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Everything posted by hundreth

  1. It seems in your campaign against rationality, you've successfully excised it from yourself. Nice work, or something. Sure, our world is a hallucination, a dream, groundless. That said, there are parameters to how our dream works, and we can observe them. Why are these parameters there? For fun? At random? A work of intelligent brilliance? One expression of the infinite? I don't know, what we do know is they are there. This isn't a human invention. If Aliens are indeed sharing this dream with the same parameters, and if they reached sufficient levels of intelligence, they would no doubt go through a similar process. Math is the purest language we have to describe the parameters of our dream. Sure, this is limited in scope, so I'm skeptical of how much practical use there is in using it to discover truths about the Absolute. On the other hand, you are a product of those same limitations, and if you believe you can turn inward to discover truth, it's all around us just the same. Math is nothing but a projection / mapping of reality, but SO ARE YOU.
  2. Interesting idea but your math is misleading. Infinity is not a number, it's a concept. One could define infinity as ever growing and unbounded, in which case 1 / infinity is not zero, it's approaching zero.
  3. Wow, great post! Reading through the part about Sloth-torpor I realized I had the exact same insight while on shrooms a few weeks ago! I wrote: Pretty crazy!
  4. Cool thread! Hope they shred your math to bits and let's see if it still holds up. Seems like another valid frame of reference to understand being, of which there appears to be many. Math IS mystical as fuck. I'm not surprised you can find enlightenment and non dual awareness within it, just as one can find it by turning inward.
  5. What's amazing is that we've all been playing the GOD game, creating dream worlds within dream worlds in the form of entertainment. We've been the dream world creating and playing our own dream worlds, and it's right under our nose. The dream worlds go on recursively forever, we're like an infinite fractal.
  6. It's just semantics again my dude. "Reality" IS just a "hallucination" - but there's no reason why this hallucination shouldn't have rules. It's like saying playing Super Mario Bros. on your NES is a hallucination. It's not a hallucination but it is a hallucination if you become attached. So it both IS and ISN'T a hallucination simultaneously, it just depends on your frame of reference. I believe this thread is asking the question, "Do trolls exist in the originally released Super Mario Bros. NES game?" - Not really. I don't see the evidence for it, although those koopas do share a striking resemblance... ?
  7. This thread has devolved into semantics about what "Real" means. For the sake of argument, we can reframe the question as "Are trolls really part of our materialist hallucination? or are trolls simply another hallucination within a materialist hallucination?" In other words, can the troll pull out the gun and kill you or not?
  8. For sure, I have much to learn.
  9. I would hope that's not the only aspect of the post you caught. It wasn't my first trip, although my first solo. It's difficult to articulate, but the Shrooms just guided me, and the plan with all of my expectations were actually in my way of receiving the insights I needed. Plenty of contemplation was had, and one does not need to sit still to contemplate. This was not a social trip in the least. I won't rule out that there are deeper questions I could have focused on, but this was an extremely productive trip I feel.
  10. As I was writing the above post, it dawned on me that each time I used the word "concept" or "idea" it would be met with disdain. Such is the power of language, labels, and pointers. Replace those words with "teachings" and the content remains the same, but your biases don't
  11. Jordan Peterson is one of the least close minded people you will come across. It's worth paying attention to his ideas. He discovers them through academics, but the irony is he's a perfect compliment to many of the ideas you see here. He's all about explaining mystical experiences, religion, the hero's journey, etc. in a way that makes a lot of sense. He argues these concepts are built into our humanity and nature. For example, we don't murder not because the ten commandments tells us to, but that the ten commandments contain not to murder because it is an intrinsic moral that is part of our human nature. He suggests all religions are just an expression of our innate nature and humanity. He is a spiritual person and understands the amazing power of psychedelics. This dovetails very well with many of Leo's teachings. His approach for how to live life is different though, but in many ways similar. He advocates radical personal development as the hero's journey. It seems for him reaching your maximum potential is the spiritual journey. I believe Leo agrees, but for Leo your maximum potential is losing yourself in absolute infinity and becoming egoless. I don't think it's fair to lump all of his ideas into "cold rational non spiritual academics" - it's just not the case. Follow your own teachings, and explore another perspective. It's not clear the path forward for all of us is to meditate in a cave for eternity. But maybe it is, I don't know.
  12. Of course @Leo Gura is smart enough not to build a forum from scratch. That would be a waste of his time. He's using a private company's forum technology, and they don't have an app available. Simple as that.
  13. I really like Jordan Peterson and he's a brilliant guy with many thought provoking ideas - but this study doesn't really prove anything. So two groups meditated over 41 hours and the guys feel worse. Could it simply be men and women process thoughts and emotions differently?
