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Everything posted by Matt23

  1. Hey. Here's a book list derived from a man named Daniel Schmachtenberger who, I'm pretty certain, is solidly at stage Yellow of spiral dynamics. Here's a video to give you a sense of who he is and how he thinks Enjoy
  2. Saw this on my news feed from the Majority Report. ... weow... Let's just hope we can bypass the "every-super-villain-ever's plot to steal advanced, existentially threatening or life-affirming technology" scenario.
  3. @Arcangelo I think they mean the "monkey-mind" and that part of you that's run by more animalistic, immediate desires, etc.
  4. @Edan Cheers. Ya, I think they bring up some good points.
  5. A few resources I picked up from Martin Ball. the first one is a general forum discussing all things 5-Meo. The second one is a conference that happens in Mexico.
  6. @aurum Cheers. Yeah, I'm taking the general stance that biological sex isn't as important as internal gender or the male/female/yang/yin kind of energy of teachings and people (i.e., the "vibe" of the person/teachings/resource).
  7. @Pernani Yeah, pretty much. I've done several zoom calls and you just go to the website and beside the list of events you click RSVP, then they give you a zoom link and bob's your uncle.
  8. The have zoom meetings doing things like... breathwork circling freestyle rapping having intellectuals on discussing theories, ideas, philosophies, etc. book clubs social design clubs etc. etc. etc. They have a decent following and have attracted some noteworthy people (e.g., Noam Chomsky, James Carse, Nora Bateson, Jordan Hall, Daniel Schmachtenberger, Bonnitta Roy, Doug Tataryn). Great place to meet n greet, and join a community to not only consume material, but to participate, ask questions, and do. My Spiral Dynamics placement of them: Center of Gravity = probably Green maybe some High-Orange elements Some Yellow too more probably from some of the thinkers they have on and some of the ideas floating around. I think they strive towards this But probably many aren't fully embodied in Yellow
  9. Again though, I just saw how that philosophical approach may lead to inaction (in my case I think I've tended to fall into this trap too much). So maybe there's room for and just allowing making these choices without too much, emphasis on "too", deliberation (leading to inaction). ... Hmmm... Even just writing this, "languaging" it, conceptualizing it (thus putting it into a box) seems off somehow to me. Like maybe it can't be put into words and opinions/stances... feel it.. let it come and go. Move with it.
  10. I get what you're saying. My grandma brought up a similar piece of news the other day too. We live on Vancouver Island, close to Vancouver (the city), which has a huge homeless and drug problem downtown. Apparently lots of the drugs that they usually received from across the border with the U.S. haven't been coming since the border lockdown. Many of them are now using drugs that have been really laced with other, more harmful chemicals. So it looks like we're seeing a spike in deaths as a result. Interestingly, her source said that the communities of those living on the street downtown aren't seeing many deaths related to Covid since, according to what she was saying, these communities are quite closed-circuit (i.e., they don't have much contact with new people on a daily basis). This made me think though, just because we're seeing more deaths now because of drugs relating to lockdowns rather than Covid doesn't mean that if we loosened the lockdowns, we wouldn't see an even greater spike in deaths from Covid as a result. Not too mention further economic or other ramifications. I imagine it being like if I owned pandora's box, and someone was killing citizens in order for me to hand it over. Someone might say "Look, pandora's box isn't hurting anyone right now, so just give it up to save us!" So I hand it over and the madman opens it and the entire cosmos enters into hell and everyone dies... obviously I don't know how it's really like and that this is just an illustration, but it made me reconsider any viewpoints that I saw as perhaps "the answer". I guess I think it's worth thinking of the various pros, cons, and chains of causality and effects that could happen in regards to various stances and points of views. Intuitively, I get the feeling that we should consider things more and just be more present with things as they unfold, since things change and can change fast (one moment loosening the borders may be the best option based on current knowledge, but then the next moment it's like "Fuck!! Close the gates!", etc.). Maybe there's not a one-size-fits-all paradigm or philosophy of thought regarding Covid (and maybe life in general?) since things are always changing and you need to be able to A) sense and perceive accurately what's going on (thus, be free of biases and assumptions, etc.), B) make accurate sense and meaning out of it (critical thinking, check for biases, etc), and C) be able to use your agency to effect change. I think-feel-sense it and life is kinda like a lot of "Yeah, but maybe...". In the end, I feel like perfect choices aren't based on the results but by the decision-making process itself. Hindsight = always 20/20
  11. @Sleyker How is Psycho-Cybernetics?
