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Everything posted by Matt23

  1. Hey, I know Leo said he'd shoot a video on Red yet hasn't yet. I also realize it's probably not high on the priorities list since many people aren't there and that I'm speaking for myself here since I think I'm just entering it or have been stuck in it for a while. But I think it would really help me with orienting me and noting where to work on. It might also help "complete" the series a bit more. If not, does anyone know of good resources to study stage Red? Thanks!
  2. HEard there were some scientists saying this film was quite inaccurate.
  3. So, there's a self-development program from the Flow Genome Project. There's actually two, and if i do both now, i'll get a bundle deal and save $1000 (so I'd have to pay $2500). I would really like to do it and would feel regret not doing it, but I also feel lots of anxiety when committing to it for a few reasons. 1. I still don't have a secured place to live in June 2. We're kind of in very uncertain economic times in the world 3. it's a lot of money 4. I don't think the added mental stress of doing this program, spending the money, and trying to move and find a new place would be good for my mental health and well-being. On the other hand, I think it would be a great challenge, though I still think it't probably not the hugest thing I could do. Though I would see it as something to challenge me and grow me and find where my "flow" state is. I guess I believe in it, but think maybe it's just too much for me right now. LIke, I don't want to regret it forever and look back and be like "Fuck! I missed that opportunity!" But I also want to be kind to myself and be wise about it since I could do too much too fast and screw myself up more. It's a lot of money. I could also do the shorter and cheap course ($650) and that wouldn't be so bad since it's not as big of an investment, and then do the other course next year (hopefully they and the world (lol, but kinda seriously) are still around next year). That would mean I'd have to pay an extra $1000 for doing both courses. I heard a review (maybe two) that said they didn't get much more out of the second more expensive course as they'd like. Though I didn't look for many positive reviews yet. I think it's something where I'd feel regret and a bit bad about not being courageous and not being the one who does things. But then again, I could just do the one course and see how it goes. I guess i feel like I'm being cowardly and not good and it feels bad thinking about not doing the whole course. But I know my anxiety is alot when thinking about doing both. Maybe I should just do it all and get it over with... I guess I feel like I'd like to do it and then just do it and see how it goes. If I fuck up then I'll fuck up, but at least i'll see. I think I'm scared of doing it, but also feel lots of regret not doing it.... I dunno though. I think I'd like some opinions but am also liking writing this out for myself. Thanks for any advice.
  4. Feeling guilty of using mental health as excuse to continue victim mindset I feel scared of confronting my Dad's girlfriend about this (and my Dad a bit) since I feel I'll be seen as the bad person who's taking advantage of their soft heart. I feel like I need and want a stern person to confront me on my shit and where I'm not showing up and tackling my demons My demons being confronting the people whom I disagree with or don't like. Like being immature and showing that, like expressing my dislikes and immaturities. Like my Dad's girlfriend, I've noticed I have a shadow element where I see her and don't experience love for her and am somewhat, it seems, demeaning of her. I feel like if she sees me she'll dislike me and I'm scared of that…I'm scared she'll yell at me and be angry with me. I'm scared she'll confront me and yell at me for being a slob and a person who's not contributing and not being a good person for helping them Like I'm taking advantage of them and their situation (food, housing, etc.) for free. And I feel like any civil conversations about this and me revealing these things in me are in itself a way of avoiding the issue since it makes me look like the good guy… Like I've never been told out or called out on my own shit (and I'm really scared of this) and that anything other than that will be a cop out. Whenever I hear Pete and Lisa talk, I usually fear they are talking about their issues with me (reminds me of mom and dad talking as well perhaps), but when I snoop on their convos, they usually (or are never) about me. I don't know, but I feel trauma and learned helplessness and falling back on victim-mindset (i.e., not confronting demons and taking responsibility) are all part of the equation. At the moment, in the house, I'm fucking terrified of running into my Dad's girlfriend (i'd say my Dad and her hover around stage Orange/Blue, and my Dad's girfriend maybe a bit of Green spiral dynamics... I'm probably way lower, like Red, maybe even parts purple or beige...dunno). I feel so on edge around her, like there's this huge tension in the air from my persective... like at any moment, she'll erupt and a confrontation will be unleashed. I feel like I'm walking on egg shells. Thoughts?
