Kalki Avatar

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Everything posted by Kalki Avatar

  1. Yup, I have been seeing a lot of people ascending to 5D in society. The split is as real as reality.
  2. @SQAAD If nothing appears just go to the kiosk for at least one payment check and then quit. There you can see if it’s really that bad or if you can survive some more time. Of course you will have to buy yourself a suit like this. Maybe you will even need to work first to then buy it and keep surviving. You can balance your health by going to nature as much as possible during lunchtime and after work. Thats what I do, my office is very toxic and full of dust. I got 6 skin allergied created by the dust in my job. But I balance it going to a big park near, walking barefoot and going to the beach during the weekends to balance the elements of the body as much as possible. Aside from that I would suggest to work in some spa. There are many informal spas. Even apply to gay spa and just don’t relate sexually if possible. And offer massages going to people’s homes. If you are tired and want to rest in the street make sure to ask for money with some cardboard on a good area. People can help you. What about being a babysitter or cleaning ppls houses? Do you speak any other language? If yes, look for call centers in your area. You can even get a work from home position. Use LinkedIn if you have not. If you are into teaching meditation or yoga, you can be an instructor in some gym or center. Or even just work as a cashier in a gym doing whatever. Sry to hear about getting kicked by your family. I’m almost in the same situation and it mostly has to do with the 3D vs 5D split. Your family probably can’t stand your vibration any longer. In my case mine just becomes super aggressive and unsafe enemy demons. See if there’s a way you can get them to at least help you eat or get some money. If they kicked you like that, see what you could use against them for your benefit since things already ended up that way.
  3. Peole calling him psychopath are simply projecting their ignorance and shadow. Not to say his perfect. This man is a stealth leader mystical genius with a very high development of understanding and capability. Almost only those capable of seeing this leadership from his following in him will awaken or enter new earth. How do I know? Enter akash
  4. @Actualising Very good question. I owe my spiritual success to osho above all spiritual material I have come to. Osho initiated me into the Truth and guided me towards enlightenment experiences. If you want to be like osho, start by doing less. He lived a passive aggressive meditative lifestyle. Start to have less and less to and give more time to your well being, rest/good sleep, enjoyment, meditation and reading. Then also stop socializing so much, coming to forums, using social media and exit the matrix mind as much as possible. Just try to stay a whole day without doing nothing literally. From nothing to meditating as much as you can. Slowly get used to this lifestyle until it becomes your new reality. I’m supposing if you will be doing this, you are aiming towards enlightenment. I copied his lifestyle when I got started into spirituality at 18 and had much success in tasting the truth. I couldn’t done otherwise, since it’s like the easiest and surest way aside from using psychedelics. All other methods require more skill, knowledge and balance. With osho style you can just go your lazy way towards enlightenment, resting on bed meditating 24/7. It feels like a resort. I miss those days intoxicated with bliss. Also, read his books, his articles on his website and watch his videos from time to time to feel his silence.
  5. I regret getting laid with more than 5 woman…
  6. Just make sure that if you ever get into pick up is for striving for another or better relationship. Ditching your current relationship for something as immature as doing pickup for the adrenaline it gives is not worth it even thou it seems like it. I tell you by experience, pickup is something you should do for a while to get some sexual experience and then move on. As beautiful as those women are it will never compare to being in a good relationship. I have banged 8s, 9s and 10s and I just can’t even bother to game a women even if she is interested if I see it’s just for fun and games. Literally i was texting a 10 in bumble the other day and just couldn’t keep up even as being one of the hottest woman I have matched with. If I see no potential for something deep, amorous, healthy, stable, good and real is just golden trash.
  7. I would say not to mind much what you think you are seeing. Most of it is just screen. You don’t know the problems of others and what they are really into. I my self have learned this along the way by seeing its reality. To have those lifestyles you see as happy and successful (a big part of it) is just fake under high pressure, problems, debts and even bad karma. On the other hand, i get that having some low wage jobs can make you feel like that, but it’s more on the mindset and having your possibilities open. Like, do you already know yourself enough as to what you really want, what are your core talents, what career suits you most, what’s your life purpose and last but not least, are you investing? It doesn’t matter what job you do as long as you have your financial education going on, are saving and invest in financial markets aswell as other places. When you have all these possibilities active, your mind open and specially the investing and money knowledge active, the back of your mind will know your possibilities to a good life and whatever you want is on its way. This is me, I have gone through and still am somewhat in a literal hell, yet I still manage to stay strong and positive somehow. Just keep going and shift your focus.
