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Everything posted by Harikrishnan

  1. Meditation on lower 3 chakra might help. Also most health issue you face in life has a hidden message, its saying something to you, if you get the message then it stops bothering you and may heal.
  2. @Leo Gura waiting for updation on booklist with political books as you said.
  3. Soon. 🤣
  4. Why Leo , what if he has that kind of belief system?
  5. This is an amazing documentary exposing Indian Hindu saint Asaram bapu who had around 40 million followers and 40 ashrams across India. Osho cult is nothing in front of asaram. He had top politicians in his palm. He was using all system to his benefit. really an amazing watch.(even though this trailer is in hindi, you can see it in english)
  6. I use toothpaste not having flouride, but is there any scientific study on fluoride being bad, if someone ask me why?
  7. In my yt feed there have been lot of videos of transformation happening in-collective, structures breaking, systems breaking etc in 2025-2027 time frame by many astrologers, channellers, nde etc This videos are popping up from start of this year. Is there really any global shift happening, is there a shift in consciousness or energy? Or are this all bunch of weird new age hippy dream?
  8. Yes saturn return is a thing, but in vedic astrology it takes 2.5years for saturn to move one house. So isnt it like around 30yrs for first return. other things I read about saturn are 1. Sade Sati (saturn transit through three houses 12th from moon, moon sign And next house of moon sign this is a period of 7.5yrs for some it goes like a breeze, for others its hell. When I read about people going through years of health issue, I always wonder if its this period. 2. Kantaka Shani(shani is called saturn) when saturn is 4th,7th and 10th house from moon. This can be deadly for some people. I didn’t took seriously astrology until I started looking at my chart and important periods of life. Its really amazing.
  9. So lately I looked more into astrology, Indian one. I am a pisces ascendant. But a taurus moon. So when planet changes house, I need to take moon sign as main instead of ascendant. (Its confusing) anyway when ever Saturn moves into some houses it is really transformational for me either break up happens, or some health issue, so in next month saturn is moving, for last 5 months I was having health issue and it really transformed me like saturn striped away all my ego, and showed me I didn’t trust myself or God. I wanted assurance from universe/God/ people etc to trust. There is more to astrology than just telling personality.
  10. Check your balls are alright.
  11. This please. 🍿
  12. From bashar last day transmission D2082501-AB1C-4A03-88CE-0A90A124983E.mp4
  13. I was watching some transformational video of people healing there conditions with meditation in joe dispenza channel and found this story really amazing hrdIcTBWeUDinqPh How are some people able to heal conditions like this with meditation? I went thorugh most of his meditation like blessing energy centers, they are simple like observing eight chakras and all. Its so simple, there are some high level meditation where you full energy into pineal gland all, but mostly very simple. I was meditating for last nine years zen style and vericocele happend 😂 and here people new to meditation and healing. Reality is weird.
  14. But all this channeled beings says you create your reality. also you have free will
  15. Dont know when sharing video it came.
  16. Everything was cool until some ajivika drew a budha postrating on some ajivika guru and a sect was cleansed from history.
  17. @Leo Gura How are some people able to heal there disease or conditions with meditation and some are not?
  18. I am subscribing to the idea that a disease or physical condition is caused to reveal to us something. For me it was my neediness. This issue showed me to let go of it. It also showed me to have more empathy to people with health condition, It made me more aware about suffering and pain. I have become more empathetic and loving to people, I can see women without sex running in my mind now. I also noticed I am hearing other people's perspective without having judgements. Even with a health condition and even when your testosterone hormones are low, you have blessing to see life differently more empathetically.
  19. I am also starting to love him, I came to know about him from this forum. But have to say it was clouded with leo's view, like I looked for every post in the forum about him and in one post he says there are better books than his(dispenza), so I thought this doctor maybe not that good. Then honestly speaking I was doubtful about healing, as leo's health conditions got worse and his high consciousness was not helping him, my thinking pattern was like, even the most awake man couldn't heal. There are certain karmas you have to go through. Right now am watching a lot of success stories from dispenza yt and its like making my mind open about healing. I am doing his BOTEC meditations and I hear him say about you are Love, field, merge into nothingness, be nothing etc make me think he had enlightenment experience and choosed healing path. Anyway what dizpenza is doing is remarkable work.
  20. So today I did a Scrotal doppler scan and found my left test having left grade 4 varicocele with testicular hypotropy and right grade I-II (left test is 8.1mL and right 11.5mL) I dont have pain but there is heaviness fealing in scrotum. Anyone had it and did you do surgery? How is it now. (I am 33now ) I appreciate any info on this.
  21. Yeah it helps. You may have grade one or something if so no much problem. Eat healthy and do yoga. Be very careful if you weightlift.
  22. I have decided to get embolization for this.
  23. Havent tried it, I will check it. Thanks.