Alex bAlex

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About Alex bAlex

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  1. Stars reading
    Typology discussions
    The Keyserling Wheel 'types' Combination of enneagram, Astrology and more
    I labeled a few of the descriptions to help orient direction
    The time planets took their significance from their spatial Zodiacal "Homes". Each time planet corresponded to a space Zodiac sign where it was said to be at home. This is shown on Keyserling's Wheel. The order differed between the traditions. But Keyserling has been able to harmonize these differences and synthesize all of the traditions. Now that we have knowledge of all of the planets, not just the five visible planets known to early Man, we arrive at the following time cycles. This shows the twelve basis types of human potential associated with each time cycle. The chart also shows the relation to the grammatical parts of speech.

    The planets symbolize the twelve archetypal human capacities or potentials which can be realized in time. They are divided into subsets of nine and three. The twelve potentials of time follow the basic pattern of the mind. The one or two word "Meanings" given above for these concepts should be understood very broadly. The words are "cluster words" which represent a wide spectrum of related capacities which come within that basic field of consciousness. They are like the twelve sides of a diamond which are unified by the crystal center of pure light - the Awareness behind the diverse manifestations of the Self.
    The Keyserling Wheel 'types' Combination of enneagram, Astrology and more
    The meaning of the basic times can be learned by study with someone who has attained mastery. Even without direct contact with a teacher, much can be learned by introspection of the drives and personalities within yourself as described in the last Methods/Experiments section. The observations need to be guided by a rational understanding of the basic structure behind the personality types. The following is a summary by Losey of the nine-fold system of personality types with both positive and negative traits, plus the three historical types. This should be used as a starting point for understanding, not the gospel.
    HEAL/UNIFY: SPIRIT-FEELING. The basic meaning of conjunction - 1 - pertains to synthesis, to unification and healing. Its archetypal symbol or myth is Jupiter. It is the holistic capacity to fit everything together, to heal by reconciliation. It is the "both-and" counterpoint to "either-or" rational analysis. The complementary impulse is the fifth, to discern and judge. The personality type dominated by the conjunction category is known as the "Giver" or the "Helper", always trying to do good, to help or heal others. This personality type - with good and bad traits - is concerned, possessive, manipulative, demands affection and approval, and tries to become indispensable to others, but can also be genuinely caring, compassionate, empathetic, warm-hearted, generous, supportive, loving and even saintly.
    CREATE/PRODUCE: BODY-SENSING. The noun - 2 - symbolizes the basic drive to creativity and production, to the physical realization of ideas. Its archetypal symbol or myth is Venus. The complementary impulse is the seventh, the impulse to destroy what has already been created and to start something new. When this one impulse controls, an "Epicure" or "Generalist" type of personality results. This type can be sophisticated, hedonistic, extroversive, accomplished, and excitable. They tend to be dilettantes, producing superficially in many areas, concerned primarily with appearances, things and wealth. But they can also be multi-talented, real, practical, productive, prolific, sensitive, joyous, with an eye for beauty, good living and grace.
    KNOW/UNDERSTAND: SPIRIT-THINKING. The verb - 3 - pertains to understanding, to relation of abstract concepts. Its archetypal symbol or myth is Uranus. Uranus is the desire to know, to understand. The complementary impulse is the twelfth, to be inspired, mentally moved directly, without any thought or analysis. The personality type is "the Thinker" or the distanced "Observer". This type can be the ivory-towered intellectual, the "know it all" expert, the recluse, who maintains an emotional distance both from others and himself. They tend to be analytic, eccentric, insightful and paranoid. They can also be truly knowledgeable, open-minded, with great genius, intelligence and original, comprehensive ideas.
    WISH/IMAGINE: SOUL-FEELING. The preposition - 4 - symbolizes imagination, the need to fantasize and dream. Its archetypal symbol or myth is the Moon. The complementary impulse is the tenth, hard-headed responsiveness and duty. This personality type is the "Tragic Romantic" or the far out "Artist". They are attracted to the unavailable ideals, the absent lover, the unattainable, rather than the here and now. They tend to be tragic, romantic, depressive, suicidal, individualistic, introverted, artistic and self-absorbed. They can be emotionally rich, sensitive, funny, intuitive, creative, in touch with their dreams, and of course, have a great imagination.
    Virgo-me basic gestalt,, 
    ANALYZE/DISTINGUISH: SPIRIT-SENSING. The adjective - 5 - pertains to analysis, to distinguishing one from another. Its archetypal symbol or myth is Mercury. Mercury involves qualitative discernment and the impulse to judge and rate. It is the "either-or" dissective counterpoint to "both-and" synthesis. The complementary impulse is the first, healing synthesis. The personality type is called the "Status Seeker" or "Performer" or "Motivator". They can be narcissistic, deceptive and pretentious, more concerned with the appearances and trappings of success in their work than with real accomplishments. They are frequently self- assured and energetic, but often too quick to accept the easy answer to a problem, and try to succeed in work through narrow specialization, frequently failing to see the forest for the trees. They tend to be the "Type A" personalities who are ambitious, overly-competitive or "work-aholics". They can also be genuinely-productive, authentic, good motivators and promoters, efficient, knowledgeable and accepting of their limitations, with many outstanding inner qualities and good judgment.
    COMMUNICATE: SOUL-THINKING. The verb-person - 6 - stands for the drive to communicate, to explain, to relate to and with other people, and to improve yourself and others. Its archetypal symbol or myth is Neptune. It involves social intelligence, empathizing and dealing with people. Neptune also pertains to polarities: right-wrong, good-bad, rich-poor, innocent-guilty. The complementary impulse is the eleventh, the historical role of leading or following. When Neptune dominates, the personality type is the "Reformer" or the "Perfectionist". They tend to be overly-critical of themselves and others, idealistic, orderly, perfectionistic and intolerant. They think of themselves as superior and use the words "should" and "must" a lot, and can be self-righteous, opinionated, petty crusaders. They can also be conscientious, reasonable, principled, self-disciplined, with personal integrity and tolerance, astute insights, great communication skills, clarity, and a profound knowledge of self and others.
    FIGHT/INITIATE: BODY-FEELING. The pronoun - 7 - basically pertains to initiative, to fight and start something new. Its archetypal symbol or myth is Mars. It is initiative, the visceral drive to get up and go, the entrepreneurial spirit. The complementary impulse is the second - Venus - to complete something by creativity, the finishing touches of creative embellishment. The Mars personality type is called the "Boss". He or she can be strong, combative, loving to take charge and fight, to protect self and friends, and quick to anger. They want to lead, to start things up, sometimes dictatorially, but sometimes with heroic self-restraint, magnanimity and courage. They can be powerful, expansive, self-confident, decisive, authoritative and commanding, but also selfish, ruthless, violent and destructive.
    ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY/RESPOND: SOUL-SENSING. The adverb - 8 - pertains to organization, responsibility and duty; to assume responsibility for some social situation or group, a problem or opportunity, and to organize or direct it until conclusion. Its archetypal symbol or myth is Saturn. The drive arises out of circumstances created by others and constitutes a response to it. The complementary impulse is the fourth - Moon - imagination, the urge to dream, to visualize something new which has never been before, rather than to see something which already is and respond to it. The Saturn-dominated personality is called the "Loyalist" and can easily become either an establishment, traditionalist "organization man", or an anti-establishment, non-conformist "devils advocate", a rebel without a cause. They are likable, ingratiating, dependent, loyal to groups or a cause, and can be masochistic, doubtful, unsure, ambivalent, indecisive, authoritarian, bureaucratic, and overly-conformist. Trust and permanent solid relations with others are important. They can also be engaging, appealing, committed, reliable, trustworthy, dependable, cooperative, endearing, and of course, very responsive and responsible.
    INVENT/ACTUALIZE: BODY-THINKING. The verbal forms - 9 - pertains to the impulse to orchestrate, to plan, to invent, to engineer and actualize based upon a sense of what is possible. Its archetypal symbol or myth is Pluto. The complementary impulse is the tenth, the historical drive to individuality. The personality type is the "Mediator" or "Peacemaker", who tends to be easy going, calm, peaceful and reassuring. They can be passive, disengaged, repressed, unoriginal, ambivalent, overly self-effacing and accommodating, seeing all points of view but their own. But they can also be excellent negotiators, profoundly receptive, aware, supportive of others, good-natured, genuinely nice, unpretentious, patient, original, inventive, with autonomous self-reliance, self-assurance and equanimity.
    AFFIRM: BODY-WILLING. The statement - 10 - has a meaning which does not pertain to a personal impulse or personality. Like the 11th and 12th impulses it lies outside of the Enneagram. The archetypal symbol or myth of the tenth is Lucifer. Lucifer symbolizes the newly-liberated, collective historical drive for individual liberty, the affirmation of the rights of the individual. It concerns the mastery and affirmation of personal skills and of Ego. The complementary impulse is the ninth, Pluto, the drive to invent something new based upon the discoveries of others.
    LEAD: SOUL-WILLING. The sentence which orders - 11 - also has a meaning outside of individual personality, pertaining to a historical compulsion to lead society or to follow a leader, to obey. Its archetypal symbol or myth is the King. The complementary impulse is the sixth, Neptune, to relate and communicate with people, to persuade or be persuaded by reason, rather than to lead or follow.
    INSPIRE: SPIRIT-WILLING. The questioning sentence - 12 - symbolizes a state of inspiration, to inspire others or be inspired, in the context of an historical role. Its archetypal symbol or myth is the Queen. The complementary impulse is the third, Uranus, the drive to spiritual realization through understanding rather than inspiration.
    AWARENESS: ESSENCE. Symbolized by the Sun, Awareness is not really an impulse or part of speech. The Sun symbolizes the awareness behind all of the other impulses, the essence behind and linking the different personalities. It stands for the Higher Self beyond the Ego, a state of higher consciousness, of light. The pure Awareness pulls together and integrates all of the diverse aspects of our Self into a cohesive whole. We first become aware of the Higher Self in peak experiences, and then eventually by mastery of all of the other impulses, we start to live in the light and a higher pattern emerges.

