Kalki Avatar

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Everything posted by Kalki Avatar

  1. The best cope for fomo and jelousy is purification of inner crap. The only down side of purification is that then you are going to get envied and hated more by big negative egos. For example that bully. If you purify yourself, and he sees your innocent non reaction, he will envy you even if you dont beat him. He will realize, why tf this guy is so untouched, happy and ignores me even after loosing. My teasing also doesnt works on him. He will get insecure and hate you till death. And if you beat him in a humble non caring way, rip for him.
  2. @thepixelmonk @Pudgey Thanks. Just bought a cube to try. 300 ug. Its more expensive btw.
  3. The split is starting to get serious and will affect everyone on a collective level without exception next year. I can already feel my ego changing inside. Im loosing my ability to manipulate as I used to. Ego is becoming more solid with the new solar flashes. Purity(Love) will be your last key. Get ready to reorganize your life before it gets insane from the inside out. And before nations (putin) loose their head with nukes. "12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Mathew 24:12-14
  4. @Bojan V Right now you are either descending or ascending! The 3D and 5D is getting drastically opposite. If you are extremely sensitive you will see this increasing drastic opening between the two going on. Huge difference of perception. There will be no more in between, you will have to choose at the last moment.
  5. If your desire for truth is so big that you are willing to die in all the sense of the word, no karma can stop you.
  6. Can someone explain to me what is he trying to say here about reality through this insight? He is trying to share it, but its too deep https://open.spotify.com/track/4t7PSKQggaDtEPCCCEUFC0?si=xR2JrGqERwesWZ80o6jciQ&utm_source=copy-link
  7. How do you deal with intimidating women? Its not only the men who are insecure, women want to be pampered aswell. I actually want to know how tf do you deal with girls that are attracted to you and talk to you confidently, but then get shy, super insecure and just make it more of a big deal than it has to be. Im not referring to looks in this case, but my personality. I used to lower my value and act more normal (adequate) but that just works to a certain point. Im getting tired and just wanna be fully me which is kinda intimidating because of how much freedom, passion, intelligence, peace, vitality (potential), love, sensuality, charisma, and self-intimacy I express. If I try to be kind and lovely with them they misinterpret it as weak nice guy...which is my natural way of being, very friendly. For which I have then to show what they can understand. Im getting tired of closing my self up for others. Is it possible to be born with such a unique personality that my only option might be fall in love with an alien? ?
  8. If you want to experience enligthenment from meditation you have to be all in. Meaning, the experiences I had came when I decided I was going to live for consciousness. All day aware of awareness, cutting all shit out and basically meditating all day long when in home. Repeat that for a month everyday. Be willing to die psychologicaly and physically even if you dont, only be willing. Thats how intense your love and desire for God should be. Only then he will naturally reveal itself to you. He is very subtle and is not for the arrogant. You need to humble that ego down. Psychedelics will show you God but wont let you stay there with him. Nothing feels better than having God consciousness flowing through you all day. But that only comes when your cup is empty.
  9. Archangel of love. My real name means "my secret is God" . God=Love.
  10. @Roy In your case, how do you localize your types of women?
