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Posts posted by puporing

  1. 13 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

    I actually mostly see it as a form of denial, i think that the savior is too afraid of being unmasked because he was traumatized (humiliated? attacked?) about being weak or at least not reliable enough.  So we hide behind a pseudo-hyper-masculine leader mask, and we experience our vulnerability vicariously.

    This is an understanding based on your current level of consciousness projected onto me, but that's okay it's bound to happen. Almost everything I do is not about "me" the avatar anymore, I would say since a few years ago but especially the last year or so. And whether I lean more into the masculine or feminine depends entirely on the environment/situation at hand, I actually lean feminine more often when interacting with most people who are not in a spiritual community. Though I guess when I'm alone I lean more masculine.. because it's a more complete state.

    13 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

    I don't believe in altruism, I think that we are fundamentally selfish, that we want to have sex, attention, games, food etc, and that there is ultimately a process of sublimation more or less serious. :)

    well you can transcend a lot of this. Ofc there'll always be some survival so long as you're in the body due to the way this environment is. I have almost no interest in things like dating these days because I am a teacher with just about everyone, I mean I just don't feel that way about 99.99999% of the population sadly.. if I'm lucky maybe find some platonic kind of connection. And most people only choose to see my more feminine aspect and much of my actual consciousness is totally invisible. Not to be mean but I see how people's mind works very quickly and generally it's not attractive to me in that way other than being a teacher/healer/friend of some sort. So yeah.. that's just what happens and you accept it.  

    The thing is "Christ consciousness" is antithetical to ego consciousness which is what most people are in. So even a guy who is maybe more spiritual but has a big ego, is not gonna like my consciousness and vice versa. You'll just end up in a situation where you're constantly trying to "fix" each other. It can be dangerous too. 

  2. If you are still "close" to them, I would recommend more boundaries, maybe a lot more boundaries than you initially thought you needed. Depending on your situation though you might have to do it gradually or something.. I'm not sure what you're dealing with exactly but sounds pretty dark..

    There are lots of videos now on malignant narcissism that may offer some healing too.

  3. On 3/13/2024 at 11:41 PM, Schizophonia said:

    The real questions now is why the avatar who precise having suffered a lot is also the one in whom I recognize my « messia / saviour syndrome » and in general my tendancy to insist to present  myself in a « masculine » way.

    It's just the way it is, means you're close to being a Saint probably. A Saint suffers and almost compulsively tries to protect the vulnerable.

    23 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

    @Yimpa @puporing Why do you associate lightness with women and heaviness with men ?

    I will never believe this gender story, because, even if I am surely wrong (I hope), I see it more and more as a severe inability to project certain energies into matter effectively. Btw I know several transgender people and they are all traumatized by their own admission, there is something fishy going on all the time. I swear I don't do any cherry picking.


    I'm not understanding very well what you were asking here. You are both the masculine and feminine. That's why I don't really care if people call me he or she or they.. it's just that "he" usually implies you could have both fem/masculine traits whereas when someone calls you a "she" it tends to box you in that one aspect.

  4. It's really hard to say depending on where you live..some markets imo are over inflated and very risky. People do actually lose money in this field. And due to the high fees per sale/buy you have to be prepared to hold onto it long term or the transaction fees alone make it a loss. I mostly view it as a savings account more or less and a buffer against inflation..

  5. 36 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

    Looks like you have limiting beliefs about money. Your whole reality is warped around that. Only when I changed that money started coming to me. You don't need to work hard to earn more than the average Joe. You just need to work smarter. 

    That's not it. I don't really care about earning more money to begin with. I'm actually happy with what I've got. The other stuff I was talking about is just the sheer injustice that I speak of from first hand experiences both in the business world and personally.

    38 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

    What is your job and field of work?

    My trade is technically priesthood but I don't earn from that lol, since nobody in this world can recognize me let alone "hire me". In terms of paid work I run 2-3 Airbnb's. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

    I make more money than the average Joe because I work for myself. If you work for a boss you will get a lousy salary while he keeps the profit. You need to think for yourself to be your own boss. Otherwise you will be a wage slave.

    Not necessarily, I work for myself and make less than a normal person. But I chose this because I couldn't fit in anywhere else. 

    I know lots of store owners who are in a similar position as me. They're just barely getting by.

  7. 34 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

    Leo releases videos and blog posts that explains his spiritual progress. You have not done a sufficient job of explaining yourself thus you cannot be understood. Until you communicate in a manner that people can understand then you will be misunderstood.

    It's not so simple. I am literally on his forum. That's a limitation for me that you cannot see currently. You guys are very naive about this. I almost got a 3 day ban (from a mod) just for claiming to be Jesus.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    Yes I know it was sober, impressive.  Because I know you took psychedelics as well.  But have you realized Solipsism?  I mean utlimately this must be the ultimate conclusion.  You must know that if you are ahead of us.  Do you not believe that you are all of God?  After all, if you do realize that you are all of God, that you are Pure Consciousness and Oneness - then you must also know that there cannot be "other" , other than in your imagination.   That is the ultimate realization and the one thing holding one back from God realization.  

    Well there's more detail in there once you reach the kingdom. Your mind is both distinguishable and one with "other minds". But I could only truly be one with the fully enlightened beings that are in heaven. Everyone else I cannot currently connect with due to the separation of the ego mind that most people are still in in this world. So right now everyone here I experience as separated parts of the 1 mind, some closer than others. But if you reach the kingdom, yeah we'll literally feel like we can read each other's mind. 

