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Everything posted by Matt23

  1. ...ya. But also don't overthink it. Just explore the social world and connect with those you feel positively attracted to, want to be around, and feel good to be around.
  2. I wanting to see if a general Mental-health/Illness megathread would be a good idea. I imagine it having videos and resources (etc.) of things ranging from... Psychopathy Schizophrenia Bipolar Organic Brain Diseases Anxiety disorders etc. .. Even stuff about how people define such terms and labels (i.e., diagnostics) You name it. Any clips, videos, people, books, and resources about all the various types of mental illness/disorders/health categories. I suppose this can be the start to see if peeps are interested. Hopefully it can... Help people with their own struggles. Help people see the variability of human psyches. Be an interesting exploration of the human mind and all that different types that exist.
  3. Ya, I'd agree. INTPs have Ne as a secondary function, so maybe that's where the confusion lies. Also, we only see Leo in one aspect of his life, that being blasting theories n such at us. So maybe from what we see it's more of an ENFP-esque part of his personality.
  4. Not too sure yet... I've come up with "Help people be together." Or something of the sort. But I'm not 100% sure yet.
  5. This guy's channel is basically identical to this thread's purpose and service. Interesting stuff.
  6. Look, I don't really see it as a thought since it starts as a feeling. All I feel is a feeling of fear, and to describe this feeling to others or myself, I have to say "fear". I don't understand or see what the thought is since all it is is feeling. I think I'm resenting you a bit right now cuz I feel you're pushing it with the boundaries or something. The best understanding or conceptualization I have of what you're saying is "No matter what feeling you're feeling, if you don't label it (fear in this case) it will no longer be there" (I don't think you're really saying this in the way I'm meaning though). To which my retort and not understanding is "How is not or avoiding labeling a feeling with a word going to have the feeling go away?" Obviously it's not what I think you mean, though maybe it is. This is where my vision and understanding lies at the moment. In terms of these experiences, I don't try to cling to them too much and just let them go more. Without trying to go too much into making meaning from them. Like I don't currently think or feel towards them a great deal of significance, if this is what you're trying to get me to drop. I mean, ya, if that's the case. Fair enough. I'm seeing more how those stories and meaning makings are just thoughts and that, probably, any sense that I'll arrive at some answer or explanation to past experiences isn't the way I think I want to live (i.e., living in the past, etc...). Though, I'm also not saying integrating experiences isn't wise or worthwhile/valuable. Are you saying I'm first and foremost thinking "fear", then believing that thought, then the result is the feeling of fear? No comprende. ... You see how I'm seeing a contradiction right? Can you elaborate or explain? This goes back to my confusion above. You say I didn't feel any fear, yet simultaneously that I was feeling fear but labeling the feeling as fear and believing it? So if, in the future, I felt some fear, but didn't label it as "fear", are you saying that fear would disappear or I wouldn't be perturbed by it? This is what I'm confused by. Since fear to me is a feeling, not a thought. Though, I would say thoughts create fear in the body (like thoughts of bad things happening in the future, about running out of money, of being left by family, by being sick or homeless, etc...). Is this what you mean by "fear is a thought"? That thoughts create fear? I would agree. But fear is a feeling... Same as above. ...confused. I'll look it over again and see if clarity arrives.
  7. Is 5-MeO-MALT HCl (with the HCl at the end) the same as the one he's talking about?
  8. Can you clarify? ;P Sounds like you're saying the more you contemplate how much time you have in life, the more clairty will arise about whag to do with it. ...?
  9. Do what feels good or contributes to it ultimately. But sometimes that might mean doing things that involve a bit of suffering. Like, there's a difference between doing grindy effort (which isn't sustainable anyways longterm) vs. Effort that actually feels fulfilling and enjoyable in its own right. Do more of the latter.
  10. Takes practice. Just like training in concentration, training your mind to hold certain images takes practice. Including not only holding certain images, but also making them more clear, as well as including other elements like sounds, feelings, touch, smells, etc.. I'd suggest also trying to incorporate feeling into it. I think this makes it easier, at least for me. As in... ---> If I imagine in a more relaxed and enjoyable way, where I almost let feelings guide the way to a degree, then focusing and imagining becomes easier because I'm enjoying it and wanting those things. Rather than focusing on stuff that's boring or undesireable, this will be harder and take more deliberate concentration skills etc.. Also consider, maybe money isn't what you truly want but is more of a conditioned desired from culture. Do you feel like you want it? Or do you think you want it? Either way, maybe just try experimenting with different things to imagine and include that connection with your feelings and what you want vs. don't want.
  11. Mmm.. i mean no. That's not my terminology. But that's just me and how I feel the best way to describe it from me experience. Could be the same experience though, or similar. I also don't know what you mean by that. Like what are the emotions and sensations you feel when you say "the soul being ripped out of your body"? For my i dont like or feel it had any soul element to it... like no soul entity thing or such... there was just lots of fear mixed with ...mmmm... something along the lines of like coldness...but an extreme form of coldness. Maybe that's similar to the soul ripping you mentioned. It was also a long time ago and its hard to remember it exactly.
