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Wendelin replied to Wendelin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Bebop jup, the Point is that we don`t know how far away this Realisation is for us. We might hallucinate about just being one tick away and being in fact the farest possible distance away. but at some Point a Quantum leap into that or Transformation should happen. For sure we cannot force that ourselves. It is also some kind of grace that is always there but we are not yet receptive for it to happen. -
Wendelin replied to Donald's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
http://isha.sadhguru.org/blog/yoga-meditation/demystifying-yoga/thought-or-being-deepak-chopra-in-conversation-with-sadhguru/ Moderator: It’s a real privilege to be here, and what’s interesting is that both these amazing people have come to this whole topic of wisdom from very different perspectives. Dr. Chopra comes at this as a doctor, scientist, and a very eloquent seeker. Sadhguru comes at it as a mystic, as someone who has sort of seen some of the unknowable and has come to us with a whole bunch of knowledge from that angle. Has your own thinking changed a lot over time? Can you both take that question? Deepak Chopra: It’s a great honor to meet you again, Sadhguru, after all these years. I remember playing frisbee with you in Puerto Rico. So yeah, my thinking has changed in the sense that when I started moving out of mainstream, so-called scientific thinking, I was trying to establish in my mind the connection between mind and body. And over the last four decades, I have realized, which has been obvious to great sages throughout the centuries, that there’s no system of thought that can access truth or reality. Whether it’s a scientific system of thought, a mathematical system of thought, or quantum physics – none of these systems of thought can give us the experience of reality, because reality is beyond thought. Reality is inconceivable to the mind. These systems of thought – even scientific ones – create only models of reality, not reality. And we have faith in them because once we understand the model, we can create technology. We can create jet planes, bombs, and mechanized death, Internet, and all the wonderful things. We think science gives us access to reality, but even science is an activity in something that is not mind, that is not matter. For lack of a better word, it’s a field of awareness – it’s what the great sages call brahman. The universe is a modified form of that. Your mind, your body, and the universe out there are all conceived, constructed, and governed by a non-local, inconceivable, dimensionless reality that is not in space and time. This is very difficult for the modern person to grasp. But since we are talking about ancient wisdom traditions, if you read the Yoga Vashishta [an ancient Indian text], it says brahman is that which cannot be seen but without which there is no seeing, that which cannot be perceived but without which there is no perception, that which cannot be imagined but without which there is no imagination, creativity, insight, intuition, choice. Everything that we call “reality” comes from an inconceivable, dimensionless, non-local domain, which is not in space-time. You know, when Lord Krishna talks about it – “water cannot wet it; wind cannot dry it; weapons cannot shatter it; fire cannot burn it: it’s ancient, it’s unborn, it’s not subject to death.” That’s inconceivable to the mind, but it’s experiential when you settle into awareness, when you settle into being, when you settle into existence, which is called as satchitananda or tatvamasi. That’s not an intellectual experience – that’s a transcendent experience. I’ll stop there. Moderator: Sadhguru, you come at it from knowing. Tell us how your own thinking has changed. Sadhguru: I cannot say much about thought because most of the time, I don’t have much thought. For me, the phenomenon of life that is happening within me always overwhelms everything else. Thought occurs to me only when I want to physically do something or arrange something around me – otherwise, days on end will pass for me without a single thought. People ask me, “What has been your sadhana?” My only sadhana has been that right from my childhood, I never got identified with anything – neither with the family nor the culture, religion, society, or any other things around me. Whether it was my parents or my siblings – I was involved with them but never identified with anyone or anything. Thinking is just a recycling of the data that you have already gathered. If you get it right now, your life will transform in ways that you can’t imagine possible. If your intelligence does not tie itself down with identity, every human being is capable of realizing the nature of life. When I say intelligence, as Deepak pointed out, it is beyond the thought process. Unfortunately, because of the type of education systems we have today, we are completely committed to one dimension of our intelligence, which we call intellect, which is just the thought process. Thought can only happen with the data that you have gathered through the five senses, which is very limited. Another thing is the nature of data that the senses gather is only useful for survival. The very nature of how you see things, how you hear, smell, taste, and touch life, is only relevant for survival. If you want to know life itself, then these instruments of perception are no good. Nature has opened up our sense perception as it is necessary for our survival. Similarly, it has opened up sense perceptions for different creatures as it is necessary for their survival. If survival is all you are seeking, the five senses are good enough. But once you have come as a human being, somehow survival is not good enough. If your stomach is empty, there’s only one issue – food. But once the stomach becomes full, you have a hundred issues going on. The nature of the human being is such, no matter what you do, you want to be something more than what you are right now. And if that “something more” happens, again you will want something more – it’s an endless pursuit. Somewhere, a human being is seeking limitless expansion but trying to do it with physical means. The very nature of physicality is a defined boundary. If there is no defined boundary, there is no possibility of anything physical happening in the universe. But now, a human being is longing for the boundless – that too in installments, and through physical means. Through the boundary, you are trying to become boundless. The desire is fantastic, the method is hopeless, because the moment you identify with something, your intellect works to protect that identity. Whatever you identify yourself with – whether it is a nation, family, gender, race, religion, or anything else – your intellect will only function around this identity. Any identity is a certain type of prejudice. So the one thing I did is, I never identified myself with anything, and life exploded within me in ways that thoughts seem so puny that I do not indulge in them most of the time. Thinking is just a recycling of the data that you have already gathered. If you get it right now, your life will transform in ways that you can’t imagine possible. Otherwise, some day, you will get it from the maggots. Then you will see you don’t belong to anything! -
