps to the absolute?
  3. thanks everybody it helps me!
  4. I'm 18 years old and consider myself a pretty much healthy person. i don't eat meat, fish, dairy or eggs, and vegtables is somthing i eat alot. i used to be in a serious professional sport framework (water polo, 5 practices a week) for somthing like 4 years until the age of 15 or 16. from then on until today most of the sport i do is during sport classes in school. since the end of sport classes i didn't get to do much sport. i do ride my bike almost everywhere and walk alot. Most of the people i know smoke ciggarettes. including my close friends and my girlfriend, what makes me a passive smoker. they mostly smoke cigarettes out of addiction but also smoke weed on occasions for the hack of it. they usually drink alcohol on these occasions, and i don't participate in the drinking. don't preach to them about how they shouldn't do it, but I do feel that it is really a mistake in terms of health. I don't like the feeling i get from the tobbaco from smoking. also, i really think it's one of the ways we are killing ourselfs and taking life for granted, that's why i don't smoke. with that in mind, smoking weed is in my interst for the last few months because of the different experience, curiosity for other states of being, and my practice of trying new things. I only smoke with other people and I never don't smoked only tabbaco, but when i smoke weed with friends, they mix it with tabbaco. since the last three times i smoked out of something like 7 in my life (i don't smoke activly more that one time in two weeks max), i am feeling the tabacco in my body. i literally feel it in my body and it's a feeling of dirt in the body and this kind of disgustingness that i really don't like. I got to feel it in the past after i went to music jams in a bar underground which was filled with ciggarette smoke. but now it's really more present. ecpacially after i ran a week ago and i really really felt the dirt of it. last time i got the opportunity to smoke weed i dissmised it because i didn't want the tobbaco in it. it is important to say that my adults friends that i play music with always talk about their addictions and how they want to quit and i get to see them fail in their attempts again and again. they also talk about their other addictions, to Coca-Cola, and shit like that. my friends that are in my age on the other hand don't try to stop, and they are having fun with their smoking and drinking habits, for now. now i feel like it was a great experience and it proved me on a more personal level that choosing to smoke tabacco as a habit will probably do more damage to me then it will be useful to my body and my life. I would like to know- what is your experience with cigarettes? do you feel like i'm wrong and it's actually really helping you in your journy of health? do you know any good documentaries on the tobacco industry? on weed addictions? on the sweetened drinks, alcohol or food industry? i would really like to know more about how companies seduce us with advertising, misinformation and all kinds of trickery to become addicted to their product and then become sick so we would be ignorant enough to fall to their trap and buy lots of medications and treatments that won't help us. i would really aprecciate your help .
  5. Self Actualization is a long-term proccess. when you're on this path you're dealing with things like the self, beliefs, wrong habits, wrong habits for health relationships and for all of your life basically. you've been taught since you were a little child how to do almost everything in a way that will cause you to fall asleep, and not live the self actualized life. when you understand what you're dealling with- than you'll really see that you can't transform yourself in a week. not even in a month. you need years. Rome wasn't built in a day, and so do you. I highly recommand watching this- Good luck and have fun!
  6. Hi fellow actualizers. I am 17 years old and serious about self actualization and spirituality. It has seriously opened my eyes and gave me tools to see how my life is amazing, and is actually everything I dream about. Also, I am becoming more and more conscious of how it can be a living HELL. I see how I am 100 percent responsible for my way of being- "hell" or "heaven". I have decided to make an ambitious goal for myself- to transform poison into medicine in the area of school. what do I mean? it means I take it on myself to learn how to actually study hard and at the same time- live the most amazing life I can. noticing what is preventing me from living an amazing life while really working hard at school. instead of seeing school as poison-( takes a lot of my time for virtually nothing and takes my passion away from life) I see it as medicine - an opportunity for me to develop myself and grow. It made me really excited and I thought about it and planned for it. While deciding that, I just happened to read Leo's post on the Insight Blog about "going full-Autodidact" ( ). what got me thinking in the first place about turning poison into medicine with my suffering at school was that I felt school was actually taking the opportunity to grow away from me. not only that, it was taking the LIVING out of my LIFE, without me seeing any point to it. the only reason for me to keep going to school is my parents and the school staff frightening me about my future if I stop going to school. after getting ready and full of motivation to execute my plan I ran into Leo's post. and it still makes me doubt my plan. VERY IMPORTANT TO SAY- I just had a long vacation from school and realized how much I can LIVE without It (definitely not for the first time). literally- during the long vacation I felt the most alive I had felt before, while doing nothing particular- but actually BEING. when I truly look at it- the only thing that keeps me in school is the fear that It will really hurt my life in a way I won't be able to repair. and when I truly look at it- I am wasting so much time in school- learning for TESTS and not for LEARNING. I can (and willing) develop myself so much during that time. I know that even when I work my ass off at school, "learning" - I don't do it for learning's sake. maybe I'll learn a thing or two on the way- but THE MOST important thing is to get my good grades for me to go to a good university to go to a good job and have a "good life". man this is so not really LIFE. and truly inside of me- I want to brake walls, to seat and meditate days, to really live my life- and I am ready to even live in HELL for it. I know the way of learning in school and getting good grades does not mean a good life. I am wasting precious years, months, days and hours sitting in a classroom trying to cram information for a good grade- and not for living LIFE. I feel like I am burning from within when I think about me continuing this road. it is so dominant because I am super aware of the fact that I can die EVERY SINGLE MOMENT. even now. and what I do with my life, with the most amazing gift I have, is living the way I "should" instead of living the way I that is true for me. and because of what? because I'm afraid my parents will be disappointed, that I really will get fucked later with a bad grade certificate or without a complete one. but I feel it from within- IT'S NOT WHAT DETERMINES IF MY LIFE IS AMAZING OR NOT. I really see how I can live much better and with more passion and LIFE without school. I want to become an Autodidact. and I want your opinion and knowledge. Do I really need to go to school in order to have a good life?
  7. @Martin123 I see what you're saying. didn't quite get what you meant by "You see you to shool because you give up a part of your power to it." can you articulate what you mean?
  8. @Peace and Love Listen!! today in an amazing burst throughout the whole day different waves of change came to me in my musical endevour social lonliness, spirituality and all for good. It's like the universe listened to what I wanted! It happened to me more than a few times in the past but I really thank for inspiring me and if you did the reiki, thank you!
  9. I would be glad to be supported in my endevour of making amazing music with other people and advancing my musical skills. Also, I really feel lonely lately, I broke up with my girlfriend about a month ago and the physical and mental lonliness is killing me. So I would be happy if you could support me in that as well with your reiki. I am open to these kind of stuff-sending energies to other people and things alike, so I would be happy to get supported. Thank you very much. It is very nice and loving of you. It made me feel love towards the world that you have so much love towards the world.