  12. He lost both of his eyes to cancer, but is able to walk around, play video games, and even play basketball and ride a bike by using echolocation, just like bats, by using clicking sounds.
  13. I would say ya, it's possible. Meaning the "hardwiring" is beyond my beliefs or attitudes about it. Like, it doesn't matter if I believe it's hardwired or not, the thing will be as it is with no regard as to my beliefs about it. This is kinda what I'm thinking is possible with some "disorders" or psyches+nervous systems. I suppose this implies there is a "physical" or other world beyond what's observable directly, which I think is wise to consider, at least as a pragmatic consideration rather than believing it out-right and not questioning that. I dunno. .... In Thread News:
  14. "addicting"?... more like a... I suppose that might help those bingeing on tiktok for hours on end... scroll...scroll...scroll...scroll... "You are God! Stop screwing around!"...
  15. I mean, ya, that's what basically any psychological diagnosis is. I wonder if most people recognize this and instead get lost believing there is actually some physical or "real" thing (or perhaps a common underlying thing) called bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, etc.. I think there's a lot of room for refining how we think of psychological diagnoses. Yet, I would say that how people are diagnosed and labeled by a psychologist/psychiatrist, etc., is a lot more nuanced and refined than, say, your friends or even oneself reading some books or watching some videos and then feeling like they know how to use the terms properly (which I think should include knowing how the terms were devised in the first place-- the method). I wonder about this. Like, whether some psychological disorders can be altered simply by free will etc.. This goes into the whole "what is and isn't possible" debate, rather than the "what's really really really really really hard to do vs. what's pragmatically doable". Or even I consider maybe some things are just "baked" into the mind. Hardwired, and are unchangeable. I imagine that exists, especially in things like psychopathy where they say the actual brain and nervous systems are different than the average person. Seems like trying make a turtle turn into a bear, though, not as drastic since I have heard of tests where they deliberately train a psychopath to do empathy and they've seen parts of the brain light up associated with empathy. Though, apparently, permanently inducing that empathy in a psychopath hasn't happened. ... ... On a different note, as per the thread:
  16. I think for some people they are very helpful, and even comprise their entire spiritual path (e.g., Santo Dimea Church... I think I spelled it wrong. Basically a church revolving around ayahuasca). I would disagree that they are "necessary" for everyone. I don't think there's any absolutes with psychedelics. I even would wager that most people would benefit greatly from them if used correctly and for spiritual purposes. But for perhaps a rare few who are just spiritually gifted or maybe have too much trauma, maybe they don't need them. I dunno.
  17. 4 - 3 -5 -7-6-9-8-2-1 Hmmm.... What are the odds that us three got our top three numbers the same...? I declare foolishness! Truity... more like Falsesity ... I don't think these tests are very accurate.
  18. I'm sure a prerequisite would be that they truly, deeply wanted to change. Even then it would be really difficult I think, though, it's probably possible. Narcissists and sociopaths are probably more likely to change than psychopaths though. Since, from the distinctions I've heard, sociopaths (and I assume narcissists as well) are mostly "nurtured" to be that way. Whereas psychopathy is more of a trait people are born with. And a big issue with psychopaths, and probably sociopaths and narcissists, is that they don't see themselves as needing help or needing to change. Why would you want to go through all that therapy and work to change yourself when you're happy with the way you are and don't see yourself as "wrong" in any way.
  19. This may be true. But I also doubt it. I find it hard to believe that every "orange" or "blue" person you meet is toxic. Could it be that the toxicity, in part, is also coming from you? Therefore, no matter where you go, that toxicity will eventually show its face. I'm not saying how much this is true for your situation. I guess my main point is to... Simply be around people you enjoy being around. People who help you grow. People who challenge you, but also people you feel you can relax around and be yourself without fearing being judged by them. etc. Watch out for the trap of attributing one's own toxicity to others. And then reacting to that by just jumping to another group of people expecting them to be "saviors" and angels. Switching groups based solely on hating the previous group and wanting validation for that hate from the new group (not saying you should stay with people you dislike, but that the basis of finding new friends shouldn't be based on hating other groups).
  20. I mean, you could always just pursue people you're attracted to and want to hang with, rather than use the SD model. Just hang with people you feel good around instead of getting overly attached to and lost in the SD labels and trying to intellectually figure out who you're supposed to hang with (I'm not saying you're doing this, just that I can see it as being a trap worth considering).
  21. A video distinguishing between narcissism, sociopathy, and psychopathy. Here's a video of a girl who's got a condition that makes you friendly! To lighten the mood.
  22. Do you do it with a therapist? In my experience, doing therapy has been most powerful when done with a therapist. Whereas doing it myself is more low-key. I almost feel like, for me anyways, doing therapies is better done in bigger chunks with a therapist and then maybe do it in smaller amounts on my own, like 5-10 minutes a day or something.
  23. Shows that enlightenment won't for certain fix behavior "issues": waking up ain't growing up. It's also not an unheard of thing for meditation masters to be scandalous.