  11. @Lila9 @Matt23 @Matt23 @Lila9 Some people have a different concept of Chad. Im simply handsome/pretty face/cute vibe but with built in toxic masculinity for the sake of survival. I dont use this masculinity on people. I only save it for work and special occasions of conflict. I hate to carry this crappy shield but its extremely useful against all the narcicists am surrounded by who play victim when I defend my self from their bullshit/manipulation when they sense me vulnerable and humble. My true self is completely opposite of my social conditioned ego. Im twisted for the sake of survival. I dont even care about gains, profit at heart even thou I could enjoy them aswell. Sometimes I surprise myself when I discover thats really me. I dont fit in in my current society, which is why angels keep telling me to move to switzerland or new zealand but they dont tell me how... lol. All you said was valid. I know women want that deep down. I want to do that aswell. But, they have ego and are unconscious. For example, one girl im talking to who knows me for a while and likes me, gets reactive, ego inflated, judgy when i open myself meaning I drop my ego. I dont like mind ego games in relationships. Thats what I mean that im direct. I simply am what I am. They dont understand that level of heart purity and start to do all the circus I mentioned. Then they also try to gain power and control, frame me, etc for being that friendly. Thats what they misinterpret as nice guy. So i kinda have to communicate otherwise with some bullshit behaviours of what they think is a man. One even said I have the personality of a kid. Because when im authentic thats really how I feel. Animals and kids get drawn to me when I plug into that frequency. So, being that caring will only work with advanced or conscious women. Not a 20 year old at college who dont know shit about life and just focuses on the stereotypes they are conditioned from media. For which they sometimes see me as psycho for such an abnormal combination of things due to knowledge, wisdom and life experiences. They dont know how to react to all that stuff. The positive plus the negative. She calls me unusual, is attracted because she cant figure me out as an enigma but also repulsed by the same, Unless I chill tf out of them so she can see and understand clearly my reality/context. Still, I recognize I got healing to do, which is playing a role too. As I said earlier, Its a combination of many things. Im at the point were I think my last option is simply enligthenment/liberation. Because, even if I do healing, I might fall into another crap or re-identify with old trauma that might come up. Healing doesnt mean I wont get hurt again. Enligthenment gets me out of here once and for all, remaining untouched. All I want is an attractive conscious girl who doesnt play mind ego games and get into manipulation when insecure. For which im thinking on taking online dating even more serious to find ppl of the same frequency/mindset. Even if its far away, it gives me more pleasure to be fully me, relaxed, and understood than getting laid rushed from the shitty false conditioned ego persona.
  12. @Matt23 @Matt23 I will revisit this when needed. I get all you said there. What I mean by being me fully is literally opening my self from this inner social cocoon I live. Walking how my body wants, talking at the pitch/rate my natural self wants, interacting without pretense, embodying and expressing positivity, etc. A while ago I was hanging with my sister from my true relative self and what a wake up call. Shes very manipulative and my Authentic Self literally cant stand manipulation, pretense, being unnecesarily fancy and comparison, etc. We have a good relationship from my social conditioned ego. But, when I plug into my authenticity and become vulnerable (Humble), people, like it happened a while ago with her, just want to brag on me, dump their crap into me and simply take advantage of my honesty and my immediate repulsion of manipulation. The only reason I know how to manipulate now is because I had to learn it in order to survive with my family and work. Since I was being abused after my first awakenings and True personality exposure. I was almost egoless at that time. I dont know how to interact with such density beings from that position of vulnerability and innocence because I cant pretend from there or imagine (anticipate/calculate) something else in that moment. Im extremely honest in the sense that I will only live my Truth. Not necesarily to spit all on people, but at least keep it with me. Thats how intense my personality is. It was really hard to create the ego I have now. It was literally hell, war and suffering. Im just waiting to live on my own to leave this crap. Could you explain better the part of being authentic while considering others circumstances? Another example of me being me, flowing in authenticity is like people getting me to react. Their ego wants my energy. If im hanging out with them, and am silent for a second they start trying to trash talk for me to say something or move. Its this kind of micro manipulation that I also refer to. The fact that we are interacting doesnt mean I have to be at your pace. I will respond at my own. Then they want to make you feel bad for not being a circus monkey like them.
  13. @Jannes Thanks. I will just be me but extremely slow and easy with them until they can raise their vibe somewhat and feel more comfort... See, still I have to control myself. Now that you mention your friend, that explains why im always laughing. I even had to get out of the office now because I get bursts of laughs out of nowhere, especially when I see serious people. People misinterpret if I laugh alot when talking with them as if im laughing at them, even if I tell them whatsup. My family gets scared when they sense this zest for life of mine aswell. I also have to repress my sexual energy and feminine energy because it calls too much attention... I recognize I was born in a unique and rare day as my astrology birth chart explains, which is responsible for my rare energy. Im tired of making myself the insecure one, carrying others projected insecurities so they dont feel bad. Seems the only way to deal with these girls will be to explain my self logically somewhat even if that costs some attraction so they can chill. Aside from what I mentioned, add Chad looks, deepness, humbleness, empathic/compassionate, style, skills, mystery, knowledge, exquisite tastes, street smart, music, etc. See, I dont wanna sound psycho or arrogant in this aspect, but its my case. Maybe I just need to find the same type of girls in the planet. I think scandinavian/ rich euro countries could do the trick. Or maybe I should meet your friend? PS: Just had a Dejavu out of typing this.