  14. In my experience, I've found weed to sometimes force you to question yourself. This results in paranoia, etc but also allows you to self reflect and stop deeply ingrained negative patterns. Weed is also a powerful tool for clearing out tons of unnecessary stresses from your mind. This mind eraser is both a gift and a curse, because abuse of the drug makes you forget about necessary stresses as well. I find weed to be especially helpful after a long work week. Spark up a joint with a couple of close friends and relax. Great way to bring in the weekend and leave your industrious side behind for a little bit. Yeah, sometimes negative things will come up, and that's a time to pay attention to whatever you've gotten stuck on.
  15. Interesting thoughts. Not saying you're right or wrong, but this does really remind me of the classic super villain ideology. Super smart, cleansing the world in some way, shape or form. Think of Magneto pushing our race forward by eliminating non mutants. Magneto is driven by progress, Charles Xavier is driven by compassion. I suppose they are both necessary. Going one level deeper, why is it important for consciousness to evolve? I've been envisioning it as consciousness experiencing itself in infinitely many ways. That expression will take form in every possible form, from a lowly single cell organism to a super high conscious god like being. When you are everything, what is there to evolve towards? Explore infinite reflections of yourself. We also know that time is an arbitrary frame of reference. It's not necessary for reality to be perceived or experienced through time, so where does this leave the concept of progress?
  16. Why do you say that? Have you identified your desires? Look man, life isn't that complicated. For most people, the most important aspects of life are family and relationships. Fundamentally, people have been doing the same things for thousands of years. Have good relationships, start a family, work. Have a routine, which is good for your brain, your health, and your sense of well-being. For the minority of people, they have special talents and circumstances that make their art a higher priority than family - and this is a high risk high reward lifestyle. If you are one of them, you will find out soon enough. Counter intuitively, the struggle, the grind, resistance in life. They are what make us feel fulfilled and happy. Work, keep moving towards a goal for no other reason than you set it for yourself. Enjoy friends, family, relationships a long the way. Enjoy a simple cup of coffee in the morning, a good meal, etc. You'll be fine. This spiritual aspect of life you've been exploring is important, because ultimately it keeps you grounded when things inevitably don't go your way. Knowing you are the only one you're fighting with prevents you from falling deep into the abyss. Spiritual enlightenment doesn't mean you should shun the world and society though. Just my 2 cents. Peace.
  17. Hey, completely understand where you're coming from. On one hand, it's a game and illusory. On the other hand, it has as much meaning as you give it. It's a game that continually evolves, and you are one of the creators. You can morph it into something else. You will find a purpose that has meaning for you. Until then, work your ass off. Put yourself in a position to succeed. This will give you the capabilities to move forward in whatever path captures your interest. Don't take it too seriously, but enjoy the game. Good luck!
  18. Good to hear you're feeling balanced. Sounds like you've shed some layers of unnecessary pain and suffering. That being said, it's good to keep perspective. You've studied, meditated, done psychedelics, and have generally followed Leo's direction. Now, you're on an internet forum detailing your 'Awakening' story, as if you've reached some permanent state of consciousness that makes this story significant and / or a point of reference. This, of course, isn't your first post of it's kind proclaiming you've reached some new heights. Outside looking in, it looks a lot like ego masturbation. You do all this 'work' and here is the payoff, writing this long detailed post on the internet with the cliche "I was once just like you..." - all while your teacher validates you in front of others. I'm sorry if that was a bit harsh, but I want you to know you're a 19 year old kid without much life experience and most of the issues you've dealt with up until this point have been fairly simplistic. You aren't there yet, inevitably life will smack you upside the head and make you re-think everything you think you know about how balanced and awakened you are. Be ready brother.
  19. I believe they are enlightened. Then again, I think most of you are enlightened too. Most of us understand non duality. Most of us have felt / experienced it in some way, shape or form. We are all one, one is limitless, and dualism exists within that one. Boom, you are enlightened. Why are you all making such a big deal out of enlightenment? That is, unless you've redefined enlightenment as transcendence or full acceptance or something else that is grand which you are seeking. Ok, you're enlightened, you know you're God playing in his own playground called dualism. Now you're obsessed with learning how to detach yourself from the game while you're inside the game. It's worth realizing it's all just a game. It's worth being able to detach yourself sometimes to regain perspective and be more resilient. To recharge your energy. After that point, why don't you just play the game you're here to play? “If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen.” ― Alan W. Watts I believe this applies to enlightenment as well.
  20. Seeing a few posts already referencing this bunk Emoto BS. Just because something has "consciousness" in the title doesn't make it true.