Wendelin replied to Donald's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Frogfucius of Course every human being is able to have thoughts and our survival depends on it that is also correct. Enlightened People also think thats also right. You can do a Little Experiment. Just ask yourself a question like: From where will my next thought arise? Or: What Color has my next thought? The Little confusion that bringts leaves a short Moment of no thought. I do not glorify "no thought" that is for sure not a worthwhile goal. You surely want to use this as a tool. No thought is not good nor bad, it is just possible. Someone being able to Control the mind chatter and use the mind exactly to the Point, that would be for sure helpful (but very difficult to attain) If your brain behaves like punching on the keybord of your Computer hard with the whole Hand and not sensible with the right fingers it will not Spill out what you want. So brain is probably something you can master, but for most human beings it is not really controllable. While Meditation some People seem to have less Problems with their monkey mind than others. So there seem to be at least variations. -
Wendelin replied to Ray's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think mostly forgiving is relevant as a social Thing so it could just be appropriate in some situations. But generally its of Course something you cook up in your mind to some kind of psychological burden. So that belongs to the identification/psychological stuff. you do not know if it reaches the receipient in the intended way. He might say "shut your mouth" so what? You have done your best to solve your own psychological entanglement with that issue... -
Wendelin replied to Donald's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Frogfucius You can experience Moments of no thought between two thoughts even if the Moments are short. And if they are there you can also learn to extend These Moments. So I don`t think this Statement is correct. That refers to I think therfore I am. Enlightened beings say I am therefore I might think... in my experience Focus is not necessarily a thought. Because it Comes first. You Focus on something (that might be random or unconscious) and a thought arises. And can you Focus on a thought? Yes you can. Does that mean there is a thought about a thought and both Happening at the same time? I think that is not the case. So I disagree from experience, your life on earth is not depending on an endless chain of thoughts. I do not say this is right this is wrong, but my experience says that the Focus of awareness and thoughts are different -
Wendelin replied to Donald's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Krishnamurti is great. When I first read that stuff like 12 years ago, I often didn`t understand what he means but it felt somehow right. Some of his insights helped me a lot to improve my relationship with my dad which was quite difficult back then. Sadhguru claimed that he had his brain waves measured and in fact they did not record any activity. He also Claims that he can just think when he likes and have a quiet mind in the mean time. He states some days he has not a single thought. I don`t know if that is something enlightened People have in common. -
Wendelin replied to bigzbigi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
So back at the one and only question. Yes, consciouness is something that cannot be compared since it is beyond duality (the one and only singularity as Leo said). So you cannot perceive it with your sense perception (that can only compare) and also not with your intellect (which can only split things into smaller things). But can it be perceived as what it really is at all? Yes it can as there is the pineal gland (also refered to as third eye) where you life energies can chemically allow your felt individual kind of perspective to merge with the infinite consciousness. So how can you force that to happen? Well 5 Meo dmt (which is also naturally produced there, guess for what kind of potential?) gives probably/obviously a temporary boost into that. That is no surprise because anything that is perceived is physical (even thoughts are physical like electric power) But how can you get there otherwise? Well the big problem is, there is no path (pathless path) you can somehow develop yourself into it or just fall/jump into it. Either by accident or by openness or by paying enough and the right kind of attention (also called raising awareness/ becoming less ignorant) Probably you could call that "grace" because it is so rarely attained and wanting it so hard is probably even counterproductive. It is definitely the Peak of human potential and the Thing all spiritual seekers are after. Even knowing about the very details does not help. I suppose it Shows up when you are really really ready and qualified for it. So what are you? Are you this consciousness? Does you being able to Access it qualify you also as being it? Are you therefore God? Did you create the universe? Did you? And what did I then? Am I you? Are you me? Are we as we live here as humans splitters of the same thing and are we in fact the whole of it? So are we all other life and creation then? How should we treat creation then? With this awareness or doesn`t it matter at all because its an illusion? So why creation? And why enlightenment? What is this unimaginable intelligence? No Intention vs. unimaginable deep intention? What desire makes consciousness into a particular human form (which is