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Everything posted by Maxi

  1. I think you should take a 2 week trial if you want to:
  2. Pressing the tongue to the roof of the mouth will move the bone structure so that it becomes easier to breath. Have your tongue in the mewing tongue-posture when doing this. This will not solve the problem, but might make it a little bit easier to breath after you have done this. I hope this will do something. Good luck, I have prayed for you.
  3. Spirulina has shown to have many bad effects: Possibly you can take it if it's from a good source, where there is no toxicity. I'm almost almost certain spirulina is contaminated with heavy metals where it's grown, if I remember correctly.
  4. @Slade ''Unearned conciousness is valueless'', did Deida actually say this about psychadelics, or did he just say it with something else in mind? If he did say it talking about psychadelics it sound very weird to me.
  5. It's not a problem. If you completely surrender your body will move by itself and everything that needs to be done will be done automaticly, without ego or desire.
  6. I know of many people that has realised absolute infinity but then gone beyond it and into the personal god. It's a direct experiance, of seeing the 'personal' god in nothingness. I would say realise absolue infinity, then dont stop you Journey. Stare at a picture of someone like anandamayi ma, Jesus, krishna or ramana maharshi and connect to them. This will trigger purging, and more will be revealed.
  7. This is intrestingly just like the old science vs religion debate. Religion says that everything is too perfect to be chance, but science argues that it has to be this way because there are so many planets, etc.
  8. I take Ashwaganda, Bacopa, algea Omega 3 and Vitamin D almost every day. Then I take other supplements like B12, chlorella and others occationally. is a great website for research-based information about supplements.
  9. You should certainly not force anyone to self-actualize. That is like forcing kids to eat vegetables. It will only make them dislike it more because they are forced to do something. Instead just be a good example yourself and if anyone asks or you want to talk about it make self-actulization sound exciting. You can also recommend specific tecniques to people if you feel like they fit the persons problems and style.
  10. Good guide! You can automise any behaviour like this. My advice in this area though is to go to bed on time so you wake up earlier than the alarm and can switch it off when you're fully awake. We are not made to wake up from alarms. Alarms are traditionally for communicating danger, and I believe it causes stress on the body.
  11. This might help: I'm also interested in this. Both my brother and my sister have children that I would like to help and give positive influences to. I don't meet them all the time though, so the only thing I'm doing currently is trying to show a good example, be authentic and let them know what I'm doing. We meditated together once, but they thought it was boring and stopped after like 30 seconds
  12. I disagree with this. Anger can serve a purpose and is a way of letting stuff out too. I myself repressed my anger because my family demonized anger because my father were sometimes really angry when I was little. When I now have reclaimed more of my anger, I can feel anger as a tool for change. I've also felt it sometimes at other people when they bullshit themselves, but those times I usually hold it in and let it out later when I'm alone. I think what I should do is actually let it out in a lot of these circumstances, some people might need to hear it to get out of there bubbles of self-deceptions. When kids bullied me in school I cried a lot, but it didn't help much. If I would have gotten angry instead of being silent maybe people would have taken it seriously and things would have changed. In this video at about 5.35 in Peter Ralston becomes angry. It might be an old habit that gets purged away or another self-deception, but could also be a way to make the questioner change. Fittingly they also talk about anger. I love that after he showed anger he became completely calm and showed a little tricky friendly smile. A good guideline to know if it's ''authentic'' anger is if it feels good and you are not suffering when you feel anger. All self-deceptions have a dirty feeling to them in a way. For example feeling like one is better than someone else feels good in a way because you feel important, but also dirty when you lie to yourself and think badly about someone else. Frustration=self-deception. Authentic anger=good emotion to have. What do you think of this Leo?
  13. I've had crazy synchronicities with a lot a Leos videos. On this last one, i recently did a group presentation in collage about dream interpratations, and I even thought to myself that Leo is for sure gonna do a video about this that week or very soon. This video wasnt 100% what i expected, but close enough. Some other synchronicities w actualized videos: Rant against naive realism - on monday before the weeks Episode i had the exact same insight that he was talking about, and even met with a friend to discuss it, and this completely convinced him that life was all a dream and that he was the only concioussness. Research and big picture - did alot of research and found out about lots of cool stuff that week. Concentration vs meditation - on the day before that Episode i created my own modell for the pros and cons of each of, what i called them at the time, do-nothing meditation and point-focus meditation. I even created a playlist with songs/sounds that i would concentrate on followed by no music, where i would let go into do-nothing for like 10-20min followed by concentration and so on for as long as i wanted to meditate. True vs false skepticism - that week i met with one of my very scentific friends, started to introduce him into nondual things like all is conciousness, no free will and the like. He said that he was a sceptic and i replied very similar to what Leo talked about, but way less fleshed out. He didn't get concinced though Rock bottom, everything understood - i think that in this video Leo said that he hit turquoise. On midnight on saturday the day before i read in my spiral dynamics book about the descriptions for turquoise and it just clicked and the descriptions resonated with me. I started touching tourquise there for the first time, and then the next morning Leo hit it.
