Kalki Avatar

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Everything posted by Kalki Avatar

  1. @Preety_India You got it right. @assx95 I use to suffer the same even when I attratcted women. Go into spirituality to give yourself some rest, time off and de program the necessary. Stop watching pickup videos, advice videos, reading too much or just consuming the infotainment. This creates an unconscious self fullfiling prophecy when going Meta without being aware of the consequences. Then evidence starts to appear and you believe, going into a downward spyral, attracting more false beliefs, insecurities, etc. This can go till death. Stop the molding and illusions that give evidence to this stuff appearing real. Just take time off your own, rest in silence and you will know what to do. You will become aware of your mind tricks. You can stop your beliefs anytime you want and become unlimited, change life direction in a blink of an eye, like magic. You can make drastic positive changes from one day to the other just by relaxing and bringing clarity. You can access whatever answer you want if you ask the correct question. You are God. Awareness itself will cure you if you let it. If you add to this the fact of discovering that you just need to accept yourself in the moment as you are while being aware of doing so. This means you accept you are needy or have a clouded mind or need to change some stuff in order to be more attractive but you actually dont need it! You are still fine being not so attractive as you awarely accept it, knowing you can upgrade your attraction. That instantly changes your energy. The neediness. Neediness is compulsion in a false belief of lack. Relax and accept it. You can date girls even being bad looking, having a ugly personality, etc, lol. You are just not going to be too attractive, but the fact that you accept yourself in the moment as such, will still be kinda attractive, because the energy you give is not needy. You actually dont need to do anything, unless you want. External programming is what forces you to believe so. Then after doing that and gradually entering more and more into your core center, you can start to apply more game rules. That which I described is the core fundamental. You need to be not needy first. Then knowledge of yourself, mind, women and skill into action will generate an abundant mindset. Apply this to money and other areas as well. Having a strong Drive towards a goal can be quite effective, but it doesnt compare to true clarity/awareness. The wealth you built in 5 years through hardship of business I can generate it in 1 year of financial Investing. Oh and dont try to be non needy. That means you need to not need, lol. Language is tricky when talking the inner stuff. Just get used to letting be whatever it is. You will have to get the trick of it through direct knowing in order to resolver this internal dilemma.
  2. @Haloman The channel is different from all else. It goes to the core of attraction from all angles. Short and long term relationships. Language tricks the meaning here. If you are self honest and you know you are trying to drop manipulations to gain something, you are still manipulating. But, if you truly let go of the expectation/outcome then is not manipulation. That is true letting go. And people can feel that energy off you. Is not common. The paradigm of being is gained through a constant practice of letting go. One must gradually reduce their attachments. Let go of thoughts, worries, emotions, expectations of others. The focus here is more self absorbed. The other paradigms are externally focused. Here you are self focused. People and women are not your focus. You dont try to impress them now. You improve yourself because you feel it. It takes some time to gradually make it something normal, since attention from the external and beliefs of "most have", are to be dropped. When you are on survival mode, you cant control your inner world at will cuz all your attention is out. When you relax you have new space to create/imagine the feeling-images (beliefs) (new persona/bubble/self-esteem) you want. And these ones can be subtly felt by others. What im saying can help to guide, but you will have to discover and get the feel of it through direct experience. This video can also help. He is working on a 4 part series.
