Kalki Avatar

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Everything posted by Kalki Avatar

  1. @BlessedLion Hehe, if those girl really get to feel you dont "need" to compete for them, they will compete for you Non needy (detached), well dressed+max looks possible, and authentic-self with common sense social skills. = Best sex when matched with the right person. Your authentic self will automatically tell you who is for you. There is really no need to spend all this time going crazy for girls and reading, calculating etc. Lol. I did all that juggle to learn the hard way.
  2. I randomly moved my phone on mushrooms with my mind. How is that possible? I got freaked and stopped. I have friends who get telepathic aswell. Can anyone explain how to develop Psychic abilities with psychedelics?
  3. @BlessedLion Dude, just today I got this thing confirmed again. I went down with my sister to help her carry her arquitecture project from college with a male friend that sometimes take her there with her. I dont know him personally. Then im walking to open his car trunk, the guy comes out takes the project, doesnt even dare to look at me and say hi, after coming to my house. And leaves. Lol? Both extremes are connected to a different mind matrix. The rich with a superior complex. The poor with an inferior one. Same thing on reverse. Both delusional. @Leo Gura
  4. Its not worth to hurry for pussy. Nor macho. Im proof of it. Made myself alpha just to understand in hard core experience what "seemed" as the thing. Stage orange sex and below sucks. Alphas are strong pussies. Alpha macho sex sucks. Orange women suck at sex. Its all needy, superunconcious, rushed, pretentious and superficial. I wont fuck unless its stage green upward or the girl is open to psychedelic sex. Deep intimate open sensual nonjudgmental sex is price less. Most people have not tasted real sex yet. They only think so.
  5. @Razard86 This vid has been appearing on my algo for days, had to watch it lol. I love how these youtubers pose as powerful when making this type of analysis xD. Dont you see some value in some of these laws? I myself dont take them much serious even if they are true or effective. This book is for miserable needy politician people. Which many people are. Love > Domination. If your love auric field is strong enough and someone like this steps into your presence, they are done. Cuz they are operating from fear. The lowest emotion vs the highest. The peak of false hood vs the peak of truth. Reminds me of an old friend who used spirituality very egoicly and ended up kinda like this lol
  6. @Dryas If they are young, they pretend to know about these, mostly to sound smart and interesting. Only old greedy rich talk about these in a serious manner. @ivankiss @Leo Gura Are you sure? Read my quote @ivankiss I used to have many rich friends but its not worthwhile. To me, is not even worthwhile keeping them around for benefits. Its just so much bullshit. They even envy themselves for nothing. Who has more than the other... Lol. I had a friend who is very rich who envied the hell out of me just for my looks and presence. What makes them really mad (insecure) is if you are authentic/honest, have confidence and keep yourself loyal to your values, while truly showing you dont give a damn about their material gains. The other side is also true. Poor ignorant people are just pure devils. Dont even want to see them around. These are constantly trying to manipulate the shit out of you in whatever way, since they live 24/7 in a state of envy. The rich are trying to make you feel small because you seem to lack value as a person by not being wealthy. The poor will try to make you feel small because to them you lack experience, hardship, suffering and survival. If I want, I can easily destroy both egos if they mess with me. You too. They stand on that crap. Be innocent with distance around both. Its a flex they cant handle.
  7. @Federico del pueblo Evil is more active than ever in the world rn. Just know that you are not alone in this. Including myself. People who are deeply in ego like this are suffering inmensely. He might be secretly unconsciously jealous of you . Ignore it. Its not even worth thinking about such comment. Its just that you might need more perspective to lift you up to see the reality. Try microdosing psychedelics to help you stay clear minded and see a little more truth than illusion. I dont know if you smoke or use weed, but when I go to social events like these were you might find people who are after others from long time, you gotta be prepared in the highest mood possible. I would probably wear one earbud with music the whole event plus smoked up. No body will be able to touch you and they will be intimidated by your presence. Such comments wont be possible in their minds. Even if someone insults you, it wont touch you and your memory wont record it. An example of this, was when 2 guys from my job whom I cut contact, came to wish me HBD on purpose to annoy and told me how they know I dont talk to them anymore but still they wanted to wish me the best. Ofc, I felt their intentions. Hehe, little they knew I was fully smoked up that day and just laughed my ass off when they came (without taking my eyes off the screen) If I were you that day, (being smoked up with earbud) I would had just listened without reaction, then slowly start dancing while looking at him no words, wink+ Full teeth Smile and slowly walk away dancing. Making him explode in anger.
  8. @Kksd74628 I didnt see the above of scandinavia lol. Maybe a combination? If they are willing, drop these criminals in a different planet where they only do psychedelics, yoga and learn about consciousness with other criminals. Then, when they are back to earth, they will want to go back and miss how good life was at that beautiful heaven resort. Their punishment will be to make them the most loving people here
  9. Non dual earth
  10. @DieFree Death penalty sounds cruel because people imagine it as torture. It doesnt has to be like that. It could simply be, we are going to peacefully log you off from this dimension because you there is no better way to deal with your negatives. Or maybe in the future we are simply going to drop these people to some planet were all prisoners can go and survive in wild with other criminals. Basically mad max. That could be the most loving and merciful approach.