  8. @Lyubov Now I know why enlightened people shut their mouths.
  9. @Keryo Koffa Because of possessions of entities in the body. Look, I will just answer because you asked, since others think I want to speak bad about Sadhguru. But in short, Sadhguru work with entities who enter his body to help him do his astounding work. Shiva is one, but he also downloads exalted beings into his body. You can look for it in his exclusive app. Aside from this, as an occultist is possible that he uses other external entities to do work for him and in the astral realm too. You would have to be more on the occultist side to understand this. So yeah, it’s not him alone. Because there’s no him. If you were at such a real high spiritual level you really wouldn’t care about doing all the circus he does. Only lower entities are grounded in the material world and can help you do the same. Now you ask me why at such a high level personality would want petty ego games, well I asked my self the same thing when I met a group of friends who are very close to enlightenment in terms of consciousness and use their state, knowledge and skills to steal, play ppl, seduce woman, get power and money etc. It’s just immaturity of the ego and soul. This happens when someone accidentally does a quantum leap jump in terms of consciousness without realizing lower ambitions first, has not purged their soul and heart and has an overall immaturity in some sense. Also because of regret of loosing their ego and not being able to fulfill what they wanted to because they accidentally played with fire. Full of hate, they try to get some type of power that helps them be grounded in the material to do what they wanted to do or at least something related and be somebody… It’s not like it’s all bad, because he does more good at least to the public and the world. But when you have such energy and stuff inside, you are prone to do other things aswell. I won’t continue explaining because it’s too complex. Unless you get to experience a spiritual player, you won’t understand fully.
  10. @Leo Gura I’m not declaring he is, I’m just saying that I won’t back down from the possibility of these gurus like many other who abuse ppl and keep silent just because they do great work and have a large following. Now, forgetting about Sadhguru… You don’t understand because you haven’t experienced any of these neither by someone (could be anyone like even a neighbor who does black magick on you or someone close reading your mind without you knowing to steal useful knowledge and personal info and then manipulating you with energetical pressure through telepathy and psychic attacks) nor by an entity. It feels freeing expressing these type of experiences and just warning others so they can be wary of what can happen dealing with the spiritual world. The more light you shine the more at risk you are of being attacked by others who are negative (entities too) because you become attractive in the spiritual world and their envy and fear from you will trigger them. And yea sure, you would be the first one interested if I were to share it. But, nvm I won’t continue to talk about it because I don’t have how to share it yet since I need more information to connect the dots and it’s too beautiful and magical to even care if ppl will know about it or not.
  11. @Keryo Koffa @Buck Edwards Nah, even thou im not proclaiming with 100% certainty, there’s a high chance. I have been played before to the point of almost having my whole life destroyed by a metaphysical friend and his other friends who had psychic abilities. These people can play multiple personalities in your face and you still won’t see the evidence of how they play you through acting, reading your mind, manipulate you, seduce you and then gaslight you. All by pretending to be cool, sweet, friendly and spiritual… This is the hardest game to spot because it’s tricky! You guys lack so much experience in the spiritual world. Fck playing the saint. I just know that I read his energy and I know that energy field, is not ultimately good. It’s just hungry for power. He is playing the cool guy player to let me see how much power I can still get game in his avatar. And no, no demon told me that. I will stop using such word because it’s almost as abused as GOD. There are multiple types of negative entities. Since I was in such a high state of consciousness every thought I got was true. So I was receiving a message of seeing how Sadhguru has a secret plan behind the scenes with his spiritual gang. But I won’t continue talking about this because it sounds too crazy. I have a lot of other insights not of Sadhguru or anyone but crazy mystical shit that would drop your jaw. But I won’t speak about this until I get some solid evidence to share correctly. Can’t speak bad about Leo here even if he were to be evil
  12. @PurpleTree Yea, but I wouldn’t discard mushrooms so quick. I had even crazier experiences on mushrooms than I have on LSD, like being transported to other dimensional planes. For me shrooms are more mystical. LSD is more energetical.
