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I don't think I have metal fillings (I dunno though), but I definitely have a screw in my front tooth that got chipped in middle-school. I'm wondering if that could count as something that would need to get removed if I do the detox.
How long do people usually do the rounds for? Like doing rounds for 3 times? Or doing them for like months to years?
I think their goal is to use it as a seed to learn from and for others to learn from.
I think I heard Ken Wilber describe it in a question as "how do I do it?" So, I imagine, something about how you either manoeuvre things in space, whether it's moving your body to do a task or art to even things like figuring out how to lift a couch up a flight of stairs. You can pretty clearly see people who have higher kinesthetic intelligence compared to others, especially in sports and the moving arts. They're not awkward or clumsy and look elegant and graceful with their movements. But ya, as it pertains to like how kinesthetics would be different at each SD level I have no idea. Maybe it's something about the type of activities one engages in. Like I lived in a pretty Green town in B.C. Canada for a bit, and there was often an ecstatic dance night weekly and people would just let go and do all sorts of interesting moves along with really interesting music. But then compare that to like a club with fist bumping n' grinding, hip hop, and listening to rap n techno which seems more Orange to me. ... I dunno, mmmaayyybbbee something like that. I also imagine that the higher one is on the spiral, the more capable one is of more complex movements. Like watching a lot of the native american and indigenous dances, they are pretty simple (it seems to me, I'm sure there's complexity in there, and I definitely find them beautiful still) compare to something like Ballet or some of the contemporary dance styles and routines. Also, what stage one is at kinesthetically may also be something, at least in part, of a subjective disintction one makes. Almost like looking at art. Like, just by looking at certain pieces of art, you can tell (especially if you have lots of experience in that art) what pieces are higher quality than others. There's something of an aesthetic quality that people can gauge from higher to lower. How much of that gauge is universal across all humans I suppose is up for debate. But I think there are some aesthetics and things people might consider subjective that are actually universal across cultures and people.
Have you tried the Feynman Technique?
I'm on Vancouver Island. If I were you, I'd probably just start applying to a butt-load of places, then see which ones accept you. Work at a place for a bit, get experience. Volunteering I'd recommend too fosho. Get as many certs as you can. Ya, if you're in a position to do school, might be a good option. Even try doing like small bets and projects for people or organizations in your local community. Like right now, I'm in touch with a youth volunteer org. in town and am meeting them to see if I can put on some sort of Zoom games night or dance party or something. For free. Pat the stats. Just like a video game character. start just adding shit to your resume. And maybe variety is good too, since then you'll have experience in a bunch of stuff which not only makes you versatile in a job market, but also helps you learn what it is that truly excites you. I heard this advice from Objective Personality, he laying out a framework of... Go on craigslist and find any job you haven't done. No matter how shitty you think it is. Do it. Master 3 skills in that job. However long it takes for you to get to a point with those 3 skills where it's easy-breasy, work at the job until that point. Then quit and find a new job and repeat the cycle. I see this as also not just working at a job and then quitting with no skills learned, but doing the job, even if you don't like it, and actually developing some marketable skills along the way so you're not left with nothing.
10 pushups a day minimum... I get the same psychology feeling of getting something done while also doing something I know I can do everyday, even on my worst days. in terms of muscles... over time it could add up. Spine rotations When I'm stressed, this can really induce a deep feeling of relaxation Little effort the science says it activates the parasympathetic N.S. Centering exercise rock back and forth and side to side until you find your center of gravity below your belly button helps when I'm feeling stressed or chaotic and ungrounded to get back to center and evaluate what is best for me to actually be doing and think more clearly.
Hey. I'm reading up on his mercury detox protocol and would love to hear other people's experience or hearsay with it, and also chelation and heavy metal detoxes in general. Have you done any similar detoxes? What was it? How was it done? results? Also, does it work for more than mercury? Cheers.