  9. 16 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    I disagree with leo on certain aspects of enlightenment so I am not okay with everything he says.   but he is right about a TON.  a ton.  But there are a few things he is wrong about, and that's OK.  It is just where he is at on the path.  And that's just my perspective.  For all i know, in his reality, he has everything right.  And so could you - So 'm not discounting your enlightnement by any means.   But ahead of "us" I just don't understand what that means, Please explain.

    Well.. that's the thing, I have more disagreements than you do, so it's not really safe for me as it would be for you.. relatively speaking. 

    So if I fundamentally disagree on some things, almost all of "Leo's disciples" will outright reject/attack me/what I'm saying. This is the difficulty I'm in with sharing this. 

    Consider that I followed a very narrow path/teachings that only someone with very little to no ego would even be open to, and only someone who has little to no investment in this world would consider it. And from that path I reached a state of "Kingdom of Heaven", this is your original Self. And as well many revelations that went with this. In more literal terms it's more light, more love, more oneness, more beauty, more consciousness. All sober. 

  10. 19 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    We talked some time last year and you had not really awoken yet.   Obviously that has changed.  I am sorry I didn't give you the respect you deserved before for that - there are not many enlightened beings on this forum, there are only a handful.  It is really good to be with you.

    I did, I was already ahead of you back then when we talked, but you weren't ready for that possibility so it didn't go anywhere. Right now where you're at I would say was roughly where I was at when I talked to you that time. There's not much point arguing about this though and I prefer not to get into it but just to say you didn't really understand where I was, and now is also a similar situation..

    9 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    What do you mean by being way ahead, and whats this new material you are referring to?  I would be interested in hearing about it, and I won't ban you or anything, so don't worry about that.  But one thing I will say, is that we have all checked our ego at the door.   There isn't really one person ahead of another here, we're all on the path.

    Why is it that when Leo tells you he's ahead you're all for it or okay with him saying that but when I say it you are subtly suggesting I am coming from ego? It's really not from ego. How else am I gonna share it if I don't try to tell you there's more awakening? If I try to be extremely quiet about it then it'll just get buried. 

    But yes I know ultimately you will arrive to the same place. But someone has to point you to it. In this case it happens to be "my turn". No problem. It could've been you too I guess.

    New material is christ teachings, I shared it with you before I think. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

    Yeah.  But did you really know how actually "required" it is?  we never talk about that.  We just talk about meditation and psychedelics.

    Yes, we knew that if you put yourself into immense suffering alone like Christ did on the stake then you would become God - but honestly it never really hit home for me until now.


    Yeah I knew that since awhile back. And I also knew that was the main reason I was ahead of you guys even tho you don't yet believe me. 

    I don't say everything I know on this forum fyi, not yet anyway, coz I could get booted for saying contrarian things, I'm not naive about that. So if nobody is ready for "new material" I will not say it in the open. Also it's pretty sensitive at times like it gets personal. 

  12. I would argue not necessarily, music can be very self-therapeutic, in which case there's some effort involved but mostly you're just going with the flow. Music played a big role in my awakening journey also.

    And so it also depends on what your goal with it is. Is it for yourself mostly or other people? Very different things I would say. And for other people it also depends on what your purpose with that is.

  13. 24 minutes ago, Onecirrus said:

    @puporing Do you have any suggestions to transcend Yellow?

    Yeah, Yellow tend to be more intellectuals. So my suggestion would be to find ways to open the Heart, this would be the main distinction to me between Yellow/Turquoise. Certain art and music can help with this. Learning to do art/an instrument can accelerate that. Quiet time alone away from distractions. A period of disengagement with worldly things like politics/business etc. Engaging more with things that can develop empathy like maybe volunteering on a distress line or related things.

    Also helps a lot if you have some savings or not have to worry about survival all the time.

  14. Extremely tough I don't think it really exists yet, this one is as close as I can find.

    Other ones that are close ish to such stage communities are still right now led by 1 individual generally who holds almost all the powers and decision making, and have high price of entry.. 

    Also keep in mind most people fall not just on "one particular stage" they tend to have shades of Blue, Orange, Yellow, etc... True stage Turquoise that transcends almost all "humanistic/egoic" thinking is very rare & I have yet to find this, I consider myself in the true stage Turquoise. I still have to do certain things to maintain basic survival like anyone with a body though, but my mindset/attraction/motivations/operating principles are genuinely not of this world..

    So in the end if you want to be near those people you have to find them basically. It's really extremely rare or nonexistent.

  15. I don't see why you would be almost forcing yourself to watch things out of alignment with your values. I personally stopped watching almost all TV/movies due to any kind of violence in them (I am a bit more extreme), stopped being interested in almost all video games due to similar reasons lol, and this happened like years ago. Not just violence but whatever dark shit in general these days I just don't care for. I've seen it know how it works enough that I don't need to keep repeating poisoning my mind with it.

    So I'm just trying to say, you can really outgrow a lot of this stuff if your consciousness keeps growing beyond the "average human". And then maybe one day you'll be creating things you like that aren't really out there much yet.

  16. Thank you. You seem to get what I'm saying that's good. 

    Yeah well I would say my love for "christ consciousness" was what drove me to fully wake up, when I really try to distill what was motivating me in the end.

    So all these "soulmates" stuff, some of it can be related to this. So my journey it was like I found one "lesser christ" after another until I found the "real one".

    Anyway somehow your post inspired this. Hope I'm not intruding your space.