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Everything posted by Matt23

  1. Here's a page for a new movement called "Unity 2020". I have not researched it much at all, but from my initial scans of the page, the essence seems to be a new political system for the U.S. That system being nominating 2 people (perhaps one from either side of the political spectrum) to co-govern the states. At the start of the presidential period, a "coin toss" beings alternating turns of who has final say on issues which cannot be solved through consensus between the two leaders. ... Though I'd post it for resource and research purposes. Seemed interesting.
  2. ... corporatist shill you say?... no moral qualms about eroding Democracy if it's politically advantageous to do so you say?... ... I kinda get the sense that Bret Weinstein may be dipping his toe in the reactionary tent a bit. I don't really know lots about politics or his politics, but just from the little I've heard him speak and the circles he tends to swim in, I get a bit of a stage Green-Red-Blue (i.e., not Orange) resistance. But I dunno.
  3. @Jacob Morres ... I can't remember where I came across it. I think I was just scanning their website and saw it. The link is above. If you're interested in the sort of future global landscapes, meta-crisis, global human system phase shift, preparing sensemaking, etc., and the stuff the FutureThinkers seem to delve into, I think you might also like Jordan Hall, Daniel Schmachtenberger, Nora Bateson and a website/YT channel called Rebel Wisdom.
  4. Getting examples of the Cook-Greuter ego stages. Trying to differentiate more between them to see them more clearly, especially the Expert and Achiever stages (though, I've still not watched the part 2 or 3 videos of the series).
  5. ... call me lazy It just really depicts both conformist and expert stages well I think.
  6. I want to create mega-threads of examples of all the stages for the Cook-Greuter model of ego development. I haven't yet watched the final two videos in the series. My aim is to get more clear distinctions between the stages (for me, I'd like to get more examples to differentiate more between the Expert and Achiever stages) and facilitate conversations about them as well.
  7. To create a mega-thread, do I have to do it a different route than the normal way? ... "If you don't have to believe it if you don't know it."
  8. I want to create mega-threads of examples of all the stages for the Cook-Greuter model of ego development. I haven't yet watched the final two videos in the series. My aim is to get more clear distinctions between the stages (for me, I'd like to get more examples to differentiate more between the Expert and Achiever stages) and facilitate conversations about them as well.
  9. Collecting resources, tips, techniques, root solutions, etc., for dealing with anger. Could really use some help with this fosho. Cheers.
  10. @FortisFortunaAdiuvat Nice. I think the mind (and body connection) can be highly symbolic sometimes. Like a person who has issues with taking on others' problems might walk around with a hunched back or something, like they're carrying a large load. On the other hand, "A cigar might just be a cigar". I dunno what you're looking for, but involving the body and feeling the sensations/feelings in your body that are associated with the fear can sometimes help explore and unlock things (i.e., mindfulness). Sometimes if I can't identify a particular feeling (it can even be what I thought was a physical sensation, but turn out to have an emotional basis), I'll put my awareness on the feeling and then let my imagination come up with an image/person that represents that feeling. This enables me to communicate and understand it better. But just feeling the feeling can be helpful too.
  11. For me, I used to try and implement all these daily habits and times to contemplate etc., it was way too much. I was trying to be a superhero monk robot thing... very difficult. It usually fell apart. Recently, I've been focusing on simply getting a decent and consistent morning routine in. 5 mins of feeling love/connectedness/security , gratitude , make bed , drink water... that's pretty much it. Sometimes I'll do yoga and workout, but not always and not always for long. ... It sounds to me like making the decision as to what to focus on is the issue and that you've been trying to figure this out for a while and can't seem to get a solid answer on it. True? If so, one way to look at this is that sometimes we put too much energy and focus into solving a problem or making a decision and we end of getting tunnel vision and can't see alternative answers or possibilities. We're not open to receiving insights, insights that happen not through conscious contemplation, but through spontaneous connections and thoughts. Getting different perspectives and changing your patterns can help this. You could try... Changing your physical routines and surroundings (e.g., taking different routes to work, rearranging your apartment or room, traveling, etc.). Taking a break from trying to get a solution.... there's a balance between constructive desire (passion) and unconstructive desire (grasping too tightly, wanting too much, too stressful, etc.). Having fun! Doing something new Taking psychedelics or altering your state of consciousness (thus, opening you up to new views of reality, which may re-orient you're decision making.... like being lost in a deep valley and then climbing to a high mountain peak to see where you are and where you want to go). ... Sometimes I try to cultivate a deep and "locked in" sense of love in my body and then ask myself questions from this place of love... can be insightful.
