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Everything posted by zikzak

  1. Thanks for the info @outlandish! Yes it is indeed a special moment in a way - these being quasi-legal as you say :-)
  2. Well if they can produce it it shouldn't be that hard to produce some more? (And continue to do so). Or am I just missing the point of some secret ingredient that will run out soon and leave the world dry of all AL-LAD?
  3. outlandish, where did you read that it might disappear?
  4. ALD-52 seems like a good contender also..
  5. Yes I enjoyed the neurological explanation too. The endless debate on which substances are most likely to cause ego-loss is very well addressed here in a scientific approach.
  6. @Leo Gura - and others! - have you heard this interview? Really interesting stuff. Listen (fx.) from 57:45 about the 'special properties' of 5meo and also how it works compared to regular DMT. https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/entheogenic/episodes/2012-09-27T15_51_53-07_00 --------- Interview 2 (touches upon 5meo also): https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/entheogenic/episodes/2016-01-14T11_53_14-08_00
  7. +1 for the gem20 scale.
  8. I would say that my feeling is that this substance is best suited for individuals that already have a good stable sense of ego and have come to a place where they have started to work on dissolving that. This process is overlapping of course. But most people I know (including myself) are mostly working on their ego in their 20's and starting to release and relax more in their 30's. I would say that most would be best suited to start working with 5meo in their 30's or 40's. Not saying that it couldn't do wonders for a 18 year old person. After all it's just leading the way to our true nature which is not a bad place to be - but the way in and out of that can be very dramatic since deeper layers of consciousness are being opened for navigation. And they can include very intense emotional landscapes with immense fear, sorrow or whatever. So it depends on how ready one is to embrace that. Look at a guy like James Oroc - he's a big guy with lots of life experience. But with 5meo he is easily taken to his knees, sometimes anyway.
  9. Even though acetone is harsh stuff I don't think there would be a problem if one uses lab grade and let it evaporate fully (lots of people seem to use it for making changa - not that "lots of people" necessarily is a valid criteria, but..): https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/21237085
  10. Compared to? (But yes)
  11. @ZeN Using tin foil is generally not recommended for health reasons from what I have read. Also it sounds like you might have burned the substance since the vapor shouldn't be that harsh.. And yes it takes courage - I heard Dr. Gerardo Sandoval mention in a lecture that after many years working with this substance he still feels anxious when about to hit off...
  12. 5meo footage:
  13. I think I would go for something like that myself - maybe 20 mg. I read somewhere who had experimented with lying down and tilting his head back over the edge of a pillow or mattress and found it be good for no drips and effectiveness. I don't know if that would work for everyone but could be worth a try..
  14. Ralph Metzner talks about this in regards to snorting in his book on 5meo. I don't remember the exact dosage and time frame but can check when I get the book back from a friend..
  15. ZeN, I have been looking around for a device too. I wanted it to fulfill these criteria: - no open fire. -no danger from hot glassware potentially dropped. -no risk of burning the substance itself. -portability I have bought a Source Nail portable enail. I'll try pre-loading it and set it to a specific temperature (which I don't know yet since I can't find anywhere at what temp 5meo will burn). But if it will work I think it's a nice solution (other than cost considerations). I'll report back when I have tried it. Otherwise it would be pretty simple to make some kind of holder for either the VGV or a "meth pipe" so there's no risk of dropping it if you should want to hit off alone.
  16. Don't be afraid of the dark star - it will lead you to the void
  17. In which way did you experience it as an effort? And how was the come up compared to snorting? EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see your last message @Psychonaut.. Anyways, there are gels available that will numb the rear end. Might be something to try out. I have seen them in (needleless) syringes made for insertion. That way you will get insertion gear and lube in one buy. One might even consider this design (without the needle of course) and it will be possible to do it for your country ;-) Still, how was the come up?
  18. I think he has been pretty sincere about it so far?
  19. @Leo Gura, do you plan to do a follow up video on where you are with 5meo at the moment? (And more info on it that you might have acquired since the last video?). I think it wouldn't be a bad thing to include some basic facts and info in the first post of this mega thread. Dosage, ROA overview and so forth. Also - maybe most importantly - with 5meo I think it's a very very good idea (almost mandatory) to use a trip-sitter. You can actually hurt yourself if your body goes into spontaneous movement. There's also a considerable risk of dropping hot smoking gear. And lastly, with the fear you can tap into it can be good to have someone around you trust. Thanks for all the info btw!
  20. I agree. It's a stateless state so to speak. That's what I sense he is referring to by "eternity consciousness". Reading more about him it seems obvious, to me anyway. YMMV.
  21. Just want to share this story that I find fascinating. They guy was poisoned with a mix of morphine/cocaine (now don't go do this yourself ), had a near-death experience and woke up enlightened at the hospital. I like his description "dazzling dark" and also "eternity consciousness": http://pages.citebite.com/q5a5j8a4j0por Here's also a short interview which goes into explaining that he spends about 50% of his day in "eternity consciousness" and therefore is not technically fully enlightened - but that he doubts this is possible although claimed by some gurus: http://www.selfdiscoveryportal.com/arConversation.htm
  22. Breaking Bad 5-meo!
  23. Yes, but you may know this to be true from an intellectual/logic standpoint - that you can't do anything about it. As Leo says: "YOU cannot reach the state of no-yo".. But to have an actual experience/realization of this is very very different from understanding the logic behind it. Therefore the practice is to get your whole being into a position where you can actually surrender completely (stop the search /whatever). This is what meditation is. Even in states of deep silence or light appearing or whatever there's still a "search" going on. You might feel all search has come to a rest but your consciousness is still split in two, so to speak. The silence & you experiencing it. That has to fall away. And only infinity remains. Judging from statistics it's very very rare that it happens in a meditative practice.
  24. They go hand in hand great. Try mantra or just awareness of breath for 20 minutes and then open up to more loose focus for the last 10 minutes by just being aware of that you are aware..
  25. Anybody have info if it's legal in Spain? Google doesn't say much...