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Everything posted by Matt23
R.i.p green and blacks... my fav.
Banshees = loved it. I totally identified with the older guy's character; not Colin Farrell's character. La Grande Bellezza is a great Italian movie I just watched.
Matt23 replied to Coraline's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Shinzen Young's take on it. "Depersonalization/Derealization disorder is enlightenment's ugly cousin." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zIKQCwDXsA He also says that Michael Taft has worked with DP/DR in relation to spirituality and meditation. He's quite a renowned teacher. Consider checking him out. -
Its stupid to think that his impact is somehow separate from his character. Especially someone like Tate and being an "influencer" and internet icon; his impact is exactly and precisely his character. And just like you said, nobody would listen to "a nice man of integrity." (I.e. character). Not that I agree with this thinking completely. Among the many blunders I think you're making (granted, i could be misunderstanding your pov) I think a bigger one is falling into a perhaps victim trap of taking the way things are for hownthey should be. Confusing an is for an ought. Yeah, maybe the social environment isn't great, but that doesn't mean you lay down and let it continue being so. You buck up and do something virtuous about it. Like a "real man/woman" would do. Don't be subject to the environment around you. I feel like I'm just doing fuel to the fire here and it just doesn't mean much. I dunno... all this arguing begins to wear you out. Lol. Like is this the best thing I or we can be doing? Really? Are we just adding more conflict into the world and pushing each other further into our respective ideologies and camps? Is this truly the best way to be at the moment? Just a way to pass the time perhaps lol. To defend our ideas and values and personhood. Feels like humorous almost.
Matt23 replied to LoneWonderer's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Danioover9000I've never actually read it. It just makes sense, including from personal experience. Seth Godin even says similarly; something like "You can be working hard at the completely wrong thing" and go nowhere. I want to though. Seems like a commonly recommended book by people who are successful and who seem like they have their psychological shit together. -
I agree. No offense obviously, I hope you keep on doing whatever progress or value you're achieving. But... Can you envision someone like Daniel Schmachtenberger or Jordan Hall coming on here and being like "I finally did it!"? No, hard in my mind. If you do embody stage yellow, you'd be busy doing other more meaningful and serious work. I doubt a stage yellow person would even be on this forum. I also agree that you don't just one day "achieve a stage". It's a slow, gradual thing that happens over many years. I dont even think one person is at one stage or another either, but rather may embody many stages simultaneously. It's more nebulous... perhaps. There is even decent reason to believe that spiral dynamics and a stage theory approaches to human development in general at best lack a full enough explanation of the human psyche. Bonitta Roy's DST theory for example (its on YT I believe... really interesting and sophisticated). If your experience was a sudden shift in your experience, going by Ken Wilber's models, it sounds more like a state change rather than a stage change. Good luck with your endeavors though.
Matt23 replied to LoneWonderer's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Ya... but you gotta work smart as well. You could work 14 hours shifts, 6 days a week delivering parcels for FedEx for your entire working life and maybe end up with an ok pension. Or you could invent a cool game, sell it for millions, and never work a day in your life again and be wayyyy better off. (metaphor) --> thus enabling you to have the financial freedom to live and act in the way you best see fit. -
mmm.... I can see how it's love. ... But it's also cheating. If "everything is love"... we gotta be careful to not use that to justify immoral acts.
I think intp males the most sense.
This to me looks like the unhealthy and healthy versions of "fat shaming" in one sentence. "You look fucking disgusting." sounds emotionally painful to yourself and like it would cause more shame and lower self esteem, thus more desire to actually eat and not be healthy. "This is not okay" sounds more like a virtuous choice and desire to be healthy and live a better life, which feels uplifting, virtuous, and growth oriented.
If she has a boyfriend don't do it. If you were her boyfriend how would you feel? Don't use her lack of moral judgment as the benchmark for your own. Follow your own integrity + Communicate honestly and openly = Smooth sailing in the long run Plus... there are plenty of fish in the sea. If you notice a sense of desperation propelling you to see her, that should be a clue to hold off for now till you can see more clearly perhaps.
My definition so far comes from science and psychology. Basically that it has two parts Emotional empathy: this is the caring and concern for others part. Cognitive empathy: this is the ability to accurately imagine and predict the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of others. I learned about this from Simon Baron Cohen's book on Leo booklist about autism. Autism: emotional empathy > cognitive empathy Psychopathy: emotional empathy < cognitive empathy So, people with autism do care about others, they just have a difficult time putting themselves into others' shoes and predicting their inner experiences. This leads to difficulties in socializing. Whereas people with psychopathy care little about others but have the ability to accurately predict what they are thinking and feeling. This is why they can be good manipulators and be socially charming.
