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Posts posted by puporing

  1. There are layers to creation. I think of it as a "dilution" the more it "splits" itself and then giving itself the freewill to be whatever it wanted. But eventually because everything is one, it has to find out the totality.

    What might be difficult to parse out and understand is that you are also creating your reality right now. And it is because of your wish (and therefore a powerful decision) to be seperated that you cannot see reality behind the illusion. This isn't to blame you but to point out that you're a powerful creator that can make something "unreal" to seem real. And to know the real you have to let go of what you made of the unreal. But again you have the freewill.

  2. NPD is similar to ego manifestation in this realm when it swings to its heights, which is why we all have some degrees of this until our consciousness upgrades. This process is happening "slowly" but will surely happen as more of Source gets known and come into this realm. It's good that you are aware of potential healing work you need, healing this does require self-love.

  3. My understanding:

    If one's goal is to be a formless all-knowing Godly entity:

    In my estimation, one would have to awaken and transform a great deal while embodied (here or "elsewhere"), enough to coexist with Gods as One in one's mind - which one can do as one practice while here as a human by seeing you and I as God in our mind. 

    And in my experience, it would take both awakening work and transformational work that matches the awakening (which is nuanced and not necessarily obvious just from the awakenings).

    As well, when one does fully transform, one would also not feel much of a difference between here and heaven - because here will be heaven for you in your mind with your total change in perception, and as you see that being here in a body may assist with the awakening of "others" (which you understand to be yourself).

    Point is.. my understanding is that one has to get used to seeing heaven in order to be in heaven and then "death" would be a seamless transition that produces little to no resistance that would compel one to "reincarnate" unconsciously.

    And if you already knew that, great. I'll probably meet you "on the other side" when my time's up. And forget what I said if that isn't your "goal".

  4. 6 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

    Yes of couse that is my path. I have accepted it, and I actually want it. I don't even feel like an "I" anymore. Its so subtle now. My mind is just more quite. Light is always pouring down constantly. I am burning but is not painfull anymore, it feels blissfull. Anyways thank you! 

    : ) 

    Thank you for your service. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

    My hearts aches for the Love. I am doing nothing. Just waiting ?

    If that's where you are, your work now would be to awaken others gently with the remainder of this life (which can come in many ways).

    You mentioned aching for the Love, it sounds like you might have some healing to do also I would recommend that. 

    (This recommendation is no different than what you might get "on the other side".)

  6. 12 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

    Thats also what I intuited. But it was also to the regards to physical death. The way Leo puts it is that every incarnation gets to Omniscience after physical death, which is not true from my understanding. That would mean that suicide in every situation would lead to this Ultimate Realization. 

    I see what you mean. 

    You will get a much-expanded consciousness upon leaving the body, but your understanding is still going to be additive to what your understanding was prior to it. Similar to how everyone experiences psychedelic trips based on their "current" level of consciousness and interpretations. 

    And so that's why the work you do here (internally) to expand consciousness will have a great impact "on the other side". 

    If your goal is to not return , then yeah you have to do more work here (eg, one being releasing attachment to the world of forms, fear of God, etc), otherwise you will likely return to form to continue the journey. But also like I was saying many beings "return to form" just for fun/love etc (but doing so knowing who they truly are). Like that "alien mouse" for instance lolz.

  7. As @tuku747 pointed out, it depends on where you are in development in your consciousness when you end seeing through this avatar. 

    What Leo talks about is more geared towards ones who are ready to not come into form again and remain as a formless all-knowing entity (though they always could, perhaps for teaching purposes for example). Someone like Matt Kahn I would say may be an example of such a being - who chose to come back here just to awaken more beings.

    But it is up to you how "fast" you want to develop. And development happens mostly right now while you are here. 

    Anyway this is my understanding so far, others may have a different interpretation.

    And that interview @tuku747 shared is a good one to check out.

  8. 48 minutes ago, Latham said:
    19 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    I've become conscious that our entire universe is just a molecule within an alien God-Mind that exists on a higher dimension, which is using all the conscious experience of the universe to fuel it's own intelligence process, in order to understand itself deeper and accessing ever higher categories of metaphysical Love.

    @Leo Gura Can you elaborate on the entire universe being a molecule within an alien God-mind?

    Do you mean a literal entity (since you mention it being on a higher dimention), or just God itself?

    I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at and I don't want to carry around the wrong idea in my mind.

