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Posts posted by puporing

  1. 12 hours ago, StarStruck said:

    Her whole thing is to keep you so traumatized that you can't be an individual and move out.


    You're like a fish in water and been raised in poop water for so long that it feels like you have to justify to yourself the water is fine.

    I understand the difficulty with your situation. I would just say, be on the lookout for opportunities, and create them as much as you can to move out. You can always circle back later if you wish to help your family heal but this entanglement is likely not helping anyone.. but we always try to make the best of our situations and sounds like you're in a rough spot.

  2. Just depends on what you feel called to do, what do you want this life to be. It's perfectly good if you don't want to have children and commit to that decision (when you arrive at such clarity), likewise in the other case. 

    Also, an interesting question to consider on the other side of the coin since you seem open-minded, if you were the said child, would you want to come into your family (and its social structures) and this planet (among other things in your environment)?


  3. Yes you are constantly re-creating and co-creating this reality with your thoughts, words, actions etc. And what you "focus on" is what is "next in line" to come to fruition, roughly speaking that is and if you understand the underlying mechanism. You always had this power just much dampened in this reality, but it's still there to some extent.

  4. Despite the best of intentions, it has been a struggle to find love and desire towards being around my biological parents. 

    God told me not to dwell on it, but to focus on what is of my highest desires in life.

    It feels as though I am abandoning them.

    Though not in my heart.

    I tried... But the cracks are still too slim.

    Did my higher self really choose this?

    So that I could create and experience the complete opposite of darkness and not being understood?

    To rejoice again in the Mind of God that I am fully and impeccably understood.

    And perhaps so I could assist in fulfilling the dream of another by coming to their life, that I hope I've accomplished.

    Things may not have been the same ways I imagined them to have been.

    But it seems there's a barrier inside of me right now.

    Which the Light shall transmute for me into more openness.

    I cannot fail. I can only delay.

  5. Mmm.. I would say it is an important vehicle by which to express your highest love, and who you are, to "another" which is also part of you. But it of course doesn't need to be in the form of "relationships", it can be a pet, your workplace, strangers, whatever else you're creating, etc. There is just more possibilities within so-called "relationships" in some sense, depending on the consciousness of the other(s) and how you view them. You could turn it into a very "Godly" one if you wished (as though you're in heaven) and the other was at a similar level of consciousness to receive and reflect.

  6. I have found myself.

    And yet.. I find myself in a strange world.

    I create with Love.

    Yet "my" creations do not recognize their creator and those like their creator.

    The disconnect is felt, the Love does not cease.

    What I really am, is yet a stranger to this world. 

    When you "execute" me in your mind, in your words, and in your actions, and not to see the Christ in me, you are denying God and Love and forsaking yourself.

    God forgives you. So I learn to forgive you.

    The hope of heaven here, and a brighter day is still seemingly far away. 

    "Illusory time" not so illusory as I await for the return to home.

    To be free from persecution.

    Dark forces desperately trying to hold on when faced with what is but their own Light, not yet claimed.

    There is a quiet battle being waged. Only known to ones who have the eye to see.

    Time will heal.

    Time will awaken.

  7. I don't recommend forcing it (in the long term), it's really about doing the healing work on yourself first, and awakening to your true Self as Love and the One/Infinity and you transform into that identity in your lived reality/consciousness.

    So the question is more of what would motivate you to awaken and live from that perspective? Often it's that the "old self" is simply outgrown and it's your time to transform your consciousness.

    Forcing selflessness when you don't truly feel this way might actually prolong the process of this transformation.

    But hey, you have eternity ;).

  8. It can help just, most therapists are unhealed healers and missing the spiritual link and therefore depth, and often just too young and inexperienced with life still. You can tell how deep and experienced someone is with how they do therapy and there's a whole range out there that has little to do with credentials. 

    Some of them are not in it for the right reasons and more for the prestige and income level. If the heart of the therapist is not in the right place, there's easily a conflict of interest because they want to earn more and project sickness and frailty onto you so you keep going back, I've seen it myself. They are in a position of power that can subtly or not subtly manipulate so that you are almost "hypnotized" to give up your own authority.

    The rates that get charged is also like that of lawyers where they're protected by a board rather than based on competence. I would say this fee structure itself incentivizes corruption and preying on the vulnerable over compassion. The more compassionate ones tend to heavily discount and move to the public sectors or you can tell they try to give you the most within a short frame of time (or show some sign that they care about your financial health also), instead of dragging things out.

    Effective therapy requires some degree of selflessness and this is a rare trait in general. 

  9. 54 minutes ago, The Mystical Man said:

    Based on the posts he makes it seems to me that he needs psychological help. I don't get the sense that it's an existential matter.

    I’m not saying it won’t help, but from my view it won’t be enough, been there myself. Existential depression generally requires full awakening and integration. Most psychologists/therapists are just not equipped for this, but maybe you can find one. But also healing and awakening go hand in hand so progress could be made with traditional therapy ofc. : )

  10. The murder is a result of misperception of what you and others truly are and thinking you are seperate, finite, different, not of God, and that something can be "gained". An attack on another is an attack on yourself. You just have the freewill to forget what you are and misperceive if you wish to maintain the idea of seperation and finitude.

  11. Coz your consciousness is not yet ready or want heavenly realms and co-creating this with other minds (or maybe it is), so you are in world of duality and limitations instead of being the full Godly being you are. That said earth will also ascend to "heaven" if enough minds awaken and change.

    Right now just try to take joy in raising your own consciousness and be that anchor for others. Even if you don't become some spiritual teacher your presence affect the consciousness around you.

  12. 2 hours ago, nhoktinvt said:

    ok there's no man but there are woman right ? maybee

    If you imagine yourself to be one then yeah. But no, the "man" and "woman" are one, you contain both polarities, but with the freewill to see yourself as only one or the other. 

    I guess I'm not supposed to talk about this in this section. But that's how I see it these days. I'm much more whole knowing I am both polarities. But hey, I'm a freak so don't listen to me ;).

  13. There's "no man", there's just God dressed up as man and the degree that man realizes this and embodies it, but because of Love, the "man" pretends to be a man for others and meet them where they are outside of "heaven" the place where everyone is God/"Lord in Heaven".