  13. @PurpleTree No, it was on LSD. I was awake walking in a park and I suddenly received that message. It wasn’t like I was laying down imagining stuff. That’s why I was surprised to receive that randomly. The reason why I didn’t discard it was cuz I was in the love frequency and I suddenly saw the polarization of his negative energy being dark/wicked. It’s hard to explain. I saw his real face and it was kinda like a Gangster.
  14. @Lyubov I started to receive visions of him being Dark/Wicked. I somehow tapped into the knowledge that he has a gang of demons and entities that are with him. Don’t know if humans too, but at least he has negative allies. He is an actor, hypocrite, double standard, conman, player and joker. with this said, there’s a high chance he did killed his wife. Are you just going to trust the word coming from a man like this? This is how he gaslights in your plain face. It’s actually pretty hard to know when he is saying the truth or lying. As I discovered on a mushroom trip, trickery and deception is the highest form of power. He could have killed her through psychic attacks. Or maybe he seduced her to kill her self but it was actually him influencing. Who knows. Why did he killed her? Probably she discovered some secret of him or just wanted to get rid of her from his life cuz of being so fckng annoying and having a child together. What is a better way to fool ppl than by helping, showing some truth and wellbeing that ppl can actually experience? Since he preach belief, but actual truth, enligthenment and consciousness is even harder to question Him in your mind. Especially if you are into spirituality. You have no idea how many ppl he had to play, manipulate and con to be at the position he is at. It’s just that you just see the positive on camera now. You don’t know what happened behind scenes. As he has astral and psychic skills he can do a lot of manipulation without getting caught. Remember he also embodies occult entities in his body to be able to do stuff. You just can’t know what are his real intentions in his chess game while he screens you with cute stuff.
  15. On an LSD trip I tapped into the insight that Sadhguru is Evil and not what you think ultimately. I couldn’t believe it at first but surprisingly my discernment and intuition is keen
  16. @Human Mint It’s a great opportunity for those struggling for survival. You have no idea what is like to live in a literal concrete jungle. Even if you visit these places, it’s no where near what’s like living in there. Just the organization of the city and its beauty in the States can do a positive impact in your psyche. Being surrounded from people from all over the world and not just one concentrated culture has a massive impact on your psyche as you don’t have to adapt to one unique social expectation. What I mean is you can get lonely even easier if you are authentic and different. Ppl here are not minding their own business like in advanced countries. Walking down the street, neighborhoods, social circles, malls, etc most people will stare at you hungrily, especially if you are attractive… it’s like super stalking. That’s why attractive and rich ppl in these countries live like ghosts. Not to even mention the dating opportunities… you can get good clothes with good prices too. In third world countries you wear straps and shitty clothes mostly. Dressing well is a rich luxury. The traffic is literal hell. If you learn to drive while living there, you can drive anywhere. USA is baby driving. Let me not even start with the security… you will basically feel moderately unsafe, unless you have a gun, know how to fight, are assertive and confident, have good social skills, etc. Not having a dense ego here will get you bullied even with stares. Close minded and religious ppl everywhere… The police is basically criminal and will scam you, they did once to me accusing me of doing something wrong and taking my car, they do this when they want money. It’s like having legal thief’s on the street. The law system sucks… Oh aside from this, and all the poor opportunities, you will have a lot of envy even for just wearing good clothes, even having a gf, like anything good or standing out. Most ppl want you to be open about your personal life, if not they start insulting, gang bullying, and manipulating you until you open up and do as they want until you fit in. Fuck them… Being attractive, may God have mercy on you, I have being a target since the day I was born. You will have little to no friends as even other good looking and rich get full of envy. But literally, it’s an amount of envy and wickedness you don’t understand until you live in one of these places and try to thrive while being yourself. You get enemies everywhere. Even women… if you stand out in someway be prepared to knowing how to defend and back up. Everyone will try to scam you in someway… Oh aside from this, you get a lot of people practicing witchcraft in these places because they are stuck. Since they have little to no opportunities to thrive they get jealous and want to throw others down. Aside from aggressiveness, you will get a lot of ppl trying to befriend you to get info and play the joker on you to fuck you up. It’s a lot of negativity. What else… Well in an lsd trip I figured out something related to this. The negativity and ignorance in these countries attract a lot of demon and negative entities. The smallest the country is, the better. Mine is somewhat small cuz its in the Caribbean. This is a perfect spot for demons. I remember tapping in the collective energy field here, very very very dark. There’s probably a lot more stuff I’m not remembering rn, like politics, economics, taxing, etc. This is just like the day to day stuff you will get into if you live and enter these type of matrix’s. Oh, something more, the amount of arrogance… you will want to punch ppl in the face for such level of stupidity, ignorance and blind confidence.
