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About xeeky4

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  1. i seem to have entered a mystical dimension of some sorts and all i feel is a deep wonder for existence. i intuitie see and sense worlds i'd never dare to dream of. thousands of them. i look up and marvel at the sky. forever fascinated by its beauty. By its outstretched hands that embraces in its silent enchantment. I let my worries ooze out of me in colorful puffs that cram themselves between its clouds, The sky pulls me in. Under its waves, I drown. Then resurface, A wounded warrior that draws energy just by looking at this heavenly creation. in a place where reality weaves with the dream. That spaceless time in timeless space where infinity feels in a heart beats moments. it is as though my focus is out of me, and i fear i may look too deep inside and got lost in the tides.. can anyone relate???
  2. Hey guys, I'm fresh out of collage and I've been living solo on my own lately, and I've been having a lot of deep existential thoughts Wich leads me into this uncertain anxious panicky state. On top of that a lot of things keep blubling upto the surface,past memories, bad events, relationships e.t.c. I thought i use to have it under control you know with meditation and letting go practices(what a mindfuck) now it all seems a bit much and all sorts of fears keep arising leading to this out of control feeling, plus panic attacks freak me out.lol. your advice is much appreciated. Thanks
  3. This is the no bulshit episode. The scariest part is the realization of the depths to wich this goes.. I'm amazed of how sneaky the ego(me) is, just days of really careful observation in light of what leo talks about, am like I don't even know what to say anymore. How do I navigate this...it feels Lyk it never ends.
  4. shouts out to you leo...I love your videos very insightful.. so guys after watching a few of leos recent videos and his journey. iv kynda developed this lingerinng fear and anxiety towards awakening coz there a lot of things I thought i knew but I dont.. scares the crap out of me any advice on this will be helpful.
  5. Thanks alot
  6. Hey guys am really going through some things it will be nice to have your perspectives on it. Iv got this huge urge to pursue enlightenment/self actualization hard core, but then were im at in life isnt suitable for that at the moment, am struggling to balance things out as leo says in one of his videos, but things arent going so well for me, im just out of collage and working on my life purpose and other practical sorta things, i just moved from my family home after having some big issues wich left negative impressions on me and am currently going through depression, iv just moved to a bigger city and it all feels like starting from scratch..am not able to medidate and contemplate properly anymore and i feel like am stuck. Some times i find my self stuck in theory land and not being able to execute and i find i judge myself alot. This is the biggest shift for me so far this year..and it would really be nice to have advice on this
  7. 1.What's bugging you? 2.What's keeping you up at night? 3.What's triggering you emotionally? 4.What's keeping you stuck? 5.What's got you confused?. 1..Family b.s 2..Fear of the unknown and uncertinty. 3..people trigger me emotionaly.. E.g friends 4. Big time Anxiety and self confidence issues 5. Self actualization.