  3. Here you go guys. Pickup is good to certain extent. But it can also ruin your game if you dont know what you are doing and the fundamentals truths of attraction. There are 3 paradigms. The first one is focused on having. This one believes in lack, externalization of your power and makes you needy. The second one is doing. Its better than the previous one. Your focus power comes from your skills and action. You feel more in control since now you can manipulate outcomes. The downside is you can get hooked on momentum and base your worth (identity) on action and results. Which can come off balance when not necessary and needy. And the third one is being. Your power comes from your inner core. Meaning, your beliefs, inner space, state of being and relaxation. The thing with this is that all your actions and thoughts come from a source that doesnt over invest. Whatever you say will be more attractive than the genius guy who plans and tries to impress by saying great stuff. Such clarity of mind and calmness gives you more power than the previous. This doesnt mean being very spiritual. You are just at the doorway of truth. If you become too truthful, your attraction will go down since the illusions you project on your behaviours and personality will fade off. So keep a neat balance. Something to remember is that the paradigm of doing and having "appears" to be more attractive only because their communication is based on "showing". These 2 are closer to survival. So only use them for short term if you truly need to survive. On the other hand, being is always the most powerful and attractive even thou it doesnt appear (invisible source) as such in the beginning. Do not get triggered if a guy seems to be getting the girl by being a clown or showing his possesions, while you wait for your turn in a cool manner. This will only show you were confident and your own source of validation. You can see then how girls loose attraction for these guys. In conclusion, be centered and relaxed in your own strong beliefs. Do all you can without leaving your center. Use your knowledge of game and plan, but never over do it. Spontaneity above calculation. This means some manipulations will have to be dropped. Giving freedom to her free will to choose. And use all your possesions, titles, status, etc. to your advantage, but never to show off. Let her discover these things by herself. Remember, eventhou its tricky and seems counterintuitive. If you are rich, strong and have some game skills but depend on these things and on the other side im unmoved, relaxed, centered, positive, confident and my own source of validation. I will win in the long run. Checkout his videos and I recommend getting his book.
  4. Thats was on point. This energy beats all game techniques.
  5. @Consept There have been worst viruses on the past. The yearly death rate is of all different causes, and covid has such low death rate in comparison. If we go to that extreme, we should had been locked down long time ago for our "safety". So what to do about the lock down? The whole year (2020) has been under lock down. Thats more than enough for such drama. They should feel proud ppl have not gone crazier. A global protest against such mind game is what should be done. On the other hand, Its okay to have a vaccine. The problem comes when you use law enforcement (psychological authority) to impose your will over peoples free will, body and mind. People who want to be vaccinated, should do it. Why? If the vaccine works it means you are inmune to it, so if I get covid I cant affect you. Simple logic. Let all of those that dont want a vaccine like me to get fucked, while you save yourself. Forget about us. But no, why mandatory? If such thing comes by law enforcement, then a global protest should be done against it as well. Denmark is not having it. 9 days of consecutive protest against mandatory vaccine. They dropped it. Remember, we are the ones who give governments their power. Its just an agreement. They are there to serve us. Actually, their only power lies on the military. If the police and militaries realize such unfairness, they are over. And if one government looses its power, other countries might do the same, following a domino effect. Then we might have the possiblity to rebuild a conscious government. Police and military are the people we need to talk to on the streets. Especially if things start to go wrong. Then our word will get spread among them. I do not encourage blind conspiracies. But to do research, stay aware and open. I do not follow any american paranoic-conspiranoic, thats probably why most of you get so closed against such possiblity. You need to resesrch on your own, read from people of other languages and translate the information. And thats not even including the fact that you as consciousness (GOD) have the capacity to contemplate and access the truth of such themes. Everything follows an order in reality like a chain. Yes, you can actually get your own answers through a refined logic (deep rational analysis) intuition and awareness. But if you are closed to even start thinking on such direction, no wonder why you think is a conspiracy. Is just what it is. On plain sight. Humans have always craved absolute power and control over others. Its an instinctual desire. Conquest of the past over others and countries were done. Now its done via psychology and information/technology in a discret way. Even I who have experienced Enligthenment & Truth have been seduced by power and dominion. Now imagine these people with such authority from birth. Excluding others not at their level. With a lack of clarity of truth and such mind clouded by ambition. Families who have carried their power over generations at all cost. Would they give up all that pleasure and instinctual gratification just to become one with others, help them rise and kick them out? No, lol. This doesnt necesarily mean such people do dark magic or are in cooperation with demons, aliens, etc. But, when you want power and need to stay in control over it, you will do whatever you can to have it. You will contact and learn everything. They have become expert deceivers. Masters of Geopolitical Chess. Thats what true game is about. You can't believe otherwise. It has to catch you on surprise. Neuralink. Yes its fantastic. It could help you in many things. First of all, they will always sell on you only the good part. The part that will trigger your ego to enhance your power. Never talking about the downside. Lets say half of the planet gets it and its doing great. Then, after 5 years they decide to turn on some aspect you had no idea and it takes over your psyche, then body. Now you are fucked. Same with the vaccine. Do not take my word, do as you feel. Im simply trying to show you the whole spectrum and consider all possible scenarios. Im not biased to one side. If you do your own deep contemplation, such aspects most pop in your awareness. Follow your intuition and deepest logic. I wish everyone good luck and hope am wrong. Time will speak by itself.