What's a blocklist? It doesn't sound good... lol
I dunno about all time fav.. but I liked... Walden Ralph waldo emerson Man's search for meaning The book of not knowing The Bible (parts) Carnage and culture Guns germs and steel The body keeps the score Outlines of phyrrhonism by sextus empiricus
Matt23 replied to Grateful Dead's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
A consideration when ingesting the info on the podcast; take into account the biases and standpoint of Aubrey Marcus. We know he likes to stand "out there" on the fringes of society and leans more towards "anti-the-system"; stage green mystical stuff... I'm not saying I know what's happened. I honestly didn't watch the video at all. Just want to offer a way of thinking critically about the potential biases involved and to account for those in any conclusions people come to. -
Matt23 replied to LoneWonderer's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
A girl I work with used it to write a 500 word essay and got 100%.... She's in high school though lol. Still... I'd say efficient isn't bad. Like, if it takes you 5 minutes to look up the same thing on Google as it would 10 seconds on chatGPT... I dont see a problem. I'd say go at it. But, like Leo said, with the caveat that your learning isn't degraded. Here I'd use your own internal sense of right and wrong. Does it feel lowly or not when you do it? Basically... efficiency is good as long as it stays within the bounds of your integrity. -
I'm sure this is a big confusion in general and I'm not exactly sure how you differentiate the two. I presume more advanced teachers know the difference pretty well, but as for someone who's not very advanced or who knows the spiritual terrain well, I'd say look to teachers (but also be weary and think critically since they themselves may be confused as well). From my very limited experience, it sounds to me like you were/are experience dissociation/derealization. Shinzen Young talks about how this disorder is the "ugly cousin" of awakening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zIKQCwDXsA Sounds insightful and true to me. I'd try more embodied practices; physical activities like tai chi, yoga, exercise, or just being in nature. What practices are you doing now? Sometimes laying off spiritual practices can also help, even if it seems counter-productive.
Let me know what you think! There's still some editing parts that I think I'd like to tidy up, like parts I think could be shortened, cut with more seamlessness and harmony with the music, etc... but the general sense is what I was looking for. A comedy What did you like/not like? I'm trying to start just creating more stuff. Period. And "shipping" as Seth Godin talks about. I've also been so heavily convinced that my life purpose revolves around psychology and spirituality, that I've not tried or considered other routes much. So making videos is definitely an experiment in new forms of art. And it FEELS GREAT! lol. I love doing this kind of shit. Just like messing around, playing etc.
I would love, if anyone can help, to see the actual tweet he shared that initiated this. If this is true, this is total BS. I am no JP fan, and have often felt uncomfortable even with parts of Joe's podcast and just not into his right-wing style he's displayed (even though yes, he does also have a weird combo of leftist politics and views as well). But this is like tooooo fucking much. But, I'd love to see the original tweet to actually see what JP posted since that will clear up how much this is warranted or not. I actually wrote an email to the College of Psychologist of Ontario condemning their actions lol. I still have yet to send it. Waiting to see if a more clear view emerges.
SMART goals: Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely Ya... I'd also say that if you feel like you "should" have the motivation, or you "should" has such-and-such a work ethic and your motivation sin't coming from some more genuine place, I doubt it'll work out. Maybe try taking a less hard-nosed approach. Sounds like you've been really amped up by the common narrative of success and the "grind" culture. Not saying you don't have discipline and practice etc. But just that maybe your ideals aren't realistic in terms of the effort and hours you put in (and what you put them into). Use the snowball effect: --> pick something you genuinely like to do and are interested in --> then schedule times in to doing that thing that may seem small but can add up. Eventually you may build up the discipline etc., to do that thing for longer and longer periods. MAKE SURE ITS MEANINGFUL TO YOU.
I don't think this is true.
Well... I dunno if he actually, physically studied WITH him. But he read his books. lol.
I am inspired to create a thread where people can post videos, photos, quotes, stats, and stories about anything revolving around athletics, using and mastering the body, and showcasing the heights of human athletic achievement, art, and skill. Everything from your typical sports like basketball, football, and hockey, to things like darts, long-distance running, dance, and even flip-cup. Basically, anything and everything revolving around people doing inspirational and highly skilled and "crazy" shit kinesthetically; from the most fine-motor skills to teams coordinating together. Didn't know where to put this; the "Health, Fitness, Supplements" forum seemed not a great fit since it more revolves around health, whereas my vision for this is about more than health and fitness, it's about athletics and appreciating the art and skill of athletics, as well as even using athletics to achieve higher or spiritual and transcendent states. Here's some to start it off: This guy in the video below is INSANE: (I also find it funny how this video is sponsored by Coors Light lol) He runs up to 7 marathons per week (1 marathon = 26.2 miles)... he likes to do them before breakfast. Then he likes to do a 10-12 mile run in the afternoon, but at a faster tempo. ... this is for training. He once ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days. Listen to the story, and you can see how a life can change overnight... though, apparently his body is unique in that he doesn't get a built-up, or buffers the built-up significantly, of lactic acid. Lactic acid is the stuff that, once you do 'x' amount of, say, curls in the gym and you start to feel that burning sensation in your muscles making you want to quit... he doesn't get that. "BE in the now" "Take your next footstep" = tricks he says he's learned. ....Obviously genetically gifted: but also I think has great lessons applicable to everyone.