Kalki Avatar

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Everything posted by Kalki Avatar

  1. @Demeter Just got the book man. In what chapter and topic is the dilemma?
  2. @LfcCharlie4 This is something I want to know. Like, Im studying law, but at the sametime I dont want to be a formal lawyer. I have needed to change my motivation on it as to just learning the law and structures of society for general knowledge, business and self defense. It has been hard. And now am about to graduate. When I had my first deep enligthenment I wanted to quit college. So, Its like if I go that deep again I might not finish. Idk, maybe I just created a self limiting belief on that. At the same time, I find it hard to resonate with it. I force my self. But i want to finish it, just to get the degree. I resonate more towards trading and investements. But as I said, motivations change. What if I also dont want to be an Investor? Wtf im I gonna do lmao. Why do motivations change? Can i still be a Lawyer and Investor? You see what I mean. Instead of doing so much zig zag, if I just get the damn money first, I can then without worries go to Infinity and beyond. I will have the money to do what I want after it. Also bro, have Ananda and Ramaji thought you anything similar about this topic? Why ananda quitted her money? Are they rich?
  3. @Aaron p Yeah. But, when I say no money, girls, be alone, etc. Is just for the sake of creating spiritual momentum. Its hard to go deeply within while being distracted by over sensations, pleasure and creating more karma aswell. After enligthenment I would gladly do all those. Also, Leo is not enlightened. He is so close to it that he dont want to really attain it. He has my dilemma but on a different context. He thinks that he might not want to do any more actualized.org, or get sex, leave his family or just stop living his nice comfy lifestyle.
  4. @Artsu Enligthenment of course but who knows if I will want to be a teacher after liberation. But before you personally get enlightened what would you choose to do first and why. Im not talking about ego fulfillment. I mean like you are ready to die for truth. Would you order your life needs first through some business and then get enlightened. Or just choose enligthenenment and cause alot of drama for you and the people in your surroundings. Seeing where things go. You might die and not make money. How will that impact others? You will be saved but as an incarnation it probably had not much value as it could had. Im talking about having the best life possible. Not rich and lost. Not saved and a misery.
  5. @Byun Sean Thanks for your reply man. Actually I suffer very little and have good self-esteem. I only wanted to run from suffering when I was learning all this stuff. But, what I mean most than anything is if its better to cover our life survival needs and then become enlightened or vice versa. I dont care about ego fulfillment. What I mean is simply ordering our lives before total surrender so we can have a better time than vice versa. Im starting to think that it if you dont have a plan covering your survival needs after enligthenment can be a hurdle. Cuz the mind is off and you are to re learn how to socialize from a new source of being and think all the old concepts matrix of society. Like, if you were ready right now for enligthenment, what would you choose. Enligthenment and fuck everything by trusting and see where things go or create a system that will cover your needs so that you can get enlightened without any extra hurdles.
  6. Lets get our guns before enligthenment and prepare for the up coming chaos.
  7. I would like to see if @Leo Gura has any explanation or knowledge about this. Actually, Ive always been curious with those religious tremblings. I ve seen it happen in front of me when I used to go to the church my family goes and camps. You see people falling down unconscious as is something striked them. Also, speaking in tongues. The only conclusion I have till now is that these people are made to open themselves up by the pastor guidance and they are not prepared to handle all the crazyness that comes from the unconscious so they just react and believe it all, making their experience very random and crazy. Plus they might enter a trance state from the guidance. Depending of how low conscious the person is, they can attract and create beliefs/stories in a rapid way. For ex, if they are feeling like they are going to get unconscious, that might trigger their memory to interpet the situation as you are now going to speak in tongues and if such thought is believed, they might fall into it and start speaking like crazy in a genuine but deluded way. They might also invoke spirits. I have only seen once in my life a person been possesed and its a very unique experience. The voice really changes and they start doing crazy stuff. But, I dont know if anyone has ever experience or heard something like this. Well, my mom is a very religious person (christian). She told me that in one of their private sessions of prayer in a campament, a women started to go crazy. Her tonality changed into that of a man, saying the words "Shes mine! Im her owner!" She also told me her face became old, greenish and masculine and then the most fucked thing happened. She started levitating (Very much like the thumbnail in Leo's video "Cult Psychology) . I actually cannot disbelieve such thing, because my mom takes religion very serious and she feels God would punish her for lying. No idea how demonic possession works, but churches are definetively full of crazy shit.
  8. @Stenne It does works. Test it yourself by faping 5 days straight. Then go no fap for 1 month. Even an enlightened being once told me the benefits about not fapping, so i guess its good. @Chumbimba Bruhh. Hahah. I feel you. Having a wet dream after such effort is frustrating. At least it feels very real and satisfying. The bad thing is the mess.
  9. @killyourinnerloser Great guide man. Keep it up. The only sad thing is, theres a pandemic and dating sucks in my country.
