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Everything posted by julienw

  1. Totally agree man. As much as I'm saddened by what happened on Oct 7, what's happened to the Palestinians since is like so much fucking worse. Not just from an ethical, moral standpoint but also from the point of view of who the world sees as the bad guy, and how that's going to take probably generations to settle down.
  2. @Leo Gura When is the new course coming out? And did you really kill and eat YT-Leo or will you eventually digest him and shit him out at some point for us Actualized fiends?
  3. I would say and people will probably bash me for this but probably it's sexism. She's a stern almost masculine-presenting woman and unfortunately a lot of people in the US still don't like to see women act like that, especially women in power, even if they don't realize it. If she was a man they'd love her.
  4. I know right? It's absurd. I never understood the vitriole against her. And yes, you'd think she would have a massive advantage over Trump in a hypothetical election because she's a rationale person and a seasoned politician, but unfortunately a decent percentage of the general populace either doesn't like her or otherwise likes Trump enough to vote for him. It's wack imo.
  5. How is it knowable to know what happens when you die, while alive? Isn't that the ultimate paradox? Death while living. I suppose it takes radical new states of consciousness that I haven't experienced yet.
  6. Recently stumbled on this podcast. Highly recommend for furthering our understanding of the phenomenon of modern gurus like Jordan Peterson, Bret Weinstein, and Andrew Huberman. I personally like it because I see problems with these figures. Fans of them may also get something significant out of hearing these perspectives. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/decoding-the-gurus/id1531266667?i=1000621955198
  7. @Jannes It is not about absolute brain size, it is about relative neuron density, gyrification (amount of brain tissue folding), and the presence of certain brain regions (e.g. frontal neocortex in humans, allowing for rational decision-making etc.)
  8. Hey Leo, just wondering where you’ve been lately? Hope you’ve been good. I miss your videos and am always looking forward to the next one, but seriously no pressure. If you never made another video again and that’s what made you happy, I’d support that. I can appreciate the need to take some time off and prioritize yourself over work.
  9. @Leo Gura Do you think they would understand that you have had their consciousness before? Or could it be that it was a different alien species? Or is Alien Consciousness a sort of universal thing to all aliens?
  10. I've seen most of them since 2017 or so. I tend to just listen and not do a whole lot of contemplation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. I just like to hear the man talk, what can I say? I'm a fan. One day we'll all be dead and I won't be worse off for having heard more of what Leo has to say.
  12. @Leo Gura in your backyard: https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/144c9h1/las_vegas_911_caller_speaks_out/
  13. @Hardkill it’s interesting. It’s unprecedented and never happened in history. He is so slippery and has been so able to slip out of any accountability or justice. But this appears to be a higher level of crime so it may in fact be enough to prevent him from getting far. Hopefully. But again, he’s literally up to now gotten away with rape, extortion of a foreign government, collusion with a foreign enemy, rampant corruption and abuse of power, tax fraud. I mean the list never ends and he’s never been held accountable. It’s hard to believe or have hope this will be different.
  14. Ah. Christmas in June. You gotta love it.
  15. A friend of mine is wondering if it’s safe to order from lizardlabs to the US? Previously they were using lysergi like many years ago so they’ve been out of the game for a while and trying to get a feel for the grey market landscape these days what with trying to avoid the hassle of darknet. If not lizardlabs, what are some good sources for ordering to the US? I understand that sourcing is not strictly permitted here so maybe if you can link me to a site or thread on another site with that information. I’m just curious and back in the day Reddit had a great community for sourcing research chemicals but it’s since been shuttered. I honestly just don’t know where to go to find sources anymore.
  16. Haven’t read the book but I read some reviews and watched about half of his conversation with Lex Fridman. It’s interesting but I can’t help but feel like something is missing here. As Leo describes in his Intro to Serious Philosophy episode, clear understanding. It feels like Tim is overly fixated on finding language to describe phenomena that are unfolding at the collective social and political level, rather than understanding the psychological forces that explain them. This is where I feel like Leo excels, in addition to his ability to communicate these insights. This makes it difficult to get through this conversation and feel like I’m gaining anything from listening to it
  17. You know you wanna stroke it
  18. Don't stress about it. Just consider the possibility that this is all coincidence. It's highly likely. Leo is obviously not a satanist and I think if he were a pedophile he wouldn't have gotten this far.
  19. @Majed Totally fair man. That's valid. Then I might focus on learning a skill that will definitely be marketable. Like programming, data science, statistics, etc. or whatever that looks like for you. It's much easier to monetize technical skills. You could focus on developing your writing skills, but like music or art that is a pretty difficult skill to monetize. Creating an exceptional piece of writing like a novel that will earn you enough money to live on would be quite the feat. You would have to spend years paying for yourself with other skills or jobs just to have the shelter and food necessary to become a better writer. And then there is the issue of innate talent. Some people are born to do it, imo. But don't want to discourage you from doing it. I just don't see how you can make any money from that for at least 10 years and then even then, there are no guarantees. TL;DR the best way to monetize a skill is to apply it to something that already exists. Like if you learn programming you could work for a tech company. There is much less ardor and stress of bootstrapping your way to success. Not that you shouldn't do it, you should do what you're driven to do. It's just a question of how much risk are you willing to take on? How much time are you willing to put in? And even beyond the willingness question, do you walk the walk in the end? A week from now, a year, 5 years. That's not an easy path to put yourself on.
  20. Alternatively you could try to master a new skill for its own sake. If you throw the need to make money off of it into the mix, it could ruin it for you. Not necessarily, Leo did it. But it might take away any and all joy you get from it, which would basically just suck. For example, devote ten years of your life to learning an instrument (well for me, I’m at just shy of 7 years now). I had goals but making money wasn’t one of them. If I was trying to make money with this skill I would have given up a long time ago. Before the need for money is the need for passion. Choose a new skill based on your passions, and if one day the money comes, then great. But don’t expect it or base all of your efforts on the money aspect alone. Also don’t expect any money for at least 2-5+ years if it’s a brand new skill (depends on the skill).