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Everything posted by Matt23
Those sound like high doses (50mg and 100mg). Did you guys start lower and then work up to those?
... That's a hard j/k ... Free elk meat and bibles for everyone!
Lol "What are you man?!" He is not a man... he is... a God. I think genetics plays a big part in this.
Please no...
Matt23 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Fair. Admittedly, I have no idea how the interaction went down or the details. So maybe this was a reasonable reaction from Leo. I don't know. I still think using the term "babysitter" may not have been tactful. Though, again, I don't know the details. But what I will say is that this isn't the first time (again, maybe "this time" wasn't a "time" or incident where Leo's actions were unreasonable) where Leo's said things that have been, in my opinion, quite damaging and the opposite of compassionate (and I don't mean "compassionate" as in being someone's "babysitter" and letting them run all over you; that would be strawmaning what I mean by "compassion"). Meaning, it's easy enough to let people know they're ok, give a few suggestions and pieces of guidance, and/or guide them to a professional in a way where you're not putting them down etc. and can support them. It doesn't take much. "I'm not your babysitter" turns into "I feel for you and understand it's difficult. Maybe try 'x', it may help. If you realize 'y', it may help. I think if you saw a professional that would be best as I'm only on the internet and feel unable to fully be with you at this time. Please reach out to a moderator if things get tough." Or something like that. And I get that I'm not in Leo's (or Neph's shoes), so I don't know what it's like. I just know that I feel and have felt quite upset with how Leo has communicated and 'been' with people on the forum. Specifically when it comes to people reaching out for help in times of crisis and his reactions to that. Again... As far as I've seen. I dunno. -
Matt23 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
.... seriously? That's b.s. imo. It's so fucking crude and totally lacking any social awareness at all. Maybe he just has no idea how to speak to people. I dunno. Telling someone that who's going through shit is like the biggest, most damaging, unkind slap in the face I could think of. Let alone someone who you teach and provide content on that is literally about the shit they're going through. That's lack of responsibility. The person is already having their "wake up call" by suffering... and you're pouring vinegar on the wound. Saying "I feel for you. I think if you did x that would help. I suggest going to see a professional as I wish i could be there for you but am very overrun with work." or something like that and including being truthful about it, is nothing close to becoming their fucking babysitter. It doesn't take much to type those few extra words of comforting and showing care and not including the belittling comment to an already suffering human being. It's this black and white thinking of "Oh, it's either i am their babysitter and thus get sucked of energy or I slap them in the face and tell them to fuck off. That's all their is." No tact. That i don't like. Pissed. Hmpf. -
What dose were you at? Did it significantly disrupt your abilities to do normal things like work, remembering stuff, etc.?
I don't think this is any reliable bearing on any potential sd stage you nay or may not be at. Agreeing with the poster saying sd is better for sociology ajd that it won't give much detail or complexity about your individual self. It's a bit crude imo compared to other models. My opinion largely on people who are asking what stage they are in is that, firstly, if they're on this forum asking others what stage they think they're in, they ain't stage yellow lol. Look at some truly embodied stage yellow people (jordan hall, daniel schmachtenberger, jamie wheal, nora bateson, etc.) and listen to them speak, look at what they've accomplished, read their resumes (e.g. jordan hall grduated from harvard law, went on to cofound Divx, then partnered with daniel schmachtemberger to create Neurohacker Collective where they created multiple supplement formulas for cognitive performance... and daniel schmachtenberger leading the consilience project where they brougbt together some f the brightest minds in the world to provide an alternative news and sensemaking platform.. or jamie wheal who wrote two books and co founded the Flow Genome project and works with elite atheleted as well as ceos and the navy seals to increase their optimal performance... phew lol), feel their embodiment and sophistication and overall development. Then compare yourself to them... are you at that level? I could be totally misunderstanding what sd yellow meand... but to me anyways... it seems these people are fully embodying yellow beyond simply thinking systemic thoughts as another program they think. I don't want you to feel bad about that... obviously you're perfect and beautiful exactly as you are. Truly. Ima say, if we're going to talk sd and put you on a stage, I'd guess you're most likely hovering around stage blue-orange.