not a small thing). Counsciousness could have enjoyed itself just as a whole, why does it create These illusions of all Kinds. And what is our exact place and Position there? Random experience or something with a bigger sense that we are able to imagine with our little minds? Will we as a splitted perspective find another form "afterwards" or just merge into the infinite ocean and never Show up again as a splitted part after the death of the body? What if every single Little Piece of perception (duality) is intentionally placed in front of us by this huge intelligence that thrives in us and that we are in fact? I mean every Little dot of dirt, just everything you are able to take notice of? Questions are helpful, but it is said that it is the most difficult way to geht there intellectually. Very few have managed that. (in India its called gnana yoga -Yoga of the intellect) If you do the right things (conscious or unconscious) enlightenment cannot be denied to you. Your Problem is that you don`t know what the right things are. Are there any sign Posts? Maybe emotions and sufferings? Are there for example emotions that are not rooted in duality? that means with what Emotions you are not buying also a downside of the very same Dimension. How to lay these universal feelings without flip side open? Are there not enlightened beings that are sitting in one place not suffering just being joyful for no reason? Does "reality" catch them and hammer them down sooner or later or do they get away with it? Posing thse questions to myself is already exciting to me! Even if I might get no answers... universal regards, Wendelin -
Wendelin replied to bigzbigi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
in my view Ego is just one logical product of an identification with any Kind of seperate Entity. And if something about that Entity is not what we like e.g. if it is nasty or disturbing we call it the Ego which has to be brought down. (But if something is of our liking, if we loving, peaceful etc. for sure we are that and not our ego.) But I use the term Ego as well to describe compulsiveness (as a result of false identification) within me. regarding the mind: Your mind through which you process everything including consciousness is not some Kind of obstacle. the mind supports your consciousness in a great way, it helps you to Focus your consciousness, you can think what you like to be Aware of next. You surely don`t want it to have a brain surgery to get it quiet or smaller. the mind mainly produces thoughts that Support your identification and your beliefs, helps to establish these and protect its boundaries. Identification is a key to get a different Kind of Access to the mind. If you really manage to not identify with anything, what needs to be believed, established or protected then? There is no place for an ego as there is simply no flip side of the identification coin. But that is a tough Thing to manage, not to identify with anything... That is what I would like to establish in my life. It also eliminates suffering. So if you really manage that, that is what I call Enlightenment. universal regards, Wendelin -
Wendelin replied to bigzbigi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@bigzbigi is that a simplistic scientific concept or description or is it the anwer to "what it really is"? I suppose you want to know what it really is not how it can be outlined? Just like you can describe Water as a composition of Oxygen and Hydrogen molecules that is liquid etc. etc. but that does also not explain the depth of what it really is and why it is there. Even if you go deeper and describe water as Atoms. Or just as vibrating energy/waves. Asyou go deeper at some Point you hit a glas wall because the mind cannot grasp what it REALLY is. And when figured out then the whole universe is figured out at the same time. Is God consciousness? Are you consciousness? What is it really? -
Wendelin replied to bigzbigi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In fact our Body and mind is made of mud that (after being transformed to another life form) is somehow newly composed through some Magic creative power :-). this heap of arranged "matter" is hopping around on the planet and somehow able to be conscious about Things. Is consciousness something physical or is it non-phsysical? so what are you? the mud part or are you the consciousness part? Or both? Or even what you are conscious of? Is consciousness implemented or infused into the Body/Mind or Is the Body or the whole universe somehow embeddeed in the consciousness? What enables the Body/Mind to be Aware of consciousness and why does it somehow "stick" to it so that it seems to be centered there? Is it in fact centered there or just somehow just being "translated" through it? the double slit Experiment reveals that consciousness (observing) and Things that appear within it (are observed) are very much connected. Isn`t the same true for your own consciousness? a lot of interesting questions to figure out. universal regards, Wendelin -
Wendelin replied to Wendelin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
After my Meditation, I saw a little grashopper crawling through the frozen gras and tears came. -
Hello, I am 36 years old from Germany and interested in "spiritual topics" for more than a decade now. But within the last couple of months the momentum seems to pick up and I would like to share the experiences. I just stumbled upon Leos interesting videos and that is the reason I joined this forum. Maybe someone is experiencing the same or similar things. For some years I was content to watch YouTube Videos of masters like Mooji, Eckard Tolle or Sadhguru (which I liked best). I watched them quite often and felt good about listening. In a way something within me seemed to say "Yes" to their views. Besides that I was reading books and doing online courses like Inner Engineering. regarding Meditation I am really lazy and not so motivated also I try to do my short Kriya Meditation every day (sitting with eyes closed and thinking "I am not the Body, I am not the Mind with inhalation respectively Exhalation for several minutes). I think there must be a more efficient way as to sit through endless hours of meditation. At least for me. As I was on a business trip (I am a stock market expert) I was walking through the streets and contemplating about what I just read in Sadhgurus book "A yogis guide to joy". I am responsible (response-able) for everything that is. I looked on the streets on the People, the whole scenery and there was the thougth "that is all here just for me to respond" Suddenly I started Feeling my arms vibrating with energy and also it was really cold outside my arms were getting really warm if not hot while vibrating. It felt as if my body is reverberating with that idea but as I did not want to go further at this moment, so I disctracted myself. Since a few weeks I also try intensely not to identify with the personal me/ego any longer and just leave that space open and don`t identify with anything. Then the idea "I am nothingness and nothingness is life and life is all there is" swirled in my head. This triggered a prickling Feeling starting in my head and shivering down my spine combined with some goosebumps. The funny Thing is: This takes place all the time, several times every Minute. I don`t need to think about something special, just to be aware of the idea of just being life/nothingness is enough. Sometimes my whole body shivers, it feels like I am filled with sparkling water. Another thing is: Tears come very easily (which was really not the case before). Of course when I slip in some kind of compulsiveness this vanishes but as soon as I recall it, it starts again and does not stop. what also happened is that I feel more connected to all other things, animals and others. The way I looked at them changed. For example I talk to people which I won`t have started a conversation before. Its almost as if I can feel with them. Its also interesting that unknown people approach me and ask me something even if it is just something very trivial. It seems that I don`t automatically judge people any more and that I see that everybody does just what he or she is able to. They are the same life and you cannot blame anyone including yourself for anything at all. On another occasion I was at my parents home and just felt that it is just great to be there and enjoying it looking at everything very thankfully. (it felt so intensely which was never the case before) also I had almost no bad feelings since a few weeks, feel less stress (even I have so much to do that I don`t know how to handle it) I am also less tired and not Holding onto any Kind of beliefs (when Aware) I am noticing sublte changes. It seems like others view me also changed when I am in "conscious mode" = shivering mode. it seems as if I have 2 different states of being now. A more conscious one and the "normal" state I was used to. That state is mostly when it comes to my personal Likes and Dont-Likes. (for example Food) Maybe I am just hallucinating and the ongoing shivers are a result of that. ;-) that are a few things that I can report. I don`t want to label it as I am just in a "watching mode" and looking what is unfolding. Even as I write this, countless shivers occured as they did the whole day. best regards, Wendelin I never took any substances (besides alkohol) but what surprises and excites me about these reports like 5meo DMT is that the body itself seems to be able to produce these substances that can trigger these experiences of being infinite etc.. Like a built-in reward/incentive for synchronising oneself with existence. But that would certainly contradict the scientific evolution theory since that is nothing that supports survival in any way. So why is it already there if up to now only a few finally get there...? My answer: There must be an enormous intelligence present which can only be god.
Wendelin replied to Wendelin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Neo thanks Neo. For me the main issue with drugs is: Even if they reveal everything the way it really is: How do I know that I got it right if I am not able to get there without drugs. Like implanting Einsteins theory of relativity into the mind of a Kindergarden Child. What to do with that "Knowledge" in the context of being a child? How do you know that you don`t misinterpret a Thing, even if everything seems just so obvious. Even the tiniest thing I overlook could be fatal. I don`t want to critisize it, and I am also curious and interested in what is reported from These experiences, but I am just aware that it is not and cannot be the way for me. I have still enough to become aware of before being ready for the real Thing. -
Wendelin replied to Wendelin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hi, I just did my morning Kriya and went up the Little hill right behind my home. Sat down in the frozen gras and let the sun shine upon my face. after the kriya I contemplated and I would like to share that. I opened my mind to the possibility that my reality/universe is a reflection of my individual state of awareness. Suffering came to my mind as my feet were Feeling uncomfortable. A Thesis is that you suffer what you are not Aware of. if you are not Aware while being in the street traffic, you will suffer that, if you are not Aware in your relationship you will suffer that, if you are not Aware of your health you will suffer that, if you are not Aware of your Money sepnding you will suffer that... So if the universe/reality is a reflection of your Status of awareness, what would that mean for suffering? then, if you suffer mental / physiological / physical /chronical illnesses this must also amount to unawareness of something. Like everything is just psychosomatic. That makes perfect sense, since your Body/mind belongs to your reality/universe which is a reflection of yourself as awareness. It`s all individual. The Body-mind is moving towards its death. Most People are suffering that fact sooner or later. Do you have to suffer that? No, when you find out your true nature or release all psychological garbage (which some People obviously do on their death bed as they die wonderful gracefully) So if someone hits you and that causes you to fall down 100 m to the solid ground (which you won`t survive) you don`t even have to suffer during these last few Moments (but only if you are or get to the highest Status of awareness or if you are in a state of total ignorance (e.g. under drugs that put your mind down) You can be happy til you hit the ground. So the question is, though I am pure awareness, can or do the imprints (all experience) stay with the awareness or are they erased as soon as they occured? Thats a tricky question, but when there is in fact no time and everything is happening in a way simultaniously how should anything that ever happens be erased from awareness? For me my reality/universe which I am Aware of is not some bullshit or senseless Illusion (even my psychological Drama is not, because I can become conscious of it.) Even if I am a worm in the earth that which I am aware of then just makes perfect sense. My Status of awareness is an ability to respond consciously on whatever I perceive. So enhancing perception (not only sense perception) is my way. And that is why I have this human device. To be overwhelmed and deeply touched by my own nature that is boundless and infinite. that is what I contemplated. universal regards -
