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Everything posted by Harikrishnan

  1. So, we where saying same thing.yet i got confused with language ??
  2. On my vipassana retreat i realized there is no one outside of me. But i interact with everyone like there is an outside world for life purposes. Apparent consistency i see as also my imagination.
  3. I think this is final part of interview on homosexuality that happnd in uganda tv. Great interview you will have a fun time.
  4. bashar elan or other channel talk like this only as There is everybody with there own reality so the people who are hearing wont have existential crisis.
  5. I have seen psychics who said my ex name clearly and my character. also astrologist who speaks about pattern in life. but i am not fully supporting it not cause thay can't predict patterns but cause people kind of get in victim zone. like blaming there flaws on planet. (oh i am so and so cause i am cancer! no honey you are so and so cause you are full of shit ?) looking at astrology and planetary movement on everything. coming from society in purple blue i can understand your concern of these psychics misleading others
  6. Oh! i thought otherwise. havent gone through your journal. can you do tarot card reading on me.
  7. people in stage green are open towards it maybe also purple. i felt like you completely dismissed it. (i saw somewhere you said where moving towards green thats why i said, maybe when you are fully green you will be with tarot cards predicting our future?)
  8. Not Green yet ? now regarding post Everything is you creating, that two psychics are your creation, created for making you believe in stories you created.
  9. join the facebook group i linked above. there are lot of people who are well educated on this stuff and ready to help. read those post, before starting detox.
  10. i think you did! it releases gas so drinking up is not the issue and there are chances of you consuming it even when you are careful. regular dentist doesnt even take proper precuations like they still believe there is no probs with mercury fillings. i hope mercury was properly sealed off after removing from your mouth as there are chances for all people visiting dentist to get fucked up by it that includes you to as you was in room. anyway you have to do the detox with AlA so no probs. before doing detox please get Xray to know there is no trace of mercury left, if there is remove that also. dont start detox without full removal.
  11. Now dont go at dentist who doesnt know how to safely remove this as it has a chance to leak in your mouth and also people in dentist office. list of countries and dentist who are specialised in removing amalgam, search for smart certified doc who are here from your country. https://iaomt.org/member-listings-smart-member/?fbclid=IwAR01P3GcVICFCBnE0IrBbMrJ0me3Sg2ebV4ZR13Coudd0_47wal5ObVIZV4 Now calm down and join here. There are 100's people here doing this protocol they will help and support you. https://m.facebook.com/groups/153239041441176?group_view_referrer=profile_browser now this is a long process it will take years so be prepared and as someone above said this is not sprint but a marathon.
  12. i went and come back from dmt relams quickly. didnt had much insights maybe i didnt exactly perfected the smoking part only tried 3,4 times. all in all it was fun. But i strongly believe there where changes in me after trip. now iam going back to lucy. if you are starting on the journey i would strongly suggest go with lucy and mush as it is more easy to use and lucy is gentle. smoking part in dmt will be hard for beginers.
  13. its legal in my basement ?? Go to inner kodaikanal (Tamil nadu) you can get Mushroom.
  14. Game changes completely if you are Hindu or even from India. indians are more open to all new age and wo-woo. now Sd gets complex
  15. Globalwarming Beige: Covid is nature's payback for destroying her.oh Gia,let our community be spared from your wrath. Red: Its fake and Govt propoganda. Blue: World is gonna end soon, Rend your heart, and not yourgarments, and turn unto the Lord yourGod: for he is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy, and repenteth him of the evil". Orange: Meh thats why am investing in Mars project Green: all Corporates needs to be fined, lets protest. lets gather together hug trees. sing songs praise nature, remove plastics from life, lets go save whalesall people we need to act quick. Yellow: Already we are late by xxx no's, carbon emission in last 20yrs have been rised by 'x % temperature has risen by 'x% we have to find tangible solutions to this problem also considering people who will be affected by new regualtions and changes of rules, highly taxing corporates. have to consider the asian and african countries and there economies how severly they will be affected due to new regulations.
  16. @Michael569 we have sun all year, do i need to take sup if i spend time in morning sun.
  17. Leo's video discussed in reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/PhilosophyofScience/comments/jis0ol/could_anyone_fact_check_this_video_from_a_million/
  18. This. accept and dont try to change her. But tell her how you think about it.
  19. Luke 17:33 Whoever tries to keep their life ( survival) will lose it, and whoever loses their life( selflessely) will preserve it.