  6. Vaccines themselves are not a problem. But you guys ain't ready for that conversation.
  7. @integral Yup. Its not what ppl thinks. Unless you are pretty good at it, passionate, enjoy the game overall, above money itself, like to analyze and read alot, then its cool. You gotta see it more like a video game in which you have fun, than a job that pays. On the other hand, you gotta be extremely ambitious, greedy and even needy to force yourself to make it. I know a couple of guys like this. They stress me out to just be in their presence. Better start swing trading (dabbling) or just investing long term.
  8. @Consept Get vaccinated, then I will tell you.
  9. @Leo Gura All that sounds good and wise. I simply hope you dont start crying and accept death like a man with cause. Isnt it better to let those that want to be vaccinated, get it first and then see the results after some months or year? Everything that is rushed comes with the devil in it. This situation is far more complex than one can think. It will generate chaos in all forms.
  10. @Leo Gura Yep. But you wont cry if the vaccine gives you some bad health secondary effects, right?
  11. @Intraplanetary LOA is absurd in the sense of the actual society we live in. We are all mixed up and have to co exist in society for survival purposes. Its like being on the vibrational frequency of Jesus who attracted only those that were in a similar match to him, but he was inside a society full of manipulators and unrealized beings. You are gonna get run over and pissed off. LOA will be an exceptional law probably in the future, a golden era, if that occurs. Still it is important, but you have to learn how it works. Is not crazy magic. You have to think and act as well. If you dont know how it works or have experience on it, dont rely on it. You will get pissed off. Use your brain, act and manipulate if necessary.
  12. @somegirl Socializing and sex are interlinked. Just as I explained being in enviornments that trigger it. Also, when ppl get in a long term relationships they usually stop being as social as they were before and get locked in a bubble. Remember that attraction is something temporary. Is not an absolute or given. It activates and desactivates when its done, over. Its a signal. You can stay in a long term relation ship but it will more of a friendship. Not a romance lover type of thing. Depending on how long you have been together, your biologies probably have signaled its over, but consciously one chooses to stay by fear or social conditionings. If your partner is not highly attractive, probably famous, rich, fit, high level of game, has alot of friends, female-friends, etc. Its hard attraction can survive in a long term relationship. Since those stuff I mentioned consistently signal to your biology that his dna and Survival is very high and active, thus triggering attraction on you. The same for him, your beauty wont get him wet all day long. One gets used to it, ignores it with time and even get bored of it. Wanting something new, out of the habitual and known.
  13. @somegirl Let me guess. You are not very social? You also probably dont have much sexual experience. And you have been focused more on other stuff than sexuality. Spirituality probably? If thats the case, you just need to reactivate your sexuality. Being sexual is a habit. If you were on social enviorments were guys were always playing and flirting with you, your primal attraction system would be on most of the time. Meaning unconsciously, you would adopt a sensual attitude and all that comes with it. So, now you have to consciously do it again by yourself. It all starts in the mind. Fix your mindset and negative beliefs about it. Then think and write the positive ones. Imagining those thoughts until they become a habit will create that personality, feelings and attitude. Leading to enjoy relationships, intimacy and sex.