  10. @Space The max ive gone no fap is 3 months. That thing they call flatline is actually just stabilizing your sexuality and calming it down into normality. Ive gone to the point I dont even want to touch my dick, lmao. But, Its not that you are loosing sex drive. In that mode you are alot more able to have success socializing with girls with out a horny neediness. You will get turned on and wet very fast if a girl starts flirting and fore playing with you because at that moment you dont remember how sexual pleasure feels, thus your imagination gets activated wondering and making the process more enjoyable. If you dont fap, your mind and body will find the way to expulse that milk, so dont worry. Either through a wet dream or an astral bitch.
  11. @Display_Name You are confusing my words. What is known as "State" is being in the zone (total focus of the now). Feeling good is another type of state. Being in the mood of socializing is another state, which is what I referred to having the will to approach. And turning your self on into a sexual mood is another complete different type of state. Ofc you should not depend on states to act. But, it will reduce alot of your success. Even if you get the girl in a bad mood and you dont fix your moods/states, in the long run you wont be able to stay with the girl. She wont feel emotionally stable with you.
  12. @Arcangelo When someone makes you do something you are not feeling like into the moment, you are not being self honest. It means going against your own will. At that moment, your psychology is splitted. You are not going to be authentic in that moment because you are working under external expectations, rather by self intuition and emotional guidance. Ofcourse, if you are in a sexual mood you can make her feel horny aswell. You just dont know how to do it properly. If you are compulsive and do not escalate properly you will scare her away and be needy. On the other hand, if you get horny, Its even faster to influence to have sex. You have not observed how your psychology works. If you get sexual and relaxed at the same time, your behaviour will change, words, tonality, etc. You can use that mode to seduce from indirect and subliminal sub-communications, until it becomes direct. You can ask leo, he knows what im talking. Girls will read your mood, emotions and energy in seconds. I dont know if you mean horny as coming sexually needy. Ofc that will Push her away. Im talking about being in a sexual mood/mode + relaxed. It changes your complete aura, behaviour and reactions of others. @Display_Name I never liked RSD. Better learn from Mystery and Arash Dibazar.
  13. @Lyubov I had. It can be caused unknowingly by external influences such as friends, social media and your Investment (too much pickup). Solution: Stop everything Related to dating at least for a month, be alone and read osho.
  14. @Recursoinominado Completely true. But, Its more a social thing. They just want to fullfill that social expectation. Experienced ones dont really care much if they get pleased. Ive met girls who confidently say they like small and medium dicks. Saying big ones do not necesarily satisfy as it seems.
  15. @Chumbimba Lmao This is exactly what ppl dont understand about pickup. They teach you the knowledge but dont explain all the hidden fundamentals of it. And all the misinterpretations it brings depending on the context. Without truth and contemplation is impossible to understand why it works and why it doesnt. Thats why I made a post called pickup is good crap. You violated the first rule. Which was self Honesty of your feelings. Your friend used the relativity of words to convince you of something not real in you. Words are tricky empty spells. Thats why promises tend to be broken so much. What ever you feel, she will feel... By not feeling completely aligned, I mean you were not mentally prepared neither in the mood. It was just a forced compulsion. You had a thought, but didnt feel completely into it. There was no full aligment. Emotions take a while to follow thoughts. The conviction did not came from you. Your friend made you without your complete consentment. Sadhguru explained this process. You were half-ass into it. Thats why I never do pickup with friends. You will get Fun, but it will have anxiety, pressure and little results. Unless ofc, he is an experienced wing. Only do pickup if you feel into it. If not it wont work. It doesnt matter how good you look, how rich you appear, strong, etc. If you have all those, she will give you a chance to see who you are and then find out you are just trying in a forceful needy way to get something out. When in fact, lets say you felt like socializing, just passed next to them and made funny comment out of something that its not her. Without even thinking of pickup or having expectations. After that comment a random conversation arises and lastly it just seems you both want to have each others number. But, in those few mins, she read aloooot of you, through your energy, personality and authenticity (Honesty). Thats how pickup should look in an unknowing way. Conscious calculative planned pickups just destroys more than producing. Say, you stop reading and investing in pickup for a few months. You just recenter into your aloneness, completely self sufficient, happy and relaxed. And casually talked to a girl by being in the right mood without expectations. That would build your karma and self-fullfiling prophecy in a positive manner much much faster and better way than by going crazy chasing girls everyday. Reading about them, faping on them, seeing pictures, etc. There would not be any bad karma on you about women and you wouldn't even need pickup at all. Cuz pickup can create bad karma aswell. You go out alot and fail alot without proper progress, it will destroy your subconscious feed back and make you fall inside a bad karma wheel of women, that you wont know how to get out.
  16. If you are a 10 on looks but a 5 in general. Go to Asia. They will experience you as a 10. In general, dating tourists babes is far easier. None of you expect anything because you both live in total different cultures. Thats like a big excuse for being you and different. Also, they dont have social pressure. Now that they are out of their country they can get laid far faster with you since they now dont have social consequences. Go to a Resort in your country. If you are american, date a russian or german girl. They are fast, open minded and hot af. Combine that, with picking up a girl that was drinking at the disco of that Resort at 2 or 3am. Thats like free sex.