  12. Is there anything deeper that the fear could represent? Like, what is the more generalized, abstract, or "meta" fear/feeling/experience that's associated with blindness? Perhaps vulnerability, being exposed, being alone? Is it associated with others somehow? Is there a fear of not knowing or being ignorant involved? Perhaps a loss of control? Was there any experiences growing up that could be associated with it? It might not represent anything deeper, but simply as an exploratory exercise.
  13. Who makes the sweet art for the video image-titles?
  14. I doubt that it's stage Orange. It sounds more like psychopathy or narcissism (clinical) to me. ... Why are you friends with this guy?
  15. Ugh... so I'm in a position with my mom where I have sooooooooooooo much negativity with her, so much repressed anger and pain from my life, probably even growing. Yesterday she texted to see if I wanted to meet for coffee, I experienced soo much fucking emotional pain at this. For the first time, I considered cutting her out of my life (physically, but emotionally was the biggest part)... This was the first time I've ever felt going this far before... another part of me, a litte-boy self who really feels the depth in connection we have, was herat-broken and scared at the pain from doing this. Like, I don't know if it will just cause more pain and suffering from everyone, or if just keeping this relationship will really just ruin my life It's not like there's particular behaviors or something that she's doing that is really bad, (as far as I can tell), but I feel it's more about past pains n stuff. Like she wants to be friends and have a relationhsip, but I have sooooooooooooooooooo much fucking anger and rage with her, and I repress it and I feel so much pain... so much pain that I feel maybe for my own wellbeing I should just cancel her out of my life despite the heartbreak it would cause me... even devastating heartache, I dunno.... I've never been at this point before. Ugh... I'm just so fucking dissatisfied with life and just feel I can't handle things. I'm so fucking angry. I feel I'd hurt a lot at doing it, I feel I'd be doing something for myself, I feel it's to do with pain from the past, I feel it's overwhelming and I can't fucking deal with her/it anymore, ... I'm scared and don't want to lose her, but I feel my pain is so great that I can't bear it or something........ I feel like I don't express my anger towards her since I don't wnat to hurt her...... I feel so much pain and rage to her...... ugggghhhh.... I feel like there's this little boy in me who's innocent and is so hurt at the thought of leaving her or disconnecting, but then there's this massive ball of pain that totally rages when with her... I don't know what to do...
  16. Could getting more clear about why you want to become an alpha male (and the quality and nature of the "why") make choosing a direction more effective? I sense that wanting to be an alpha male may be more of a reactive motivation from feeling insecure, negative self-image/esteem, weak, or small in some sense, and that the alpha male approach may not be the key to solving your issues at the root or in a meaningful way. Perhaps finding and using more alpha male resources that are oriented towards gay people would actually be the most helpful thing for you. I dunno. But also consider that your issue may be more emotionally deep than you're currently seeing them (i.e., relating to past traumas or deeply held beliefs about yourself). Again, I'm not saying this is the case (posting on forums isn't the greatest way to get a sense of someone... and even face-to-face can be difficult). Different therapeutic approaches can actually help out a lot with image issues and confronting past traumas and even people who are no longer physically in your life and overcoming the things you couldn't overcome before. Internal Family Systems is a therapeutic technique I've been using lately which has been working wonders. EMDR, psychedelics (of course), Pesso-Boyden psychomotor therapy, meditation, contemplation, journaling, etc. Even doing both alpha male approaches with therapeutic approaches might be a great synergy. I've had a kind of similar experience in trying to find gay pick-up resources (I honestly didn't put much effort into it to be fair)., and not finding anything much. But I figured, it's not so much about if a person or resource is gay, straight, or otherwise, it's more about their masculine/feminine or yin/yang energy displacement. Like there can be gay guys who are total macho, or gay guys who are more feminine. So I've kind of taken some relationship/sex advice directed at women since I feel more connected to a feminine energy then masculine. Seems to be more about just feeling things out and seeing what is attractive to you (physically and energetically/felt-sense).