  2. Logic
    Is Logic True?
    Firstly, scientific models are NOT based on formal logic. Again, "formal logic" is a loaded word. There are an infinite number of different formal logics. So which one are you gonna base your scientific model on? They all contradict each other. You must do empirical research to determine whether your logic squares with reality. Often times it won't!
    In quantum mechanics particles do not follow Aristotelian binary logic. So physics has long ago debunked the naive notion that reality follows binary logic.
    The question of What is science? and How come science works? is a very tricky one. It takes decades of study and contemplation to understand it.
    In short, scientific models contain very partial and limited relative truths. They are true only under very very narrow circumstances and contexts. Just because some aspects of reality are predictable does not mean that reality is logical. In fact it tends to work the other way around: Whatever humans call "logical" is however reality happens to behave in contexts which are relevant to humans. For example, if chairs had a habit of turning spontaneously into cats whenever you sat on them, your mind would grow accustomed to that behavior and call it "logical".
    In practice, what you call "logical" is just whatever reality happens to do around you. If everyone you knew walked around naked on the street, you'd eventually start calling that logical. Because in fact it is impossible to distinguish between logical and illogical things. That is a matter of relative perspective. What's logical to me is not logical to you, and vice versa. Or to put it another way, YOU are the sole arbiter of what counts as logical. Whatever you insist is logical, becomes logical (for you). Whatever you insist is illogical becomes illogical (for you). Logic has no normative power. So if someone wants to be "illogical", they are free to do so and no amount of reasoning, argumentation, or evidence will convince them otherwise. Because they are only "illogical" relative to your judgment of them. They are not illogical in any absolute sense.
    There actually exists no standard to determine what counts as logical. It must be this way because reality is nondual and empty/groundless. Anyone who tries to ground reality in logic will fail. This was rigorously demonstrated back in the early 20th century. Logical positivism and the attempt to formalize reality with a finite system of symbols failed spectacularly. As it should have. Reality is not quantifiable or formalizable.

  3. Exercising diet
    Any serious runner out there?
    Because when you’re racing you don’t eat for health. You eat for performance and that’s actually what will be healthy. It’s straight sugar... glucose. You’re looking at this stuff through a lens of “she’s eating fucking M&Ms, doughnuts, and drinking coke!” Not seeing that that is a straight shot of glycogen and fuel source for them (which really helps fuel the brain if anything which helps feeling less... “punchy” shall we say). There’s nothing weird about it. It seems weird because of your lens and the way you view this stuff.
    A common thing you see when you look at athletes who are among the top is they don’t sweet the unimportant small things. They sweat the small things that are important. Not “but I gotta stay on vegan diet!” No you don’t. You actually don’t if it’s not working for you. My buddy on my track club is a 63 minute half marathoner and 2:13 marathoner. I asked him once what he talks at aid stations during a race and he said “oh just water and maybe I’ll throw in some Gatorade to be fancy,” and he and I both laughed. Another acquaintance who won a medal in the 2012 Games in the Women’s 800m doesn’t even wear a GPS watch. She’s just uses a Timex Ironman watch and still ballparks the distance. 
    There are also people I know whose stomach can’t hold down solid foods in ultra racing and only take in gels. It’s relative. VERY relative.
    Read books that cover the common core principles of good nutrition. 
    Fix your diet if you need to, don’t be rigid, strength train more at least 2-3 times p/week of solid sessions and a little bit before and after runs + mobility everyday, and up your training as appropriate for you, do your homework on this stuff, and get back out there. 
    Like I said - you’re designed to run hundreds of miles at a time... I think you can go past 20K lol (especially if you and I have a similar body type). How fast you do it, yeah that can depend on a lot of other factors but getting through just 12 miles? Look at those 70 year olds who run 100 milers. Don’t tell me you can’t get past mile 12 lol

  4. To read?
    Question for Leo
    @Caitwin Not a fan. There are much better philosophies to read.
    Try Nagarjuna or Plotinus instead.
    Remember, there is A LOT of dualistic delusion within Western philosophy, so be careful not to waste your time wading through bullshit. Go straight for the highest nondual teachings.
    You can easily spend 20 years reading Western philosophy and still not get any closer to Truth. With that said, there is the occasional gem and I still encourage everyone to think through philosophical questions for themselves. Philosophy is not meant to be read or believed, it must be DONE! -- as in: contemplate everything for yourself.
    The power of philosophy lies more in the questions than in the answers. If you are not contemplating for yourself, you are not actually doing any philosophy.

  5. Text
    I did push and pull to a girl and she get mad HAHAHA! How can i counter this?
    I was only talking about pre-sex communications. Once you have sex with her, then you can text her more seriously.
    You must distinguish between pre-sex and post-sex behaviors. They are very different.
    Pre-sex, while you're dating, there must be some gaming going on. After she falls in love with you, you can cut the gaming.
    You don't need to manipulate her too much via text. The key is not to display neediness and desperation. The biggest mistake made with pre-sex texting is that the guy fucks it up by trying to say too much, trying to be too edgy/cocky/funny. Trying to attract her via text doesn't work. So actually my advice is to not game girls via text. Use texting mostly to handle dating logistics laced with bits of humor.
    Make your texts totally non-needy and unimportant. Don't be sending her long letters via text. Never try to logically convince her of meeting you. All that crap will blow you out very fast.
    Here are good kinds of texts pre-sex:
    Hey gurl, let's grab a coffee. Coffee! Lets go Saw this shirt at Walmart and thought it would be perfect for you [insert pic of ugly shirt] Meow... Moo Hey dork Let's hang out When you free this week? Let's do something this week How's the recovery going? (from last night's club/bar) You're the weirdest gurl I met last night. I want to build you a mansion out of Legos and stock it with exotic baby animals. Reading a book Chillin by the pool Making juice Clipping my toe nails, thought you should know Trimming my nose hair, thought you should know Going to club XXXXX tonight. You? You remind me of a dog I just saw You seem great and all but I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with you. I bet you snore like a pig. I want to stick a scorpion in your pants Hope this isn't too forward but I mailed you this basket of puppies [insert pic of basket of puppies] A few of them might arrive dead, I was too cheap to swing for overnight shipping That kind of stuff. Keep it lite and chill. Zero investment is key.
    This is the extent of pre-sex texting.
    NEVER, EVER get sexual via text unless you've already had sex with her a few times. It comes off way too creepy and needy. Act like you don't care about sex.