  12. When the Body Says No By Gabor Mate.
  13. @Superfluo Haha thanks. I just hope I don't end up looking like this guy by the end of it...
  14. @Superfluo Cheers! Thanks a bunch. I've been wanting to delve more into trauma and mental illness at deeper levels in order to overcome some personal issues/stuff.
  15. Also, it seems like self-help Tony Robbins style isn't exactly deep enough for my issues... can that type of stuff work for the deeper/stronger issues?
  16. Can anyone give me first-hand comparisons and reviews of these two books? What's different about them? Which book is good/bad for understanding what subjects? Would you recommend a book in particular over another one? Pros/cons? Would you recommend reading one over the other, or any of them at all, if the person is still struggling with the basics? I think I'm looking for a book that doesn't focus too much on the spirituality side (though, I may be), but is sort of all-encompassing. I dunno... something that is like good fora lot of people. though, having said that, maybe spirituality is a thing I'm interested in pursuing and even making a living at. I hesitate to read too much detailed spirituality since I feel I still need to cover a lot of the basics (mental health, job/career/LP, relationships). I definitely have my share of suffering, and feel that the rest of my life isn't really "handled". So I hesitate to buy books that might not be what I need right now. On the other hand, I am kind of interested in this stuff, and probably could benefit from it. And spirituality might be somewhat of a career path for me... so I dunno. Cheers
  17. @Elham Yeah, maybe it was. I notice lately my energy is shifting more towards the masculine/yang side of things.
  18. Hey, I've been sick the last few days and am craving some feminine energy. Though, I find it hard to find on youtube and elsewhere. Any self-help resources, or even entertainment, which has a more feminine energy? Cheers
  19. @Leo Gura Could you recommend any books from your list or other resources that more relate to like severe depression n mental health and dealing with that? I've heard you say you don't really specialize in that, I guess I'm looking for another route for resources. Or maybe a better question is, would you even recommend reading or studying any of the books on your list, even the emotional mastery ones (i.e., they may help people with general emotional mastery but not severe mental health/trauma issues), for people with serious mental health issues? @Hello from Russia I think it's less about being lazy, as I do like studying this stuff. I think A) I get stingy about spending money, so I hesitate with that, and B) I think I maybe also subtly use studying these higher level things (maybe) as a distraction from the work I really need to be doing... I mean, in some ways maybe it's true, but studying this stuff might also help me and give me inspiration. Not too clear on that last one. C) I'm also trying to just be more strategic in buying and consuming resources. These are long books, and I just don't want to waste my time studying stuff that isn't most relevant to me right now (like big ol' mental health issues and relationship issues, etc. the basics). But that "Integral Life Practice" seems a bit more practical and up my alley though. Cheers.
  20. Hey. So I've been feeling/thinking that I probably want to work towards one day creating some sort of spiritual community. Does anyone have any good books, documentaries, videos, people or other resources which could give me insights into what it takes to build and sustain a healthy community, and all the traps involved as well. It could be anecdotes and experiences people have had (e.g., like if one of Osho's followers wrote a book about their experiences and lessons learned), or more analytical and knowledge-based books about creating communities. I'm more interested in spiritual communities in particular. Stories of people's attempts, successes, failures, lesson's, advice, and stories would be great! Cheers
  21. Maybe also some memoirs of monks' experiences ... wasn't there a book or accounts of monks in early history in Japan who started warring with each other? Leo talked about it....
  22. I mean, strong determination sitting and not budging for any discomfort is a method to increase meditation benefits I've heard... But also... "There are no rules. But, there are rules."
  23. @X_X Ya, I've heard of the idea that people take Stoicism to mean toxic suppression of emotions and just being unhealthily... well... "Stoic". Vs. a healthy inquiry into emotions and life and neither suppressing nor destructively expressing them.
  24. Cheers errybody! @Elham Yea, I actually bought a plant last year and as soon as I bought it and was carrying back to my place, I had this motherly sort of feeling towards it. I was a bit uncomfortable with that feeling, like maybe too much smothering or love or something. It felt a little weird or off... but I dunno. Maybe I'm just not comfortable with that part of me yet. The plant still lives though!
  25. Here's a page for a new movement called "Unity 2020". I have not researched it much at all, but from my initial scans of the page, the essence seems to be a new political system for the U.S. That system being nominating 2 people (perhaps one from either side of the political spectrum) to co-govern the states. At the start of the presidential period, a "coin toss" beings alternating turns of who has final say on issues which cannot be solved through consensus between the two leaders. ... Though I'd post it for resource and research purposes. Seemed interesting.