  17. @Sandhu @Ramanujan why don’t you guys simply teach yoga and meditation and get money from that? Or coach through consults to share and teach your knowledge? Forget about building your money from the life purpose if you have no money to survive, leave that as a side project while you build your finances up
  18. So yesterday I took 4g mushrooms and I want you guys to help me make sense of what was that. I didn’t experience like a visuals or a super spiritual insight of the universe but I simply felt God like in a sense and started to understand things simply intuitively. Okay so first of all I had already taken 4g of mushrooms in the past and it had never hit me like this. So I took them for fun and started to have a solo day walking on the city. First I ate them at a park and didn’t felt much so I was like I knew this wasn’t going to do much. So then I went to the downtown of the city to have some fun walking around people. Suddenly the mushrooms clicked like never before. They instantly went up and open my third eye and crown chakra at least to a very high extent. My pupils were fully dilated. I started to feel like hallucinating something which never happened before and then boom it connected me to another dimension. I felt super effortless in the body, very lightweight. I could move and be aware of all my body parts at the same time. I completely trascended fear and shame. Everyone was me at the same time. The most interesting part was the love energies running in my body. Suddenly when I focused on my heart chakra I felt like God. Literally I tapped into some understanding that needed no thought but i just knew from that state. But at the same time I can’t remember now what was all that which I tapped into. I was simply in pure understanding. I understood people without knowing how or trying to understand them. Man I wish I could put into words wtf was that. I also felt in complete balance and control in my body, almost like a yogi. Okay, so I also discovered that trickery and deception is the highest form of power. Like from that state I could literally trick people and scam them if I wanted to. I can’t describe in words right now how because I’m not into that state anymore. But yeah, I somehow discovered from that state how I can take a shortcut to almost everything I want since I just knew stuff intuitively. Okay, something which worried me was that I felt disfigurations inside my body ego structure and head. Literally my face was moving by itself which let me know I shouldn’t fck very hard with psychedelics. Have any of you experienced this? People were staring at me like if I was an alien with an evil look, others were attracted too. Then I picked up a girl from this state since it was too easy to talk with anyone. This girl was literally the hottest chick I have got to bed (Colombian). Blonde, petit with a hot sensual body. Literally a dream chick. 9/10. So as we got to hotel room, this girl had her sexual energies active, meaning not a closed off stone. And since I was in mushrooms I also had my kundalini on, plus metaphysical love. Then as she started to blow job me in the sexiest way I have ever seen I couldn’t handle the amount of energy intensity. Meaning I had a blackout for 1 minute and felt off the floor. All that trapped sexual energy suddenly rose up plus with trapped negative karma (emotions) plus my heart chakra was open and connected with her which made me too vulnerable and I couldn’t fck with her. It was too intense sexually and emotionally. So, yeah I literally missed the best sex I have ever met in my life so far and the girl is mad (ghosted me). After that, I went to look for my car and leave the parking where I left my car. Well, something not so good about this state was that the guy from the entrance of the parking made eye contact with me and tapped into my state of consciousness. He could read my mind and knew I had 10 dollars in my pocket. Since I lost my ticket he invented the excuse that I needed to give him 10 dollars to leave the spot. How I know this? Well he exactly knew I had only 10 dollars cash in my pocket, since we were close as we were talking, he got into my metaphysical love energy field and his eyes turned red instantly. Also, he was pushing this excuse to the point of making an immense car bottle neck were ppl got off their car to see why the traffic was not moving. He knew I couldn’t use my rational mind very well from such high and used the situation better on his favor this time. There were more stuff I experienced but I can’t remember nor put them into words. Yesterday was fckng crazy. Let me know if you have experience any of what I said so I can make sense, specially the disfiguration stuff. Also, if any of you have healed your heart chakra pls tell me how. I feel like if I become pure love like fully dissolving my ego I will be too vulnerable to even go out in society. I just couldn’t handle feeling that much. PS. I accidentally posted this here. Move this to the psychedelic thread.