Wendelin replied to Wendelin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@OBEler Thank you. I think what was a key for me was the daily Kriya Meditation. Just taking the Thought "I am not the Body" with every breath I take in and "I am even not the mind" with every breath I exhale for like 10 minutes in the morning every day for several months opened me up a Little bit. At some Point, when there is also enough contemplation there is the question "what am I then"? Is the body-mind is some Kind of vehicle or device where every aspect of awareness is imprinted? Awareness of what? And which enormous intelligence has built this magnificent unit out of seemingly dead mud for what reason? It is obvious that it is the same reason for creating everything else around. What kind of experience shall be made for what reason? And why placed in this exact context of time, space and surroundings? I am also not all the time in the described mode, sometimes its more somtimes its almost not there just very subtle. I think it is entanglement with personal Likes and Dislikes which distracts me but I am not sure if that is it or if there is somehing else. Maybe the willingness to shed just everything that is physiological is not strong enough yet, maybe I am unconsciously Holding to some stuff. But I think its going in the right direction so I don`T bother about reasons for this (felt) on-off status. what is for sure is that there are far less compulsive actions like a lot less thinking about Sex. Or if there are These thoughts they feel a bit strange like something inside is asking "are you really sure you want to go after These kind of thoughts now?" Not judgemental, just leaving space to reflect and become Aware of it. Not Long ago I would not have hesitated to think about this stuff as often and as Long as it came to my mind. Now there is a Little distance. I think it is natural for the mind to try to make sense out of what we learn or experience. Like putting together Puzzle pieces. universal regards, Wendelin btw. I was always very interested in nature, when others looked TV I went into the forests and got into little creeks, catching fish, climbing on trees, Building dams etc. So there has always been a fascination. And I always felt that nobody else could see nature the Magic way I see it. Nowadays I do some bee keeping and this fascinates me a lot, how These Little animals function like the whole bee hive is a being itself with collective moods. You can get a lot of Inspiration out of just watching nature. Sometimes you Ego dissolves also there if you totally Forget about yourself out there. -
Wendelin replied to Wendelin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@OBEler I never claimed to have had an awakening experience. Why does this come to your mind? It feels more like something is infiltrating me slowly. I don`t even know if that is the case, it is just how it feels. And my happiness Level increases. yes of Course am I Aware of this presence. That somehing like a Body-mind can bring that into experience is like magic. Focussing on that feels just wonderful. I understand your scepticism. copy past from books is not really worthwile reading. Have you noticed how the world changes when you just look at it differently? That is something everyone who is sensible can experience. what is your take on the non physical infinite presence? What is the meaning you think I did`t get? -
Wendelin replied to Wendelin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@WelcometoReality well I am a human being just like you. but that is not what people commonly think it is. It is not the Body-mind combination or the identification with it (Ego) The core of my being is a non physical infinite presence which displays everything that is perceived by the body/mind (sense perceptions, thoughts, emotions, time, space) inside. That is the part which can be explored with self inquiry. But for me that is not the end of the search, it is the real starting point. I am understanding that I am only suffering things that I am not aware of. The more awareness the less suffering and the more of the underlying feelings of peace, joy, love etc. Show up. here starts the part that is not an experiencal reality as of yet, but an understanding that is felt true through Body reactions as shivers etc.: I am also that which is perceived which comprises the whole universe if I am aware enough. My individual universe is a reflection of my individual awareness and in fact this universe lies "within" me. When there is an interaction with another human being for example, he or she becomes me and I become him or her at the same time. So he or she is supporting me and I am supporting him or her in that sense. No matter what I say or do to this human being. If I give birth or kill it, it is mutual willingness and commitment, or can it be otherwise? (compare that to thousands of Near death experiences and their Meeting of departed beings) Of course if my Support stems from awareness, that is "better". If someone gets (really) enlightened he supports others in the highest possible way. Even if he or she just sits still in one place. We are all rooted in this same infinite precence which has many names, we created our own temporary illusionary but magnificent universe and perspective as human beings but as soon as this Soap bubble Bursts, the Illusion of being seperate is over. Back to the roots, where we never really left. Though awareness we can reach this Point even before death. so how to break that description down to the essence? a human possibility, human expression or an human vessel rooted in god. that is my answer for myself as of now. But there is so much I just don`t know. I am not looking for confirmation. But I know that we support each other, so interactions are a good thing. universal regards, Wendelin -
