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Everything posted by Harikrishnan

  1. I think there is difference. Guru is one who takes you from dark to light. Western life coach can be compared with another sanskrit word Acharya.
  2. If we take women from west and east in general (i accept different women have different values, but iam curious) Women in west are mostly free going and easy to chat and approach . Women in east are not like that coz of religion,ideology,morality etc. And its hard to approach. Different social system and customs. There is pickup community in west, but i havent heard anything like that in east. So does the things a man doing in west work in east to get women. Or does the things pickup teaches to get women in west work on women in east?
  3. I have heard many people say this. Is it like if you are on higher vibration now, you will interpret the past events differently (like if it was a bad event then you will think of it as a good event that gave you positive life lesson) so whole outlook towards an event happend in past changes and so it will change the future. Or can you explain how?
  4. Actually reading my post again i found that there need some edit. Actually from my experience i have seen astrologers predicting about events happend in my life accurately. One women even said my ex gf name, she also cautioned me about an accident i will be having which happend. There are other astrologers i meet who told accurately about my character. My findings are based on my life experience with them i have meet a lot of astrologers a lot. So thats that. But iam still skeptical that they cant accurately predict the future, none ever did mine. They all said like i will be sucessful and all, but where all vague. And the video i posted above was about a astrologer that went viral last week in facebook in india. What made me intrested in that video was how he predicted ken wiliamson. Ken wiliamson is not that famous cricketer. Honsestly i am open to astrology and people having psychic power, but i strongly believe they can predict the past events but cant the future events.
  5. Astrology can predict future from what i have experienced. But there is a saying from where iam from astrology only work on normal people once you are a monk it wont work. Meaning monks can create there reality. I think self actualization is that and self actualizers dosent need astrology. This guy predicted Cricket World cup 2019 happend this month, video was recorded in january 2019. Anchor:Regarding sports how is India's hope.(its ragarding cricket world cup) Astrologer: Its a hard question however iam predicting in this World cup happening in England so India will play newzeland and England will play Australia in semis. England and New zeland will play finals and ken williamson will be Man of the series and Newzeland will win(which they didnt coz of stupid icc rules after match was draw) his predictions where 99% right.
  6. While reading the book(only half way now) it was clear that the structure i am having now is not good for me to have things i want and i have the belief of You are unable to have what you want. its actually a belief i had from my childhood and looking back at my life there was always this holding me down and i never acomplished anything worth acomplishing. Book also says about affiramations dont work. Only way to solve this is to form a new structure so old structure becomes not important. For that you have to have a new vision and accept what there is now. So i am bit confused here if i have belief like you are unable to have what you want then how can i believe in new vision? Will that belief be automatically there in my new structure since it is a deep rooted belief. can i completely change the belief You are unable to have what you want without changing the structure?
  7. Yes this really make sense. I have been practising a lot lately, been doing meditation for 3yrs i have done 2 vipassana retreat and had 2 mushroom experience. I know where iam deluding myself and where i need to improve. But still i cant find the courage and there is this belief everytime coming back like whenever i get rejected from some job offer or when women reject me i fall into deep helplessness and i think this belief of you are unable to have what you want is holding me back.
  8. Growing up like when i was 17-19 i used to sneek in and see my cousin bathing.
  9. I had a relationship with so called twin flame few years back, i didnt knew it till we broke up and it was hard to move past it, i cried a lot and it was really hard, she got married and blocked me from everywhere. I started my hero's journey after that and had most amazing years followed. She came back contacting and we became friends again, and i found out relation i had after her where all stupid and not meaningful. We compare other realtion with so called twin flame and delude ourselfs. Anyway i stopped my friendship with twin flame. But now i realized this are all mind's thing there is nothing like twin flame, concept itself is flawed and tie us down. For people who think they are with twin flame are deluding themself. And please dont make others our main priority.
  10. I just found out there is a 30 week sentence completion stem for taking responsibilty in areas of life from Nathaniel branden just like one for improving self esteem. I hope this will help people who are in victim mentalilty and in learned helplessness. http://www.nathanielbranden.com/sentence-completion-ii
  11. I remember @Leo Gura writing something like his work is charity when asked about wether he does charity, couple of years back. I am curious now leo do u give money to poor people?(b/w people will have more benifit from ur work than money)
  12. It would have been awesome if leo did a how to squirt a girl part 2 imaginative way now. ?
  13. We does that. When my grandmother died and she was in fire and skull didnt break i saw (not necessarily elder son) breaking it with a stick.
  14. This is how Zorastrians also do. Body is exposed to sun and is given to vultures and crow as they believe burying or cremating the dead is seen as polluting nature.
  15. Most of the videos about Aghoris are not real. There are lot of people who live in varanasi,rishikesh etc dress like them and make a living cheating foriegners. An Aghori giving a interview itself is something funny. Reporter: you have been to this tradition for 12 years. I see many of u not wearing clothes why are u. HE: Removes his clothes. Reporter: dont remove dont remove and runs away.
  16. Which is better Mushroom dried or fresh? And difference in trip if any?
  17. https://youtu.be/AYVy7ggiLDg Datura. This plant is everywhere here and growing up we where fascinated by the plant but was advised never to eat coz you will die. So please dont try it. Never. (There are some crazy stories in the comment section of that video about datura)
  18. Thank u for a great post. I used to do laughing meditation, it was really good, now have to start practice again.
  19. Thank God I have downladed that video in time.
  20. 1: I have done 2 10-day and countless short day courses. But still couldnt keep that urge off 2: i dont think Mgtow is the way. 3: Sex toy. Hmm i think that is intresting.
  21. I think when people says they want to transcend sexual desire what they actually want is mind going constantly behind craving for sex, which i think comes from lack of having sex (from my own life). See when u approach a friend/anyone for sex and they reject it mind tends to create great sort of drama.(rejected feel + unworthiness feel) will make a story like why should i chase women and waste my time there is no value in it and if the person is spiritual then they will have thought like oh i should transcend this sexual desire and instead go behind enlightenment. (This are all the things happening in my mind). This craving for sex and feeling attraction to every random girl seen is really a torture and i dont know people living in blue country can transcend that easily.