  5. I think Peter Ralston is running weekly satsangs over webchat. I think for around $20 a month. It seems he'd be a great guy to ask about self-inquiry and enlightenment work, etc. If you go to his Cheng Hsin website the info should be there.
  6. Thanks all. Yeah, I'm sensing a dual nature to this (though, it could obviously be way more...or less...dunno) 1. self-love 2. not judgming others or having "shoulds" Appreciate the concerns and advice
  7. Ugh!!! How do I deal with this issue? I've often had the experience with my father of feeling like he's just completely unaware of me and not paying me any attention. Like he probably loves me and stuff, but whenever I feel passionate about something and bring it up with him, i often feel like he doesn't give a shit and just ignores me and doesn't give me attention or acknowledgement. I feel like he's always preoccupied in his own world and never game me attention! I feel so hurt and angry and sad. I feel like a piece of shit. I feel put down, not important, like a piece of shit. My heart is burning with rage and hurt and pain. I often have this experience of telling others things I'm passionate about, but then feeling like i'm not good enough and if they aren't into it and just getting side-tracked by their own agenda and interests and me putting myself and my stuff on the back-seat. Like I'm just a shitty person who's not good enough to ahve passions and be in the world with others since they think i'm shit and won't let me ahve my own stuff be out there.. (this last sentence got a little rambly, --> it was mostly stream of consciousness writing). I just feel like if I sense others don't like or are interested in my stuff, and disregard it, I feel so let down and then just get so down on my passions and like they are saying "you're passions and interests are shit and not worth talking about. Let's talk about my passions!" --> and then we talk about their passions. I feel often with others little or no support with my passions and interests when I talk about them. I feel so brought down by that. Help, any advice welcomed.
  8. Be joyful though you have considered all the facts - Wendell Berry
  9. Here's a perfect example of 3 stage yellow minds (I'm pretty sure) getting together and talking. I think if you're confused about what stage yellow may look or think like, this may help. I find these guys really allow people to see stage yellow thinking since their articulation is so masterful. You don't have to watch the whole thing, just seeing a part of it could give you an idea... i think...but i dunno Enjoy!
  10. I consider him and them (along with his partner Steven Kotler) stage Yellowish. The study peak states and have a whole "Flow" dojo they created. They've worked with Navy SEALS (SEAL Team 6 too), high level corporate CEO's during the '08 crash, connections with the White House, elite Redbull athletes, etc. Jamie has also worked with Ken Wilber in implementing Integral Theory in organizations and teams. He's also done several interviews (highly recommend) with Rebel Wisdom. They've written two books : "Stealing Fire" , and I think the newest one is "Recapture the Rapture" Here's a video of him talking about the years to come...
  11. Yeah. I find all of their communication styles very different then "regular folks", but so much more effective. It's like they've hacked how to most effectively communicate ideas to people. Stage Yellow at work?...
  12. @montecristo If you like Jamie, you'll probably like Jordan Greenhall (aka: Jordan Hall). Him and Jamie, along with Daniel Schmachtenberger, have been featured on Rebel Wisdom (a youtube channel and website of interviews with lots of, what i consider, Stage Yellow thinkers). Jordan Hall is like a mental wizard with concepts and relating them to practical down to earth metaphors.
  14. @Stef_BG These 3 videos don't necessarily focus on talking about future systems, but current issues and problems and what to do. I would say this following video more answers your question (towards the end of it). From my understanding, he thinks that we need to move into a Decentralized Collective Intelligence. And one of the most important ways to do that, according to him, is to be as honest, authentic, and accurate in our interactions with others and how we relate our own perspectives and how we see and feel things to be or be true. This then reinforces others to do that same and this results in much better collective sense-making and seeing what's really going on in the world. I don't know if that's what he's exactly saying, but that's what I god. Here's the video.