  6. Porn=heroin
    Porn is heroin
    drug   /drəɡ/   noun   "A medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body."
    Heroin is a substance which gets introduced into the body by the bloodstream. Porn get introduced into the body by the eyes. At the end of the day, there's really no difference.
    When you've had a bad day, you watch porn, just to get that hit of pleasure. When you can't sleep, you watch porn again. When you're bored, you watch porn. When you're coming back from your job, you watch porn, everyday, all the time, no exceptions. It becomes a habit, now you can't normal without porn. There's always this latent energy/subtle anxiety building up inside you up until it becomes unbearable, like, about only 5 fucking hours later, LIKE WHEN YOU'RE TAKING HEROIN.
    Oh and there's the tolerance also, LIKE WHEN YOU'RE TAKING HEROIN. When you started watching porn the videos where kind of normal. I mean, normal looking girls, normal looking bedrooms, normal softcore porn. Now you watch some weird fucking shit don't you. Hentai, Bondage, Revenge Porn, Bukkakes, single woman orgies, what tf bro this isn't softcore. But you can't jerk off to softcore anymore so you say your tastes simply changed. You're fucking bullshitting yourself. You know it because when your day has been particularly shitty you need to watch more extreme stuff to get satisfied.
    This shit has to fucking stop. Porn addiction is making you and me his bitch. What kind of half-assed people are we gonna be if we stay in this condition. I got a vision to be someone a fucking mile above who I am now, and I'm not gonna get there if I let this addiction kick me around the way it's doing now. Even if my reptilian brain is screaming right now, I'm never touching that shit again.

  7. Running diet
    Any serious runner out there?
    any suggestions for a vegetarian/ vegan diet?
    my diet is vegetarian but i dont eat eggs or drink milk. my only dairy intake is snacks occasionally like cookies, cheese or other food that has egg/milk. 
    does The Endurance Diet by Matt Fitzgerald talk about vegetarian diet?@kieranperez @Sahil Pandit
    my protein source is mostly lentils and tofus. other wise by the sheer fact that im vegetarian, i have a lot of carbs in my diet. theres no way i can last 20k without any energy gel.. could it be because  i havent trained my body to burn fat? i just feel like i could do longer cardiovascularly speaking  but im so hungry after 20k that i feel my hands and feet tingling thati have to stop.. i am also pretty skinny, do i need to gain more weight? my bmi is 19

  8. Organise
    How do you organize yourself
    That mess and unorganized things are just a manifestation of your inner situation. 
    If you make yourself very organized and harmonious and balanced inside you'll become very clean everywhere outside naturally.
    For this i recommend Yoga. (real yoga of course)
    When i used to be depressed and suicidal i was extremely messy. My room was a mess. My relationships were a mess, I wouldn't shower for days or weeks. Once I started working on it with Yoga my inner situation became harmonious, i became very clean, cold showers twice a day, rooms are always clean, i even clean other people's or my family members mess now. Not by any force or intention. Simply out of your own inner situation. My diet became very clean, i stopped eating meat and all the junk food etc.
    That's one benefit that I found in Yoga that other techneques don't have. Other techneques like self-enquiry and vippassana have great benefits as well but they didn't give that harmony inside for me. They are great things for raising consciousness and dissolving karma and i think eventually it leads to harmony at some point. But Yoga has very direct effect on this. (Real Yoga of course)
    Kriya works as well. Idk about the kriya that people do from books but sadhguru's kriya works well for this. That's why they call it Inner Engineering, to engineer your inner situation into harmony.

  9. Survival
    How to survive whilst working towards life purpose?
    @Space That is the million dollar question.
    There is no easy answer. Becoming financially comfortable whilst starting from scratch is very challenging, requiring creative thinking, strategy, focus, discipline, hard work, vision, and a bit of luck.
    In practice you will have to claw your way to the top using whatever means available.
    One very helpful piece of advice is to keep your living expenses as low as humanly possible. At least for the first 5 years of your LP, until you get established.
    Another possibility is to move to a very cheap part of the country, or even a 3rd world country as you develop your skills. Again, this is to keep your expenses as low as possible and buy yourself time to build skills.
    Another possibility is first build some more marketable skills which can help you pay the rent. For example it's possible to learn some programming skills, which tend to be well-paid.
    Another possibility is to work a relatively high-wage job for a year or two in order to save up a nest egg. There are some jobs which require zero experience and zero education but still pay well.
    Another possibility is to get a lower job but within your chosen field/industry. For example if you want to direct movies, rather than trying to get hired as a director (which is virtually impossible), try to get hired as an assistant to the director. Then you can prove yourself to the director and he might be willing to hire you in the future as a producer. Etc. Finally then you will become a director.
    Another possibility is to get a part-time job which allows you time to work on building your skills at home.
    You have to be very creative, opportunistic, and flexible when starting out.
    I spent 4 years building an entirely unrelated business to earn enough money to finally follow my LP. It was a huge detour and not at all easy or pleasant. But it was worth it.

  10. Fun???
    Having More Fun in Life
    I've been into self-actualization for a few years now, and thought I might share some perspective that often seems to be pushed to the wayside. Specifically, I want to start a dialogue on the importance of having fun while actively seeking self-actualization.
    I used to think that having fun meant that I wasn't doing things right. In my mind, if I was having fun then I was "getting soft" and I "wasn't pushing myself hard enough." I felt that having fun and enjoying life were almost irresponsible. Flash forward a few years, and I'm absolutely miserable. I went through perhaps the worst depression of my life in 2018, and ended up losing a job along with a relatively serious long term relationship.
    At my worst around the New Year, I took some psychedelic mushrooms and I had a little bit of a breakthrough. I realized that I'm the one that controls my happiness. I can choose to be a grouch, or I can choose to make the most of every moment and have as much fun as I can every day!
    Since then, I've made a conscious effort to have as much fun as possible. I try to intentionally schedule activities that I know I enjoy, and I do my best to surround myself with fun people that lift me up. More importantly, I bring an attitude of playfulness to all that I do. I still workout, I still meditate, and I still get my work done. But I do my best to have fun while I'm doing it.
    The reason I'm bringing this up is because I think this is a common trap for people to fall into. It's easy to become too focused on things like eating perfectly healthy, exercising every day, taking cold showers, and meditating for hours while forgetting to just enjoy the simple things in life. But all the self-improvement in the world isn't worth it if you're a miserable stressed out grouch.
    So this is really just a friendly reminder to enjoy the journey. It's not about how many minutes you meditated today, or the number of carbs you eat. It's about actually improving your life and feeling good. How do you make life enjoyable for yourself? What tips and tricks do you use to have more fun?

  11. Universal laws
    Universal Laws
    The Law of Oneness - Everything is connected to everything else. What we think, say, do and believe will have a corresponding effect on others and the universe at large.

    Law of Vibration - Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular patterns, the same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and wills in the non-physical. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.

    Law of Action - Must be employed in order for us to manifest things on earth. We must engage in actions that supports our thoughts dreams, emotions and words.

    Law of Correspondence - This Universal Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world energy, light, vibration, and motion have their corresponding principles in the universe "As above, so below".

    Law of Cause and Effect - Nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws.. Every Action(including thought) has a reaction or consequence "We reap what we sow".

    Law of Compensation - The Universal Law is the Law of Cause and effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships and blessings.

    Law of Attraction - Demonstrates how we create the things, events and people that come into our lives Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.

    The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy - All persons have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.

    Law of Relativity - Each person will receive as series of challenges (Tests of Initiation/Lessons) for the purpose of strengthening the light within each of these tests/lessons to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others problem into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. Its all relative.

    Law of Polarity - Everything is on a continuum and has and opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.

    Law of Rhythm - Everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms.. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God's Universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting to excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.

    Law of Gender - The law of gender manifests in all things as masculine and feminine. It is this law that governs what we know as creation. The law of gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. This law decrees everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.
    Understanding and Applying these laws to life can significantly help you create and live in the reality you desire. These are copied from some old notes(not originally my own) but i touched up on some sentences to clear things up. Here' is also another great link on the fundamental laws and how to apply them.
    Hope this helps you
    Peace & Love

