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Everything posted by Schulzy

  1. So recently i have made a topic on a documentary, explaning how it has completely changed my life and made me happier than ever. You have made two replies already stating your opinion but i would appreciate you making a video reply on it because i have always taken you as a intellectual figure and someone i look up to in a way. If you would break the documentary down i think it might help other people that watched documentary not only me, because its getting quite alot of views and its worth attention imo.
  2. @Leo Gura Its been few days and i have never been happier. I do experience emotions just like i did before but i find a reason for them and try to understand where they are coming from from a logical perspective. I try stop and thinking about why i am feeling this way and i either act upon it or accept it. Sometimes it is too hard because like you said emotions simply overflow the rationale (e.g amygdala hijack) but i feel like i have alot more control over myself.
  3. I am just saying it has helped me alot with figuring out my life purpose. I am not saying it will help everyone. Its this simple question that has actually really made the click in my mind and thats "What has been driving you in life" When i think about it, it is pretty obvious what it is. I suddenly realize why i did everything in the past. If there is a definition of enlightenment then i would say this is it for me. Because now i can also look at other people and think about "What is driving them in life" Most of the time people just want to show off and prove themselves. Having logic as core value not many people have and its the happiest feeling ever once you have it. I am so much more clear headed. Yonkey i feel alot happier than before because i know what i want to do in my life now.
  4. codependency no medication unless really needed no
  5. Do you know the process?
  6. Yes you can try meditating, can you give little bit more information. What do you mean by past movie images?
  7. Meditating is not so much about enlightement, i am not sure how you even define it. Just go google what meditation is good for. It can also help with your anxiety. Yes i think you should keep meditating.
  8. Wouldnt it be better if theres a way to do it without drugs?
  9. Yeah man, also everything around us. Its amazing how nature has evolved over billions of years.
  10. Maybe in future we wont need to sleep. For now stick to how much you need to function properly. 9 Hours is normal range.
  11. How does that even work, you just skyped someone and started taking your clothes off?
  12. So the problem is in you not her, you keep breaking up with her. It could be because low self esteem not sure.
  13. I just noticed your username is retarded horse 1 lmao.
  14. Do you think you could be more productive if you cut out the entertainment?
  15. Thats a nice quote, maybe we can make this thread so people can post quotes they like. il post one too 'Be the change that you wish to see in the world.' - Mahatma Gandhi
  16. You need to have higher self confidence and to have something going in your life.
  17. You dont really need your family expecially if they are behaving that way towards you. Build your own social circle.
  18. Damn sounds like this concussion is the best thing that has happened to you. Can you tell me is your pain decreasing? If its not i would keep going to doctors and specialist to see how i can decrease the pain.
  19. I dont know what it is but it sounds pretty cool man
  20. That sounds good, the journal thing.
  21. Try meditating and being in the moment. Dont think so much about the future. And chances are you might not die at all with the pace technology is advancing.
  22. ASAP Science is really cool channel, nice video.
  23. Yep you don't want to be around those type of people
  24. I think if you feel like you are falling asleep when you have closed eyes then try open eyes meditation. If closed eyes is doing fine for you then keep doing it.