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Everything posted by puporing

  1. @Preety_India It's harder with hyper-masculine types, even though they can be alluring, they're often the most possessive and strict about things like marriage, strict monogamy, children, and "ownership" (that's actually alot out of someone if you think about it, unless that's all lining up with what the woman wants too, basically asking someone to give up their life for them). Just sharing bit of my experience with that, so you might not get your "ideal" so to speak but there are definitely guys out there who might be open to giving you some sovereignty.
  2. Oh that's good to hear you have that option. Sounds like you're well on your way then.
  3. That's something you have to cultivate (ie, lead), coz most people will default to something they know/have known. And for that to happen also it has to seem fair too, so be reasonable about what you are asking from them too. Then there's short-term dating if you can mentally handle it.
  4. LOL was thinking about psychosis (which can be calmed down with a sedative), but seems like in this case it's manageable and she's not outright panicking. Forgot to check the obvious, check for anything else she might've been taking around that time that can have a synergetic effect.
  5. 1) Emergency Room (if it doesn't get better). 2) Also since I keep reading about your gf on this forum, does she know that you post about her here? (ie did you get her consent? coz some of the stuff you post are very private).
  6. That can be tough, it's like you can see things clearer, not a bad thing. Is it convenient? Maybe not. My experience with that is just you have to sort through more people to find ones that are more loving and supportive, quality over quantity. Consider moving to another country if you have to (if it's not working out where you are). Some places are more tolerant than others no doubt. So it depends on what you can put up with and desire in life. Some places it's almost impossible to do the kind of business you want for example because the environment is not trust worthy.
  7. LOL that was one of the realizations on my first psychedelic trip, after I've exhausted psychotherapy/self-healing.
  8. It's maybe something you want to pursue for awhile and fill your cup so to speak, and fully see its limitations (and the good) while you're at it, which dissolves much of the neediness about it. Going meta as much as you can helps too (like having more awakenings).
  9. Being around someone at mostly "Green" can feel like walking on egg shells, there can be alot of morality, and judgement based on the morality adopted. They can be friend to you one day and think you're the devil reincarnate next day ... Meanwhile there seem to also be alot of internal suffering from enforcing this set of "moral codes" that can often go against their intrinsic needs/desires. Being around them is also a good way to assess how much of it is still left in you.
  10. Will do! Guessing you had it backed up somewhere so it wasn't more loss. I noticed it was a different error than before so was bit worried there.
  11. Sorry you had to deal with that. Glad that it is back on!
  12. LOL seems like bunch of stuff got wiped yeah.
  13. Of course yes she threw herself into the mud so to speak, it was a courageous thing to do. But as she's in the midst of her work a highly conscious person would start to notice problems and actively refine/upgrade their process to avoid future problems. It's not that there should never be "mishaps", it's whether someone is aware enough to learn from and tweak/re-examine things. So who knows, maybe the documentary will be a bit of a wake up call for her, or not, hard to say which way it'll go . I say it with love, because I genuinely wish she didn't have to deal with this kind of drama.
  14. @TheAlchemist If it's more cult-like then it's not as high conscious as can be. By its nature, conscious leadership is harder to achieve/maintain than having some awakenings. And so the type of structure one sets up to transmit their message, is one of the indicators of one's level of consciousness - to forsee potential problems ahead of time and working to prevent them. A highly conscious leader does not want/need someone to "worship" them.
  15. That seems funny as hell if you didn't plan it that way rofl.
  16. Seems like you're discovering in this case that to love is a balancing of sharing/transmitting and letting someone be/accepting them as they are. You can do both .
  17. @Bird Larry If it's something really important to you you can just make it super clear upfront too that you prefer less texting.. Maybe it's a good screening tool for you to see if she will be respectful of that or not/be on similar page on that. Sometimes a girl wants to text because maybe you're in the early stage and there's that desire to bond so to speak (and maybe she's really into you!). I guess it can come off as being unavailable without meaning to. So sometimes just going with the flow works good (if it's mutual I guess).
  18. @BipolarGrowth LOL thanks for sharing that. I've heard of stories like that here too, someone starting with not much and leapfrogging with refinancing as they go lawl. Yeah the market you're in dictates alot of this (not being already overinflated and low-ish vacancy rate).
  19. @The0Self If that were all true yeah I'd agree with him. I don't get why someone like her would even want/need an "inner circle" (in a public setting), she does not need one at this point to deliver her message. Can easily just do what someone like Rupert Spira does if she still wants to host live events. Boundaries and such is pretty key to master for those environments. 2-3 people in a group can have challenging dynamics already and more than 3-4 is bound to run kinda wild/unpredictably. Seems like a recipe for drama/disaster even if she didn't intend on it at first. And if she's not super aware of those dynamics and pitfalls of running such "inner circle" that's a blind spot. I'd venture to say she still has some unresolved stuff of her own to work through, or hasn't considered other ways of doing things that might create less problems for herself and others.. She seems a bit trapped in it too.
  20. If it's not "difficult" we would have way more peeps at a similar level as someone like Matt Kahn is at for one, but we don't .
  21. Yes, though Airbnb is way more work if you do the short-term stuff and you need someone to be available at all times, unless you got a solid partner who can help you with logistical things when you want to take some time away. For travelling lifestyle long and medium term periodic tenants are way better you just need more properties to make any good income from it, and possibly involving a management company or a trusted partner.
  22. Intention matters a lot in determining how "hard" it will be. If one has a strong intent on transcending trauma and ego one can do it in a relatively short period. And for that one has to value what lies on the other side, like having a "vision". Being exposed to role models can help reinforce the vision. It can still be hard if the trauma is deep and not able to find support in the healing, thankfully with the internet nowadays it has become easier to find such support and resources if one seeks to heal.
  23. Consciously pursue your needs and desires until you are no longer very attached to outcomes. Doesn't mean you don't care when you reach that point, but internally you can reach a point of letting everything go for "yourself".
  24. In that case it's better to just have a conversation right there to get a sense of someone. Live screening?
  25. I used to not care as much, but then it led to lots of problems (like total mismatch, potentially dangerous situations, very narcissistic guys, etc), so I cared about "screening" much more after that. It's not so much that I "like it", texting is not my thing I'd rather not text much, just a basic screening if necessary like meeting someone from an online place.