  12. To do
    2017 in review, or why I no longer need
    5-MeO will help someone move from the unexperienced questioning of Yellow to the experienced understanding of Turquoise.
    Absolute Truth goes beyond all philosophy, all description, and all conversation - and 5-MeO shows you that real quick. 
    But the more important thing about 5-MeO was the disappointment I felt from realizing that it does jack shit for helping you get to the next level of life. That is, its most useful aspect was the feeling of 'okay, so I've gone to the ends of the Kosmos within and I still have all this bullshit to take care of -- let's stop fucking around with drugs and lets do something with our lives.' 
    I kept denying the fact that no normal person understands the importance of 5-MeO because, to them, its just another kid taking drugs except now that kid has a huge spiritual ego who thinks it makes him a superhuman god and all he has to show for it is repeating the phrase "you don't understand -- it's infinite, you're infinite, we're infinite! It's all a Cosmic game!'
    And look, I get that they're largely unawakened and don't understand the history of psychedelics in personal development, but they do have a point - if you're useless before 5-MeO, you're still useless after 5-MeO unless you take total responsibility 
    Another way to put it is that, I realized that the difference between Turquoise and Coral is the difference between talking Truth (using one's voice as a way to inspire people at higher levels who already get it anyway) vs embodying Truth (using one's life to inspire people at all levels). As Frank Zane might put it, making one's outside as beautiful as one's inside and vice versa.
    Again, 5-MeO will get someone to want to talk Truth -- but the only people who will understand what you're saying already understand what you are saying. 
    Embodying Truth physically will inspire Truth in people at all levels. 
    How many people on this forum need several years of study before they even begin to understand Eckhart Tolle? Mooji? Ramana Maharshi? It's not that what these guys are saying is wrong per se, but why is it that it takes so many people so many years to get it? They use the wrong medium, as talk is useless when it comes to Truth. 
    How many people on this forum need several seconds to understand Bruce Lee? Ido Portal? Rickson Gracie? Laird Hamilton? For these guys living their life is itself a form of True Art - an expression of Truth meant to inspire others. Anyone who watches 5 seconds of these guys feels inspired in the same way that it might take the so-called spiritual masters 5 hours (if you buy their $600 DVD set). Thats the difference. 
    The fact that first question you ask after reading the above list is the role of 5-meo, and not the role of any of the other things I did shows me you are asking the wrong damn questions. 
    Ask about the role of discipline.
    Ask about the role of accountability.
    Ask about the role of quitting my addictions.
    Ask about the role of finding a reality check mirror.
    Ask about the importance of death as a physical practice. 
    Psychedelics, NDEs, Holotropic Breathing - those forms of death are for babies.
    If 5-MeO got me to where I'm at, then I would stop everything I'm doing, start selling 5-MeO and become the richest man to have ever lived in all times.
    The MINDBODYSOUL will unlock its true potential only when pushed to its fucking limit in a real life situation that requires complex action for a simple solution, from one's own volition. It makes perfect sense from an evolutionary perspective, as animals only have to put in as much energy as necessary.
    Of course you don't know enlightenment or ultimate power because you of course don't need it. you don't need enlightenment to sit around answering forum questions. you don't need enlightenment to make videos. you don't need enlightenment to fill out forms at a desk all day. So why the fuck unlock that power? 
    What makes Ralston different from other teachers is not his ability to pontificate about nothing, but the fact that he participated in bloodsport of his own volition.
    I'm talking about pushing yourself to the type of death that no one can question, from all angles, from one's own volition.
    Most people can easily question psychedelic death. Most people can question holotropic breathe death. And most NDEs come as a result of an accident or someone making a mistake.
    No one can question a rear-naked choke. No one can question drowning in a 50-ft wave. No one can question climbing Mt. Everest Shirtless - you chose that shit.
    I am one of the few people who've tried both forms of death approach and I can tell you that there is a huge difference that goes beyond all philosophy, all argument, and all discussion - just fucking do it and you will see.
    But as long as one sits there searching for an answer by isolating oneself or sitting around staring at a wall or imbibing yet another psychedelic, there's really no reason for the body to unlock itself. 
    I will know you got unstuck the moment you start showing your self outside, moving, interacting, doing, and not just talking in your videos. I will know you got unstuck the moment we see you physically tackling your fears and getting yourself into the shape of a warrior. I will know you got unstuck the moment you stop treating physical play like just another thing and you start emphasizing it as one of the ultimate foundations of human development. 
    Until then, you shall remain stuck. Worse, your life purpose will be capped off at level turquoise, which sucks because the world really doesn't need yet another turquoise mouth-yapper. And I say that in the most loving way because I feel genuinely helped by you and now I genuinely want to help you. There's literally no one else who is going to tell you that because no one else is aware enough and cares enough. 
    So, for Everyone reading this, here's the shit that I did with my life that is way more important than 5-meo ever will be:
    Quitting the PMO cycle Quitting Sugar Quitting all drugs, all alcohol, all junk entertainment Exploring new exercise regimens, culminating in the following schedule Monday - Powerlifting  Tuesday - Jiu Jitsu Wednesday - Acroyoga Thursday - Capoeira  Friday - Calisthenics & Sprints Saturday - Hiking Committing to wake up before 9 AM every morning like an adult Writing quality works. Not just journaling. Not just sketching ideas. Not just writing stream-of-conscisouness articles.  Making something that might become a perennial hit every time you sit down to write. Notice that my upvotes per post on this forum is the highest out of anyone with more than 100 posts - even Leo himself. That's not a coincidence. Quality writing is quality thinking - the process of editing for good and bad sentences is itself editing for good and bad ideas.  Put it this way, I wouldn't tackle a difficult mathematics problem without writing down the variables on paper. So, why would contemplating a life problem be any different? Life's problems have far more variables than mathematics problems. Write down your best ideas on the nature of love, the nature of life, the nature of consciousness. Edit them so that no one can touch your arguments when it comes to communication - then you will see that no one can touch you when it comes to dominating life.  Reading quality material, not random listicles Cultivating quality relationships, excising any and all people who hold me back from higher potential. Making sure my top 5 people will leave legacies - anyone that you know will not leave a legacy must be excised, no exceptions if you don't have 5 people like this in your life, find them. Your lack of people to trust is not a sign that you're an enlightened genius, but a sign that you're a boring asshole. Only you can stop you from being an asshole. So stop letting yourself be so lonely - start being the type of person who provides so much value, others come along. For real, the isolation I see around here is unacceptable bullshit. Wake up and provide value. Period. Getting a reality-check mirror - someone interested in self-actualization at my same level who could help me iron out self-derived principles Refusing to date anyone who does not meet the Trinity rule  If I see myself as badass as Neo, then I will only date someone as badass as Trinity. If I am not as badass as Neo, then I will make sure I am so that I am ready for my trinity.  Taking 100% responsibility for my life Writing down a vision for what could go right in my life as well as a vision for the chaos and misery that will ensue if I don't take action. Do this stuff before taking 5-MeO and you will be ready to take 5-MeO. Do this stuff after 5-MeO and you will unlock the most amazing life imaginable. 
    5-MeO is an excuse to say you've gone as far as possible with psychedelics so you can move on with your life. Because if that couldn't save you, then life really is all about taking ownership. But it will be the direct proof of this fact that will help you. 
    So, to be clear, I highly highly recommend people take 5-MeO. Just don't think it will ever replace the other stuff.

  13. Shadow w
    Emotional Healing/shadow Work - The How To Guide
    Shadow work
    First, let me start with a little motivation.
    Why should I care about emotional healing? What is there for me to get?
    Well, how about unconditional happiness, and wellbeing, much clearer communication, emotional awareness in social situations, and many more things you can't even fathom?
    Just to compare it with a self-liberated state - it is different from detachment in my understanding. Liberation will detach you from the duality of life. Through emotional healing, you can move from the bottom of the emotional spectrum, all the way from depression to bliss.

    So yeah, buckle up, and enjoy.

    The emotional spectrum
    In essence, there is only one emotional scale, in the lower part there are emotions such as sadness, anxiety, pain, loneliness,... and on the upper half you get the "good shit" - joy, love, glowing, warmth...
    So there is not really a need to identify every emotion such as "depression, sorrow, anxiety...". You can! but It is not a requirement. 
    All you need to do, every time you are feeling an emotion, is to ask yourself: Is this emotion moving me in the direction of bliss, or depression?
    That is all the "EQ" you need.
    Claims I am making in this guide that need to be understood.
    1. Majority of your subconscious mind = Your body and your nervous system, including cellular memory.
    2. Every emotion that is released in one moment, can never come back to haunt your life again. At least in the same limiting and painful fashion.
    How do thoughts fit into the shadow-work/healing paradigm? Well you can imagine thoughts being this endless stream of water in your head. RIVER, that's the word! =D.
    And your emotions are either a factory that is pouring in toxic waste and polluting the beautiful crystal clear water, OR a light, that is giving the water healing powers. 
    Now I don't know how about you, but I will always pick Light over Toxic waste. Of course if you don't then this topic might not be for you :-p.

    Beliefs (especially negative/limiting/lack beliefs).
    Belief = a repetitive thought that is a manifestation of an underlying emotional/energetical cause. 
    Later on I will try to guide you how to take on, and release negative core beliefs.
    Essential requirement for emotional healing
    FBO!! - Full Body Awareness

    Now what da heell u talkin about?????
    Full body awareness is simply your attention  no longer residing only in your head on your thoughts, and outside of you, but also in your body. It is the essential mindfulness skill. You can develop this quite easily through meditation, doing body-scans whenever you remember (A great tip is to set a reminder on your phone for every hour of your day, and every time it rings, you just run a quick awareness scan of your body and your feelings).