  11. Im trying to explore my ego and heal with psychedelics before going full psychonaut in the future. I want to absolutely know my authentic self, make it less dense and also awaken my sensuality. Leo mentioned he will release a course on psychedelics, but mean while, for advanced psychonauts here, what are some stuff you can do and explore while tripping? How do you make your sensuality stay awaken? Im using mushrooms lately.
  12. @Breakingthewall I dont fear 5meo, but it would probably fuck my life at this moment. Meaning breaking my identity habits of my actual World context. Destabilizing my psychology is something im cautious right now. Correct me if im wrong. I dont wanna be a lazy slob just for rushing seeing God fully.
  13. @Nilsi Im saying by experience. I have smoked hundred of cigarretes and just got bored of them. But ofc, maybe if I smoked alot more and consitently it would get me. I used to smoked them only on social occasions. The thing is that they feel nasty. I prefer a weed blunt million times. @LSD-Rumi Something went wrong with the psychedelics to affect your health in someway?
  14. @Tyler Robinson Weed seriously affects everyone differently. I have more than 3 months that I dont even think about it. I think I just dont get addicted to it. I cant even get addicted to nicotine cigarretes. I better get bored of them. Also, watch what weed you buy. But, just to mention, too much meditation can also make you a lazy slob. There was a time when I use to Meditate alooot and it made my parents think I used drugs lol. Forgot shit, no motivation, etc. For meditation to work in your life you have to make a serious effort internally. But now, using weed on occasions simply gives me that high to keep more balance, while striving on the dream without fully detaching and getting lazy. I guess it depends how you use it too. Weed can cause depersonalization just like any psychedelic and meditation. You can get addicted to the high of meditation too, which happened to me when I was a newbie.
  15. So i just heard leo speak in his vid of how to use psychedelics for personal development explain how having a mystical experience with Jesus can feed more of your religious bullshit. This relates to one my earlier trips with weed when I got started with psychedelics. I even posted it here were I actually realized Jesus is the Highest Human manifestation of the Infinite (Perfect Infinite Love embodied in Physical Form as a human) It even made me surrender to his guidance and think of him as one of my non physical mentors. I relate to him cuz I kinda look like him and love is my main spiritual quality. How should I frame this experience? Was it all bullshit? It was so crystal clear.
  16. @Roy Its ok to smoke it regularly as a newbie. You will get tired of it later. Then just make weed tea or weed milk shakes. Moving to this next phase on weed means its maturing your consciousness and common sense.
  17. Weird to hear that weed got you that traumatized. Maybe try just a little. Can you explain what happened?
  18. Meditation gets you naturally stoned, just like weed. Ofc, this varies. Not everytime I smoke weed I get meditative. Sometimes I get crazy, sometimes I even access other dimensions, hyper Imagination, etc. Paranoia on weed means you got lot of healing to do. Weed showed me too with panic attacks. It also means, you should be careful on trying harder psychedelics and in High doses before you do more healing. Thank the weed for showing you the paranoia and not lsd, mushroom or dmt. It can get you worse traumatized.
  19. Right now im trying to explore my ego with psychedelics. I want to absolutely know my authentic self, make it less dense and also awaken my sensuality. Leo mentioned he will release a course on psychedelics, but mean while, for advanced psychonauts here, what are some stuff you can do and explore while tripping? How do you make your sensuality stay awaken? Im using mushrooms lately.
  20. @Chives99 Thats nice and sweet. Yet, you lack the reality of the experience im telling. After they try to manipulate the shit out of you and suck you dry, without caring on destroying your life, lets see if your perspective stays the same. You have not experienced female nature at its lowest instinct peak. They have deep trust issues and wont even care if you try to help them. They are extremely locked in their survival paradigm. I suggest you aim for higher women. I only dated a few of these for the sake of experience and growth.
  21. @Chives99 You obviously lack experience in Dealing with low consciousness/quality mindset uneducated third World country women who only know about survival. You can be a brad pitt, and this women will treat you like shit even if you are a 10, just because they dont know other wise. In fact, they may even envy or hate you even if they are attracted to you.
  22. Thats why I almost went insane when I realized Infinity. But my question is, how can one get used to live in such state? I can barely walk in a state of infinite love, not to mention I cant stop crying. Imagine trying to live like this, lol.
  23. Yes. But be careful with psychedelics. One wrong mistake in your psyche and you can go nuts. It almost happened to me. Im not talking about high dose or something. If you use them long enough, you dont know what might be happening under your awareness. And if you go under a process of de realization unwillingly as it almost happened to me, good luck. Better try microdosing so you dont start to mistake reality with your Imagination in your actual world context. Yes everything is imaginary, bla bla. Thats truth. But if you want to be here and fine, better play it safer.
  24. @patricknotstar Yes. I have a friend who lives trapped in this dimension. He says not to be afraid of the dark. Cant even begin to stomach the Lessons from this dimension. I almost dissolved once into nothingness and my ego instantly new what to do lol.