  17. @UDT ya, I was actually thinking about that. But, I went by my local gym and was kinda like "I dunno about this and the whole Covid thing." Especially with what seems like another surge coming... I dunno. Definitely feeling the exercise accomplishments for sure. Something like doing a long bike or run or something. Seems like I'm getting more into goal-setting and even noticed a higher degree of discipline in relation to being more interested in goals n thinking more about future-oriented stuff.
  18. Hey. I've been recently feeling this new desire and motivation to be more self-reliant and have more of my own stuff. This would obviously require making more money. I feel that like I just want to get out there and make lots of money, fast, and am not really perturbed by what I do too much. I did do the life purpose course and have contepmlated higher aspirations. But right now, I feel that an aspect of stage Red in me is growing and wants to be utilized. I am in Uni at the moment, but am open to ideas about how to make some short-term cash quickly. Ideas?
  19. A technique that has been working well for me recently (sometimes wonders actually) is similar to internal-family system's therapy. Basically, you close your eyes (not necessary perhaps though), and use your body sensations and feelings combined with your imagination and thinking to investigate your inner world. For example: I sometimes have these feelings in my body which I am unsure of what they are. So I'll sit, close my eyes, focus on the feeling, and then can work with it several ways. Ask it questions, like "what are you?", "what is your burden?", "is there anything you want or need from me?", etc., and it will often give responses and you can have conversations with it. ... By this point an image representing the feeling has come to mind. Usually an image that resembles what the feeling is about (could be a person or an object, and it can change and move around, etc.). You can also try to bring to mind different aspects of yourself. Like bringing to mind your judgmental self, and perhaps seeing an image of that self in your minds eye. Then you can have the same dialogues with it and try to empathize, understand and help it along like an understanding parent or guide. For me, I've noticed that aspects of myself interact with other aspects. And sometimes they can have big conflicts and misunderstandings between them. So I can sometimes bring two (or even more, though I've not done too much of this one) together to try and facilitate understanding between the two. Get them seeing each others' POV and stuff. Also, you have a Self (or conscious-leader self), which is the conscious one you want to be when interacting with your aspects. Though, other, hidden aspects of yourself can invisibly hijack or project themselves from behind when you are interacting with an aspect in front (I can see how this might be difficult to imagine, especially communicating through words is a bit difficult). ex: I'll be consciously trying to understand or talk to an aspect of myself in front of me, meaning I am visualizing it in front of me (you can also open your eyes and imagine the aspect in front of you or use dolls and objects as projection grounds). Then, I'll notice maybe a feeling that I'm judging, or saying something negative, or that something isn't quite "right" or healthy in how I'm interacting with the aspect. I'll then realize that there's another hidden aspect of myself which I'm not seeing coming through. I can then... Ask all aspects to politely step aside for a moment, reassuring them that it's safe and ok. or, I can bring that new aspect out and contemplate what it's all about and try to understand it and why it's doing what it's doing. keep in mind that all aspects are there for a reason, even though they may be harmful. They may have protected you at one point, but are now not the best way to handle things. It's just like dealing with human relationships; a big part of "fixing" them is simply understanding them, giving them love, reassuring them, and even challenging and questioning the beliefs they operate under. But it seems that It's a lot about understanding, empathizing, and compassion.