    For healing to be effective IT HAS TO BECOME your number one priority in life. This allows you utilize every time you get triggered, and get the most out of ordinary every-day situations. And if it isn't clear already, THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT YOU COULD EVER DO IN TERMS OF SELF-IMPROVEMENT AND FROM A CERTAIN ANGLE ON YOUR PATH TO LIBERATION. 

    How do I get to feel good all the time?
    So you wanna feel good? Well you are not the only one, and YES YOU CAN! Don't listen to the people who say "ooh well life isn't all rainbow and unicorns." You can literally choose that reality for yourself. You can feel great, ALL THE TIME.
    Total and absolute self-love. 
    This should be done on two levels.
    1. You create something I like to call Meta acceptance. That means total and absolute acceptance of yourself in all situations. Practically this means, that whenever you are feeling down, you can accept yourself without judgement, whenever you screw up, you choose to accept yourself, but that doesn't end there. If you screw up, and beat yourself up, you choose to accept your beating yourself up! See why "meta"? <3.
    The self-acceptance chain runs a little like this:
    You find yourself in a emotionally disturbed state. Your thoughts are among the lines of "I am not good enough". >> "Oh stop, don't think of yourself like that!".
    The way you apply meta acceptance is - First accept the thought of "Oh stop, don't think of yourself like that". (If you want something a little tangible for acceptance you can mentally hug the thought.), and once that thought is dealt with, you move onto the other thought of I am not good enough. And you accept that.
    2. Acceptance of your body and feelings. - Leo's visualisation works perfectly for this stage of self-love.
    Basically what needs to happen is the activation of your heart-center and then spreading the "love feeling" to the rest of your body. 

    Why should one love himself? Because he is already perfect. He is always the most exact expression of god that he chose to express in the moment. The most perfect and beautiful creation, that has never ever existed before, and never will after. A complete, blissful perfection in the eyes of The one. Side note - self-love is a skill, that will grow and fluctuate throughout your journey. That is natural and nothing to be alarmed of.
    Hammer it down with a visualization!
    Healing is in essence an inaccurate concept. There is nothing wrong with the "unhealed" one. When you decide to take up on healing, you are choosing a different perception, different quality and embodiment of life, and different energetical configuration of your being. It is not better, nor worse, that is why we choose our suffering, as well as we choose our bliss. We choose healing because DAMN IT FELS GOOD! (And from that standpoint only can you make an argument that the "healed" state is a better one, because it is in the direction of your intuition, which is nothing else but following what feels good).

    So every day, you choose to step more into the reality of a better feeling energetical state. Into the blissfulness of being.
    Let's assume that there is such you that is fully healed, fully recovered, fully on the bliss side of the emotional spectrum. The you that is passionate, alive, joyful, fearless.
    How exactly does the embodiment of these qualities (or any other of your choice) feel?
    How does it feel in your body? What kinds of thoughts are you having? What kinds of people do you hang out with? What is your financial situation? What is your family and relationship situation? What does it look like when you communicate with others? What kind of job, or what kind of person are you in a job? How assertive are you? How responsible and sensitive are you? And so on...

    Use the miracle that is your imagination, visualize that you are already embodying every single quality you desire to embody. Imagine that you are blissful, joyful and peaceful. 
    Every single day, whenever you remember, just imagine this YOU! This YOU that you know you came here to be, and imagine that you are ALREADY living that paradigm.
    This allows you to stay motivated, make it number one priority, and will have a healing effect within of itself. 
    And through the visualization - Allow yourself to raise your standards. Give yourself permission, that you truly deserve to feel amazing. You truly deserve to have an amazing life, you truly deserve to be the one you know you came here to be. Through visualization, you create an end-version of yourself. This will allow you to use all the necessary means to get you there. It is the end-result that inspires means.


    Breath-work is an essential part of the healing process. It allows integration and gets the suppressed emotional energy in your body moving.
    Pranic breathing/visualization - An exercise to be used whenever you feel an emotional trigger in your body. This usually happens in the stomach and abdomen area, but not exclusively.
    1. Close your eyes, and make yourself aware of all the feelings in your body. Identify everything you choose to work on in the moment, anything unpleasant or limiting.
    2. On a count of 6, take a deep breath INTO YOUR TUMMY!!!!!! while visualizing All the emotions rising up!
    3. On a count of 6, hold onto everything you have been meaning to rise up while holding your breath.
    4. On a count of 6, breathe out, while letting go of everything you have been holding onto. Then hold your breath for 3 seconds, and breathe normally for a little while (doesn't need to be more than 2-3 breaths).
    5. Repeat the whole process until it feels redundant. I highly recommend doing this practice daily.
    Sidenote: It helps if you calm your mind before the exercise through any means you find fit. 
      The Wim-Hof Breathing technique
    This is for an advanced stage of already initiated healing. I do not recommend this exercise for the initiation of the healing process. If you feel that it resonates with you and fits your needs, then by all means use it any time you deem appropriate.
    1. Breathe in the full capacity of your lungs, and breathe out instantly. Repeat the whole process 25-30 times, until your head feels a little dizzy.
    2. Breathe out your last breath from the previous step and hold your breath for as long as it feels comfortable.
    3. Go back to n.1 and do the whole cycle again. Repeat for at least 3-5 times.   
    This is a very simple but crucial part. Get yourself into a habit of making choices based on what feels good in your body, and you can turn your whole life into healing, making the process much quicker, and more intuitive.
    IN ex. you wake up, you do your morning routine, and you don't know what to do next. Move your awareness into your body, and ask yourself "what would feel the best to do next?". There might be answers such as drink a glass of water, have sex, go for a walk, masturbate, go socialize, etc.
    This can at times get tricky, and that is when we are presented between a dilemma of Egoic vs. Authentic choice. Imagine that you are in a restaurant, and you can either choose to eat a cake or a salad. Now there are instances, where eating the cake would actually be an authentic choice. It is completely fine. But let's say you are trying to shed some weight, and naturally eating a cake would feel good! Right?! Well Then follow this principle. Will it also feel good 5-30 minutes after I made the choice? (eaten the cake..),
    And heureca. A simple guidance system to navigate your whole fucking life, to get yourself asap to your highest alignment.

    How to deal with negative/lack beliefs

    First a quick guide to make yourself aware of your limiting beliefs - Let's say there is something that disturbes you. Maybe your spouse doesn't text back and you feel bad about it. So you calm your body and mind, and start enquiring within. 
    Why am I feeling bad about this?
    >> It feels like they don't love me.
    If that is true, why is that so bad?
    >> Because with no love my life is meaningless.
    If that is true why is that so bad?
    >> Because that would mean I am not good enough.
    If that is true why is it so bad?
    >> I am not good enough
    This was just an illustration, your enquiring process will probably be much longer and have perhaps several dozens of questions, you might check out Katie Byron's process that she calls The Work.
    So you've got this belief that you perceive as limiting, and decided to do something about it. Great!!! ADMIT DEFEAT.
    You cannot win over a belief in your subconscious from the stand-point of This is not true! I will fight this! Because in essence, your subconscious has so much more power than your conscious mind. You can't override it with brute force. So admit defeat. The belief is there. You do not believe you are good enough.
    After admitting the defeat there should be (there may be exceptions so don't take this as a rule or confirmation of "I am doing it right") a sense of relief. Because you have been running from this belief your entire life, trying to prove it wrong. But now, when you admit defeat, there is no longer the need to accomplish anything in order to escape from the belief. There is acceptance. There is a little more peace.

    Now when you are aware of your thought of "I am not good enough", trace the thought back into your body. Close your eyes, and follow the trail of your emotions. How does that thought make you feel? What are the underlying emotions behind this belief? This might take a while to take an effect, but sooner or later, you should arrive at an emotion that can be worked with.
    AND THAT is when your breathing exercises kick in.