  14. @Nate0068 I know where you are coming from. I used to experience that and its exhausting. You need to relax and regain the power (frame control). Stay centered and just plan something. You dont have to always be talking. Go no contact for a while and her to miss you. Attraction grows in space. You also want some. You dont want to be all tired trying and trying. Dont force and rush, just slowly let things Flow. A date doesnt has to be talk and talk. Thats what the media sells. Just tell her you gonna pick her up and she follows whatever you do. Make her follow you to the groceries, make her your company to get your shit done, buy her some candies in the course, take her to a park, beach, garden, amusement park. Get creative and be spontaneous. If she sees you are on the frame of whatever you do, she will follow. You gotta do some inner game work first. Unbrainwash your self from all the shitty beliefs society conditions you as to how to be with women. Starting by believing you have to be rich. Thats the worst and most un true, lmao. If you accept yourself as how you are, she will. And if you change your perspectives on money and your present condition to let her know and influence how cheap ppl who fall for money are, while you prefer wisdom and being spiritual, while also not disregarding the important reality of money by telling her your vision and plans, she will love you even more. Now, what im saying here sounds good, but you will have to come to this conclusions by yourself through knowledge, experience and awareness. I recommend getting prepared before dating. Experiencing stuff like anxiety of talk and fear of loosing her is the lack of the 3 things I listed above.
  15. @ertopolice Hehe, this is were guys think girls have it easier on dating. Which is a relative thing. Let your instagram open and follow people just to get known in some circle. Having a social circle would help you more as a women. Try getting dressed up and position yourself in places you might get approached (social terraces, bars and restaurants) The higher quality the place, the higher quality the man. When you are interested on some, give them a sensual look. And if they come, charm them to open them up to play with you. LOA works in a half ass way. Its not magic. One has to rationalize and take action as well. The only thing LOA does is identifying people vibrating on the same emotional frequency as you. And for that you need to know how to read energies aswell.
  16. @AdamDiC Dont listen to what ppl say here. You have your dad as proof making money there, right? Thats enough. I have lot of friends who live off it. You dont have to aim to be millionaire. Start small and making decent money will be enough to give you good freedom. Thou it might take at least 2 years of good practice, depending on your learning rate and intensity to build some mastery over it and get the freedom. All the info is on the Internet, you just gotta know how to look for it. Focus on the simulator and testing strategies for at least 1 month before putting real money.
  17. @ertopolice Cold approach is definitely the best. But, if you have a full time job, shit to do, etc. Social media can be great if you know what you are doing. I dislike tinder and dating apps cuz the people there are shitty, losers, low self esteem or bullshitting to pump their ego. On the other hand, instagram gives you more control of your attractiveness and the virtual pickup gives you higher chances of a top girl at least meeting to know you, and for you to demonstrate. You can find higher quality and save time. But, you must have your account attractive and hold a consistent strategy. Plan everything before getting into dating. Get a note book and write down the kind of girl you want, the type of relationship, the type of Lover you are gonna play, your past mistakes, the relationship habits you want and dont, the frames you are going to hold (I recommend the intimate/secretive we-frame). Tricks, places, calculations, the Values you look for. If you know what you are doing, the possibilities are endless.
  18. @EntheogenTruthSeeker Instagram is the best option right now.
  19. I recently found a girl on ig who appears as being from another planet or probably a genetic mix. https://instagram.com/adianafitxo?igshid=zzk7pw5nlx3u Follow her and tell me what you think.
  20. This kind of stuff is why I sometimes get unmotivated to do spiritual work. The problem is most awoken people are not grounded enough. After enligthenment, you gotta self actualize that enligthenment to be functional and coherent with others and the world. I have made so many mistakes by following advice from enlightened beings in the past, just because I wasnt aware how un grounded they are.
  21. You just need alot of experience, self awareness and knowledge of game. You can do healthy game or toxic game. See PUA arash dibazar. He has 5 girlfriends, lives with 4 of them and still fucks girls from outside. All his gfs are mad in luv with him and have his name tattooed. The level of game and experience he has is mature and balanced. Which takes alot of experience, knowledge and awareness.
  22. If you are good at eliminating limiting beliefs and also changing them, please share a concrete practical strategy you use. Aside, from contemplation, meditation and journaling. What is the process from beginning to end, coming from your succesful experience on this?
  23. @Preety_India He told me his working on it. He got some stuff going on, lets see how it goes.
  24. In Leo's life purpose, he speaks on releasing a course about re-programming and eliminating subconscious beliefs. Does anyone here knows if leo has spoken about it? Any set date? Or which other courses is he going to release?
  25. @Tim R You are being over emotional. Even sadhguru call people idiots once a while. If you cant accept such conceptual truth, imagine how capable of handling absolute infinity are you.