English Fox

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About English Fox

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  • Birthday 10/24/1983

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  1. Thanks I do see this every day, in the settings of my work. Many, many decisions are based in fear because of loss/death, harm, litigation, and then I witness many decisions based in the most highest form of Love.
  2. There are many theories and models regarding the science of decision-making. Currently, I'm doing some research on (compassionate) decision-making for a clinically reflective piece I'm writing, weighing it up against dispassionate reasoning (Aristotle etc). I'm curious to know other people's thoughts and experiences on decision-making, in more formal situations and in every day life (not choices) and how having evolving conscious awareness has improved your decision-making abilities.
  3. Is anyone considering being with Peter in the new online Satsangs?
  4. Some very profound documentaries to watch are Human (which comes in 3 parts), Samsara (2011/12), Baraka, Finding Joe, The Game Changers (on Netflix), I’m sure others will add. ?
  5. Abraham Maslow's Toward a Psychology of Being, The Farther Reaches of Human Nature (Arkana), and/or his book The Hierarchy of Needs: A Theory of Human Motivation, most certainly all the books by Dr M Scott Peck. 'On becoming a person' and 'A way of being' by Carl Rogers are also extremely beneficial.