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Everything posted by Big_D

  1. Hmm... difficult topic... you really don't have to believe what I will tell you in the following, but that is at least my experience: I can see these "pixels" for more than half a year now. I didn't had a meditation habit at that time.. but I was into practicing psychokinesis( yes you read correctly). Psychokinesis is very real, at least for my experience. And a side-effect of psychokinesis, was seeing those pixels. I learned psychokensis from Michael Grubb, who has a youtube channel and even a school for this stuff. And he says that those "pixels" are some kind of matrix-grids. Our light-based universe is made out of those grids and if you start to raise your awareness ( in your case meditation), then it's very likely that you start seeing them. That's at least my experince with those "pixels".
  2. Hi guys, 2 months ago I started a daily meditation habit. I do 1 hour Strong Determination sitting every day. I also did 2 hours, which was a little bit more intense than the 1 hour sit, but i feel it's just not enough ( my Ego isn't really frightened by it). So i thought about doing a 6 hour sit, just to know what real suffering feels like. But I am thinking about if the 6 hour sit, can be physically damaging somehow. I am only 18, so I try to avoid long-term damages on my body. Does someone has experince with this? Should I consider some "rules", when I sit that long? On the other hand, there a monks sitting for days without moving and it seems that their bodies are not damaged...
  3. 1. Because after those sits, I feel amazing. Not in the sense that i feel happy or bliss, but just peace. After those sits my mind is so calm... it's ridiculous no one told me this before Leo. 2. If you can endure that amount of suffering and be OK with that , you become like untouchable to the "human problems". For example if your self-image gets destroyed or if you fail at something... it doesn't effect your mood so much, because you are used to suffer. 3. Enlightenment/Total Peace.
  4. On what is your question exactly ralted to? Could you eleborate?
  5. Thanks for the advice. In the future, I will definitly experiment with all the different sitting techniques. But yeah.... for the very long sits I will probably use a couch. By the way, 2 weeks after I began the daily meditation habit of 1 hour SDS, I had 1 enlightenment experience and 1 "near death" experience while I meditated. So THANKS for that LEO!!!
  6. @Alex4 I try to stay in the present moment, while I let go off everything my mind/thoughts tell me. This way I can feel all the sensations in its rawst form, without any interpretation of my mind (for example pain = bad). If you don't pay attention to your thoughts (which is actually pretty difficult), the resistance disappears and suffering drops to almost nothing. As Leo said "suffering = pain * resistance" @Mr Lenny ye I think thats more accurate
  7. Ok I did the 1 hour cross-legged sit. My report: at 15 min. exactly the same as sitting in a chair. at 30 min. feet started to get numb, but still no pain. at 45 min. both feet got 100% numb, pain started to grow, but no suffering. between 45 min - 60 min. intense pain at both feet, little pain at legs, but could still endure it, almost no suffering. All in all it was a good new experince to have. I'm sorry to say that, but it was still too easy... maybe i am just more resistant to pain/suffering than the average human. But because of the pain in my feet, i didn't got sleepy, so i could stay 100% focused all the time. The next time I will try a 1 and a half hour cross-legged sit and when i have enough free-time i will try the 6 hours sit in a chair. But thanks for the tips guys. I think i will implement cross-legged sitting every second day or so beside the "normal" chair sit.
  8. 1 hour is actually easy for me because i do it every day. But I think that it's important to know that I sit in a chair, so no Lotus position or Zazen or smth like that.Also the "outer" pain (legs), is not that intense for me when I sit one hour. Only at 2 hour sit, it starts to hurt. But at 1 or 2 hour I don't really feel like giving up. I don't know, it is just not intense enough for me. But I think I will definitly try the 6 hour sit. I think I am more resistant to pain and all the suffering because my drive for truth and enlightenment is very high. My motivation is: "When I suffer from a few hours of just sitting.... how I wanna become enlightened then?"