    This reminds me of something I heard Matt Kahn said a while back about the "History of Consciousness": (starts around 9:20)

    Though obviously I haven't verified this "story" and it is one way of looking at it from potential other ways.

    All this alien talk also gave me another "alien God" awakening today while driving.. I felt like some "alien God" visiting this planet and a completely foreign entity, though the feeling of "Egyptian" also came. Words don't do it justice though the amount of Godliness that was there.

  9. No issues here in terms of personal use (Canada) but I still keep it low key as it is not legalized and I'm not sure what would happen if I told a doctor about it still, my guess is they could use that to hospitalize you if you also have/had mental health complaints.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Matthew85 said:

    @puporing You bring up a very valid point. Do you feel waking reality is a reflection of yours and other individuated consciousness's or only yours? 

    "If I were to be at a different level of consciousness I would likely be in a different world within consciousness." I agree. Sometimes I contemplate if what we call physical death isn't just consciousness outgrowing it's current reality. 

    I think it's co-created. But by different kinds of minds. Which is why you hear about "alien Gods". You can be that "alien God" too one day.

    Yes death is most likely fully your own will (that you may not be conscious of).

  11. 18 minutes ago, Matthew85 said:

    @puporing Not at all. Thank you. I just don't like feeling like a puppet. So much of this current experience seems to be orchestrated from levels that our way beyond our awareness. I want to understand why. 

    To me this world is also a reflection of my consciousness (the individuated part from God), when I came into it. If I were to be at a different level of consciousness I would likely be in a different world within consciousness. So in a sense there'll always be a point in which you as the individuated mind start to "outgrow" the world it initially wanted to find itself in. But growth is inevitable just sped up or delayed. 

    And yes it's def possible to exist without illusion and in Absolute Truth. But it would not be appealing until you are ready for such a state (eg, to exist permanently as the Godhead). Enjoy the journey so to speak. :)

  12. 12 minutes ago, Matthew85 said:

    @puporing I often wonder why all this seems to be occurring at such deep levels that are beyond our awareness? Is this really what we want? To feel such a lack of control. For example if I were to ask you what will your dream tonight when fall asleep, you have no idea. You will fall into a succession of dream narratives and landscapes and be taken for a ride with no idea of what will happen. I am still puzzled by this. 

    Dreams are a sort of reflection of your current consciousness imo. The chaos is partly due to your wish to be seperated from the Mind of God, which knows peace. So if your waking consciousness is hyper-awake, your dreams will also reflect this (you would either have awakening dreams or less dreams in my experience).

    So if you desire eternal peace it is attainable with work, purifying the darkness within you so to speak... Sorry if I sound hokey pokey. This is just my process I'm sharing.

  13. 39 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    I got you.  Thanks for participating.  Yeah - I don't necessarily agree that God is always God though.  Because of the subjective nature of reality and its infinitude.   God has the complete ability to no longer be God.  And frankly - this is very troubling and scaring to me.  Because we want to have an objective reality at all costs.   But alas - that must slip through our fingers. 

    To me this gets into the question of "Will". Is it the will of God to forget itself? Or is it the will of God to remember itself? And how does that relate with the ego (the part that wants to seperate)?

    There are so many interpretations on this and debates about this. And usually the answer is given is what is convenient to the ego, so it can be hard to know. The ego will tend to say that it is the Will of God to forget its true nature, unity, infinity with all. And there you go running around asking egos this question and it gives you this predictable answer. And this world is predominantly ego perspective so the other perspective tend to be missing. Something to consider ;).

    I guess my current understanding on that is "what would Love say?". Infinite Love would allow itself to be whatever it wished to be. Infinite Love would also assist in its remembrance of what itself is.

    So yeah.. that seems to be the kind of questions you're bringing.


  14. 34 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    It's not about others.  Others is an illusion.   Watch out for dogma here because I see it strong in you.  Notice you said the all knowing God when you wake up   What about before you wake up?  Is there an all knowing God?

    Well you're the one asking about "if in limited form", "if still God", which implies a seperation. And there is no seperation between minds just an imagined one. Which is what happens when minds forget they are both God and one with everything. That's the paradox, you're both the father and son and so is everyone else.

    Not dogma my direct experience. I'm not always in that top awakened state and don't claim to be (though is certainly possible in awareness even for a human). But when I am that is what I see and the words I just replied you with is from that top awakened state. 

    There's always all knowing God, time doesn't exist in God consciousness. From the mind that forgot God perspective to it it only knows itself in an illusion, but it's illusion not ultimate truth.

  15. To the all knowing God (which is you when you wake up) everything is God/itself, whether or not that "others" knows it or not doesn't make it different to the awakened. But out of Love the awakened will meet where the other is at so playing along, or out of Love the awakened will gently let the world know they too are God one way or another through its being. God is the one who is dreaming and then waking itself up through various means. Recognition of others as itself upon waking is just natural to God, maybe not natural to the conditioned ego so the question arises. 

  16. @StormLight Yes I acknowledge the point made and I'm sure the message has been received.

    It was posted Jan 30, some time has passed. Things can be very different Now as we speak. The past is no longer for you are always rebirthing (in this world).

    I am not saying it was all an "extension of love", and that if you do not feel safe you should take actions to protect yourself to the extent to feel safety, this will vary by individual. But whatever is not an extension of love is his call for love from You/us (in a roundabout manner). I don't expect you/anyone to understand what I'm saying now but maybe in time you will have the space for this.

  17. It's often a reflection of what's in you (including the collective you), to be processed and integrated. Or some kind of "like-attract-like" scenario. Most will not want to stay in that and get out of it eventually (if it does happen). If it happens consistently I recommend doing more sober work.. meditation/healing and such.

    Darkness and light are in contrast of one another. What appears to be "normal" to one may seem dark to another.

    Sober states of "darkness" are much more common and tend to stay with someone until something internal cracks open.

  18. If you're in a state of great lack atm.. I recommend directing your focus toward several angles besides this relationship angle. This is to diminish the effects of rejection to your overall mental/emotional wellbeing where you might get some of those needs met elsewhere (while going about your ways to find a date/gf).

    Some you might've heard but not think related:

    - Talk to a therapist (maybe someone that is comfortable with more "close conversations").

    - Join some groups/events that you share common interests in.

    - Volunteer at a help/distress line (bit counterintuitive but it is one place where you can have close conversations with strangers). Or just try to talk to strangers in general (unconditionally), many you might find are happy to talk to you for a moment.

    - Go meta and merge with God (and the feminine aspects of yourself).

  19. It's been extremely challenging. Everyone's case is unique but there are similarities. The main thing is that your "inner child" (or ego) might mentally emotionally feel like an orphan with parents that are more a drain, and have to find ways to support yourself/growth. You may have to get good at creating boundaries in order to grow in the direction of greater consciousness.

    Mine have a vague idea that I'm into spirituality/metaphysics (as I sometimes share things that might be accessible to them), but no idea the full extent of it as they aren't ready. Things they might be interested (that would be a gift for most people) especially as they get older or face health issues is you could share things about an idea of an eternal life. I usually don't "preach" and just share resources from time to time and give them the space to browse if they wished (as my words are not treated with respect the same way lol).

    You are their teacher now, even if they can't/won't acknowledge this yet. Internally you know you are. A good guide meets others where they're at. But if you need time and space for healing do that first before trying to guide them. You have to learn to be smart about what might be safe to share and what is not safe. And they are your teacher in the sense that you can later practice forgiveness and seeing the God in them (when you're ready). Likely they'll be some of the more challenging people for you to fully forgive and see the God within, but it's a possibility for you.

    One thing to really accept that might help you is that your "biological age" has little to do with your "spiritual age" (relative to others), meaning you can be born with a relatively more mature mind than your parents. (This had to happen to "some of us" if you just take into account how infinity and chance works, let alone higher will).

    In the mean time all I could do is create some distance and remain available if that makes sense. I had been in and out of different therapists for support. I had studied things like narcissism and intergenerational trauma. I had followed guidance from healers. And best of all, you will be given help in your consciousness.

    The hardest parts were detaching myself from the entanglement, to break out of the mold of them only seeing me as their child and that I might have anything valuable to teach them, and my assigned gender and culture which would be highly taboo to be highly spiritual/questioning reality and essentially abandoning the "expected human life". That's also why much of it is still kept away from others "in my life". But it's all slowly happening according to plan - the plan that is beyond any finite self. 

    And finally, one day you can find appreciation for the darkness you experienced so as to experience the light (and more).

    Feel free to message me if you are looking for support/resources I'm happy to share some your way.