Wendelin replied to Wendelin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hi OBEIer, thanks for your opinion. To be sceptical is a good Thing. no I did not try 5 meo dmt and I didn`t state that I took it. But it is too obvious that it reveals some truth that you otherwise would not have got at your current "normal Status quo of awareness". So in a way it does not fit and you still have to Bridge this gap. For someone with no spiritual Background at all it would be pure Hallucination, for someone with a Little bit knowldedge it might be still some Kind of mild hallucination. You simply do not know how big your awareness gap really is. And you do not now wheter you got it right or wrong. It is right that I won`t try it but not because I have any fear. It is because I am trying to build a ladder instead of propelling me up with a chemical substance. Again: For another human being this might even be the way to get some grip. But I already have that grip and I do not know whether this substance has some side effects (for Body/mind) or not. I simply don`t know. And for me that is enough. I absorbed a lot, that is true. But I also discarded a lot. Probably like anyone here. And then get off These Training wheels and doing own contemplation. That seems to be the process. But how can you say that there is no true insight? One could say the same Thing about any other "insight" that is posted here. But believing this or that as authentic or not is not the Point. Of Course I could be bullshitting myself, who knows? But I had no single bad Emotion or Feeling for a quite Long time now. And that is some valid proof to me that something is going in the right direction. for me the journey just starts after realizing that I am no seperate Entity but something else that is not physical. And there seems to be an incredible huge intellicence at work. That is already established in me at least I am able to go into that state consciously. And when I want to know something this state I never got an answer that did not reverberate with my Energy Body in form of vibrations like Little fireworks in my cells. So I simply trust that. The magnificent Thing is that whatever I utter or write, everybody will make up his own meaning according to his state of awareness. That is true for everything that is written or said by anyone. And that is also true for every expression of whatever in existence. You can elevate the "lightbulb" of your awareness from 1W to 10.000 W. If I am at 2W or 100 W I don`t bother, as Long as I become more and more aware. And that is quite simple to check. universal regards, Wendelin -
Wendelin replied to Wendelin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
another Thing I consider important. don`t judge your Ego, thoughts, beliefs you had, fear, Frustration and suffering etc. as something bad. In fact it all served you to bring you to the place of your journey in which you are right now. And there is no other place for you, everybody is just on the right place of his journey. If you didn`t have this longing to go beyond duality, because you were lacking Motivation, then you simply were not playing with Things that don`t work long enough. It was not a small Thing for you to get this human device (body-mind), you had to evolve it first. Your Body carries a lot of Memory in it from a single cell organism to cave man Memory. Much than in your brain. I used to listen to Advaita Vedanta masters. These are wonderful awakened People and wonderful examples how you can realize what you are NOT. But for me it seems that as soon as they have the relief of having no seperate self, that they are no seperate Entity, they settle for the happiness and peace that brings. Speaking in the Terms of the metaphor/analogy with the Radio again, they seem to be Content with being no seperate "Radio Station" within the Radio device that was thrown into existence. But what is lacking here is the sense. Why was this Radio created, what was the Intention of the creator, how was it created, and why placed in this exact context of this Family, surroundings etc. etc. the enourmos intelligence that was on employed to create it would not just drop this precious device into something by accident. It is put in a context where it has the best possible conditions to evolve on its Evolution Of Course you can pop some 5meo dmt and have some Kind of preview of what you really are. You might even have a deep understanding of what you are in These Moments and you might be able so have some takeaway from that. But taking this also means that you are not ripe for the "real thing" yet, as you could simply just sit there and have the same sensations without any external stimulus. And will you REALLY still be really motivated to giving nearly everything up to build a ladder to climb above the wall, when there is the possibility of a chemical that makes you jump up and have a quick look what lies on the other side of the wall? Why not just jumping endlessly if it is so easy? ;-) Please don`t misunderstand me, I do not say " don`t take it " I just hint at some possible side effects that some of you might not be conscious about. One might be a Super-Godlike-Ego after having had a small Ego before. Or you might deviate wrong conclusions and therefore be on the wrong track then. Or perhaps it makes you so foolish to look down on others, who seem to have not explored their true nature yet. Life is not playing a permanent prank on you with all that Maya/Illusion. You intended that for a reason. The Beauty of Life is that we are seperate and one at the same time. Rupert Spira for example says in an interview that when you believe you are this little ego Entity the outer world seems to confirm this to you. And when you discover what you are not and that you are in fact pure awareness, then the outer world seems to confirm that too. Why to the hell is that if this Maya/Illusion has no real sense and Intention? He has well noticed that but where is the Point of just noticing that without doing another inquiry for the answer? What if the outer world is a reflection of your awareness? Boom. What if you just Encounter whatever or whoever SERVES you the best in mirroring your current Status of awareness. Boom. Imagine a fog where People with limited view stumble into each other whereas others with better view just move trough effortlessly. Whoever or whatever gets in your way is only there to Support you. Pure Love in fact. There is an Australian Girl who became enlightened when she was raped (!), becoming Aware that this is just pure Love.... How absurd that may Sound to most People on this planet? What kind of awareness do you Need to come to that insight in an instant. You can use just anything to create a ladder. suffering or good stuff. In fact most Enlightened People wanted to be free from suffering and that is what drove them in the first place. just thinking about writing a book with all the stuff I kind of "downloaded" while in shivering mode. universal regards :-) -
