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Posts posted by puporing

  1. you don't have to be inside "a joke" or story forever though, you can also choose to be awake forever, if you choose that. This is 100% your choosing. Coz you have to decide to wake up or decide to dream, each time requires your decision. It's just that once you "put yourself asleep" it can be hard to wake up again.

  2. You can not come back here again you know and just hang out in spirit world after this life. That's my plan anyway. There's much still you don't understand, there's higher awakenings than what's infront of you right now. There is also a "heaven" where you are pure infinity and maximum consciousness and need do nothing to "survive". But you have to practice letting go of this place to eventually end up there.

    To leave this place you have to change your state completely while in a body, and that is in your power to do 100%. Sounds like you may be ready for that in this incarnation.

  3. 3 hours ago, ChrisZoZo said:

    I can ask and then they can show up its a possibility also no?

    maybe. I'm just trying to say there are many levels to awakening so it's not like less awake teachers are not valuable, what you want is teachings just ahead of you. I'm saying you can only learn what you are ready for (so it's not this "catch all" thing with the term "enlightenment"). eg, you can't even begin to recognize the most awake teachers when you're not close and they will likely not "show themselves" to you either coz they know they appear too crazy to you still, and you will also prob ignore them. this works similarly on psychedelics.

  4. your "teachers" show up when you're ready, in whatever shape or form (eg, does not need to be a human), and you will find them. There are many levels to this. Someone too "far along" that you are not ready for will seem crazy and false to you if you are not there yet. 

    you will instinctively know who/what the remaining guides are for you. 

    best wishes.

  5. 1 hour ago, michaelcycle00 said:

    I'm not following. 

    Consider first that an infinite mind can have distinctly different wills, perhaps even direct opposite ones.

    Consider also that perfect Love gives you absolute freewill to do/be what you wish.

    The God that I "carry in me" that I have awakened to wills heaven here and/or in "spirit world". But what is meant by "heaven"? Something like a state of oneness and perfect Love, maximal consciousness.

    That doesn't mean I immediately accepted my awakenings, because like you I have been living in a different kind of state, it took me some time to more fully accept.

    But like I said, consider the first two possibilities then you might be open to considering the third assertion as "will of God".

  6. @Adodd it may not seem like it but it's actually a wise insight. 

    I would say that's exactly the kind of "life experiences" you need to ultimately decide (while you're in a body) whether or not you want to "return as a human"/planet earth.

    Having said that I would suggest to figure out how to give your best shot at this current life and "feel complete" here if you can.. sounds like some drastic changes might be in order. And remember if you don't make sure you feel fairly complete here you might feel compelled to reincarnate.. just an fyi from someone who's thought of this stuff out. :D

    If that's truly been your mental state the past while then I would say some kind of "ascetic"/minimalist lifestyle might be suited for you but you know best. It's not so bad to ask for some help too, people are too ashamed to these days.

    Also you can be "infinite" and God Consciousness while in the body (idk if you already have that in your baseline or not), it's just keeping it with survival stuff that can be challenging.

  7. 8 hours ago, StarStruck said:

    How I see social interactions are like this: social interactions are just human games. It could be compared to chess or any other game. And since I'm seeing it as a game I have become better at it by not taking it personally.

    Not if you can find authentic people, and okay with being alone for periods of time.. they are out there but just harder to find in general, maybe spiritual retreats or something. They're just not your "flashy types" usually. In any case, if you want it to be a game then it will be so, if you wish not to then you will find people who are also aligned similarly, depends what you prioritize. idk I have like zero interest in unnecessary drama and would rather be "alone" these days than deal with that, and it doesn't bother me. I am much happier alone or with people on similar maturity level just coz of awakening work and have no room for bullshit :D. My mind won't allow it it will just repel it "on my behalf". Ultimately up to you though. I think it's one of those things you have to find out for yourself when you're truly tired of the superficiality.

  8. 10 hours ago, StarStruck said:

    The weird thing is that the less you care the more you are valued. 

    This is maybe only true with very immature people who fall into this manipulation. Not so with mature and developed ones, the exact opposite happens.

    I think if you felt hurt by the lack of response, you should just speak up about it one way or another, it may well fall on deaf ears but to me it's healthy to express that (and then move on). I know it can seem like too much if you haven't done it much before, but :D what you gotta lose?

