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Everything posted by hundreth

  1. Yeah, that's exactly it. It's such a mind fuck when the most courageous action you can take looks exactly the same as the most cowardly. I believe that sometimes in solitude we discover just how truly inter-dependent we really are. At any moment, I can jump back into the game. What I'm meditating on right now is why I felt compelled to disconnect in the first place, and why it always feels like such a fight. I've held this notion that my interactions with the world should feel free flowing and natural, almost effortless. What ends up happening with my current level of understanding, is that the wider network around me appears as a bunch of selfish egos aimlessly doing things. Each with their own agenda and toxic environment they attempt to pull me into. I'd like to reach a point where instead of apathy and this elusive search of zen, I will have a strong sense of purpose that shields me from the gravity of others and empowers me to connect with the world around me in constructive ways. I guess sometimes the fight is just a necessary part of the process and @Bob84 is right. I need to go back to the personal development phase and work on social skills / exploring my woefully underdeveloped emotional side. Best of luck on your journey!
  2. I agree with you that consciousness is everything. That says nothing about the topic of this thread though, which is using quantum entanglement as a scientific foundation for consciousness. I'm not upset by anything you've said, just pointing out the hypocrisy in calling them arrogant while you've claimed to have the answer to a very hard problem with little to no investigation. In terms of why I'm on this forum, I'm interested in spirituality and consciousness just as everyone else is here. My perspective about this specific topic happens to differ from yours. This forum is for constructive dialogue is it not? If we all simply agreed with each other this forum wouldn't be very fun now would it? I'm sure you've found this to be true in your studies of non dualism. The illusion of dualism (maya) is just for fun. Say thank you.
  3. Totally agree with you about dropping the need to justify consciousness in terms of quantum mechanics. Consciousness stands on it's own two feet. What I'm having trouble with is this notion that simply because his teachers are skeptical of studies relating the two, they must have not experienced higher states of consciousness. Sam Harris, while being somewhat of a rationalist, has lived abroad in India, where he studied meditation with Buddhist and Hindu religious teachers, including Dilgo Khyentse for several years. As witnessed in the videos I posted above, he too is skeptical of these claims. I think it's a bit shortsighted to conclude those who don't agree with us haven't been exposed to the same teachings or experiences. That they are somehow of a lower spiritual echelon / level of consciousness.
  4. Let's take one of the greatest mysteries of our universe that has baffled some of the greatest minds and slap the label "consciousness" on it. Problem solved! Yet, they are the arrogant ones.
  5. I would be careful trusting new age gurus / teachers relating consciousness and quantum physics. This reminds me of Deepak Chopra embarrassing himself at CalTech: Inquiry from a physicist: Bonus: