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About RawLSD

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  1. Just like a few have said on here, I think marijuana has it's place, but it's not something that will help you get self actualized any faster. For many, it will be a hindrance depending on your own psychology. I have friends who can have a lot of energy on Marijuana. I believe I've read a study on how people with ADHD or ADD can have an uplifting effect on their energy when it comes to smoking, however, I do not have either condition so I don't know if theres some other underlying negative effect from it. For example, I have a buddy who can smoke marijuana before doing anything productive and have even more energy afterwards. Marijuana will spike your dopamine and therefore, you will not have it when you need it to keep motivated doing more difficult or focused tasks. Some may say marijuana doesn't lower motivation, but I urge you to check some studies and see how the SHORT-TERM effects of it can lower motivation. The issue is that when you are a daily smoker, you are almost always under the short term effects! I AM a daily smoker! I find meditation easier, which is a crutch and not purely helping me, because I'm not feeling the sober thoughts that actually drive me to depression or negativity. I have IBS so I use it medicinally more so, but without my ego, I can say that all I have to do is eat healthier and I'd get the same effects. Smoking just makes it so I can eat a cheese burger and the marijuana will lower stomach discomfort due to its effect on the intestine. If I smoke to make everything that is boring more fun, or to make things that are inherently bad less discomforting, then what favor am I really doing myself??? I used to smoke 2 grams a day, now I smoke 0.5, and during my job search, I didn't use someone elses pee like back in the day of my desperate stoner dependence, I stayed clean for 2 weeks. After 5 years of daily heavy smoking, I'm making some good progress. Just like a lot of drugs, including psychedelics, I find that all effects are temporary if you are not in a state of trying to improve yourself. Even when you are trying to improve yourself, you may find your motivation in your sober state lacking because your brain isn't short cutted to the "right" answers as soon as it would be on Marijuana on any psychedelic.