  17. @GroovyGuru Its worth only if you are up to a few things. First and most important, where you live. Is hot girls something normal? Are they open to online dating? How open minded is your culture... If not forget about it even if you are a 10. It sucks in my country. Dating in general here sucks. I can only get high quality girls when meeting tourists on the beach or resorts. And the pandemic has made dating just unworthy in general, apart from now including the danger of virus. How patient are you? You need alot of patience in dating through text. I cant stand such waste of time. It gets on my nerves just to see if at the end the girl its even worthy of chat. How good looking are you? Looks is what creates matches. How high quality are your pictures aswell. How discplined are you? Making a bunch of matches will get you no where. You need to play girl by girl to see whats up. Staying persistent and organized in your game on her. Online dating is not so easy as it seems, but it can be if you have those together.
  18. @Keyhole The point of pickup is to help you develop or recover your social/mating skills. Those guys called natural are naturally good with girls cuz they have unknowingly interacted over and over with girls. They become intuitive. But they have to do this consistently, because mating can be forgotten. For example, in my case I used to be very social and good with girls when I was a kid and teen. My first gf was around 5 years old and first kiss aswell. My first bj was at 7. I did not knew anything of pickup but i had socialized so much I was good and intuitive. I was even better back then than now because I was more unconscious. Around 17 I stopped socializing. I got into getting good grades, reading alot, video games and spirituality. I completely lost touch with interactions. I became anti-social, weird etc. Sucked with women. Pickup helped me become conscious of certain things on interactions. Actually, pickup is not what helped me become social again, it was simply the fact that if I dont interact I wont survive. Through alot of interactions I learned again. But i get you. Pickup is tricky. It also depends on who is applying it. Its very cringy at first when learning. Thats why I say some ppl are better off without it. Just as in spirituality, not everyone will understand what is been said neither get to experience God. Even thou they read and watch alot of videos. Best way is just to interact alot and expect nothing. Pickup can make some ppl creepy because they expect things to be as teached. But for some it works. It depends on how their mind works. Its relative. There are robotic guys that dont know pickup. Its simply the fact of having an agenda. Dont categorize them as puas or not. Just avoid those guys. Dating used to be better when there was no communication technology. Raw dating. True romance.
  19. @modmyth Yes, i agree with that since im latin american and very extroverted. Actually, on one hand unconscious extroversion can be dangerous if not careful, because you can make mistakes by saying and doing compulsive things you did not want to. On the other hand, people find you attractive, and "normal" which is useful to influence others. If you want to influence/manipulate others, get a shiny personality. You can get awat with alot of things by having alot of personality. Thats when the illusion of ego becomes "useful" . No personality, you are a no body to society. Extroverted people will always get away with more. Nevertheless, having friends can be a useful strategy to get out of your Shell, but thats just an excuse to not deal with your inner turmoil. "Friends" is just external stimulus in that case. You can replace that with something else as well, if chosed to. Hopefully, the best way is just to deal with your self without needing anything. Personally, im at the point I just enjoy interacting with people. But i dont compromise neither have those type of tradicional friendships. At this point, they are more limiting and counter productive than anything. At first it was hard to let go of many people, but they were just karma of my past that dont correspond to my new awareness/knowledge/frequency. I feel freer not having friends as people call it. No expectations and compromise. No bullshit and drama. No more conditioning. No more going back. Being on your own space, frame, territory, center is the medicine you need and ppl avoid it going on to others. Ofc I have relationships I depend on certain things, but completely different. Also, im best when being alone. When your awareness and knowledge grows and you see ppl dont get you or see you to far ahead, but that you have to lower yourself onto their level to match, is when you start enjoying aloneness even more.
  20. @AlwaysBeNice When I say pickup, I dont mean RSD. There are aloot of dimensions, areas and topics and underground puas, that cover pickup. Its a whole different language. Self programming is just one aspect. Even in pickup, many of the best puas have experienced enligthenment. Such is the case of mystery. So, the way I apply pickup is not in a calculative robotic manner. None of that. I just wanted to explore survival and reproduction through consciousness which is a completely different game. Instead of just teorizing, I used that knowledge to actually become conscious of that theory in actual experience. When having that general knowledge and awareness of how people work, you can do and understand many things. Not just get pussy. Everything is connected, so pickup is a useful platform to navigate and understand this relative plain, society and people. Pickup has helped me simply become very socially inteligent and intuitive with people. Thats all. The word pickup is as corrupted as the word "God". Do you think someone as sadhguru and peter ralston dont know pickup? They do, they just dont call it that way. They are conscious of the same mechanics I explore. They are useful before and after enligthenment.
  21. @Keyhole Its all relative in this plain. Theres no absolute conclusion. Is all good. We are just having fun in this cinema. Some are in a comedy, others are in a terror movie. What does it matter one takes a million life times to clean your karma? At the end its ok, it will be released anyways. It has to. Time is illusion as well. A million years to you is a day to God.
  22. @Zak Nice, I gotta watch that video then. Probably tomorrow or at work. Our minds will get really blown soon. Through Leo, sadhguru saying levitation is possible, alot of weird mystical shit I didnt knew was possible, the illuminati pandemic. Holy fuck. 2020 must be one the best series aliens have watched. @Leo Gura Leo, if you dont want to distract your audience on youtube by releasing pickup videos, feel free to express all you want in your blog.