Wendelin replied to Wendelin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
thanks for your answers and your interesting comments on it. I knew that there must be some People that have the same sensations. Funny that there seems to be a German Community within this Forum :-) I will just go on sharing my main insight. (I didn`t read or hear this anywhere, so it is my "copryright" ;-) I consider the No-thingness or Life that I am like a non-physical unique channel of universal consciousness. So it is like a Radio channel (also the comparison is not 100% accurate, but just for sake of explaining) that is unbounded, unlimited and infinite. Body and mind are like a device which is able to receive this channel (of Life or nothingness) on a unique frequency (which displays your individual perspective). But of course the waves of this channel are everywhere, so when your body moves to another place, of Course your "Awareness-Radio" is still receiving because you (the Life or Nothingness-Channel) are just everywhere. When you travel with a radio device, the sound of your favorite Radio Station does not travel within the device, but the waves are receivable at the new place and even while driving (if they are receivable). So it is not consciousness slipping in one Body and moving along with it. It is the Body (made of earth) that moves within the infinite field of "radio" waves. Therefore you are aware and can use your individual sense perceptions through body and mind to experience illusions like all kinds of dualities, being a seperate Entity etc. etc. that is not a permanent prank that is played on you, it is the one and only possibility that you evolve. when you sleep, just the device is taking a break, the "Programme" is still there, but there is no Aware receiving. Before you were born your Programme was also there of course and in fact YOU built your device (body-mind) by yourself and within yourself as you are the channel called Life/God/No-Thingness. And Life wants to evolve and to get to know itself through all possible perspectives. Life/Nothingness waves are of course everywhere in Existence and flowing through all other life, "solid" material etc.. As you are that, you are connected to everything that is. So every individual plant, every animal, every other human being but also every "dead" material like a rock has it`s own frequency to receive the "Channel of Life/Nothingness/Everything/God/Energy (you Name it) And the physical is just a Play of 5 Elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space) "the cosmic Dance". Within all life forms, you are also present. So you are also responsible (Response-able) for them which is very much in line with Existense. as human beings we are able to "finetune" our device in a way that our awareness rises to the exact frequency of the Life-Channel and this is what enlightenment means. It is the highest possibility on earth. There are also short term peaks possible for example with Psychedellics (5Meo dmt). But be careful, it is a physical Body and damages of the System are possible. Most human beings are content with less than 1% of their potential of awareness. But the longing to be boundless, infinite is within everyone. That is why human beings are never happy with what they have or have reached. They want to mirror their own nature which is unlimited. But they simply don`t know how. They are even not Aware what is driving them. when your Body dies, your awareness has no device. So it naturally merges with the universal consciousness, but your being continues to exist of course. Near Death Experiences are the stages in between. your awareness Releases the Body and moves towards the universal consciousness, but as Long as there is the potential that your device will function again, you are in the Twilight Zone so to speak. And of Course there are other beings around. and the cool Thing is that you don`t have to communicate, you can just "download" what you like to know. (in fact really enlightened beings can do this while on earth). So if you like to know it is to be Lionel Messi, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, an alien or Darth Vader. No Problem just zoom in and download it. What will you create after being human, thats another big and exiting question. If you haven`t got out of your life what your Intention was, then you probably create another human being. You have to do an extra round, unawareness or compulsions moves in cycles. But if you passed your human-Kindergarten-test and mastered this level, then let`s go to another Galaxy or Universe and create a another device which is even more advanced and superior to human beings. I expect less suffering, but who knows what I will choose when I don`t know my options yet ;-))) so your Life is not some boring senseless Nothing as some of you seem to fear. Why should you suffer anything when you know your true nature. Forget about so called Fear and suffering, move at full throttle! Life is really cool guys!!!! As Sadhguru says. It is not about becoming super-human. It is about realizing being human is super. That is so true!! universal regards, Wendelin -
Hi James, You are right just getting up in the morning, eating, working, sleeping does not make any sense at all. Isn`t it that you (as a piece of life) want to be "touched by life" as intense as possible? think about what "touched" you in the past. But if you are overwhelmed by life in any way, if you have the Feeling you must bow down to everything, then it makes sense to get up. And the more Aware you are and the more conscious, the more alive you are to everything that is. Being as alive as you can be towoards life how does that Sound? And life is a possibility. It is in your Hands. If you are ignorant, you are touched by nothing, if you are Aware, you are touched by everything. that is being life sensivite and vs. being ego sensitive