    It's good to practice expressing your feelings about a disrespectful situation (to the extent you're comfortable), and then set boundaries for it, because it will come up again and again not just dating but work, people in general. 

    It boils down to Self-Love, which affects your ability to be your best self around others who will appreciate what you give them (as presence, attention, etc) and not treat it like nothing.

    (And in the end... I still suggest to wake up instead of this endless chasing because in my experience it never made me feel whole or loved. Build authentic relationships instead. I've done a fair share of "chasing" myself before and know what that's like, it's really not that great for most people. I was quite literally spinning on a "hamster wheel" but in reality I was looking for God's Love. And you are probably not going to find the kind of LOVE and HEALING you crave except from God or "works of God". If you're more "sensitive" like me it is just adding more trauma dealing with immature or insensitive people that are not yet attuned to their feelings. Sorry if I am going off tangent, but no one else is gonna tell you how it actually is with regards to "chasing the other" and God more than likely.. and don't have to take my word I am just trying to help you out coz I am sensing that you may be ready to hear it).

  9. 5 hours ago, StarStruck said:

    I already had rapport with her for 3-4 hours times 3 encounters. It is not hard to respond to "hi what is up?", perhaps it is boring.. but still it is a matter of respect from my point of view. Perhaps you are right, she has pretty privilege and gets a lot of guys texting her. I need to work on my text game.

    that sounds super weird to me honestly, unless someone's a luddite and don't text. It's not hard to just say "Hello, I don't wish to text", but yeah people are so bad at communication sometimes when it comes to "saying no" and it actually hurts the other person more with the silent treatment.. but yeah in any case it's possible they just haven't learned how to "say no" politely so I hope you can find room to forgive them too.

    There are also ones that want a much more "casual relating" and so they minimize certain communication channels. But if that's not matching with yours then it will not work and you'll always feel like you're chasing a ghost or something.

  10. 26 minutes ago, acidgoofy said:

    My brother has a camper van with bathroom. He's got it for a few years now and we often go on trips together and I always use the bathroom. However my brother never used it since he got the van because he prefers to go into nature and dig a hole ??

    lmao, that sounds nice, is it one of those portable toilets? (where you empty and clean it when it's full?). 

  11. In my experience it's hard to do both at once, if you don't already have some capital/support. If you need a guaranteed income it's often a different path at first to engage with some job/trade/business that more or less guarantees it but isn't totally your "passion project" if that makes sense.

    Don't overlook the peace that financial well being alone can bring you. And then you have a solid foundation to build other things if you desired to.

    There are exceptions of course.. but those are not generally the common cases.

  12. I just tell them the truth and then grieve (if I have to) and move on. And focus on people that will actually engage with you respectfully instead. idk to me it's way more closure to just tell them what you felt about the texting and to be explicit about "ending further interactions", without expecting anything in return. 

    This is how I deal with weird customers too lol (in terms of being disrespectful..).

    And it's not an overreaction, whatever you react with is the truth at that moment, it means you developed some attachment. It's better to just be super honest with yourself and not skip the "grief stage" because that tends to build up as repressed anger.

  13. There's prob always going to be some link between that and awakening imo. Just because you are dealing with the existential matter (with your contemplation also and depending on where you are in your "spiritual journey" overall) and your sense of identity/relation with the world, etc. And things can get shuffled a lot as you awaken (on or off psychedelics).

    The nature of Awakening sort of requires you to zoom out of the matrix of humanity bit by bit, have some level of detachment, and everything you knew as reality and face what "life and death" is. So you're already in a "detached" kind of state to do this work.

    It's possible that if you really have no connection with this planet at some point after awakening (eg people or goals/meaning or just too much suffering to survive) that you could just want to mahasamadhi out of here coz you know what lies "on the other side". I am not encouraging that, it's just a possibility/ideation that could come up as you go. I think it's a very personal choice though.

    It also depends (if you fully awaken), what your primary sense of purposes are and if there's an "outlet" for it. For example if you then see yourself at least partly as a "messenger" or "teacher" of some type but live in a society that would not allow or demonize such that would be a tricky situation, because you might have a strong desire to speak up (that feels almost out of control :D). But hopefully with the internet there's less and less of that happening.