Matt23 replied to Neph's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I have similar frustrations with him as well. He's not changing though, so, I suppose it's better to assume that and not try to hold him to the standards you want in this domain. Like in terms of how he shows up in his interactions with others here. I just don't think he feels much responsibility or obligation for people/the community he created. I dunno. Though he may say it, in terms of how I've seen him respond to people's issues and desires for his help, it's been pretty shitty imo. Lol. Like blunt one-off replies of things like you quoted. Not always I'm sure. But often enough I feel aggravated by it. Aaaannnyyyways. Ya. Just take him as someone who, yes, I think has awesome information and great wisdom n' stuff. And I no doubt believe he does care deeply and feels that in his work. In terms of how he interacts with others, try not to see him showing up to the same level as you see him show up in his videos and content. Two separate things and domains of mastery. Ya, I'd love to see more of an effort in terms of replying to people's desire for help and issues in a more personal, caring, and understanding way. But also, it might be difficult to do that and maybe it literally is too much for him to be concerned with that stuff. I dunno. I've never run a business or a forum so, ya. It can be difficult to understand what pressures and senses of balance people have if you've never done what they're doing. Hard to know. Also, being alone so much, he may not have tons of personal feedback. Like sure, he's got the internet and the forum. But that's a different beast than 1-on-1 communication and feedback. So maybe he's in a bit of a bubble. Again though, this is just hypothesizing. I have no idea. But, anyways. I still do think he could show more compassion and skillfulness in replying to people, especially with mental health issues n stuff (I have no doubt he feels compassion and cares, I don't want to take that from him... but I in terms of how he shows that... ummm haha... not the most skilled or w/e). That seems obvious to me. Maybe not to him. So, as per your issues n stuff with him. Maybe lowering your standards and views of him in terms of his abilities or desires to be what you want him to be. Nobody is perfect. Just try to let it go. Consider treating him and his content like a book: Great information and resource and even inspiration. Absolutely. But if you're looking for some sort of connection or feeling of personal caring, don't look there. -
Just do what you said you'd do. It's actually really simple. Ya, you cam speak abojt motivation n stuff and getting ckear on what you more deeply want. This can help a lot. Also eliminating limiting beliefs. Diet. Etc. The whole gamut. But ultimately, it's pretty simple: when you say you're going to do something, you do it, and you do it to the best of your abilities. If you set a time you're going to work with no distractions, you do it. Or you don't do it. No special formula. Or if you'te at a job, you do it to the best of your abilities and work hard.
Nice. No, I haven't read that book. I'll check it out. Haha... ya. paradoxes eh. This seems, for me at the moment anyways, to be related to experiences in life in general. Rather than specifically feelings. Though, I can see how, if contemplated more, I'd see that feelings are really running the show of experiences, such that it's not necessarily experiences that are "the hell", but rather the feelings I feel about them.
I'd say keep doing what feels good. From your initial words and just my sense of things, I love hearing and seeing you be a life-coach or therapist for men who had abusive fathers. Maybe even writing about it as a way to help as well. writing books about it. One bigger shift in how I'm seeing life purpose is, rather than trying to concretize a solid long-term plan and ideal work you want to do, literally just do the next thing you feel like doing and are most inspired to do right now in the present moment. Then the "path" will create itself without too much forethought on your part. I'm not saying contemplating and strategizing is bad, but I suggest that with this new way of doing it, you'll be more open to possibilities you didn't consider before that may lead to things far beyond anything you've thought of. Sort of like letting life take you and lead you away rather than trying to create a clear and precise long-term vision that's too forced. Again, I'm sure there's benefits and drawbacks with each strategy. But, also I think it helps to know that you can always be changing how you do things, and also, if something isn't working for you, why keep doing it the same way? Try something new. Surpisese can happen in unlikely palces.
I'm stating to feel like a big reason I've not seen many externals changes and successes in my life is due to limiting, unconscious, beliefs I've not really released and worked through. I suppose my question is: Is it better to work on one belief at a time in a focused way till it's "gone" (do beliefs even ever completely "go", and if so, how would we really know?)? Or, is it better and equally as effective to work on different ones as they arise? What's worked for you? Cheers
Matt23 replied to ChrisZoZo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I haven't had an enlightenment experience, but the one i like the most and feel is... "Enlightenment is like when your whole visual field replaces where your head was. Like a big pancake." I'm paraphrasing something Chogyam Trungpa said. Cool dude. -
Hmmm... Any thoughts on what it could be?
