Deepak sadhwani

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Everything posted by Deepak sadhwani

  1. 1 to 6 chapter are missing ? And start with 7 ?
  2. Hey guys , Anyone used both methods (normal meditation aware about senses) and ( do nothing method ) anyone can talk about difference ?
  3. Anyone knows how to experience non - dualism without psychedelic? It is possible ?
  4. @Kserkkj yes i mean non - dualism
  5. @Alex4 ask yourself what is goal of meditation why you do that ? for mental clarity and more aware about thought , awareness , ? And fix it with open mind , and you got it there is nothing to loose it is concept of mind ego fog
  6. i ask who am i ? My monkey chatter stop, then though come and flow and i am self observing , when i ask my who is aware ? I aware about my senses , and who is perceiver ? Don't know self obversing ? I am doing right this process and i stuck in a trap ?
  7. Hey anyone can suggest , few nice psychology books to grow and understand more.
  8. @Alex4 how long you are using this method and where you keep you eyes attentions ?