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Everything posted by puporing

  1. Most people I talked to (outside this forum) who show an opening view psychedelics as something to help someone with mental health problems (depression, anxiety..etc), some see it as an escape/something fun to do. Rest are not receptive or see you/any "drug use" as dangerous.
  2. Sounds like you're doing a lot of "deconstructing" right now. It can be scary, re-examining everything you knew/were taught/conditioned with. Good question. I kind of embrace it, I think it's a sign that you care, maybe you recognize there's a disharmony around. It changed in form. It used to be more about "me" and "my life", to slowly becoming more and more a reflection of what I see/sense everywhere in "others". It's now a source of motivation to be more loving. Don't force yourself though, if you still got healing work to do that's where you are at and you need more attention to yourself right now.
  3. Well I wouldn’t jump to conclusions like that. Do you feel like you’ve outgrown actualized? That’s also fine if that’s where you are at now.
  4. Yeah I get that. Some grief around this is normal during a transition. And maybe doubts about yourself as you branch farther and farther away from the majority of the population. ?
  5. Tons of healing work, helped in part in discovering the nature of reality…
  6. No need to start another company per se, he can do alot through advocacy alone.
  7. @thisintegrated again I don't know why you think I'm saying it should stop. All I'm saying is there are other problems not being focused on/given nearly the same attention.
  8. @thisintegrated @modmyth I'm not against space exploration, it's just there're way bigger "problems" being neglected right now and it can be a nice distraction from them. A holistic approach would be nice.
  9. I wanted to explore this topic of in what ways has your life changed (and/or remained the same) after your awakening(s), specifically something like a God-realization, but others are welcome too. Feel free to frame things more generally than specific too if you don't want to share too much personal details. Some questions to spark discussion: - Did you lose/increase your interest in certain areas? - How did it affect your work/life purpose if at all? - How did it affect your relationships with "others"? - What challenges do you face knowing your true nature whilst living "in the dream"? Look forward to your answers!
  10. Life Unfolds in Chapters and Phases ... perhaps.
  11. Yes that's how I see it too, anything is possible really. It does not move at a 'linear' fashion necessarily. Something can rapidly expand and become 'universal' when a minimum threshold is reached for example. As the limits of materialism are reached we will be forced to look beyond.. the initial stage might be quite slow. Yeah I feel that one as well. In some weird illogical way this rings true to me - both on a day to day/external level and in a mystical sense. It makes sense to me there's a great multiplier effect even if you stay a 'hermit', let alone ones who speak publicly or transmit through their work.
  12. @Gidiot LOL good to know. I guess he does tend to have more provocative titles on these videos. Yes - the transition to a collective recognition of the one consciousness. Wonder how long that's going to take, would be kind of a miracle if it happened in this lifetime. I was contemplating that, it's prob best for it to happen organically than to have a bunch of people going around trying to "convert" everyone... tricky.
  13. Lots of good replies already.. trust your inner guidance. Changes happen with growth, it's like snake shedding its skin. It may appear to be you're losing some part of yourself but it's so the new can appear.
  14. @bmcnicho Yeah that's totally possible - I haven't looked into the research yet on this maybe it's been studied. I definitely "feel like" some neural connections have been made compared to before I used any psychedelics... like things became more connected. Haha it's such a new thing and we're all experimenting. Leo was saying in his 28-day trip with 5-meo that towards the end he was 'tripping' without taking any more 5-meo, and in his sleep.
  15. Probably just part of integration.. doesn't sound like you use it that often. I notice myself getting some dreams that are like my 'trips'. I would just keep observing and do what you feel comfortable with. The recommendation I got for mushrooms frequency (maximum) is once every week.
  16. That too. My thoughts on it was that it would force people to go higher. Current events can/could still be included, but instead of reacting to a current event and getting sucked into it (ie taking a side), one would be forced to look at the greater cause that created the event, and look for patterns and come up with intelligent proposals/solutions.
  17. @gettoefl ? you so don't give a shit what others think that you don't even use capitals lawl.
  18. Getting an UBI passed in some shape/form is way more of a priority than flying to Mars right now imo. Not sure why Elon can't see this or he just feels helpless to push this even though he's an advocate for it.
  19. Most people are not ready to face this in themselves and so if they acknowledge it in another they would also have to begin the process of facing any 'traumas' still remaining (let's face it most people have traumas just on a spectrum of degrees). It's alright it's because you are going deeper into yourself and it's unlikely we randomly run into someone doing/done the same. Even lots of therapists haven't in my experience. This is really still new to most of the population, and "mental health treatment/awareness" mostly still remains at a superficial level.
  20. @Chrisd Did you even watch the video?
  21. Listen to your inner voice. There's a voice leading you. Give that voice a bit more credit.
  22. Until you realize that you can't "die" and will always be here.
  23. No moderation actually can greatly limit freedom of speech. It tends to end up being 'herd think' or whatever the majority agrees upon.