Consider that this phenomena might not be able to be fully explained within the SD framework. As a possibility. This may be one of those scenarios that shows the limits of this model. Sure, you could still use it to explain it; like saying something about regression or, going a more Integral route, explaining it by saying their spiritual lines of development went from Red (which could plausibly be more interested to new age stuff since they say Red gets along with "Green") to Blue. Another developmental theorist I like called bonnitta roy explains a phenomena where people at a certain stage called the conformist rule-role mind can often get confused for higher stages since, as a function of how they often copy w/e group they're in (including the language they use), they can "talk the talk" of, say, Yellow, but aren't actually Yellow (they can't "walk the walk"). I wonder if this could go into helping clear these questions up. Perhaps you misread what stage they were at from a superficial glance at them (you say they were into new age n stuff), but they may have been at something lower and were just fitting inti the image of what you think "green" is. I suspect this happens often eith this model and developmental and psychological models in general. I'm sure I've done it countless times lol. Dunno. A thought to consider.
https://www.walkinlab.com/products/view/dd-toxic-metals-urine-test-kit-doctor-s-data This might work... Again, it doesn't show much detail about what's included in the test, which makes me a little suspicious. But ya, maybe worth a try. Interesting. I'll consider this and maybe just do a round or two to see how it goes. Cheers
Matt23 replied to JuliusCaesar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'd be critical here since I think people, including many celebrities, can use spiritual language and descriptions but be totally unaware of their true meaning. Take Jim Carrey for instance. He had the whole sort of "meltdown" or "melt-up" where he acted all awakened n' stuff, saying things in interviews like "There is no Jim Carrey". I see this as just him playing with ideas rather than actually experiencing enlightenment. Though, again, sure, maybe he's had glimpses. But I doubt it's anything majorly significant. With the Beatles, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a few enlightenment experiences or two. But I doubt any of them are like perma-enlightened. -
Ya. Will do if i find one. There was a site online i saw which sold doctors data heavy metal test kits... it didnt go into a lot of detail about its specs tho... so im not totally trustworthy of it. Sounds fair in your case. I may do similarly as im in canada as well, so hearing another person who's fed up with finding a test here makes me lean more towards skipping it for now.
Matt23 replied to Evoke's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I never vibed with her. She seems inauthentic and just... I dunno.. a bit "much". Like she's acting and being inauthentic somehow. I dunno. But I don't feel triggered really, necessarily. Like, I can listen to her without feeling frustrated or angry. I do feel a sense of queeziness though. haha. like "oooo man... she just seems so weird and 'off' and 'out there'" or something. Like a social queeziness lol. Maybe a bit "crrrrayzay" lol. But ya. True, look into that triggerdness. might help. -
Ya. I'm starting to see and feel the benefits and joy in exploring a diversity of books rather than sticking to the ones on Leo's (or anyone else's) book list. Like, I'm sure I'll probably try to stick with reading all of Leo's books... but also read a random book between each one or two I read of Leo's. I find it not only makes me expand my worldview more and see other perspectives, but it also helps epistemologically since then I can cross check where Leo gets his knowledge and also the authors in his list for biases via other people.
I'm not saying yay or nay to what you're saying. I mean, ya, I want health and all of that stuff to be effortless, easy, and seamless as well without spending lots of time mastery it. Especially since, like you, I have higher priorities and interests in life as well. Just that, it may be worth considering that to get what I quoted above, you may have to master it. I don't really know much about it myself, nor know your particle body, so I can't say if you need to master it to get what you want or just figure out a few key items that work for you and then you're set. But, I guess just maybe think that diet, nutrition, and health aren't just "givens". That to get them to be "seamless", it may actually take mastery (at least in the current state of things). Or at least a decent amount of study, effort, and trial and error. Just a consideration.
Sounds good. Part of me thinks like ya, just do it and see how it feels. But i also think ljke, if i can find a test soonish then I'll do that since i'd like to do it "properly" so i can more accurately know how things are moving. Have more or less confidence in the process. Testing could also help in solving issues when chelating. Like you could test if you start to feel nothing, or if you get really bad symptoms, you could do a reference test and see what that says to inform further action. Testing could also help since you may not feel effects yet you could still be doing good in chelating metals. But i get just going ahead and doing it as well to see how it feels. Good luck. Update us on what happens.
I have definitely appreciated a Hitler painting. Props. Pretty fucking good if you ask me. Beautiful.