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Posts posted by puporing

  1. I don't experience this place as "infinite intelligence", it's rather unintelligent for the most part. It could have been designed a lot better/higher intelligence that also recognizes itself, idk why it wasn't, instead it's very cut off from "higher intelligence" so you have to work hard to get it back. ;) Also someone kinda masochistic, was I? weird. Heheh, you guys can go with how you feel about it though, I'm just speaking what I see... 

    To your original question, your mind also has to change soberly to experience it soberly. Now what steps might that involve??

  2. @thenondualtankie I'm sorry but, you sound like what I described above that either have not lived there/closely interacted (as a Chinese person) or have the consciousness to see. It's no use for me to try to convince you.

    (And I have already stated I have no interest in "surviving" in a place that's pretty much hell to me, so any argument about this level of consciousness helping you "survive" really has no effect on me.)

    Chaos might actually be good for them if they cared about self-love. 

    It's pure luck that I am now in somewhat a position to speak my truth, however limited it is.

  3. Haha, I want nothing to do with that country or people there but sadly I am tied by family. You can call me a racist but I've dealt with enough of them to know how low conscious it still is, and there's no way out because they're all brainwashed by groupthink and authoritarianism, the few who aren't are prob constantly getting stalked and harassed by the CCP, or their "family" that are equally obsessed with control and manipulation, perpetual abuse of the younger generation and those with less power, and abuse can only lead to more pain and abuse. This is all so conveniently excused by pointing fingers at the USA and capitalism and a narrative used again and again to keep people "in". I'd rather die than being around them like a bad cult, it still gives me suicidal thoughts daily. I'm ready to cut all family ties to get away from their level of consciousness if things get bad enough. People who defend them either have not really dealt with them closely or don't have enough consciousness to see. It's extra bad if you're a "woman", you're basically a slave to the family if you have no way out of there. My "escape" is a miracle, I could've easily been murdered (the possibility still exists if I'm not careful).

  4. Psychedelics are good but also I recommend some openness to your peers, they may have information to share that you are not yet accessing to help you access. Coz exactly like few of you say psychedelics alone can't give you everything/full understanding if you are not ready for it, pointers help and then you can check it out yourself/verify things. It's like we're throwing each other ropes to climb the tree or something.

    When it comes to science I guess, I did do a degree in it so I know a little bit. I know the conflict between "inconvenient truths" that honest/rigorous scientists (in the relative domain) vs corporate interests to snuff them out. Think tobacco industry and climate change/environmental sciences.

    The training of scientists is to be as little biased as possible and this is a topic that comes up in training if I recall (observer bias and many other biases). But that's no guarantee someone is going to (and able to) follow that once they're out of school (or even when they're in school). "Honest science" tends to make no money as it prob should be to be objective, so it's mostly on the collective to make such funding possible or individuals that somehow can fund it. 

    But I think fundamentally science has not yet bridged with spirituality much is because these scientists are not ready to wake up themselves, if so they would land somewhere like here.

  5. 34 minutes ago, davecraw said:

    So you aren't claming your experience is the same as mine right?

    Yes not the same experience (concurrenly), the same Consciousness/mind. So this mind of yours when you wake up has lived everyone's lives.

    (although there's also a higher realization where you realize the difference in experiences/lives are not hugely different like you may imagine them to be. But ignore this for later if it's confusing you).

    Also it's correct to say "I put you to sleep" also. ;) 

  6. Thanks for sharing.

    Depression isn't so simple though and I am starting to think almost nobody understands it.

    You're actually more likely to be depressed with a very high state of consciousness in this world. It has more to do with the contrast with lower states around you that is also part of your mind, creates too much differential/schism to be around. As well as the inherent "separation" of the mind induced by being in a body. And then almost nobody seem to understand it's because of lack of Love, not this technical mumbo jumbo.

    I think people with no extensive experience with depression basically can't understand it well enough and usually try to simplify it.

    That's not to say tools like this can't help you cope.

  7. I'm hardly here as a *human* these days. It seems like my remaining will is mainly to "help" a few peeps to ascend with me, in whatever shape or form that takes. And whatever personal connections I still have here keeps me here, even the not so good ones. So I guess I'm not quite ready to leave because of that. Though this "help" is not from neediness more like an offering.

    Other than that it's kinda hard for me to be "here", coz all I really desire these days is "heaven".

    I would have trouble just to eat much food even these days (lack of interest mostly as a result of the high state of consciousness I'm in 24/7 like it feels unnecessary lol) but I do it coz I have to to keep well.

  8. Depends what you think of as "ego death", this term is similarly multi-layered like the word "awakening". Just thought I should point that out coz it's not as simple as having psychedelic awakenings alone in my experience. It can be incredibly difficult to work to transcend the ego thought forms. Also relates to whatever karma needs to be burnt/transmuted. It's good you're thinking about it.

  9. 1 hour ago, Luminescence said:

    getting a bit too pissed off about our current state of society

    (he's not pissed off enough in my view 9_9.)

    The more you awaken to God the more you become aware of the lack of consciousness here and yeah it can be hard sometimes to be around it. 

    Least for me!

    (With the awareness of...oopsies I should've thought of that when I made/came to this place.)

  10. @integral lol...sorry to hear. That sounds creepy and uncalibrated so I don't blame you. And yes it has nothing to do with being poly in and of itself. You can be low consciousness monogamist or low consciousness polyamorous. Hope that makes sense. 

