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@Endangered-EGO Raised to 800
@Endangered-EGO I measure the LOC using my pendulum and the following chart. Before the healing abilities appeared my LOC was 850 but now I raised it to 1000 simply by my internal wish. I also cleared all my energetic blockages using the same method (inner thought with emotion). My story is a long one but irrelevant in the context of this thread. I offer direct experience without any dogma, ideology or theory.
What do you mean precisely? My marital status is single, sexuality is heterosexual and I live a regular life at the moment
@blackchair Done! @goldzilla 31, male
@Endangered-EGO Healed! Loc is 670
@Goldzilla Sent!
Dear actualized family, Long story short - I have been doing consciousness work for over 5 years and one of my trusted sources on the topic of enlightenment, self-development and spirituality has been Actualized.org. During the last weeks I have had a breakthrough in consciousness resulting in apparently miraculous healing abilities. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Which is why my value proposition is very simple - I offer to you and your loved ones as a showing of my infinite love instant remote healing. This loving energy cures both physical and emotional diseases and symptoms - all pain disappears in seconds and warm pure bliss envelops your whole being. As a concurring ability I am able to scan and permanently raise your level of consciousness (as per Hawkins' scale of consiousness). From my perspective this is the easiest thing in the world - all I have to do is concentrate for 5 seconds and healing occurs. All you have to do is say to whom you which the healing (no names, pictures or other info required) and whether you wish your LOC to be raised. E.g. "Please heal me and my mother and raise my LOC." I will reply to your post after the healing is complete and LOC scanned and raised. I will post the number of your LOC too if you wish. All I ask in return is a so called "trip report" for feedback I have a special offer for @Leo Gura - as I have watched almost all of your videos I am aware of your health condition (SIBO, chronic fatigue) I offer you 100% guarantee that the healing alleviates your suffering! All my love to you dear friends,
From the perspective of a giant with NBA stats (6’8,5” and 230 lbs - 2.05m, 105kgs) I can confirm the most important factor when it comes to success in whatever field - inner game. As someone with high intelligence, above average socioeconomic status and average looks I still struggled for most of my life (Im 30y/o) with inner insecurities, self-esteem issues and little to no success with women and dating in general. It felt like I was a repellent of the opposite sex which made me very confused because I shouldve been the one with automatic success (tall, intelligent, somewhat funny, wealthy) - but elas no success! Only when I started self-developing, spiritual work and improving inner game is when the situation changed. Its all about the energy and feelings Even we, tall men, dont enjoy assumed success and confidence associated with being tall and towering over the small folk ⛄️
@Leo Gura Regarding your health, did you manage to totally heal your thyroid problems, chronic fatigue and other ailments? Or was the healing effect more temporary and the issues start to reemerge after a few days, weeks pass from DPT or other psychedelic use?
I live in Estonia and I can give you an overview of our country and people. In the current context i think the statistic that Estonia has the most super models per capita is most relevant It is true that estonian women are very beautiful and like foreigners usually... As an encouragement I can tell you that my aunt married an american whom he had only chatted online before moving permanently in with him. That was in year 2000...and they are still happily married and live near Boston. As an overall warning, the winters are really cold (-15 celsius now), estonians are very quiet and have a dark sense of humour and at the moment we have seen a rise in right-wing anti immigrant sentiment which means loud americans will receive many angry looks. But go for your love..learn to say I love you in estonian (which you probably know by now). And I will end this with a beautiful estonian word: äiaõeoaaiaoaõieau
What a weird and wonderful place we live in - even Mike Tyson has experimented with 5-Meo in the form of the toad medicine.
@MM1988 Thats so true! My “favorite” story is I met this girl at a college party, we had a good time, danced together and seemed to hit it off really well - I had to leave the party a bit early though and the next week when I tried to contact her again , I learned that one of my best friends (then and now also), my coursemate, found the love of his life at the same party! The same girl of course. Now they live together and plan on marrying soon And this year I connected with what was a seemingly perfect match for me - 6’3” woman who was into spirituality, art and all that good stuff. We met a few times, talked, shared deep personal stories, hugged and she said she wanted to meet again in the future... But to my dismay and surprise, she started avoiding me and finally a few months later rejected me politely. Again I have seen her randomly in the city a few times kissing passinately with a partner - every time it triggers pain inside me - which I use in my spiritual practice... I use this pain to go deeper into self actualization and improve thing which are under my control to improve. I cannot determine and control whether two sided romantic love comes into my life (consciously anyway) so I concentrate on what can be done on my part. P.S. I also have had cancer which was a wake-up call to spirituality. So self-actualization aka god is my priority number one
I can assure you @MM1988 that you are not alone in your predicament. I am a 28-year old 2-meters tall blonde Scandinavian type young man with a masters degree, I have acheived financial and material success, Im walking the spiritual path and working hard to self-improve and overall have a kind heart and love the world. Plus I am athletic, I play volleyball and do yoga. But with women and girls I have never had success - I havent even kissed or been kissed... For most of my life I had the mentality of letting things happen and hoping someone would show up in my life and I would get a girlfriend without trying much - logically expecting it as everyone around me experienced romantic love and partnerships. During college my love life was like a satire. Every girl I set my sights or hoped to start a potential relationship with, ended up kissing someone else and I of course witnessed that every time (over 6 times altogether). Girls that were interested in me, werent attractive to me at all. This pattern is repeating after college...I have learned to laugh at this internally..but it still hurts every time. I admit I struggle with self esteem as I was bullied at school. But I have made progress with shadow work and spiritual pursuits. I am Myers-Briggs ISFJ who enjoys alone time and I would categorize myself as a lone wolf type. I want to experience a relationship, I feel the desire to at least once experience two sided love in my life. I know that realizing God, trascending the Ego, reaching enlightenment is priority number one but I also value being human and experiencing human connection. So lets stay positive and love our selves and each other
Im also in the process of reading this book! It has taken me over 6 months to reach page 460 so maybe Im taking it too slow... But im not reading it every day but rather sporadically whenever I feel I want to concentrate and really focus on the topic of enlightenment. If I have to summarize the book so far - to reach an experience of direct consiciousness of the truth of something, to know something by itself for itself as itself, you need to be in a state of not knowing. Not mentally but actually.. How to get to direct consciousness...thats the bingo issue. But I have to admit my desire to reach direct consciousness really fluctuates so Im struggling for motivation. But a fascinating book!
I am happy and exited to share with you positive news from the field of psychedelics. My home city Tallinn, the capital of Estonia just hosted this beautiful psychedelics and consciousness related conference called Psycherence 2018 which hosted the likes of Dennis Mckenna, Jeremy Narby and so on. My country Estonia is a socially relatively conservative country and all psychedelics are in the forbidden substances list, including 5-Meo, shrooms, Salvia and a page full of chemical derivatives. So it was a huge surprise for me that this conference was covered in the mainstream news quite neutrally and even positively. The main organiser of the event gave many interviews and explained the huge potential benefits of the substances and even mentioned spiritual growth and improving ones consciousness. These topics are rarely covered in the mainstream news so it must be a sign of changing times. Estonia, Europe and the whole world, its time to develop to stage Green and beyond! Can you share similar positive trends in your home regions?