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Everything posted by Schulzy

  1. Aguess when you end up in a relationship ask yourself, why do i love this person? What are the ways she is contributing to the relationship? I dont know maybe this.
  2. Before death i would like to be Cryogenically Preserved so i could live forever? Yeah...wont happen, people reading this in future im probably dead.
  3. You could also start working out, im pretty sure that can help alot. Also telling a little bit more about situation could maybe give us more information to work with.
  4. LoL this is first time i read about smoking meditation but it looks like it could work.
  5. Damn thats alot of stuff. Well first of all, nootropics related tinnitus, its probably going to go away soon, its not like you will have it your whole life. Also really bad luck with black cumin but you will get better. Get some Vitamin D/D/C supplements instead of nootropics and black cumin. Meditation can help with sleeping, no need for drugs. There is no reason to be suicidal because of this man You will get better, just learn from your mistakes. Self actualization doesnt mean killing yourself whenever you fail, you just move on and keep building yourself up. Yes you should always take responsibility for what happends, dont play a victim. Keep up the positive attitude.
  6. I suggest maybe starting to workout and meditating. Also what does your diet look like? Sleep aswell? All of these stuff can have an effect.
  7. Don't waste anymore of your time on that. I know this is contradicting the previous guy ^ but that is my take on it. I wouldnt do it anymore if it doesnt fit my life goal.
  8. Porn too strong I have tried no fap and i can tell you its not really that helpful. Just fap when you want man, but if its really taking too much of the time that its becoming a problem then maybe you should try no fap.
  9. Porn too strong I have tried no fap and i can tell you its not really that helpful. Just fap when you want man, but if its really taking too much of the time that its becoming a problem then maybe you should try no fap.
  10. Man i experienced simmilar thing. I was sleeping and suddenly became aware that i am asleep. I could hear myself breath but i couldnt open my eyes or move (because i am still sleep paralysed) it was really scary experience but after awhile i just got used to it and understood that i am not in danger, paralyzation will go away after a minute.
  11. You are right, setting a goal and persuing what you want is way more effective than just thinking about what you want. Its not like just thinking about something is going to make that something appear in front of you.
  12. I think you will experience happiness by having a meaning in life. So it comes together with having a purpose in life.
  13. Hey man thanks. I will try this out with my imaginary girlfriend.
  14. It looks good, maybe little bit too short but what do you intend to do with it? Make a youtube video?
  15. That is so true, couldnt have said it better myself In my previous post iv said you can use it to filter out so you could see only the stuff you like but truth is there are better ways to do that than facebook.
  16. Yeah obviously, if she looks like Kate Moss, she is pretty hot, i was just being sarcastic
  17. Yes Kate Moss is huge turn off for men.
  18. Yeah obviously you shoud leave.
  19. I dont know how smart it is to put yourself in debt for the next 7-10. Also it would help to know which business you are talking about, because the world is changing quite faster than 30 years ago, so think carefully before making this decision.
  20. Accept that you made a mistake and go on with it. You choose the best option with what you had. You shouldnt make an image of yourself as stupid.
  21. What is your workout routine?