  19. @Princess Arabia Thanks!
  20. @Elton The more one insist the more he will delay. Just forget about it.
  21. @Applegarden8 I didn’t meant to do it with Ralph smart, I just posted it as an example that is possible. 95% of what Sadhguru knows is not posted on the internet. It would be too controversial, even on his exclusive app which has some interesting topics and shows you just how much this man knows, is still superficial. He can’t just openly talk like Leo does. No one would listen. On the other hand, don’t judge Ralph smart so quick. He is a bridge (light worker), that serves to bring people from the matrix into the spiritual path. You can’t just start yapping about deep stuff and expect people to be interested that easily into the truth. You have to attract them slowly and work their minds up, until they can by themselves be interested into having their own first experiences. Most people who see Leo the first time will simply think he is crazy and arrogant. But still, I would recommend him doing a TikTok because there are very smart new gens all over the place, they just need to be triggered. Not everyone is attracted to the same style of teaching (this is regarding to someone recommending him doing a TikTok some days ago). Now, coming back to infinite waters, yeah he was literally the first guy that introduced me into spirituality on the internet. Don’t underestimate people who follow infinite waters neither those on TikTok. Most people just need the right messenger that fits their personal style. Regarding how dumb someone asleep might seem at first glance, that is just because of social conditioning and low consciousness (lack of self knowledge). Without Ralph, I wouldn’t have got interested into spirituality, to then learn from osho and many other teachers including Leo. So don’t judge so quick, it’s all by levels. Can’t go to 100 without counting 1 first. Also, the guy knows more than you think, he just doesn’t share his personal experiences and knowledge. His main purpose is to attract people into spirituality, share news and increase the vibration of people through hope.
  22. An interview with my 2 fav spiritual teachers would be epic (Sadhguru and Leo). Sadhguru is not only a mystic but also an occultist which could be more relatable and open minded. But for it to work I think you would have to visit him in person just like you did with Ralston. That way there won’t be any rush in order to be detailed and you can see what tricks are under his sleeve. Sadhguru is the only enlightened guy who does what he does in the world as the superhuman he claims himself to be. Wouldn’t be nice if we could do what he does after enlightenment and not be lazy non dual chunks who don’t care about anything. Imagine combining your subconscious course, plus alien consciousness, plus mystical and occultist knowledge (experience) and who knows what else from him, combined. That would be a real superhuman.
  23. @MarioGabrielJ For real, this is what I have been thinking about my dog. Aside from being what you described, he is free spirited too, meaning detached but also loyal. Lives in 5D as cheesy as that may sound (my previous dogs didnt). But, what amazes me most is his ability to perceive paranormal phenomena. It can’t be coincidence that when everything is tranquil and we are alone, he randomly start chasing in the house, looking upwards, going to the windows as if such spirit (angel or demon) left, while barking at it. I know he can perceive them because I know when a spirit is visiting me aswell, either I can sense their energy or they touch my body.
  24. @Breakingthewall @bambi Thats how psychedelics affect everyone different. For me LSD is fun stuff. It gives me intense energy surges and visuals. It’s not very hard for me because I my self am very intense so I know how to deal with intensity. My first lsd trip was in the peak of a mountain and I experienced samadhi, nothing surprising as I expected but was great. On the other hand, DMT is more insightful, serious and mystical for me.