  15. I've noticed that I often have this issue come up with others: They do/say something which I feel hurts/disrespects myself or values --> I fear standing up for myself or don't since it's not the "right" time (like in the middle of a class or something) --> when I don't express my hurt and get what I need (want?) in terms of being treated a certain way, I feel I have to either completely ignore the person or if I do give them attention (respect?) I'm lowering my own self and I feel awful... Basically, I don't notice others being bugged by these issues around me as much... like they don't care really about how other people treat them or they can just let things go more easily or something without feeling they are giving up and accruing lots of damage to their self-esteem and worth... I've oftened struggled with self-esteem... I was bullied a lot I think when I was younger by my brother and have lots of negative self-image issues (don't think I'm good enough, etc. --> perhaps to a larger degree than many...?) and this issue keeps coming up --> I fear getting into any relationships since I feel someone will say or do something (maybe even unintentionally) and this whole thing will come up again and I'll feel like shit and they won't know why and it will be a huge issue and I'll get super depressed again... How have you experienced these issues? What is your view? What has helped you? --> healing work? --> just being assertive? --> I feel like I've done the assertive thing, and that if I went all out with the assertiveness that would be mean me having to fight the other person to be as I want.... and I don't see that as being very viable... ? Maybe it's just that I have such a low self-image which makes me that sensitive to others? --> solution? --> develop/work on/get rid of my self-image more? Cheers
  16. @Nahm Yeah, I did Leo's life purpose course and we did one in there. I guess I still don't understand how a dream board can help with self-esteem. I feel like it's way out in left field when I'm trying to deal with the pitcher, almost like not dealing with the issue at hand or in the way I need to deal/learn from it from where I am at the moment... I dunno. How do you see dream boards being helpful here?
  17. Takaway... Be as truthful and authentic in communcating with others as possible = leads to Decentralized Collective Intelligence = solve all these massive issues
  18. Leo - Let the process unfold organically. No need to force it (paraphrasing) Tom Campbell - A guy told him he's feeling like there's this huge urge to do spiritual work, and that it pushes him beyond what he's wanting to do. -Tom Campbell responded by saying "Don't let it push you around. Take control over it. If it's too much, too soon, too fast, it can actually slow your growth." -This last quote really helped me change my strategy and be more lenient and easy with myself. I think it really stopped chronic ego-backlash for me. Enjoy life too! I was in a similar boat. affirmations, meditaions, self-inquiry, visualizations, exercise, diet, yada yada yada, daily... I think I did more harm than good... I got massive mood swings and ego-backlashes... Then I just cut all it out... Now I do 20 minutes of self-inquiry a day (sometimes once every 2 days), meditate when I want (sometimes just 10 minutes a day, sometimes none at all), exercise when I feel like it. I'm also meeting more people, doing school, and thinking about create a self-sustainable community (my life purpose I think)... I'm also taking walks, enjoy the beauty, etc. I still struggle with emotional issues, but I just apply the methods and techniques I need in the moment. For example, if I feel I've been in my head too much and need a break, I'll just do 10-20 minutes of do-nothing meditation. Or if I'm feeling really emotionally wounded, I'll contemplate it, or do some "letting go" technique or "feel into it" technique... etc.
  19. Here's a more in-depth breakdown of his idea of the future and practical things people can do to prepare. As well as maps and models to help do better sense-making in volatile, uncertain, ambiguous, and complex (VUCA) conditions. highly recommend
  20. @Serotoninluv Cheers. How would you vape it? Does a regular weed pipe work, or is something more sophisticated needed? I also saw Leo post that people should never plug Freebase, only HCL (salted)... I don't know much about this stuff, that's all I heard.
  21. Does anyone have a good estimate for first timers using 5-meo Freebase in terms of mg? What's a safe/low does relatively/usually?
  22. Jamie Wheal and Andrew Cotler run an organization called the Flow Genome Project. Jamie has backgrounds in adventure guiding (Nepal, Himalayas, etc.), cultural anthropology, and has worked with top businesses and CEOs during the '08 crash, SEAL Team 6 (Navy Seals), professional extreme sports and RedBull athletes, and more. He focuses a lot on Flow and peak experiences, as well as leadership, teamwork, group flow. He says he and his team are in a unique position in that they are at the intersections of many high level people and organizations, including the White House. He's also worked with Ken Wilber in applying Integral Theory for organizations, as well as done several interviews for Rebel Wisdom. This is a talk he gave where he outlines 1) situational assessment 2) concepts to do better sense-making 3) practical skills and things to be prepared Very practical, to the point, and concise frameworks and pointers that seem easy to apply. Seems very stage Yellow to me,