    What should follow is a lot of release of unconscious emotions. Your most cathartic moments are the ones when you are overwhelmed with emotions. 
    List of cathartic actions/events/situations
    Journaling and writing down thoughts in free association Tingeling or weird sensations in the body Speaking in tongues CRYING shouting outbursts of anger panic attacks unexplainable fear obsessive thinking unvolutary body movements strong urges (such as you have a strong urge to do something, or bark, or run,...) puking diarhea hyper horniness hyper sensitivity feelings of love feelings of resentment feeligns of disgust feelings of victimhood halucinations feeling sick feelings of stiffness and many many more :o) Desire
    Desire. Ooh Isn't this one the favourite for the "spiritual folks" to pick on! =D.
    AAH  #NOMIIIND #BUDDHA #SoEnlightenedRnLikeOmg

    The belief in lack is the source of all suffering.
    - Bentinho Massaro

    What do you make of this one?
    The belief in lack is the cause of all suffering.
    Is that clear? Like... do you understand how deep this goes?
    When you are born, you don't really believe in that much of lack do you?
    You prolly don't believe that you lack money as a kiddo. You probably don't believe that you lack sex, or that you lack comfort (ok debatable). But surely not as many things as you seem to be lacking now.
    Desire is the driving force behind all action. Without desire the universe would literally could not exist. What's the problem then?
    Lack based desire vs. Inspiration based desire.
    All of suffering is an illusion, because it is based on lack. Which IS an illusion. You can never truly lack anything.
    If lack were real, happiness would not be a possible state of mind. I can prove this to you! Lack is truly an extremely illusory state of consciousness.
    Right now, 
    as you are sitting behind your computer screen!
    Are you lacking a big shiny red apple in your hand?!
    But it is not there? (unless this is a fucking huge coincidence in which case Im highfiving you)
    So how can you not lack it? If it is NOT THERE!
    Well you don't... probably. You are not in a "state of lack of the big red shiny apple" that would be driving you crazy.

    So how come you can lack anything else? Like money? Or love? Or anything what so ever?
    Can you see the illusory state of mind?
    Lack cannot possibly rationally ultimately exist. 
    Desire is OK!
    There is nothing bad/wrong/untrue about desire. The trick comes in distinguishing lack based desires and inspiration desires. 
    To be fair, as of now, most of your desires are probably going to be lack-based. And that is fine. It is a great tool for growth and healing.

    How to exploit desires for growth

    1. Every time you feel bad about a situation, ask yourself "What must I believe that I lack right now?"
    And realize that it is a one big lie. You cannot lack anything. And even if you did lack something, wouldn't the most logical thing to do be just straight up getting the thing you think you lack? Instead of reminiscing and feeling bad about it?
    Find out what you perceive you lack (let's use the example of companionship) "I believe I lack companionship." If it were true, that I truly lack companionship, what would be the most logical course of action? >> Go out and talk to people Ok great why don't you do it? Looads of self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviours probably will kick in. >> I don't wanna go out, people don't like me, I am shy, I am introverted, I can't make friends, I don't know anyone, I am a loser etc. See how the perceived lack was what created the suffering? It wasn't the desire itself. It was the belief that you lack companionship. 2. Every time you desire something, even when it is based on lack, follow it. Do NOT SUPPRESS YOUR DESIRES. That will truly result only in self-sabotaging and self destructive behaviours that will lead to more emotional issues down the road.
    Every time we desire, we don't in actuality desire the object of our desire. We desire the feeling of having the object.
    If I want a car, I don't actually want that car. What I truly on a deeper level want, is a state of freedom, or worthiness, or security,...
    Can you activate that feeling of already having that car within your being, WITHOUT actually having the car?
    Yes you can!
    Visualize, breath-work, mindfulness, breath-work. 
    What does it feel like to have that car? What are the sensations in my body?
    What kinds of thoughts are coming up now when I have it?
    What is between me, and the feeling of having the car?
    Is it the feeling of "I am not good enough"? Or the thought of "I am not worthy"?
    Once you arrive at a conclusion, healing can start, lack can be purified, and desire will be used to it's maximum to grow you, and to teach you your lesson.
    side note: You can motivate yourself through realizing that once you get yourself into a state of mind where you "already have that thing you desire" without lacking it, it will be SO MUCH MORE EASIER EFFORTLESS AND FLOWING to get that thing in the external reality, that it really doesn't make any sense at all to keep believing in lack.


  14. Shadow
    Emotional Healing/shadow Work - The How To Guide
    It seems like I cannot edit the post anymore, if a moderator sees this, could you add the following text into the original post? Thanks <3

    Affirmations and how to use them!
    Affirmations are a great tool. However in my opinion quite misunderstood. 
    Focus on the feeling state of your body/mind whilst doing the affirmation rather than the words themselvs.
    In the end, language is just a construct. A summ of sounds. Language itself has no power, just like thought doesn't have any power within of it self. It is the emotion or the energy behind it. Words signify certain qualities to us, for everyone something else. 
    Affirmation I am worthy can have the absolutely same effect as an affirmation of I am a blue dolphin from potato land.
    It is the quality of your emotional state that the affirmation represents that is important.
    So go nuts! Get creative, say beautiful things to yourself that make your soul smile!
    Just for inspiration I'll give you my favourites.
    I am light. I am love. I am infinite. I am divine. I am beyond foreverness and after endlessness.  I am!
    Situations when to use them?
    Again get creative.
    Suggestions tho
    As a reminder in the morning. In stressful situations. While going through catharsis. When feeling under the weather. and whenever you find fit.
    - number of repetitions or intensity is solely up to you. Again follow the principle of what feels good in the moment. 
    Using your imagination
    This is my favorite part. Healing your inner child through imagination. This is where you can go nuts and fucking sky is the limit. This is the fun shit!
    And a very very easy principle so listen up.
    Every time you manage to tune into your inner child to feel some of its emotional needs, visualize whatever comes to mind to fulfill those needs, and build yourself a world in your head of people and circumstances that are absolutely ridiculously amazing.
    Bathing yourself in light and love Creating whatever guardian figure to hold you (or your inner child, depending whether you choose a separate perspective or not. (I used to use Obama a lot =D) Being in beautiful places Being praised by everyone Being cheered on by everyone Drinking healing water  Releasing your emotions as demons from your body Conversations with people who have hurt you in the past with the intention of closure or forgiveness and again... go nuts, sky is the limit <3  

  15. Powerful
    Build an online-business at home or get a job?
    Interests but also learn the fundamentals of living.
    Can you cook?
    can you clean your room?
    can you hear your body telling you when you can push yourself or when a cold is approaching?
    can you cure yourself through food, rest and tea and not rely on medications ?
    do you know what you should eat daily, what are good sources of carbs, proteins, fat; what not, what diets are out there, what works for you?
    do you have a decent level of fitness, do you have imbalances in your body which can fuck you up later?
    do you know when you sit to much, do you know how to stretch, do yoga, mediate,
    do you know how to defend yourself?
    do you know how to study, how to take notes, how to keep your notes,
    do you know how to focus?
    do you know how to talk with a girl you like?
    do you know how to keep a girl?
    do you know how to be assertive yet friendly?
    do you know how to control your emotions (roughly)
    do you know how to see behind people?
    do you know your self worth?
    do you know how to try and fail without putting yourself out of the game completely and learning something from it?
    have you dealt with all your past traumas, with how you feel about your parents and your ex girlfriend and your insecurities?
    I could go on and on here
    All these things need a mixture of study/theory and practical experience to be acquired at a good level of skill. And these are essential for living a great life. Because you need all these!
    Remember: Learning = behavior change
    If you don´t apply in real life the theory you took in, you´ve learned nothing
    As a suggestions for what to do next
    you might wanna watch leos wage slavery video
    Start doing Martial Arts
    Start cold showers
    Start contemplating your death
    Start your soul search, find something you can make your cause, and stick to it. Doesnt need to be for ever, but for now. It shouldnt be "because I can make the most money with it" but rather "because I would do it even if I dont get soo much money from it". And this search can take up your next 10 years if it has to, but start now!
    If you have no purpose for yourself, the system will create one for you. And that purpose will be. Get up - work - go home - dont break the law - pay taxes - get milked - get replaced

