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About batfly

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  • Birthday 05/26/1971

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  1. There's this theory going around that we're all in hell as each other's tormentors but can't know it for sure otherwise it would diminish the overall effectiveness. I found this song, it cheered me right the F up. "My Dark Place Alone" - Official Video
  2. Dan explains WHY YOU'RE POOR Be sure to watch until the end. This is the way Billionaires think and why they have most of all the resources. They are relentless.
  3. Close Encounters With Enlightenment
  4. The Meaning Of Life
  5. Living an Unconventional Life | Alan Watts and Charles Bukowski
  6. The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental "The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental." --The Kybalion. The ALL is Everything there is... Belief Determines Reality.
  7. Friendship Serenade (Original Piano) "You will lose everything. Your money, your power, your fame, your success, perhaps even your memories. Your looks will go. Loved ones will die. Your body will fall apart. Everything that seems permanent is impermanent and will be smashed. Experience will gradually, or not so gradually, strip away everything that it can strip away. Waking up means facing this reality with open eyes and no longer turning away. But right now, we stand on sacred and holy ground, for that which will be lost has not yet been lost, and realising this is the key to unspeakable joy. Whoever or whatever is in your life right now has not yet been taken away from you. This may sound trivial, obvious, like nothing, but really it is the key to everything, the why and how and wherefore of existence. Impermanence has already rendered everything and everyone around you so deeply holy and significant and worthy of your heartbreaking gratitude. Loss has already transfigured your life into an altar." - Jeff Foster
  8. Living with a Disease: EB Dean’s Parents were told not to expect their Son to live past 5. Dean is now 37 and living with EB. Deans story is brave and inspiring. Dean turns negatives into positives. This is his Story.
  9. Cellar Door (Original Piano) Jackson Pollock - Autumn Rhythm (Number 30) Can it be done?
  10. God is an Atheist - STOP Giving Flying Spaghetti Monsters Blowjobs What I really don’t get, is why so many of you out there want to give blow jobs to Flying Spaghetti Monsters. I just don’t get it. You wanna shamelessly give head to Flying Spaghetti Monsters. You can’t seem to just be satisfied with the empty truth; you have to gratify an obsessive need to glorify and adulate a concept that will help you feel better about yourself and inflate your ego. But why? Maybe you think shameless veneration demonstrates humility and gratitude? Well… It doesn’t. It demonstrates desperateness and sniveling subservience. It shows low self esteem. And it reveals a deep seated unconscious desire for divine quid pro quo. That’s why you pray, isn’t it? “Please god, gimme this. Please god, gimme that. Gimme gimme gimme! Now now now! PLEASE! I’ll give you a blowjob!” And I know what you are gonna say: “I don’t do that. That’s insulting. I only pray and worship the one true god, not a Flying Spaghetti Monster! And to characterize my communion with god as a blowjob is vulgar and inaccurate.” Is it now? Well, actually, it seems to be stunningly accurate to me. And I know some of you are thinking: “Oh man Sage. Are you gonna attack religion again?” And I say, sure, why not? When in doubt, flay theism. It’s good filler material, and it just feels so fucking good. Plus, you can always BBQ all the severed strips of cleaved meat. You don’t have to feel bad because theism deserves it; being such a manipulator, preying on the obtuse and credulous masses. And what’s funny is, a lot of theists spit on atheism, and would never dare to dream of glorifying or worshiping such a bankrupt ideology, yet, ironically, the very supreme deity that they claim to idolize, and long to perform fellatio on, turns out to be the biggest atheist to ever come down the pike. “Whaaaa?” That’s right. God is an atheist. Not agnostic, not ignostic, but atheist. The original atheist. If god is god, (and who else could god be?) then he is the one and only true god, and there is no other… therefor, god is an atheist by default; as, god naturally lacks a belief in a supreme deity, because, after all, god IS the supreme deity. If you are the supreme deity, then not only is there no other god before you, but there is nothing else existent outside of yourself. Nothing exists outside of yourself but your own products and byproducts. Sure, you can dress them up in different costumes and pretend they are not you all you want, but, fact is, it’s masturbation with amnesia. It’s all puppets and props. Yay! Truth be told, it’s a bit of a harrowing truth: Absolute solitude. Yeah. It’s a hard pill to swallow, for a deity that has to contrive an esophagus to swallow it. And even just swallowing ain’t an easy function to contrive. Sound a bit lonely or depressing? Well, this is the raw reality of a supreme deity. Now, “supreme”, relative to what? Ah. Now that’s a good question. I guess to the farts god emits, as he lays around for all eternity, pondering the question of his ‘supremeness relative to whatness.’ Perhaps supreme to a divine belch that brings a whole universe into existence? Wow. Just think of it: The big belch theory. Now the only question becomes: Will the belch forever expand in all directions, or will the belch retract and collapse into itself? These are the types of questions god considers in his all-pervading, ever-present boredom. Yes, god is most certainly bored; as, what is there left to do when you can do absolutely anything? But it’s even worse then that. No limits means, no boundaries. No boundaries means no position. No position means no distinctions. No distinctions means no existence. Who would have thought that omnipotence would lead to oblivion? It’s a real shocker. So the only way for god to come to terms with his indivisibility is to willfully fracture and restrict himself. Enter mankind, the puny weakling who desperately longs for more and more power and control. In his profound ignorance, man gets lost in distinctions; swimming endlessly through a sea of complex inventory. In his thirst for empowerment, man creates a god in his own image; as, it’s an a lot more satisfying idea then the empty truth of the oblivion. So, rather then growing some balls and emulating god through pragmatic atheism, man, instead, develops garbage beliefs and then forms garbage belief systems, aka religion, whereby he can now officially worship himself via a god by proxy. Is that amazing? Or is it more of a reason for depression? It’s a diversion from the truth, so despite it’s facade appeal, it’s empty; which actually reflects the real nature of the underlying supreme deity, that is, apparently, so incredibly supreme, he is forced to cripple himself to even have a semblance of a sense of self. This is something man should embrace unconditionally, as it is, and not give in to the temptation to try and mythologize it. Man, just like god, has to come to terms with his own true indivisible underlying nature. Man is a limited chunk of god, estranged and committed into a form with a name, and then cast into a contrived setting. So for man to then turn around and earnestly worship an imagined externally existing god is a perverse delusion. It’s the equivalent to god performing fellatio on himself. And how does that sound to you? Actually, I shouldn’t have asked… as, I know many of you would probably never even leave the house if you could accomplish this… and with that in mind, you can now have a better idea of god’s whole situation. So knowing all this, you don’t have to feel at all hesitant to become an atheist. It’s not disrespectful, it’s not arrogant, and it’s not intellectually dishonest. It’s actually an emulation of god himself. If god has to be an atheist, then man should be one too. Can there be any better way to connect with your authentic self? Apr 21st, 2018