So here's Leo's explanation of how to do the technique: Quote Sit comfortably and quietly, still your mind, and become aware of direct experience. Locate a distant object in your visual field. Any object will do, like a tree, a car, a sofa, a lamp, a book. Now, take your index finger and try to draw an imaginary line from that object to "you". Draw this line using your finger, but go very slowly. Move backward from the object to "you". Pay extra-careful attention to exactly when and where your finger reaches "you". Notice that it never actually reaches "you", because there's no you there! The line always terminates at nothingness. Become deeply conscious of this until your identity as a self starts to break down. If you think the finger reaches you at the skin threshold, look more closely. In your direct experience do you actually perceive skin between the object and "you"? Be very careful here. There is no skin between object and eyeball. For that matter, there is no eyeball My question So, I take my finger from the object to what exactly? Like I tried actually touching my eyeball, is that right? Then I just poked the skin around my eye, like on my nose and cheek. Is this right? Where exactly on my face or body am I supposed to be bringing my finger back to "me"?
Matt23 replied to levani's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There's a step by step kriya book book on the booklist. The one by Stevens ... i think called Kriya Secrets Revealed. It shows how to do them, gives a little history, and the has a routine to go through as you learn. -
Matt23 replied to Matt23's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ha.. I heckin knew that would be the reply as soon as i was writing it. I guess the closest thing to a perceptual shift, which took some work to stay concentrated on, was being aware that my finger would disappear when out of view while also not falling for the concept of it being out of view, and also noticing a different perspective of the sensation of my finger toughing my skin as separate from the conceptual image of it (which, when combined, i find often is a powerfully strong thing to decouple). It's kinda weird.... not seeing, or rather, imagining, anything beyond your field of vision... it's like, crisper, yet... i dunno... almost as if sometimes, when i get more present, im putting my face right up on the tv screen instead of sitting further from it and having a bunch of "filler stuff" filling in the surroundings... and sometimes I've experienced it as almost going into the screen... hard to explain a bit. -
Ahhhh ... you know... I appreciate humans.. in all their ways.
Here's the thing Jordan Hall was talking about. This is also my attempt at memetic, ideological, proliferation ... cuz I like and believe in Jordan quite a bit probably. ... It's almost like I'm a little "Jordan Hall" (or Leo, or Daniel Schmachentberger, or other people I idolize) soldier, trying to "spread the gospel" and infect others with their stuff so they become "one of the tribe" and believe in them too... ha... oi yoi yoi. But it's good shit too
And now, the new and improved ("improved" = to be determined) Red Shirt Leo. = check out blog
Might just be from learning that slowing down one's speech is better for teaching and for people to ingest the info. Could also about being more comfortable doing what he's doing, and not feeling like he's gotta "show-off" all the info or something. Like, maybe slow talkers are simply more comfortable in themselves. Maybe, another thing to throw in the bag, it could be that he's the stuff he's doing now is more authentic and just "off-the-cuff", so that we're actually seeing him think things through live a bit more, compared to having all these pieces of info to talk about that have been pre-established. I dunno. Some ideas.
I've had an interest in them, sort of like a magical-primordial like sense of fascination with them... the word "mytho-poetic" comes to mind. Jordan Hall describes using myths as a way to orient oneself as to what the correct course of action is. He describes reading myths like the Arthurian legends and then literally feeling in your body where it lands and how it feels when you read it, and then inquiry into that feeling as a sort of compass. Something about seeing myths as psychologically encoded lessons and patterns humanity has learned over the eons, and perhaps even "lessons" learned prior to homo sapiens, like, back into the animal kingdom and before. I think Leo's opinion on archetypes and Jung is that they aren't particularly useful. I think I saw him describe it along the lines of "The universe is itself infinitely imaginative, so the archetypes are just like miniscule blotches within that." Something like that. I might be butchering it. In terms of personal growth, I think I've found working with subpersonalities much more fruitful in terms of actually resolving emotional and life issues. I dunno how useful, or how actually one would go about, using archetypes for personal growth. Any ideas? I guess to me the biggest use I see in them is as guideposts to see where you are on your personal-development journey and where you might need to go, etc.
I love Bernardo's vibe... I feel him as like a giant comfy couch that's like "Dude, chill, be kind to yourself, it's all good "
Heyyyy... sooooo.. I'm definitely not an expert, but I was just reading the Andy Cutler Protocol group on FB and they say DMSA is every 4 hours I think, and the other one is 3 hours (AMA/ALA or whatever the one with the "A" at the start of the name is).... you might wanna double check that timeframe dosage.