Wendelin replied to Wendelin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thanks a lot for your Posts. I am just back from the dentist and unfortunately I was not in universal mode there ;-) but no Problem. for me IDENTIFICATION is the key that opens the door. I cannot control my mind and my emotions when I am identified with something, be it my Ego, be it me as a man, be it my Family, etc. thoughts and emotions are like a swarm of flies, bees and butterflies buzzing around this identification (in order to protect the boundaries of what I identify with). You know not which one will sit on your head. But when I see myself als "Everything that is", how could anything swirl around it? There is simply no space left. Thoughts have to occur within that identification with everything then. Furthermore you know you don`t have to protect that Identification as there is nothing else that could threaten it or compete. You are free to look at thoughts and emotions from a different perspective, you simply choose them more consciously. That is at least how it feels to me. Of course there is this human possibility and perspective and through this piece of life all that is is "fellow life" or same life just as you like. And these pieces of life are evolving, moving from one dimension to another. So life and death is an Illusion as there is only life and life. So you can be curious about what lies beyond, once you shed that body. so my conclusion is that you only exist as life and that is same as everything. And everything is the same as no-thingness (as long as you don`t see no-thingness and somethingness as seperate). You can call that also god, infinity etc. etc. or simply energy since Einstein said E= m*c2 -
Hi, Life is not meaningless. It is beyond any meaning. That is a huge difference. Would this question of meanings or goals would come if you were blissful and happy all the time? Certainly not. You would do many Things. Life is a tremendous possibility to evolve your own being and to become conscious of what we truely are. So literally we as humans are able take our evolution in our own hands. We won`t grow horns or tails but we will evolve in consciousness. There is no goal or purpose in the sense of some kind of "mission" that was planted in ourselves. We can engage and involve in life, throw us fully into it just as we like. In this process the more "Life sensible" we become and the less "ego sensitive" the more we will act synchron with life and not against it. and that moves us closer in the direction of what we really are. Instead of living on the Surface, we explore the deepness of life. Ist like looking on a jelly fish from above and seeing it as some kind of disc. But when you go deeper you can explore every single tentacle. Peace, happiness, love or joy are not goals of life. They are the very fundamental basis to explore life and your own beingness. for example if you just want to enjoy anything in life like watching a movie, having a conversation or hiking in nature. Without being peaceful happy etc. you cannot experience it to its full extent. You can do something, but you can sink into it more deeply the more exuberant your are. by the way, I am a stock market trader, and there these insights help me a lot :-)
Wendelin replied to BeyondForm's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
(This is a funny joke, often told by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev to emphasise on the importance of right philosophy) It once happened, on a certain day, a bull and a pheasant were grazing on the field. The bull was grazing on the grass, the pheasant was picking ticks off the bull; they are partners, you know? Then the pheasant looked at a huge tree which was at the edge of the field, and very nostalgically said, "Alas, there was a time when I could fly to the top most branch of the tree, but today I do not have the strength even to fly to the first branch of the tree" The bull very nonchalantly said, "That's no problem! Eat a little bit of my dung every day, you will see, within a fortnight's time you will reach the top of the tree." The pheasant said, "Oh, come off it! How is that possible?" The bull replied, "Really, please try and see. The whole humanity is on it, you could try, too." Very hesitantly, the pheasant started pecking at the dung, and lo, on the very first day it reached the first branch of the tree. In a fortnight's time, it reached the topmost branch of the tree. It just went and sat on the topmost branch and just enjoyed the scenery. The old farmer saw a fat old pheasant on the top of the tree. He took out his shotgun and shot him off the tree. So the moral of the story is: even bullshit can get you to the top, but never lets you stay there. -
Hi, I read this book twice already as it offers a great understanding and insight about Life. But I have already done his Online "Inner Engeneering Course" some years ago. There are many worthwile Sadhanas (Little exercises to enhance your arareness) in it and it is also written with a lot of humour. One of Sadhgurus claims is that it is completely in your own hands how you feel inside yourself and that you create every single Emotion (which is a chemical) by and within yourself. And that is for sure true. If you act conciously to any outside situation, you have freedom since you have Options to respond. If you react compulsively however you are not free at all since that compulsiveness means just one compulsory result. I think it`s a must read. Here a book tour speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKrxeJm1eGI I would not consider me a follower of him, but I like the way he presents his precious insights. personally I am a lot more happier and I feel vibrations in my whole body when contemplating about things like "being responsible for everything that is" in the sense that responsibility (= response-ability) means being able to respond to everything inside myself consciously and not to draw boundarys for what I feel "responsible" and for what not (Family, nation, Environment race etc.). That however is burdensome as these boundaries are tested all the time. So why not become responsible for all life and all that is (=our true nature) Responsibility does not mean Action but to act is one of several options that come AFTER being responsible. That is a great talk as he was invited by Google:
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