English Fox

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About English Fox

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  • Birthday 10/24/1983

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  1. @Leo Gura I have two adult children. 21 and 19 (I'm 41). I'm also a midwife and have had the privilege to receive many, many little bundles of new consciousness into my hands I've lost count as I don't keep count. Every encounter is a trip! When I was training, my final research paper was on spirituality and midwifery care, which is a whole other universe in itself. The "illusion" of children might just be one of the best spiritual educations you can get regarding Love. I'd have another, but my career makes meeting someone difficult. I love my life purpose I've been accessing Actualized resources for about 9 years now.
  2. Thanks I do see this every day, in the settings of my work. Many, many decisions are based in fear because of loss/death, harm, litigation, and then I witness many decisions based in the most highest form of Love.
  3. There are many theories and models regarding the science of decision-making. Currently, I'm doing some research on (compassionate) decision-making for a clinically reflective piece I'm writing, weighing it up against dispassionate reasoning (Aristotle etc). I'm curious to know other people's thoughts and experiences on decision-making, in more formal situations and in every day life (not choices) and how having evolving conscious awareness has improved your decision-making abilities.
  4. Is anyone considering being with Peter in the new online Satsangs?
  5. Some very profound documentaries to watch are Human (which comes in 3 parts), Samsara (2011/12), Baraka, Finding Joe, The Game Changers (on Netflix), I’m sure others will add. ?
  6. Abraham Maslow's Toward a Psychology of Being, The Farther Reaches of Human Nature (Arkana), and/or his book The Hierarchy of Needs: A Theory of Human Motivation, most certainly all the books by Dr M Scott Peck. 'On becoming a person' and 'A way of being' by Carl Rogers are also extremely beneficial.