I feel like maybe the vision example wasn't great since, ya, I think I can usually think more clearly about what to do if I have a vision that's precise and can come up with loads of tasks (though of course, like most people, still struggle with the procrastination, but that's not really the issue I'm bringing up here). I think this is more maybe about like just energy or excitement that arises spontaneously... like a sort of excited-creative-energetic muse... a playful energy that feels it needs to be channeled or used. And I get ideas of what to do, but then sometimes I'll feel like doing those things isn't "quite right" or deflates me or something (I think, not totally sure how accurate this is). Maybe I'm being too perfectionistic about how to use this feeling. But I also get the idea, and perhaps sense as well, that the best way to make use of this feeling productively is to reduce it and not get carried way by it. Like it may be a sort of distraction where I feel excited and charged, but then time gets wasted since it's so "ungrounded" and seems to not be linked to any sort of "productive" or enjoyable activity (i.e., not grounded to anything, just feels like wasted thin-air). I sort of get this impression.
Hey. So I've had this thing happen often which is I get tons of excitement and energy to do things, sometimes after visioning a really great vision, but I don't necessarily have anything specific that I can direct that excitement towards. This can lead to that excitement and energy feeling like it gets wasted and not used and I'm left with all this built up energy but no outlet. Sometimes I also feel like the excited energy is very chaotic and like it's hard to make use of it. So recently I've been actually trying to work on reducing the intensity of it so that I don't feel an overabundance of energy with not outlet. Almost like tons of energy but no grounding-outlet or something... almost feels like "airy" and not the best degree of energy to be productive or fulfilled with. How do you guys channel your excitement? Do you try to find any outlet at all to channel that energy towards without trying to reduce or suppress the feeling? Or do you try to suppress the feeling to something that's more manageable and can work with?
That makes sense and feels somewhat right. I dunno... it's more of like just excitmenent and then i have to find something to do or create wit it. I think often that ideally it would be doing something with others... like just creating and spitballing with others into some event or project together... maybe some sort of play. I dunno. Kinda feels like "there's so much to do and so much energy!!! ... but how to harness it feels hard cuz i feel i dunno what to do.
allsides.com Gives unbiased (as possible) new coverage. It has left - middle - and right media outlets posted as such so you can see what each side is saying.
Matt23 replied to goldpower123's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
allsides.com Gives unbiased (as possible) new coverage. It has left - middle - and right media outlets posted as such so you can see what each side is saying. -
Ya, I hear ya. Sounds difficult and like you're experiencing some painful emotions and that you're getting a bit fed up with them and don't really see a light at the end of the tunnel. I get that and totally understand contemplating suicide from that perspective. Been there (if that's where you are). If you can feel the feels, that's worked for me. But sometimes it can be hard, so healthy doses of distraction (compassion) can also help. I've been setting a bar of 10 pushups a day. Sure I'm not gunna be the Hulk, but crossing that off a list makes me feel productive nonetheless. Everything changes. I hope things improve for you. If you're looking for some free virtual interaction with people with faces, I'd recommend thestoa.ca ... lots of thinkers and even activities like shadow-work exercises, breathwork, and even an event where you take turns rapping to a beat!
I see two ways in general relating to passion (I'm sure there are more, perhaps as many ways as there are people). The one Leo suggested, being find what initially you feel passionate towards and do it (sort of a passion first, then action approach). Or, you could build passion buy sticking to doing something consistently over time. I assume it would be harder to do this second approach with things you find most unpleasant to do, so it would probably help to do things you at least somewhat enjoy. Example. I was never really a huge fan of rock climbing. I was decent at it, but never really saw or felt the joy with it. I thought it was just a sort of fun-ish thing to do; I wouldn't really desire it, nor would I say it sucked. Middle-ground. But since Covid started, the rock gym is the only place open to socialize and do something active. So I've been going. Recently I went to the gym and had a moment where I felt almost like I was getting into flow with it and feeling sort of "natural" with it. Like I wasn't just muscling my way up but was using my bodily intelligence to find the most effortless and efficient way to go up the wall. It felt more like dancing or something. I still probably wouldn't rank it as my highest joy, but at the moment, I can feel a sense of actually wanting to climb and getting "off" on that flow-feeling and wanting to get it again. Excitement and motivation internally to go, rather than thinking it as simply a healthy choice I "should" do.