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Everything posted by Schulzy

  1. I am vegeterian and i feel alot more healthier and i am in a good BMI now.
  2. Just snort 1 line of coke even better for waking up
  3. Define Enlightenment and you have your answer.
  4. Youd have to do it for like 15 weeks if you want 1000 approaches. But i think it seems petrifying to you because of low self confidence not because of introversion. So work on your confidence not just getting quota of 10 approaches a day. So yes, its true, you need some more time. Try to act confident and after awhile it will become second nature if people treat you as a confident person. At first it will be really difficult but you will have to push it. Fake it til you make it.
  5. Very funny once again man. Much lol
  6. What do you mean in general? 'God in general' for arabians is Alah and 'god in general' for christians is Jesus.
  7. Gym

    Muslces would just be a byproduct of having a healthy lifestyle.
  8. Its really hard to get off sugar because its really addictive. Best thing you can do is slowly eat less and less. I still eat from time to time.
  9. I dont fully agree with superwoman, it can be true if you are going vegan but for vegeterian, i just became one from one day to another. Ofcourse you shouldnt eat chips whole day, do some research but no need for medical supervision.
  10. Maybe dont go as far as little insects nibbling inside of your stomach but when you just feel the need to eat go and grab something to eat. That is fine.
  11. I suggest you check out the channel ATHLEAN X on youtube, it has helped me ALOT.
  12. So basically you want to do nothing and thats why you want to identify with nihilism?
  13. lmao u so funny man
  14. If you feel really repulsed by even the thought about wasting your time watching meaningless tv series, eating unhealthy, then i dont think you should have such a hard time and can do all of this at once. If you still have cravings for these things you should take it 1 step at a time.
  15. #dicksourforharambe Forever missed
  16. No, thats why i stopped eating meat and i think we are not so much different than other animals. We are both products of billions of years of evolution and thats why we need to respect other lives no matter the intelligence.
  17. Please dont listen to people. Most are talking out of their ass and its not really their own opinion. If your business is doing good, keep doing that, dont waste your time and money on college.
  18. Its just stupid, there is more to life than that.
  19. About God being a cultural concept Peoples belief in god is molded by the country they live in.
  20. If i would have to choose between being enlightened or having a life purpose i would chose the latter. Because with enlightenment you get the both. You will probably figure out what your life purpose is.
  21. I had the same problem, my solution was just deactivating it as i saw no more purpose in it. I think John also gave a really good suggestion, just filter out the bullshit by making a new account and subscribing to stuff that you can learn from.
  22. I really feel the same sometime, its like the emotional urges to do something are just stronger than what you actually want to do.
  23. I don't think shutting it off from one day to another is going to really work unless you have extremely strong will power. What you have to do is start cutting it off slowly and replacing it with doing something productive, like for example studying psychology, working out or just learning something new on the internet.