  14. Some thoughts feel true, like ''I want to be more authentic''. In the past in my life I think my way of seeing whenever a thought is true or not have been more blurry, which leads to more self-deception. The more you question your own thoughts the less self deception. But some thoughts feel true. Like when you contemplate why you did something you get to a thought that feels true. But at the same time, there is no way to know - maybe higher consciousness is simply believing in less thoughts, which naturally leaves you with more awareness and less thoughts overall. I'm going to try to doubt even the thoughts that feel stone cold true and see how that goes.
  15. @Leo Gura You will find it interesting that the number of yellow and turquoise people has increased a lot . Ken Wilber said in his newest book that the number of people at yellow is at 5% and 0.5% at turquoise compared to 1% and 0.1% when he wrote integral psycchology.
  16. What I've seen of the video has been great so I thought it could be something I could share to people who are skeptical of psychadelics. The problem with this is that the video uses words that are very easy to misunderstand if you haven't seen Leo's other videos. As an example he talks about the devil. If you haven't watched the "What is the Devil"-video you simply don't know what he means, and most people would think he is just some christian dogmatist and dismiss him It's very easy to not do this: Just explain in 5 seconds what you mean. "By devil I mean you! The ego! Not some crazy red creature that lives in the underground!"
  17. You will learn a lot more by self-education. I studied at chalmers, one of the best universities in sweden, and we were still doing a lot of things that wasn't very helpful. Last year I took a year of for self-study and honestly I think I've learned more that year then I have in my entire life. Go for it! It's going to be a harder path and most people around you will not support you but the reward is going to be great. If I was in your shoes I would be ecstatic to have found this path at such an early age. It's also going to be harder to find friends when not going to a university, but there are other ways to do that too. Don't feel pushed to do this just because of me or any other forum member. It's fine if you only do this in your free time while going to high school, you will learn a lot more than most people in your age. Do what feels right to you.
  18. You can try lots of different methods but what worked for my own addictions is to not tackle it directly, instead increase your consciousness in other areas of your life like meditation, healthy food, exercise, supplements (monatomic gold is a game-changer!), breaking old ego patterns by facing your fears etc. If you do this you will naturally stop wanting to spend much time playing games, but then you do, enjoy it fully and do it as mindfully as possible. Also, very important: Don't judge yourself when you do play games. Only the ego takes life seriously. Life is not serious, not even a tiny bit. Enjoy yourself
  19. @AleksM I'd like those playlists as well! Thanks!! I've tried sungazing maybe 5 days ago and 3 days ago I sungazed for a pretty long time. Since then in the middle of my focus there is a blurry circle so I have a hard time reading and recognizing faces. I I talked with some non-spiritual people about it and one of them said with certainty that I can become blind if I continue to do this. Do you have any suggestions? has this happened to you as well? Is there a way to get rid of the blurryness faster than just waiting? I did see some good effects of the sungazing, my eyes relaxed when I closed them and right after the sungazing sessions my thoughts disappeared for a while. I'm having good experiances with binaural beats but I've never tried sofeggio. Do you think the solfeggio frequencies are more powerful than binaural beats? You talked about some supplements from arctarus Ra. I have looked at 4-5 of his videos but I haven't heard anything about them, can you give me a clue
  20. The concentration exercise from Leos latest video was really enjoyable but I couldn't keep my attention stable for that long, so I decided to combine it with some rest. I did 2 minutes of concentration on the feelings in my left hand and then 4 minutes of do-nothing meditation repeatedly for 3 hours. In the beginning the do-nothing became more focused in sensory experience rather than thoughts. After doing this for three hours I noticed how I daydreamed, but I was aware watching it rather than being sucked into it, which has never happened before. Usually when I notice that I'm in a daydream it just ends. My left hand didn't feel like my hand at all anymore either. I didn't even feel like a hand, it was just a bunch of sensations, not like the rest of my body. When I walked away to continue with my day my hand relatively quickly returned to normal, but my attention has been wandering a lot more than usual, much more monkey mind. I'm wondering if this Is like muscles pain after a hard workout? Can doing too much concentration too fast be detrimental? I'd be interested to know if you know any good books on concentration?
  21. @strwbrycough When you get to the state of having no thoughts do you still get creative insights randomly, or do you only get them when you choose to engage the mind?
  22. It would be great if you could give us some hints on your research on various subjects, it would help those trying to get a big picture understanding. I can see many of those things just not overlapping with personal development, like conspiracy-theories and UFO-research. Maybe release some paid content like the book-list where you talk about your findings in different areas?
  23. haha amazing!
  24. I'm trying to increase my awareness so I'm trying to observe and disidentify with everything I do, but I have a problem. When I think about unnessesery stuff I can just detach from the thought and I'm back in a observing state. But when it is useful to think and I'm actively doing it for a purpose I lose self-awareness and identify with my thoughts. Sometimes I visualize a speaker that speaks my thoughts. It makes it easier to disidentify but when I do that it always seems like it's hard to actually come to conclusions and get somewhere with my thinking. Do you know any tricks to disidentify from the thoughts and still actively think?