  16. The Development of Real ‘I’
    Complex rejuvenated
    I had two lucid dreams years ago. They are unforgettable. I think there are a lot of people who misunderstand what a lucid dream really is. That's neat that you just experienced one.
    I was going to make a comment about Ouspensky's idea that we're not just a multiplicity but that we have hundreds of "i's". Groups of "i's". I just went to research a specifically related thing and encountered a great summary that I'll go ahead and post. I knew you were reading the Ouspensky book Leo recommends a while back. One reason I brought it up. Framing the work in this language can be of help in understanding several concepts which come together.
    The Development of Real ‘I’
    Evolution means changing one’s relationship to the many ‘I’s. An ordinary person has no doubts that they are an individual with a consistent way of seeing things. A conscious man or woman knows that their ‘I’s are not real and watches them from a state of self-consciousness. The system presents a map of how this change happens. The route goes from magnetic center to observing ‘I’ to deputy steward and steward, and later, to the ability to sustain the presence of real ‘I’.
    The development possible for men and women is to change their sense of what is ‘I’. For a sleeping man, ‘I’ is whatever ‘I’ is most active right now. For a conscious man, this is real ‘I’ – permanent and unchanging. At the beginning, ‘I’ is an imaginary person, sometimes called false personality. While one is searching for a way out, groups of ‘I’s emerge that form a magnetic center. Through contact with objective knowledge, this is transformed into an observing ‘I’ and perhaps deputy steward. Later, if a person has the luck to meet a school, ‘I’ registers as the steward, who can control the other ‘I’s. Finally, beginning for only moments at a time, real ‘I’ emerges – a permanent principle of consciousness within us.
    Observing ‘I’ Is formed when we take the decision to work on ourselves. It is not always there – it comes and goes. Observing ‘I’ begins to see our internal world using more objective categories; such as in the Fourth Way: the four lower centers, the four different states of consciousness, differing levels of attention, features and body type, negative emotions, etc. It is like having an internal person who occasionally wakes up and writes down a note about what they see and then falls back asleep. It is a point that observes neutrally what is happening, that is, when it wakes up for a moment.
    As one continues in the Work, Deputy Steward gradually takes the place of single observing ‘I’s. It begins to sort things out internally. We already have an idea what we need to do to put our inner household into better order, based on the notes that observing ‘I’s took. The Deputy Steward begins to divide our manifestations into those that are obstacles to presence and those that help the work to maintain awareness. It tries to control the harmful manifestations and to encourage the beneficial ones – but not very successfully. It also begins to get an idea which manifestations are neutral and don’t need to be changed. (In general, these are connected with essence.) A Deputy Steward can control things sometimes, but it usually shows up after the fact. Our work is strengthened, ironically, by recording its failures to control the centers or our features.
    The Steward has more unity. It has the capacity to control the I’s and be there at the moment that things are happening internally. It is able to put the internal household in order based on the division of internal manifestations into useful, harmful, or indifferent that the Deputy Steward made. The Steward makes the house ready for the master, or real ‘I’, and recedes when real ‘I’ emerges. In certain situations, it is designed to fail, as true control is reserved for real ‘I’. A steward can only be developed through the intensity of school work.
    “The name ‘permanent I’ is not very successful, because it is not permanent for a long time; it only comes and stays when it is necessary, and when it is not necessary it may go away again. So it is better to say ‘real I’. When this ‘I’ comes, it controls all other ‘I’s. It can control everything in a way that no existing ‘I’s can, so it is quite new in a sense. But when this one ‘I’ comes, it does not mean that it will stay. First it may not be necessary for it to be there, because smaller ‘I’s must also learn to act in the right way. Secondly it needs very intensive work, and if work slackens it cannot stay. So there are many conditions for its presence, but if you experience the taste of it being there once, you will know many things and you will be sure of many things which now you can only surmise.” – Ouspensky

  17. Night out report
    Night out report
    Classic newbie mistake.
    Your own mind will trick you like that and get you to believe that having fun with your friend is accomplishing something. It isn't. Fun is fun. But it's not enough to get you the skill set you want.
    You must force yourself to approach 10-20 sets each night. No excuses. It's best to start approaching immediately upon walking into the club. The first girl you see, you approach.
    Which is why when you get a bit more experience and comfort, you should hit the clubs solo. Solo you can really do some damage in the club. Hanging to your friends too tightly will not allow you to get laid. You must be ready to break off from your friend to approach girls, and bounce them to new locations. It is not enough to just approach a girl and stand with her in the same spot the entire night. Once she's attracted to you, you've got to bounce her as much as possible around the place and then outside the place to other places and ultimately to your apartment. Pickup does not work without leading and bouncing.
    Solo is highly efficient. But it's emotionally hard, because when you're out of set you feel very alone.

  18. Night out report
    Night out report
    The upside of rolling solo is that you grow very fast, as long as you're able to do approaches. If you're going out solo and you're so scared that you don't even approach, then you're not ready for that yet. You need a wingman/friend.
    @Brenzo2 You mean you're in a relationship but you want to build your pickup skills at the same time? That's hard. In practice, once you get in a comfortable relationship your pickup skills will suffer. There's a trade-off.
    @Joel3102 Yes, it certainly is, but it's going to take much more work than you imagine at the outset. But the upside is that it will also be much more rewarding (in terms of growth) than you imagine. To really get good at pickup you need to hit it hardcore for a couple of years, approaching 5000+ people. You need to take it very seriously. A half-assed attitude will not work here. You basically need to rewire and retrain much of your mind. Attraction is extremely counter-intuitive. It will shock you. You'll be in for some rude awakening. It will be emotionally difficult. But it will grow you like crazy. If you do it, don't do it for the sex, do it for the stronger man it makes you. It can also be very fun and exciting compared to sitting at home and playing Fortnite. Doing pickup hardcore makes you feel ALIVE! It makes you feel like a hero on his journey towards manhood.
    I highly recommend handling this part of your life. Just don't be a douche, don't hurt women, and don't develop an ideology or identity around it.
    If you want to get serious about learning this skill set, you must bite the bullet and move to a large city with great nightlife and lots of hot girls. LA, NYC, Chicago, Miami, Austin, Vegas, London, etc. It's very worth it. Don't be trying to learn pickup in some redneck part of the world. You need volume to practice on. If you're not willing to relocate, you're not very serious about it.
    But at the same time, don't make excuses if you can't relocate immediately. Begin wherever you're at and make plan to upgrade your situation.
    Pickup is not just about attracting girls. Pickup is about upgrading your entire lifestyle. It's about better nutrition, better fitness, better apartment, better decor, better cloths, better haircut, better friends, better car, better everything. Transform yourself into an attractive fucking man with an awesome life such that a woman would be itching to be around you. Shed your old childish ways. Become awesome. When you become a truly awesome, valuable man, guys and girls will flock to be around you. This is not some gimmick. You are actually becoming awesome. It's a total makeover.
    But also don't get lost in it. Return to spirituality once you've completed that phase of your life.
    P.S. There are always limits to everything a human does. Don't let that stop you from being awesome. You don't need to sleep with 100 girls. You don't need to become the Michael Jordan of pickup. You just need to become decent and score a few girlfriends. Which basically any guy can do.

  19. Night out report
    Night out report
    @Dorotheus Great work!
    Now just do that a couple hundred more times.
    Don't worry, you will be amazed at how fast your skills improve.
    Do not be detered by rejection or awkard moments. Those are all totally normal and they don't matter. Get very used to girls rejecting you or ignoring you.
    Work on your body language, strong eye contact, commanding vocal tone, flirty smile, and plowing conservations without ejecting from set.
    Your conversations should be slightly sexually charged. Don't be talking to her like a gay friend. She needs to register within 5 minutes that if she gets in a room alone with you, you're gonna bang her. But do not verbalize sex. This is something she must pick up from your flirty manner and the way you look at her.
    Practice looking at her like you are a lion looking at a juicy gazelle. Get that chemistry going immediately upon approach. Don't be talking to her about work.
    Your goal should be to reach the hook-point in the set, where it is clear that she's attracted to you. It usually takes 0-5 minutes to hit the attraction hook-point. Attraction happens surprisingly fast.

  20. Can you Get Girls That Are More Physically Attractive Than You?
    Can you Get Girls That Are More Physically Attractive Than You?
    I've attracted girls (8s, 9s, and even 10s) who were way more physically attractive than me.
    Because girls aren't primarily attracted by a guy's looks, but by his persona, charm, charisma, confidence, wit, leadership qualities, intellect, social status, and strength.
    If you go out a lot and approach a lot you will attract 8s and 9s fairly regularly. Which is not to say you'll be able to close all of them, because closing requires having perfect logistics, which usually isn't possible. So you will lose a lot of 8s and 9s, but at least you'll get the validation of having attracted them. You will be able to tell, for example, that if the logistics had been good, she would have eagerly slept with you. And from that point, it's only a matter of time until the logistics line up and you'll sleep with your first 8 or 9.
    10s are just so rare it's not even worth thinking about.
    All that's required is that you go out a lot, approach a lot, and have good game. If you can set up good logistics (by living very close to bars/clubs) that will up your chances of pulling girls by a factor of 2x-10x. Logistics are super important if you want to get laid a lot.
    Basically any girl that's an 8 or above is a model-quality girl, as she can make easy money off her looks, and often does or did so in the past. She can be a model, actress, stripper, pornstar, webcam girl, go-go dancer, hostess, etc. But don't forget, a lot of these girls can be annoying to deal with as they tend to spoiled rotten by men. These girls know how to use their looks to manipulate men. They know they are hot and they know the value of that in our society. Handling girls like that requires a serious boss/pimp attitude. A weak man cannot handle a girl like that.
    The rule of thumb is, whatever quality of girl you feel you deserve and can boss around, is the quality of girl you will get. Anything above that you will not be able to handle because your confidence is too low. Hot girls have high confidence. As a guy, in order to attract a girl your confidence and value must be higher than hers. If you want to date models, you need to develop balls of steel and a delusional, borderline narcissistic degree of self-confidence and self-love. You need to be unfazed and just have an I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude.
    Or become famous. Famous guys get hot girls easily.