  14. @Eyowey Nice. Yeah, they misinterpret me as a crazy psycho without getting to know me fully. Thats what im trying them to do, to know me so they can chill tf off. Im the chillest guy on earth, lol. The part they fear is deep connection and intimacy. Which is what I want. And this goes way beyond women... People in general just start to envy, hate for being a healthy open being. Thats why I had to close my self up. I couldnt know who to trust because everyone wanted to be near me. I was in innocence loving them, while they were trying to figure me out to dump me down, lol. Good luck. Love is God.
  15. @amanen Yeh, im referring to spiritual incarnated aspects. Theres no coincidence that my real name is(https://bugmeyer.artstation.com/projects/VgQl6g) combined with all the logistics and crazy shit in my life. Im embodying him.
  16. Nvm this ?. Spiritual Mysticism can get so crazy and nonsensical (fairy) that explaining it will just sound dumb, cheesy and cap. When I get a better sense of it I will come to it.
  17. Basically through desperation for light (Truth) comes an attitude of surrender through which when they truly repent/pray (recognize) by imagining a higher dream in another dream about the dream itself, the awaken word from a higher Imagination creates the opening for a high by suggesting a letting go that then hits from the lower chakras to anahata and even crown chakra. Kinda like a placebo psychedelic ritual. Then this is why the say they felt Jesus love or God's love/mercy. Ofcourse they cant understand this correctly as the truth is totally opposite to the belief of it as they come back and cling to it. But, Its the first level since thats the only way they can refer to God (existence), as they recognize a higher power/Intelligence from their egoic prisión (ignorance). The same occurs when they fall unto the floor or seemed possed moving like crazy. They did a surrender (probable ego death). The moving body could genuinely be a spirit or the body reacting to releasing its negative karma. Blue has a special connection with turquoise. From spiritual ego to no ego. Thats the whole gap game of orange, green and yellow. At least innocence and faith can give some temporary relief, realizations and new perceptions.
  18. Good strong genes + strong mind/Imagination (Faith/Belief). Most people are deluded in this sense. The easiest way to know if someone really have siddhis is if they are realized. After knowing you are God (Source), that amount of trust (absence of doubt) should align the human body/mind enough to open itself to accept God and act as him (True-Self/Supreme-Being). "Because of this, the Jews tried all harder to kill Him. Not only was He breaking the Sabbath, but He was even calling God His own Father, making Himself equal to God. So Jesus replied," Truly, truly, I tell you, the Son can do anything unless He sees the Father doing it. For whatever the Father does, the Son also does. The Father loves the Son and shows Him all He does. And to your amazement, He will show Him even greater works than these... -John 5:18-20
  19. @meta_male Its alot more common and hard in third world countries. My parents are like big kids who try to dictate their way while being childish, immature and contradicting. These people mostly got kids accidentally and stayed together as a consequence. Also, a lack of love from childhood. What else can i say. Its a serious thing. My whole life misery is a consequence of them. The worst thing they have done as I can remember to break my intimate blind trust for them was forcing me to give them my phone so they could see everything they wanted or checking were I spent my money on my bank account. Not to mention their lies, mind games, hypocrisy (even as hardcore christians) and gossip. I also have some trust issues because of deep wounds that I need to heal. Im just waiting to move out next year. I only trust them as providers/protectors, but there is no intimate sharing anymore. Still, my love is so strong that I still forgive and love them, but its fcking annoying and it will fck your life from the inside out. If you have narcistic parents you gotta live on your own as fast as possible. They will manipulate everything they can from you and keep you a victim who attracts more victimhood shit. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClE8fXIy3hr/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  20. @Zeroguy Lets wait and see what he will say. Im simply open to listening. At the same time, false prophets were warned. And he could become one unknowingly. Specially for the spirits in his house and his psychedelic spiritual path. Which is an exquisite combination to get tricked, influenced and possesed.
  21. @Mohammad Leo is one of my main improving guides and for many others too.
  22. Im more worried for the spirits hunting his house and him being in this delicate state
  23. @Mormegil More actualized/evolved individual experience. Nothing more.
  24. @Jehovah increases still, its part of.