    This is not a justification but to shed understanding, that my guess is when some people finally have the freedom to explore their sexuality/intimacy not just with one guy because they have this need, they have a hard time controlling themselves at first. They could also have been starved too in their existing relationship you never know.

    Personally I feel some tragedy in what you say. Ideally it's better to get it out of your system when you're younger. But because we don't actually live in a very liberated society yet these things can sometimes get very delayed.. I hope you can find some empathy for that at least.

  11. 41 minutes ago, integral said:

    ?Thats basically what im thinking, where is the uberfication of real estate??? 


    1 hour ago, integral said:

    Im guessing there is nuance here, for most properties im willing to bet just listing it for sale priced well is good enough. For hard to sell properties then a realtor can help with that. 

    I can see how a lawyer is vital for understanding legal details, but how does a realtor save an ass? lol

    I guess it's not that they have ZERO value, but it's way out of proportion with the cost. Mostly we're just brainwashed to paying them. I can't see other explanations.

    I've been on the buyer's side where I represented myself for negotiations and signing for a small purchase, and it was pretty easy (just made sure I did my property inspections). Not saying I recommend this but it is not worth whatever they're charging lol.

    Lawyers too for straight forward real estate transactions - it's like one of the easiest boiler plate kind of deal for them, no case prep, no court appearance. I've had one that even messed up my name on the title. And I could barely get ahold of them on the phone. Goes to show how much effort they put into it..

    I have no problem paying people but the cost they charge is obviously not fair. And I haven't looked into why there's like no competing alternatives, I think it's because realtors are registered under an association that partly work to block other alternatives. I think they also control the main advertising channels so you can't just do it yourself. 

    Also consider the joint relationship between Realtors, Real Estate Lawyers, Mortgage Brokers, Banks. They probably work to protect each other and makes it that much harder to introduce competition.

    The fact that it is an irregular "one-off" purchase for most people means they are more likely to just suck it up..

  12. Haha, it's just normalized/legalized mafia/gatekeepers. Same with most those lawyers who charge an arm and leg just to sign your paperwork for a purchase, and mortgage brokers too probably though I don't know their margins. You can tell it's "mafia-like" because I've dealt with both lawyers and mortgage brokers who will at the last minute up their rates (because you have a deadline).

    They're all just "paper shufflers" who add no value (beyond their time) and steal from you. There's no reason why all that can't just be automated or at a much more reasonable cost.

    Instead all their inflated costs does actually contribute to inflating of housing cost.

    It's part of why I said in another post "people are overpaying for bathrooms". ;) 

    legalized bullshit :D

    (I would care less if it wasn't on something so essential as housing).

  13. 51 minutes ago, integral said:

    @puporing If we go back to the main question, why would a older woman message a random young good looking guy she has not built any foundation or had no real dialogue with that she wants a open relationship? It strikes me as a attempt to peak his interest? On the other hand I think a lot of men will view this is unattractive as she sounds "loose". 

    If it is so what? I'm not sure what the problem is. One can always just say no, and seems like he did. 

    Yes a lot of men will reject it because they won't be 100% "theirs", (or in many cases take advantage briefly and abuse or even rape the person because they think they deserve it for being in an open/poly relationship, or think they just want sex anyways, this is just the kind of consciousness we're in right now, just look at how you all responded automatically assuming a bunch of stuff about this person), but it's not necessarily because they're not otherwise attractive (though it could also be just that).

  14. Depends on your priorities.. you can always work in a high paying industry and save up for some time and then transition to something that's more sustainable on your body and mind overall. I've learned the hard way too that just pushing it doesn't always work - your body (and mind) can literally break down and cause you even more problems.

    So yeah my perspective is more from the "take care of yourself" first mentality now. If your job keeps rubbing up against that it's your body telling you to consider switching soon.. don't end up like some people who get early stage Cancer and early death like cardiac problems because they overworked themselves (if you can help it seriously). 

  15. 5 hours ago, integral said:

    Ah this make sense, didn't realize how challenging it is to keep guys around. 

    it's more like mismatch for both parties, so it's fine really. just saying open relationships does not lead to "more options" like some might imagine. it's more like if you are lucky enough to meet people who can match with you on it and just love you for you not your relationship structure. plus it's not like there's "no commitment" like people make them out to be (depending on the people involved), if you're aiming for quality/long term, it's just a looser/more independent kind of structure overall I would say compared to typical monogamy.

  16. 3 hours ago, integral said:

    pool of men

    common misconception about people in open situations. There are no "pool of men". 95% of men want strict monogamy like yourself, demonizes poly people/tries to "fix them" and in many cases "pump and dump" poly people through faking a facade of acceptance (though this also happens with typical dating dynamics), and/or are in a monogamist relationship already. And people in open relationships can be just as picky due to the massive consciousness/development required for a healthy poly situation. Their best bet is to find those like themselves instead of strict monogamists, but super hard to find.

  17. Hard to say really. You could also just be someone they felt safe enough to express honestly with, the rest I can't say coz I wasn't there to see the interaction, it's just not necessarily an expression of interest like most assume it to be.

    It's similar to a gay person telling you they're gay, is it always an expression of interest? it could be but depends how it was said/context, sometimes just to express themselves with anyone safe to, I mean how else is a non-normie gonna EVER let anyone know about themselves when they're 95% times surrounded by normies? They can't exactly put a sticker on their head saying they live a different life than most. 

    In any case, I would suggest not to get involved (romantically) if you cannot accept the situation and have a need for someone to be totally monogamous.