  21. A Question For Leo
    A Question For Leo
    I don't do pickup much any more.
    I have no problem with flirting with girls per se. My complaint was the ideology that many PUAs adopt and their stage Orange attitude towards sex and life.
    Flirting with girls is not necessarily at odds with long-term relationships or emotional investment. There is no relationship without flirting.
    All dating is a sort of manipulation and getting your own needs met, even if you never do pickup.
    99% of relationships of any kind are just you trying to getting your own needs met. You don't really care about anyone "as they really are", you care about how they can fit into your life and serve your needs.
    Dating and flirtation is a skillset. All skillsets are a set of "tricks" in that sense. If you want to get good around women you need to learn the rules of how that works. Pickup teaches some of those rules of attraction. How you then use them is up to you.
    Good pickup is not really about controlling girls. It's about controlling yourself.
    Controlling people is not something I recommend. You can become much more attractive and confident without having to control women.
    Rather than thinking of pickup as stuff you do to the woman, think of it as changing your own inner game and how you view women. Think of it as becoming a stronger, more authentic man.
    There are many versions of pickup. Some of it is very dysfunctional, some of it is great. You have to learn to sort the wheat from the chaff.
    As a man, dialing in your own inner game is great stuff. Learning to be charismatic, bold, and authentically expressive is great stuff. Elimimating various kinds of limiting beliefs about women is great stuff. Gaining lots of experience talking to women is great stuff.
    You have to remember, most women are very social and flirt and socialize non-stop. To them it is like breathing air. They develop a lot of this experience naturally in a way that many nerdy guys do not. Which is why many guys require extra training in a way that women do not. Guys have responsibilities with initating the flirt which women do not.
    And in the end all dating and relationship is a distraction from awakening.
    Dating is a survival function. Dating is brutal whether you do pickup or not. People are very selfish in relationships by default. Women are also very selfish when selecting mates. Reproduction is a ruthless game which people tend to be in denial about.

  22. Social
    social anxiety
    for all the people that have social anxiety ...
    I had social anxiety for a pretty long time am pretty sure much worst then you have, but now i don't have it anymore after hundreds of hours of research on this topic, 
    if you want to cure your social anxiety you need to know that thoughts are not real " the opinion of others does not affect reality "  they have power over you if you react to them ,so don't react and  let them think what they want and you need to stop letting  thought of someone control your life and become independent of the good or bad of opinion of others, there are a million reasons for why they said what they said and it has nothing to do with you ask yourself can I live a great extraordinary life if am dependent of random circumstances .
    no one can give you something truly valuable and fulfillment if they say something good about you The thing will fulfill you is to live by your dreams and honor ur life and live your full potential I suggest that you practice :
    1- meditation: because it keeps you centered and slow down the monkey mind 
     I need you to reprogramme the subconscious mind by : 2 and 3 " don't miss one day it's important "
    2- affirmation: every day say  "I am a social butterfly" "I am very social"  "I have loads of confidence"  for like 5 min each one  loud   for 40 days (do not miss one day it's important ) and when you say it feel it 
    3- visualization: visualize yourself in an uncomfortable situation that you are scared from and react to them the way you want to react to them "the future you that you want to become"   10 min every day 
    4- talk to yourself : if the monkey mind say omg they are saying this about me ... you say in your mind " ok so what I don't care or like oh that funny " do not fight it and be like why do they think this or did i do something that made them think this or these kinds of questions  
    5- be authentic: no matter whatever change yourself or act on others thoughts for example if you want to do or say something just do it don't be like am not going to do it or say it because they will think ...
    6- always be kind and lovely even if people are rude 
    7- socialize more: go out and talk to more people and read more about social science watch Leo videos about social and read books about this topic 
    8-what does not kill you make you stronger: in every bad situation in life, in general, be like " just bring it " you make me stronger  as Leo says " love your sins to death " and they will melt away but if you keep fighting them every dragon you slay a new one comes 
    9- keep a journal : write down what work what did not and in what situation do you feel embarrased and analyse and look for alternative .... for example you can try holding eye contact for a long period of time deliberately to increase confidence , if this technique worked you keep practicing it if it did not you move on to the next one but give it time to judge if a techniques work or not
    10-practice self acceptance  : 
    so please practice all these  things that I said and expect backslides and failures but you know what it's worth it because it will benefit you all the years to come, you can always contact me if you need any advice

  23. Starting a Short Term Business - Advice?
    Starting a Short Term Business - Advice?
    Buy some kind of equipment. Learn to use it. Sell your services.
    Examples: law mowing, carpet cleaning, drone video shooting, etc.
    Advertise on craigslist or whatever is popular in your area. Get creative when it comes finding clients. Be RELIABLE, most people doing that kind of bussiness are very unprofessional.
    If you want to work on a computer, then Web Design, Internet Marketing or Front-end Development are all easy to enter fields.

  24. Starting a Short Term Business - Advice?
    Starting a Short Term Business - Advice?
    It's never gonna be as short term as you think. It's been 2 years and a month I'm working a lot on my part-time business (while full-time student) and I've got a single donation. (This week!) Making a successful business without any experience is hard, very hard. If you don't have any money, you'll have to have a very good pitch to attract investor and prove that you are able to develop the idea that you have better than anyone else. Even if you manage to get the money, you'll have to hire people to work for you or learn all the skills yourself. Hiring the good people is hard, this is a job in itself. (HR) Then you need to motivate that people everyday and come up with new ways of increasing productivity. Once you've got some kind of product going, you need to sell it. Marketing is very hard and very harsh. People are going to spit on you for trying to do publicity because you are fucking annoying trying to sell your product. You can pay online or TV ads but that costs a lot and no one cares about them unless the product is really special. Just making the publicity itself (logo, banner, trailer or video) is a lot of work and need to be done properly. Hiring the professionals will cost a lot and learning by yourself will take time.
    There's little point to make a business if you don't have anything new to offer or if your product isn't an improvement compared to other products. Very good marketing might allow you to make a quick buck from cheap stuff but that's not sustainable.
    That being said, I don't think you should give up. But you should make a business plan first. A real, very complete one. Meanwhile, grow bigger in your current workplace. If you can't convince your boss that giving you a promotion will help his business then how will you convince clients that your product will help their lives? Sure, being a normal employee is not the best practice to be a good employer but you can analyze your employer's behaviour and help him get better. If you manage to do that you are proving to yourself that you could do his job and you are getting closer to the goal of having a successful business. Be a shark, always stay on the lookout for better jobs while you are at one. Even if you like your current job, if you have another job proposing you a better salary you can negotiate better at your current job.
    Looking at your story you probably hate working. But the reason why you hate it is probably only because you are telling yourself that you hate that. You can't stop looking at Truth/enlightenment and say "workplace is trash I'd rather do that". The truth is that you need to work to make a living so while at it, why not having some fun? The exact same problem happened for me at school in courses I thought I hated. For all my teenage years there's some specific courses that I decided wasn't in line with my identity so I was making 0 efforts and It was shit. As soon as I started giving some love to the course however, it was fun. You don't need to work, you want to work, as a consequence of wanting to eat.
    I'm not sure what you plan to have a business but in any business you need:
    Very good social skills (charisma), the ability to make anyone like you and connect with that person, social awareness (seeing what's going on in a situation, re-framing it if needed), analyzing possible employees A lot of dedication and being able to overcome any failure, be fine with the idea that you could spend 2 years with zero progress without seeing anything positive Understanding how marketing works and how to capture your audience attention better than the others, putting yourself in your client's step for any interaction your client have with your business Yo get good at controlling your finances or hire an accountant (a must when the operations gets complicated). You'll probably also need to hire a lawyer depending on the business you are doing Be able to see the whole operations of your business (operation management), depending on the type of business, this can be the most important Whatever you want to be doing, if you want to survive you'll need to do is as good as everyone else and if you want to thrive, you'll need to do it better than everyone else. There's a reason why people study management and finances.
    Note that I'm not trying to drag you down, I'm trying to show you what are the challenges to overcome so you can be prepared to them instead of going head first and wasting a lot of time and money into something that had no reason to work. If you can master logic you can master business.

  25. [MEGA THREAD] What's the best course you've ever taken?
    [MEGA THREAD] What's the best course you've ever taken?
    These set of lists is free? Or paid?? 
    How could i know in the coursera if the course is free?